Sushi's Japanese Anime Main Page


Anime and Manga

Video Games


Pocket Bishonen

Japanese Words




Email Me!!

Last Updated: June 25, 2004

Sushi: Hi there!! Welcome to my website. I was originally in homestead, but I found out from my friends that geocities was better...and they were right. Anyway, I hate the fact that I have to start ALL over again...but oh well. If anybody here has fanfictions or fanarts please send them to me, I would really love it to put it in my fanfics page. I would right my own...but trust me when I say I suck at writing them. I can come up with a GREAT story in my head, but once I write it on paper, it sucks. I read lots of fanfictions and I have to say that some of them are FANTASTIC. Anyway...Oh yeah....this is my guest, Kenshin. Ohayo!!!
Kenshin: ano...Ohayo ?Sushi-san?. Thank u for inviting me. May I ask u a question...?Sushi-san?
Sushi: Hai! Shoot.
Kenshin: How did u get the name Sushi?
Sushi: ......Well....My name is Shelsey, and this girl mistakenly called me Sushi, because she couldn't pronounce it. So my friends tease me and call me Sushi Katsu all the time. Because my last name begins with Katsu. Got?
Kenshin: Oro? H..hai.
Sushi: Kawaii!! U're soooo cute, Kenshin-kun...wanna go out?
Kenshin: *sweatdrops*
Sushi: *coughs* Well...Can u introduce my page for me.
Kenshin: ahh...sure. This is Sushi-sans page for Anime, Video Games, and all sorts of other..ano...stuff. The song u're hearing now is "Change the World" from the anime show Inu-Yasha. Hope u enjoy...Sayonara.
Sushi: Arigato! Kenshin is right..ENJOY EVERYBODY!!!

<bgsound src="inuyashactw.mid" loop="infinite">

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