The National Anthem of Japan, Kimigayo (Peaceful Life) kimigayo wa  chiyo ni yachiyo ni  sazare ishi no  iwao to narite  koke no musu made
Flag of Japan, white with a large red disk (representing the sun without rays) in the center

Kimigayo (Real Audio, 112KB)

The National Anthem of Japan has world's shortest, oldest lyrics. The lyrics consist of 32 syllables made in a thousand years ago. This short anonymous lyrics were originally a traditional Japanese poem (tanka) covered in Kokin Wakashu early in the 10th century. It celebrates longevity of seniors, and some also interpret it as longevity of Emperor's reign.

The small pebble in lyrics ("sazare-ishi" in Japanese) refers to a special limestone called calcareous breccia. When the rain dissolves the limestone, it becomes sticky emulsion. This milk of lime penetrates down below and agglutinates the small pebble into a massive rock. The servant of Prince Koretaka, Fujiwara-no-asaomi Ishiizaemon, found the sazare-ishi at the base of Mt. Ibuki, and he presented the tanka for the auspicious discovery. His tanka was selected in Kokin Wakashu as an anonymous one, and he was later named Ishiizaemon for the credit of the tanka.

The music with element of Gagaku was composed by Hayashi Hiromori, arranged by a German musician Franz Eckert in 1880. Since the legendary crown prince and regent Shotoku Taishi (574-622) founded music families in 604, the Hayashi family has bequeathed the tradition of Gagaku. Not only the lyrics but also the music have their roots for more than a thousand years of history.

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Kokin Wakashu - an anthology of 1,111 Japanese poems compiled and edited early in the 10th century.
Gagaku - brief information about Gagaku.

Kokoro, Natsume Soseki - the UNESCO Collection of Representative Works, English translation by Edwin McClellan.
About Japan - from John & Jeannette's home page.
Living with a Japanese family - general guidelines.
A guide to Japan - Japanese History.
Facts of Japan - from The World Factbook 1999.
E-Conflict World Encyclopedia - Country information with Anthems, Flags, Maps, History, Weather, Geography, Government and Economies.

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