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One Night Stands

Or, Random Acts of Slash

Random slash pairs and hearts (no flowers)

These are stories in various fandoms I've written in temporarily. I just ... couldn't resist.

Georgette Heyer: The Wages of Vice

Codes: Justin Alastair, Duke of Avon/Hugh Davenant, other m/m, implied Justin/Léonie
Rating: NC-17
Size: 220K (maybe more with graphics)
Summary: Hugh looks back on his friendship with Avon.

There is not enough Heyerslash...though I suppose there is actually more than I have found. I only know of three--if anyone who visits this page knows of more, please email me:
  • Regency Fuck, on Jen's page
  • torch's Foundling missing scene Familiarity
  • and a Highlander/Heyer crossover by Dr. Ruthless and Sebastian called Winner Takes All (which is even about the Alastairs)
  • Alais' Can You Not? and its continuation here and here and Secrets Are Lies...which are Justin/Hugh! Yay!
  • Battlestar Galactica: Serina's Hair

    Codes: Serina/f
    Rating: PG
    Size: 1K
    Summary: Drabble. Someone reflects on Serina.

    Battlestar Galactica: More Than Words Can Say

    Codes: Apollo/Starbuck
    Rating: NC-17
    Size: 10K
    Summary: A mime gives Apollo a headache; Starbuck comforts him.

    Harry Potter: Brittle Light

    Codes: SS/LM, HP/DM
    Rating: R
    Size: 26K, with graphic
    Summary: Vignette. Snape walks in the garden.

    Harry Potter: Lore of the Serpent

    Codes: SS/Malfoy
    Rating: NC-17 for sex and a medical situation
    Size: 47K, with graphic
    Summary: Snape has an unusual Slytherin-house routine. A great deal of talking and then something rather like an orgy.

    ...and a couple that belong here even though
    they're also elsewhere on this site...

    Star Trek: The Next Generation: A Moment of Pleasure

    Codes: Crusher/Brenna O'Dell
    Rating: NC-17
    Size: 33K
    Summary: Brenna O'Dell meets Doctor Crusher, and they hit it off despite some misunderstandings.

    Voyager: Undeliverable

    Codes: Janeway/Kes
    Rating: NC-17
    Size: 6K
    Summary: Janeway records a letter to Kes. After "The Gift." Response to the Femme Fuh-q Fest and the letter challenge.

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