Tunnell Family

This my French family

As of this date 3 Aug 2002. There has no been proven the link of my William Tunnell family to the Delaware Tunnell families.

Some people say that Thomas is the Father of Guilluam but some are unsure. There is 20 years difference in the Christening dates and birth dates. Note: I wonder if the Guillaum or Perrine could be the father of Our Guilluam Tonnelier.

There few people that belief there is not even proof that Guillaume Tunnell/Tonnelier ever existed. I know there is A book called " NOTABLE SOUTHERN FAMILES VOLIII by Zella Armstrong that says he does but I know from researching the family that some what is found in this book is wrong. Example when Mr Armstong publish the book he left out my Virginia Monkres the granddaughter of William and Margaret Coulter Monkres. Margaret's mother was Catherine Tunnell the daughter of William and Mary Maysey Tunnell. There were two children with same sounding names and Viginia (Jenney)was just left out.

Wilma Brown states "Your lineage is in a book called Noteable Southern Families VOL.III by Zella Armstronf compilied by Liucy Ball(a desc.of Calvin Tunnell) of Jacksonville,Ill.The Book was published in 1926.(Copies available now online bookstores) She compilied it by correspondence(like I do) BUT she also traveld to an area and consulted the oldest generations.I know that for a fact because a man named Mr.Summers (a descendent of Calvin Tunnell (my ancestor too)invited me to come up there and visit.He said he could recall her(Lucy Ball) coming to their house in a rented buggy from town. Thiswas in Pluski Co.Va. !!!

I intend to publish a Tunnell book by late 2003 so if all of you will keep in contact with me and for you that I haven't made contact with just please bombard me with letters and e-mails.I am compiling on "Lady"Ann(Howard)and Wm.Tunnel(b.1702 in France.)Of their sons I am compiling only on Reverand Wm.Tunnell md.to Mary Maysey(14 kids-One was Calvin-My anscestor) and Reverand Stephen Tunnell Sr.(11 kids)Am compiling on a group of Tunnelle's and an Elizabeth Tunnell (b.in the 1750's in Farfax Co.Va. who married George Ball Sr.(b.1752)son of Moses Ball Sr.They had 12 kids)I call them the "TUNNELL/BALL'S" .I have compiled a lot on her and she has as many decsendents as Wm.and Stephen Sr.I still have to prove that she is the dau.of Anne and Wm.Tunnell but the info I have compilied surely points toward this fact.If any of ypu have found data about her lineage I would love to hear from you on this.What I have learned is that Rev.Stephen Sr.'s son Reverand James Tunnell Sr.! md.Jane Ball a niece of George Ball Sr.and Jane and James's two kids Jennie and Wesley md.Elizabeth's grandkids James ballard Ball the 11nd.amd his sister Rebecca ball.They were the kids of Polly(Bll)and John Ball, who was the son of Elizabeth(Tunnell)and George Ball Sr. Polly Ball was a sister to Jane and a niece to George Sr.These two families lived @ 100 miles apart.Ball's in Va.and Tunnell's in Tn. So many of you who are descended from Jennie Tunnell -Ball and Wesley Tunnell will go into my book FOUR times.YOU are REALLY Tunnell's!! Will [email protected]

I hope I reach a LOT of you Tunnell's/Tunnelle's and Tunnel and Tunell's. I can be contacted at 1-817-279-8944 -3300 Hill Top Rd.-Granbury,Tx.76048 I love call's .Stay up 'till 2:00 .But if I am on the computer leave a message and I will call you back.I have caller I.D. I am your 2nd copusin to th cousin One time removed .Sincerely yours,-Wilma M.(COWSAR)Brown (age 72).My parents Clara Ellen(Tunnell)and James Rea Cowsar are in the book with their firsttseven kids.My brother James and I were born in 1926 and me in 1930."

Below is copied from DEMANDE D INSCRIPTION by Mrs. Rosalie Normand a researcher in France on the Tonnelier family. The lineage of starting with Thomas and Jacquette Regnauat Tonnelier and family

Thomas Tonnelier was born abt 1629 in France. His wife was Jaquette Regnault born abt 1652 in France.

Thomas and Jaquette children:

1 Perrine Tonnelier b 18 Aug 1664

2 Helen Tonnelier b 19 July 1654

3 Guilluaum Tonnelier b 10 Dec 1655 or 1675, Plelan LeGrand,Ille-et-Vilaine, France; d 1740 Scarbough, North Riding,Yorkshire, England. IGI records of LDS has the birth date for Guilluam 1655 or 1675.

The date on the DEMANDE D INSCRIPTION I am having problem with. One her birth date has bo wrong: The date must have been 1632 not 1652.

Janet's Notes: It is my BELIEFS that the Tonnielier family was not Protestant before the Baptistism records. They were Baptistise in the faith. This would explain why they did not flew with the other Huguenot. Or The minister was not present at the birth of the children. When one did show up and the remember that their children had not been Baptistise then they were. I was told that some people would marry in the eyes of the people and when a minister came he would marry them.

I am looking the World book for Louis of France and Edict of Nantes

April 13, 1598, King Henry IVof France sign the Edict of Nantes. By the decree, the French Portestants or Huguenots were allowed complete freedom of worship in about 75 towns. They were given equal rights with Catolics as citizetns until the intolerant King Louis XIV did away with edict in 1685.Then thousand of Huguenots promptley left France to make their homes elsewhere.

Lousis XIII dates 1601-1643 "His mother Marue de' Medici acted as regent until 1617. Candinal Richelieu sweved as the chief minister and real ruler of France from 1674 until his death in 1642. He destroyed th political power of the Protestant Huguenots, centralized authority in the hands of the king and made France an absolute monarchy, During this period France fought the Thirty year war. Louis XIV 1683-1715 Came to throne at the age of 5 and his 72 reign was the longest in modern European history. His mother Anne of Austria acted as regent until 1661. Cardinal Mazarin as her chief minister. Marzarin was dislike for this revolt which called Fronde Mazarin died Louis declared his chief minister Jean Colbert.

Louis married Marie Therese of Spain in 1660. But his mistresses influenced him more than she did. The most important of these was Madame de Maintenon. He secretly married her after Marie Therese died in 1683. Madame de Maintenon was probabley partly responsible for Louis's harsh tereament of the French Protestants. King Louis XIV did away with edict in 1685. 200,000 Huguenots fled.

It is my belief that the Tonnelier family being King's wine barrel makers. For time live could have good but more and more pressure was being put the Prostestant. When Guillaum Tonnelier(Tunnell)m Mrs Guillaum Tonnelier?

Had their first child they fled because they did want to raise their son her or their children in France until a Catolic King. THIS WHAT I THINK JANET

Who were the Huguenots?

In France as early as 1522 certain clergy and laity became so concerned with the worldliness within the Established Church of France that they sought reforms. This having failed, they began to withdraw and form congregations which they felt adhered more closely to the Bible. The French

Court and the Church were allies and considered the Reformers heretics, calling them Huguenots in ridicule. Persecutions became so severe that hundreds fled to other countries rather than give up their new faith. After two tragic massacres King Henry IV granted them the Edict of Nantes in 1598. This Edict gave them limited religious and civic privileges. After his death in 1610 the extreme persecutions were renewed. In 1685 Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes, thus outlawing the Reformers. Hundreds of thousands escaped under drastic circumstances to friendly countries, many of whom reached the American Colonies." Click here huguenot-manakin

Who were the Huguenots?

The Huguenots were French Protestants who were members of theReformed Church which was established in 1550 by John Calvin. The origin of the name Huguenot is uncertain, but dates from approximately 1550 when it was used in court cases against "heretics" (dissenters from the Roman Catholic Church). As nickname and even abusive name it's use was banned in the regulations of the Edict of Nantes which Henry IV (Henry of Navarre, who himself earlier was a Huguenot) issued in 1598. The French Protestants themselves preferred to refer to themselves as "r�formees" (reformers) rather than "Huguenots".

It was much later that the name "Huguenot" became an honorary one. A general edict which encouraged the extermination of the Huguenots was issued on January 29th, 1536 in France. On March 1st, 1562 some 1200 Huguenots were slain at Vassy, France. This ignited the the Wars of Religion which would rip apart, devastate, and bankrupt France for the next three decades.

Thomas TONNELIER b Abt 1618 in France m'd Abt 1643,Ille-Et-Vilaine, P., France Jacquette REGNAULT b Abt 1622, Ille-Et-Vilaine, Phelan Le Grand, France

Thomas and Jaquette children:

1 Perrine Tonnelier Christened: 18 Aug 1644 Place: Ille-Et-Vilaine, Phelan Le Grand, France

2 Guilluaum Tonnelier Christened: 10 Dec 1655 Place: Ille-Et-Vilaine, Plelan Le Grand, France

3 Helen Tonnelier Christened: 19 Jul 1659 Place: Ille-Et-Vilaine, Phelan Le Grand, France

Question could there be a nephew name Thomas and could he be Thomas of England to Delaware?????

Question could this Guilluaum be the father of our Guilluaum or could Perrine be him????

http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://perso.wanadoo.fr/ guy.jacobs/protestants/protestants.htm&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2522Guillaume%2BT onnelier%2522,%2B%26start%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26oe%3DUTF-8%2 6sa%3DN


Historical test by Jean BIANQUIS - Pasteur of the Reformed Church of ROUEN

This book contains


persecuted on this occasion By Emile LESENS ROUEN

Leon DESHAYS, Printer and publisher

Street of Carmelite friars, 58

- - -

REGNAULT (MARIE) , chez le sieur Boursigny, rue Grand-Pont, fugitive.

REGNAUI..T (JACOB), paroisse Saint-Eloi, m. � Suzanne OUMONT ; son caissier; signal�s.

REGNAUL T (JACQUES), paroisse Saint-Eloi, domestique de Mme No�l; signal�.

TONNEFER, paroisse Saint-Martin-du-Pont, absent ; 2 C. La maison vide de tous les meubles.

A book called " NOTABLE SOUTHERN FAMILES VOLIII by Zella Armstrong States

Guillaum Tonnelier(Tunnell)m Mrs Guillaum Tonnelier? The name was Anglicized to Tunnell. They had the following children:

*1 William Tunnell b abt 1702 Normandy France d 28 Dec 1787 in Loudon County, Va.

2 John Tunnell; came to America 1740 with brother James. John lived in Accomac Co. Va. and in Delware. he supposedly married a widow " Lady Scarbrough"

3 James Tunnel; came to America about 1740 with his brother John. James settled in NC


William was born in 1702/3 in France d 28 Dec 1787 in prob. Loudon Co., VA. He was buried in 1787 in Fairfax Co.,VA. William, who was born in France, went with his parents to Yorkshire, England. There Lady Ann Howard's father hired William to tutor his daughter, Lady Ann in French Language. (At that is very proper for ladies to know another language and the French language were considered a most pleasant and romantic language). LADY ANN and WILLIAM fall in Love. Her father would not permit their marriage. They ran away and got married and her father disinherited her. They immigrated to the English Colonies in America about 1736 and settled near Fredricksburg, VA. and later move to Fairfax, Co.Va. and live some distance from Herndon but not far from the falls of the Potomac. Family Story: Lady Ann was said to have lived until 104 years of age. I read were Lady Ann was seen riding a horse near the Potomac at the young age of 99. The family legend is that Lady Ann rode her horse across the Clinch River in TN on her 100th birthday. This is based on the theory that the William Tunnell family was moving at that time. If she died in 1814 as everyone pretty much agrees, and if she was 104 when she died. She would have been 100 in 1810, which was about 22 years after she left VA. I lived in Fairfax County for 12 years. Below the falls is a pretty wide river to ride a horse across. On the other hand the Clinch River in Anderson County is probably not much more than 100 yards wide at any reasonable crossing point.

Note by Janet. It is my belief that William and Lady Ann were married by minister not a priest. A priest who knew her family would not do it and if she was of that faith. The priest would not marry a Protestant to a Catholic. If Ann was Catholic is the question. They would not have go to a port that the family could find them easly. So the when to one that when to Europe the America. This not prove just a thought by me Janet

William and Lady Ann children:

1 Robert Tunnell b 1747, Fredricksburg, Spotsylvania Co. Va. d 1779 NC. He was a Methodist minister.

* 2 William Tunnell; born 1751 d 16 Aug 1814 near Robertsville, Anderson Co. TN. William married Mary Maysey in Fairfax Co., Va. on 9 Dec 1771. They move to Fairfax Co. Va. to NC in 1778 and then in 1792 to Anderson Co., TN. Mary was b abt 1753. d 6 Apr 1814 in Anderson Co., TN. I have a copy of Mary Maysey's father John Maysey's will date 10 June 1760. William was in Rev. War; William was a Private in Virginia Continental line( H. J. Elkincode's list of Revolutionary Soldiers of Virginia, Vol., pages 444-445)( Mary father John Maysey's Will is on Maysey page and her mother Lettice Spiller Maysey is on the Spiller page.)

Click here for Maysey

3 Rev. Stephen Tunnell b 1753 in Fredrickburg, Spotsylvania County, VA. d June 1828 KY (Stephen son James is mention in article in the " SKETCHES OF TENNESSEE'S PIONEER BAPIST PREACHERS" PUBLISHED IN 1919 look at the bottom this page this information.

4 John Tunnell b 1755 in Fredrickburg, Spotsylvania County, Va. d June 1790 Sweet Springs, Va.

The following information on THE 5) CHILDREN ELIZABETH COMES FROM WFT and JOYCE (BURTON) AND CHUCK WALLACE FAMILY. Her email is [email protected]

5) Elizabeth b WFT 1743-1767 d Wft 1803-1857 m 29 Jan 1778 to George Ball b abt 1752 in Fairfax Co.,Va. died 24 Dec 1825 in Russell Co. Va. He was the of Moses Ball Sr. and Ann Nancy Brashears. Their children were John; James; Sarah (Janey); Moses; William; Robert; Nancy; Elizabeth; Wesley; George; Hester and Jesse.

More on Elizabeth Tunnell as the daughter of William and Ann Howard Tunnell and the Ball Family. Look at the bottom of this page.

The Children William Tunnell and Mary Maysey are:

1 John b 23 Feb 1773 in Fairfax Co., VA d 11 Jul 1826 near Robertsville, TN m Nancy Worthington, 1797, in Anderson County, TN

2 William b 14 Nov 1774 in Fairfax, Co. Va. 14 June 14 1861 near Robertsville, Anderson Co. TN. m Elizabeth Worthington on 29 Aug 1797

3*Catherine"Cathy" Tunnell b 31 Jan 1777, Fairfax Co. Va. d 12 Sep 1826.m James Coulter 6 July 1792 in Rutherford County, NC (look under Coulter page)

Click here for Coulter

4 Nancy b 27 Dec 1779 Fairfax Co. Va. abt 1790 m John Bailey

5 Lettice b 26 Feb 1781 in Fairfax, Co. VA d aft 1813. M�d James Worthington.

6 Robert b 14 Dec 1782 in Fairfax Co.,VA d 1842 m Elizabeth Johnson.

7 Elizabeth "Betsy" b 5 Sep 1785 in Fairfax Co.,Va d 1830 in Pine Bluff, Warren Co.TN. m James M Roberts in Apr 1815 TN

8 James b 22 May 1787 in Fairfax Co., Va. d 17 Sept 1826 m Dicy Hawkins/Houskins

9 Polly b 26 Feb 1789 in NC d aft Oct 1820 m Daniel Lieb

10 Calvin b 4 Oct 1791 in NC d 7 Apr 1867 m Jane Addair on 25 Aug 1811 in Anderson County, TN

11 Luther b 28 Sep 1793 near Robertsville, Anderson Co., TN d 3 Nov 1865 m Louisa Parks.or Selin Hoskins

12 Stephan b 19 Oct 1795 near Robertsville, Anderson Co.,TN d 11 July 1815

13 Sally b 29 Jul 1799 near Robertsville, Anderson Co. Tn. d 21 July 1874 m James William Wellington Miller.

The Following is the books and information I found on the family. Along with others.

A book called " NOTABLE SOUTHERN FAMILES VOLIII by Zella Armstrong

This books Tells about the Tonnelier in France and England and about William and Lady Ann Howard Tunnell and family. William Tunnell II and his family.

The part I have this book links the TUNNELL TO COULTER TO MUNKERS. This is my lineage. I hope to in time have the whole article on the Tunnell, not just what I need for the DAR lineage. When I do I will up date my WebPages. I would like to think Barbara Ribling for sent me this information so I can link all the families together.

Notes for REV WILLIAM JR. TUNNELL: From a photocopy of a manuscript submitted Dec. 8, 1977 by (Mrs.) Sharon Johnson Doliante, 4573 Carpinteria Ave., and Apt. 7, Carpinteria, Calif. 93O13 for Ruthe Lamar Petracek (Mrs. Edmund) 935, River Lane, Santa Ana, Calif. 92706 for a forthcoming book ALBUM OF ANDERSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE

REV. WILLIAM TUNNELL, JR. Baptist minister, was born in 1751, in Virginia; died Aug. 16, 1814 near Robertsville, Anderson Co., Tenn.; married Dec. 9, 1771, Fairfax Co., Va., Mary Maysey, daughter of John and Letitia ( ) Maysey, of Fairfax Co., Va. She was born C1753, Fairfax Co.; died Apr. 6, 1814, 'in the sixty-first year of her age', Anderson Co., Tenn.

William, the subject of this sketch, was a son of William and Ann ( ) Tunnell, Sr. His father was a shoemaker, who died in Loudon or Fairfax Co., Va., Dec. 28, 1787. His mother migrated with him, first to Rutherford Co., North Carolina, and then to what is now Anderson Co., Tenn., & died there I ... February 18, 1814, supposed to be one hundred and four years old'. It would appear that a pestilence was raging in the county, which carried off William, Jr., his mother and his wife, within a period of six months.

Both William Tunnell, Sr. & William, Jr. signed a non importation broadside, in Fairfax Co., in 1770. ('Prologue to Revolution, The 1770 Virginia Non importation Association Broadsides and Fairfax County', a leaflet published by Fairfax County History Commission, 1976.)

William, Jr. served as a Private in the Continental Army, during the Revolutionary War, and this is an established DAR line. In 1788, he and his family left Fairfax Co., and moved to Rutherford Co., N.C., where his name appears in the 1790 census, and in 1792 he settled in present day Anderson Co., where he was listed in the first tax list, in 1802, with 270 acres by Poplar Creek. In 1811 he was a 'first major, 13th Regiment, Anderson County'.

The Tunnell genealogy to the contrary, there is considerable evidence that the Tunnells of Fairfax Co., together with the other Tunnells of Virginia and Delaware, were all descendants of Thomas Tunnell who was transported to Maryland in or by 1649, and the Delaware branch do claim this Thomas as their ancestor. There is no evidence that the family were French Huguenots, despite the fact that a number of descendants have been accepted for membership in the Huguenot Society."

Among the footnotes to above: The Tunnells were not on Rev. Green's "List of Tithables" for Fairfax Co., in 1749. (Manuscript Room, Library of Congress), but William Tunnell was listed as a chain carrier on a survey made for Alexander vs. Chapman, Oct. 28, 1757, there. (Records of Survey, Fairfax Co., Va.)

William Tunnell of Fairfax Parish to teach shoemaking trade and reading and writing to apprentices children, Francis and Rice Ashberry." Fairfax County Court Order Book, 1770, p. 130, dated, Nov. 19, 1770.

William Tunnell (neither "Jr." nor "Sr." is given here), signed a legislative petition in Fairfax Co., Apr. 21, 1777. (See: VIRGINIA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY QUARTERLY, Vol. 14, No. 4

Reference to 13th Regiment, Anderson Co. appears in THE EAST TENNESSEE HISTORICAL SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS, No. 23, 1951, p. 123.

Service record of William Tunnell as set forth in the C.A.R. application of Elizabeth B. Crumbley #100681 Virginia State Report, by Eckenrode (1912) page 445; Virginians in the Revolution by Swathmey p. 785



page 95

In 1787 Holston Circuit was divided into Holston and Nollichucky Circuits, the two constituting a district with John Tunnell at the head of it.

page 129

John Tunnell, "a name fragrant to the Methodists of that early day," was admitted into the traveling connection in 1777. "He was truly an apostolic man. His heavenly mindedness seemed to shine in his face, and made him more like an inhabitant of heaven than of earth." "His gifts as a preacher," says Jesse Lee, "were great." Though comparatively forgotten, he takes historical rank among the founders of Methodism in the West. A contemporary of Mr. Tunnell writes:

"Next to Asbury, in the estimation of many, stood the placid Tunnell, the philosophic Gill, and the pathetic Pedicord. It would be difficult to determine to which of these primitive missionaries, as men of eminent talents and usefulness, the preference should be given. Tunnell and Gill were both defective in physical strength; Pedicord was a man of much refined sensibility. They were all children of nature, not of art, but especially Tunnell and Pedicord. A sailor was one day passing where Tunnell was preaching. He stopped to listen, and seemed to be much affected, and on meeting with his companions after he left he said: "I have been listening to a man who has been dead and in heaven; but has returned , and is telling the people all about that world." And he declared to them that he had never been so affected by anything he had ever seen or heard before. True it was that Tunnell's appearance very much resembled that of a dead man, and when with his strong musical voice he poured forth a flood of heavenly eloquence, as he frequently did, he appeared indeed as a messenger from the invisible world." (Life of Thomas Ware, p. 85)

Mr. Tunnell died of pulmonary consumption near Sweet Springs, Va., in July 1790. The minutes pronounce him "a man of solid piety and godly sincerity, well known and much esteemed by preachers and people." Stevens says: "Tunnell was one of the most eloquent preachers of his age." A relative of his, writing me from Kansas informs me that the place where he was buried has been discovered. His grave is without a monument. He scarcely needs a monument of brass or granite or marble; for his truest monument is the holy, spiritual structure of the Methodist Church in America which he aided in rearing; yet it would be a pious and grateful movement that would place a neat slab over the sacred spot where his dust sleeps.

page 176 to 183

In Chapter V. John Tunnell was briefly noticed as one of the celebrities of the first Conference west of the Alleghanies; but a man of such talent, such angelic piety, so intimately connected with the introduction of Methodism into the Holston Country, and so conspicuous as an instrument of good in it, deserves a more particular notice.

William Tunnell, father of the subject of this sketch, was born in France in the first decade of the eighteenth century--it is believed in the year 1703. He was the oldest child of his parents, and the only one born in France. The parents of William Tunnell were stout Calvinists, godly people. Removing to Yorkshire, England, when William was an infant, the family soon became thoroughly Anglicized. The religious faith of the family was pronouncedly, pugnaciously Calvinistic. There are yet "John Calvin" Tunnells. Anne Howard, wife of William Tunnell and mother of John, born in Yorkshire, England in 1710, was the daughter of a gentleman. The title "Lady Anne" clung to her to the day of her death. William and Anne Tunnell were married in England, but the date of their marriage is not known. They emigrated from Yorkshire, England to Virginia, and settled in Spottsylvania County, two miles below Fredericksburg, about the year 1736, and they resided in that vicinity some years. William Tunnell died, it is believed, in Loudoun County, Va., December 28, 1787. Anne Tunnell died at the house of her son, Rev. William Tunnell, near Robertsville, Anderson County, Tenn., February 18, 1814, at the advanced age of one hundred and four years.

Rev. Robert M. Tunnell, a great nephew of John Tunnell, and a Congregationalist minister of the gospel in Manhattan, Kan., to whom I am indebted for most of the information contained in this sketch not hitherto published, writes:

"Two of John Tunnell's brothers--Revs. William Tunnell, a Baptist preacher, born 1751, and Stephen Tunnell, my grandfather, a Methodist, born 1753--removed from Virginia to Tennessee. William settled near Robertsville, Anderson County, brought up a family of thirteen children, and died in August, 1814. My grandfather, Stephen Tunnell, settled in Washington County, Tenn., in 1789. He brought up a family of nine sons and one daughter. Three of his sons (Perry, born in 1787; Stephen, born in 1790; David, my father, born in 1800) were Methodist preachers. Another brother of John Tunnell, Robert, emigrated from Virginia to North Carolina, and settled, I think, in Buncombe County. My father's birthplace was Washington County, Tenn. I have relatives in Washington, Sullivan, Hawkins, and Greene Counties."

John Tunnell was born near Fredericksburg, Va., in the year 1755, but his parents removed to Fairfax County when he was a child. He was the youngest of a large family. His literary education was not neglected though he was not sent to college. His religious training differed somewhat from that of the average Virginian of his day. After the straitest sect of the Protestant faith, he was brought up a Calvinist. Under a strict and thoughtful tutorage, such as was usually bestowed by Calvinistic parents in that day, he gained in his boyhood a familiar acquaintance with the Word of God. In his nineteenth year he became the subject of a powerful spiritual awakening, and thenceforward his Bible knowledge under the guidance and illuminating power of the Holy Spirit, became as "the sword of the Lord and of Gideon." Though there was coincident with his new birth a development that lifted him out of the hardness and narrowness of the creed of his inheritance, he retained his faith in the sovereignty of God, in his Word and covenants, as firmly as any of his ancestors who, through a century and a half of storm and battle fought under the Huguenot flag. Though he became a Wesleyan, he was never a bigot or a partisan.

Mr. Tunnell's older brothers were soldiers in the revolutionary war, but the delicacy of his health would have prevented his taking an active part in the struggle.

He was awakened and regenerated under the ministry of Rev. William Watters (the first native Methodist traveling preacher in America), in Fairfax County, Va., in the summer of 1776. Reliable family tradition points to William Watters as Mr. Tunnell's spiritual father, and the fact that Mr. Watters traveled the Fairfax Circuit in 1776 confirms the tradition. The approximate date of Tunnell's conversion is clearly settled by a sentence in Asbury's journal. In the brief notice of the funeral of Mr. Tunnell, which occurred in 1790, Asbury says: "It is fourteen years since Brother Tunnell first knew the Lord, and he has spoken about thirteen years." This places his conversion in 1776, and shows that he was admitted into the traveling connection on trial "at a preaching house near Deer Creek, in Harvard County, Md.," at a Conference which began "May 20, 1777."

Bishop Asbury, in his journal, boasts of the increase in the number of preachers within the few years preceding this Conference saying: "We now have twenty-seven who attend the circuits, and twenty of them were present."

To this heroic little band John Tunnell joined himself. The parting of the preachers was heartrending as the English preachers were expecting to return to England during the year. Asbury says: "When the time of parting came, many wept as if they had lost their firstborn sons. They appeared to bi in the deepest distress, thinking, as I suppose, they should not see the faces of the English preachers any more." With the prospect of losing the English preachers, whose loyal hearts turned to the mother country in the revolutionary struggle, it was a Godsend that fourteen recruits joined the itinerant ranks at this Conference, some of them afterwards men of mark. Among those who started abreast with Tunnell were: Caleb B. Pedicord, William Gill, John Dickins, and Reuben Ellis. Abel Stevens says: "The Conference was held at the preaching house of John Watters at this time one of the chief rural centers of Methodism in the State." Mr. Tunnell was sent from this Conference to the famous Brunswick Circuit in Virginia, with William Watters and Freeborn Garrettson, where he labored efficiently. The Brunswick Circuit had been the theater of wonderful pentecostal scenes under the Methodist ministry since 1774, and was therefore an excellent school for the youthful, ardent, and gifted Tunnell. Here he must have caught the holy flame and become imbued with that zeal and aggressiveness that very soon put him in the forefront of American pioneer preachers. His appointments after were as follows: Berkeley, 1779-80; Kent, 1781; East Jersey, 1782; Kent, 1783; Dorchester, 1784; Charleston, S. C., 1785; elder of a district embracing East Jersey, Newark, New York, and Long Island, 1786; elder of a district embracing Holston and Nollichucky, 1787; elder of a district embracing Tar River, Bladen, New River, Greenbrier, and Botetourt, 1789. The last-mentioned district, embracing portions of Western Virginia and East Tennessee, was Mr. Tunnell's last appointment. In the minutes of 1790 he appears as a superannuate with an appropriation of �19 8s. 10d. In the same minutes his name appears among the obituary notices. These facts show that the Conference at which his relation was fixed was held before his death, and the minutes were published after it. Where and when the Conference for the Holston preachers for this year was held, there are no published records to show.

When, in 1790, Mr. Tunnell saw that his end was approaching, he rested to await his Master's call at the house of a friend near Sweet Springs in Monroe County, now in West Virginia. While his friend and commander, Bishop Asbury, was far away holding Conference at Charleston, S. C., and superintending the work in the Carolinas and Georgia, Mr. Tunnell told his anxious friends that he was confidently praying that his life might be spared till the Bishop should come and he could inform him of the condition of the work committed to him, bid him farewell, and then die in peace. As his friends knew not where the Bishop was, they though that his constant expectation of seeing him was the hallucination of a sick man's brain. But on the last day of May a tired-looking man rode up to the house where the invalid lay, and asked: "Is Rev. John Tunnell in this house?" Being answered "Yes," he dismounted and walked in. It was Bishop Asbury. The dying young missionary's prayer was answered. Strength was left to tell of his work, to set things in order, and to join with his honored and beloved chief in prayer and thanksgiving to God. I find the following in Asbury's journal:

"Monday, May 31.--Rode to New River, forty or fifty miles. Here I saw John Tunnell, very low, a mere shadow, but very humble and patient under affliction."

This was Bishop Asbury's last sight of Tunnell till he saw him pale in death. I find the following entry in the Bishop's journal for July, 1790:

"Friday, 10.--We had a tedious, tiresome journey over hills and mountains to Pott's Creek. After a melting season at Brother C.'s [probably Cox's], we came to Brother W.'s, where we were informed of the death of dear Brother Tunnell.

Saturday 11.--Brother Tunnell's corpse was brought to Dew's Chapel. I preached his funeral sermon. My text: 'For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.' We were much blessed, and the power of God was eminently present. It is fourteen years since Brother Tunnell first knew the Lord, and he has spoken about thirteen years and traveled through eight of the thirteen States. Few men as public ministers were better known or more beloved. He was a simple- hearted, artless, childlike man. For his opportunities, he was a man of good learning; had a large fund of Scripture knowledge; was a good historian, a sensible improving preacher, a most affectionate friend and a great saint. He had been wasting and declining in health and strength for eight years past, and for the last twelve months sinking into consumption. I am humbled. O let my soul be admonished to be more devoted to God!"

Mr. Tunnell died aged thirty-five years. He was never married. He was characterized by Ware as "the placid Tunnell;" but his placidity was not the placidity of intellectual and moral weakness, nor of the lack of passion and emotion, but the placidity of power.

Probably neither Asbury nor Coke had a stronger purpose or a firmer will than the "placid" John Tunnell. He was loftily solemn, too, but with no traces of gloom or acidity, and few knew that he had an enjoyment of mirth, a sense of humor that was deep and exhaustless. If the oak and hickory forests of the Holston Country could tell their secrets, they would whisper of many a hearty laugh awakened among them as he journeyed with some friend from one preaching place to another. Of course those woods listened also to many a sweet hymn poured forth on the ambient air and many a fervent prayer addressed in solitude to the Father of Spirits. Those forests also heard the first delivery of some of the sermons which God used to kill and make alive again so many souls; for the saddle was his study, and from his saddle he was accustomed to rehearse his sermons as he rode from appointment to appointment.

Tunnell was a man of strong faith. The following story has come down to us from eyewitnesses: Once he was preaching to a considerable company in the woods, when a terrible storm suddenly swept down upon them, frightening even the bravest. The forests crashed before it, and it came straight toward the worshipful assembly. Mr. Tunnell, lifting his voice above the roar of the tempest, shouted to the people to sit still, every one, for their lives. He then knelt and calmly asked God to take care of them. The hurricane veered just before it reached them, passed round them, hurled back again into the original line, and swept on. Of man and beast not one was hurt. This story serves at least to show the great confidence placed in Mr. Tunnell by the people who knew him. If true in all that it implies, it illustrates the omnipotence of his faith and the availability of the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man.



"Lady"Anne(Howard)and Reverand Wm.Tunnel(ONE "L")who was born in France and his Mom and Dad fled from France in a rowboat in 1702 when Wm.was a baby.After Guilliaume Tonnelierand wife (unknown)and bby Wm.arrived there from France.They left France because of the EdIT of Nantez. He is listed in the Hugonaut Society records.He and wife stayed in Englamd. He settled in No.Riding/Scarbrough and Yorkshire,Eng. He was born @1675 in France.Someone has "found" that his parents were Jaquetta(Raganault)and Tomas Tonnelier.Thomas-b.@1626.

HEADS OF FAMILIES at the first census of the UNITED STATES taken in the year 1790 in VIRGINIA.

Heads of Families-Virginia,1782 Fairfax County

Tunnell,William; White,6

HEADS OF FAMILIES at the first census of the UNITED STATES taken in the year 1790 in NORTH CAROLINA (noted the date on the Virginia page is 1782 ever if the front page says 1790)

Heads of Families-North Carolina. Morgan District, Rutherford County.

This William and Lady Ann son.

Tunnell,William; 2 w,m over 16;3 w,m under 16; 6 w f.



John, m 18 Feb 1763, Sarah Martin. St Paul's

John, m 13 Feb 1774, Elizabeth Long St Paul's

Mildred m Woodford Kelly

Stephen, b 1753 Spotsylvania County, VA son of William and Lady Ann(Howard); m Kezia Money.Ball p 306

William, d 18 Dec 1787, prob in Loudon Co; buried in Fairfax co., son of Guilaum Tonnelier(Tunnell); m in England, Lady Ann Howard of Yorkshire. d 18 Feb 1814; came to VA ca 1736. Ball p 305

William, b 1751 Spotsylvania Co,; d 16 Au 1814, near Robertsville, Tenn. son of William and Lady Ann (Howard); m Mary Maysey( as spelled in the Family Bible) ball p.306.

"COLONIAL SOLDIERS OF THE SOUTH 1732-1774". by Murtie June Clark

Page 562; Fairfax County Election Poll, Jul 16,1765. For Colonel, John West. Page 560; For Colonel George Washington and on page 582; Virginia Association of Burgesses, Merchants and Citzens and June 22, 1770.

Tunnell, William


"Virginia Army and Navy Forces with Bounty land and Warrents for Virginia Military scrip; From federal and State Archives" by Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh. Will be adding to this later.

Page 218; Tunnell, William Seaman

Page 273 Bounty Lands Warrents: Tunnell, William, Inf.

Page 380;

Number - Warrantee (A) - Person who performed the sercice (B) - Kind of Service (C)

8360 - Tunnell,William (Heirs of) - Tunnell, Willam - State Navy

1830 Census East Tennessee

Samuel Tunnell: 00001-000001

Nancy Tunnell: 01211-10011001

William Tunnell: 11300001-0002201

I have copy of CERTIFIED COPIES OF UNPUBLISHED "FAMILY BIBLE RECORDS" Genealogical Notes and other Unpublished data. Complied by Mrs. George M Eliecta Ball Spangler. Chairman Genealogical Research Committee, Illinois State Conference DAUGHTER OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 1927-1928:


This book was brought from Anderson Co. Tenn to Edwardville, Ill. Terr, in Feb 1819. to Carrollton, ILL. I have a copy some of it.

Ancestry.com finds


Tunnell, James, Seaman


Tunnell, William, Seaman


Tunnell, William, Sergeant, Inf.

Revolutionary War Records VIRGINIA; SECTION III

8347 Tunnell, James (Heir of) Tunnell, James State Navy

Revolutionary War Records VIRGINIA ; SECTION III

8349 Tunnell, James (Heirs of) Tunnell, James State Navy

Revolutionary War Records VIRGINIA ; SECTION III

8360 Tunnell, Wm. (Heirs of) Tunnell, William State Navy

War of 1812 Service Records

Surname Given Name Middle Initial Company Unit Rank - Induction Rank - Discharge MISC ROLL-BOX ROLL-EXCT




Virginia Navy in the Revolution; page 199

[p.199]HARRISON, DR. JOSEPH. Doctor's mate. Captured on Brigan- tine Liberty. Died in prison in Halifax. In LBP appears the memorial of Catherine Harrison, John W. Davis and Anne his wife (formerly Temperance Anne Harrison) and Martha Gwaltney, widow (formerly Martha Harrison), all of the county of Isle of Wight, descendants and heirs at law of Joseph Harrison.

HASTENS, THOMAS. See LBP Wm. Tunnell, 1833.

page 241 RIGGS, GEORGE B. LBP Wm. Tunnell. BH, 362. N's Accomack, 61, 67.

page 243 LBNB. ROSE, ELIJAH. Accomac Galley. LBP Wm. Tunnell.

page 247 SIMPSON, WM. Cook. LBP Wm. Tunnell

page 255 [p.255]TAYLOR, THOMAS. Seaman. Of Accomac Co. LBP Wm. Tunnell. BH, 716. I wonder if this Taylor is one of my?

page 259 TUMBLIN, WILLIAM. Brig Jefferson, Dec., 1779-Jan. 20, 1780. TUNNELL (Tunnells), JAMES, of Accomac County. Accomac Galley. N's Accomack, 61, 70.

e 260 TUNNELL, WILLIAM. 3d Mate, Accomac Galley. Seaman. BH, 1219.

page 260 TUNNELL, WILLIAM. Quartermaster, Accomac Galley. In LBP, 1833, Elkanah Andrews made affidavit that he was well acquainted with William Tunnell, Joseph Tunnell, William Riggs, Geo. B. Riggs, Laban Marriner, Wm. Miles, Elisha Madrid, Miles Northern, Elijah Rose, Thomas Taylor, Thomas Townsend, George Becket, James Collens, Stephen Collens, Daniel Taylor, Severn Taylor, Ayres Taylor, Spencer Wartens, John White, Thomas Hastens, Daniel Lewis, Jacob Phillips, James Warrington, James Tunnell, and Joseph Webb. B, 1263

Edgecombe County, North Carolina Vital Records, 1720-1880

Name Birth Date Date of Death Spouse's Name Marriage Date Location of Marriage Father Mother Children Location of Birth Other Notes/ Race/ Military Information Location of Death/ Last Known Location Occupation

Tunnell, Alexander C. Bef 1851 Aft 1880 Nancy Aug 2, 1865 Nash co., NC Wilson Tunnell Nancy None Suvived to adulthood Virginia Co A., 47th Inf Reg., NC Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Amanda 1881 Aft 1866 Edwin Bunn Nash co., NC James T. Tunnell Mary Westray Children Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Amy 1833 Aft 1866 Benjamin Braswell 1855 Edgecombe co., NC James T. Tunnell Anne Arrington Children Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, Andrew N. Sr. 1843 Aft 1865 Anne L. Pitts 1866 Edgecombe co., NC John J. Tunnell, Sr. Sarah Andrew, Mary, Malvina, Laura, Wiley, Martha, John, others Edgecombe co., NC... Co. D., 47th Inf. Reg., NC. Later elected to House of Commons as Edgecombe co. representative. Edgecombe co., NC Farmer

Tunnell, Archibald E. 1844 Aft 1889 Keziah, d. autumn 1889 Edgecombe co., NC Van Buren Tunnell Nathaniel, Lucy Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, Calvin D. 1837 Aft 1865 Jane Fredericks 1860 Nash co., NC Isaac Tunnell Martha Indiana Children Wake co., NC Co. C, 1rst Inf. Reg., NC

Tunnell, Edward R. 1841 Aft 1865 Bennett Tunnell Susan Batchelor Edgecombe co., NC... Co A., 47th Inf Reg., NC, Edgecombe co., NC

Tunnell, Eliza Louisa 1876 Aft 1890 Edgecombe co., NC James W. Tunnell Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, Elizabeth W. Aft 1900 Mr. Carter Edgecombe co., NC O.D. Tunnell, Sr. Caroline Culpeper None Edgecombe co., NC.

Tunnell, Fenner Jr. Mary, b. 1820 Oct 19, 1860 Edgecombe co., NC Fenner Tunnell, Sr. Arkansas, George, Dinah, Elizabeth, James, Jeanett, others Edgecombe co., NC... Edgecombe co., NC

Tunnell, Goodman 1836 Aft 1865 Mary, b. 1837 1859 Nash co., NC William T. Tunnell, Sr. Minerva William, Embro Wake co., NC Co. C, 1rst Inf. Reg., NC Union, Nash co., NC Turpentine worker/ Farmer Tunnell, Goodman 1843 Aft 1865 Mary, b. 1837 1866 Edgecombe co., NC William T. Tunnell, Sr. Minerva Cherry Children Wake co., NC... Co. C, 1rst Inf. Reg., NC Union, Edgecombe co., NC Turpentine worker/ Farmer

Tunnell, Helen 1841 Aft 1861 K. Carney Edgecombe co., NC Jacob Tunnell First Wife Children Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, Isham 1837 May 30, 1864 None Jacob Tunnell Anne Margaret Rodgers None Edgecombe co., NC... Co. H, 12th Inf. Reg., NC On Battlefield

Tunnell, Isham 1835 Aft 1861 Edgecombe co., NC Jacob Tunnell First Wife Edgecombe co., NC... Minor at time of father's death.

Tunnell, Jackson Summer 1900 Elsie Edgecombe co., NC Everett Tunnell Sallie Andrew, Dawson, Wesley, neverson, Harris, Arcissie, Joseph Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, Jacob E. 1840 Sep 10, 1861 None Jacob Tunnell, Sr. Christiana Whitley None Edgecombe co., NC... Co. I, 30th Inf. Reg., NC

Tunnell, James A. Sr. 1844 Aft 1885 Malvina Margaret Powers 1868 Edgecombe co., NC John E. Tunnell Sallie Malvina, James, Virginia,others Edgecombe co., NC... Co. B, 66th Inf. Reg., NC

Tunnell, James W. Aft 1890 Edgecombe co., NC Cullen Tunnell Eliza Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, John 1876 Simon Tunnell Temperance Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, John J. 1841 Jul 3, 1863 None John J. Tunnell, Sr. Sarah None Wilson co., NC... Co. A., 47th Inf. Reg., NC Gettysburg, PA

Tunnell, John R. 1843 Aft 1865 Sarah Tunnell 1866 Edgecombe co., NC Tunnell Tunnell Piety Lamm James, Francis, John, Margaret, Andrew, others Edgecombe co., NC... Co. A., 47th Inf. Reg., NC Turpentine worker

Tunnell, John Robert 1837 Jul 28, 1864 Delia Tunnell 1860 Edgecombe co., NC Stephen Tunnell Mary Joseph, Mary, Sarah, others Wake co., NC... Co. I, 30th Inf. Reg., NC Charlottesville, VA Farmer

Tunnell, Kinchen 1843 Aug 25, 1864 None Jonathan Tunnell, Sr. Matilda None Edgecombe co., NC... Co. E, 7th Inf. Reg. Point Lookout, MD

Tunnell, Lewis D. 1835 Aft 1865 Margaret Fredericks 1857 Edgecombe co., NC Isaac Tunnell Susan A. John, Wiley, others Wake co., NC... Co. C, 1rst Inf. Reg., NC

Tunnell, Lucien 1794 Simon Tunnell Temperance Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, Lucy 1842 Aft 1861 Edgecombe co., NC Jacob Tunnell First Wife Edgecombe co., NC... Minor at time of father's death.

Tunnell, Mary 1756 Blount Roundtree 1853 Nash co., NC Teacher Tunnell Children Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Mary 1787 Blount Roundtree 1853 Edgecombe co., NC Daniel Tunnell Children Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, Mary E. Aft 1888 Mr. Williams Edgecombe co., NC Cullen Tunnell Nancy Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, Morris B. Jr. 1842 Aft 1880 Milbrey Williams 1865 Edgecombe co., NC Morris B. Tunnell, Sr. Mary, Others Edgecombe co., NC... Co. A., 47th Inf Reg., NC Laborer

Tunnell, Nicholas 1843 Aft 1865 Julia, b. 1841 Jul 27, 1867 Edgecombe co., NC Bennett Tunnell Susan Batchelor George, John, Delia, Edward, Elizabeth, others Edgecombe co., NC... Co A., 47th Inf Reg., NC, Edgecombe co., NC

Tunnell, Nina 1843 Aft 1890 Mr. Drake 1865 Edgecombe co., NC Moses Tunnell Children Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, Penninah 1840 Aft 1882 Mr. Lock 1863 Edgecombe co., NC Joel Tunnell Children Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, Peyton H. 1877 Simon Tunnell Temperance Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, Priscilla E. 1841 Aft 1888 Mr. Williams Edgecombe co., NC Francis Tunnell Julia Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, Redden P. 1839 Aft 1865 Temperance A. Apr 19, 1861 Edgecombe co., NC Jacob Tunnell Anne Margaret Rodgers Martha, Elizabeth, Mary, others Edgecombe co., NC... Co. I, 30th Inf. Reg., NC Edgecombe co., NC

Tunnell, Robert D. Jr. 1835 Jul 25, 1863 None Robert Tunnell, Sr. Elizabeth None Edgecombe co., NC... Co. D, 47th Inf. Reg., NC

Tunnell, Rowena 1869 Simon Tunnell Temperance Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, Ruffin 1882 Simon Tunnell Temperance Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, Ruffin Jr. 1837 May 19 1914 None Ruffin Tunnell, Sr. Elizabeth E. None Edgecombe co., NC... Crisp, Edgecombe co., NC

Tunnell, Rufus 1835 Aft 1865 Melissa, b. 1846 1857 Edgecombe co., NC Alsey Tunnell, Sr. Sarah Corbett Annice, Laura, others Edgecombe co., NC... Co. D, 47th Inf. Reg., NC

Tunnell, Thomas C. Aft 1880 Sallie Aug 2, 1865 Edgecombe co., NC Wilson Tunnell Sallie Etta, Ophelia Virginia� Co A., 47th Inf Reg., NC Edgecombe co., NC

Tunnell, Thomas H. 1841 Aft 1865 Maria Powers 1866 Tunnell, Edgecombe co., NC James R. Tunnell Wiley, others Edgecombe co., NC... Co. C, 1rst Inf. Reg., NC. Impoverished. Due to morphine addiction caused by war injury.

Tunnell, Thomas H. Jr. 1844 Aft 1865 Sarah Drewery 1868 Edgecombe co., NC Thomas R. Tunnell, Sr. Drewery (female) Children Edgecombe co., NC... Co. A., 47th Inf. Reg., NC. Disabled by war.

Tunnell, Thomas J. 1839 Jan 1, 1863 None Bennett Tunnell Susan Batchelor None Edgecombe co., NC... Co A., 47th Inf Reg., NC, . Died of smallpox Peterson, VA

Tunnell, Wiley D. Aft 1888 Edgecombe co., NC Cullen Tunnell Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, William E. Simon Tunnell Temperance Edgecombe co., NC...

Tunnell, William H. 1838 May 30, 1864 Mary Eliza Tunnell 1861 Edgecombe co., NC Reuben Tunnell Condary, others Edgecombe co., NC... Co. H, 12th Inf. Reg., NC Farmer

Nash County, North Carolina Vital Records AbstractsName Other Notes/Race Birth Date Birth Place Father Mother Spouse Marriage Date Marriage Place Children Occupation Death Date Place of Death Residence

Bradley, A.T. 1835 Nash co., NC Virgnia Tunnell Jun 7, 1857 Nash co., NC Nash co., NC

Daniels, Louisa 1811 Nash co., NC Byrd B. Tunnell Sep 14, 1829 Nash co., NC Nash co., NC

Deans, Martha 1847 Nash co., NC Marcellus L. Tunnell Apr 17, 1867 Nash co., NC Nash co., NC

Fort, Jacob G. Nash co., NC Mary A.E. Tunnell Nash co., NC Nash co., NC

Jones, Elizabeth Raised by Stepfather Washinton Tunnell. Negro. 1868 Nash co., NC Mary, b. 1847 Stoney Creek, Nash co., NC

Jones, Sarah D. Raised by Stepfather Washinton Tunnell. Negro. 1863 Nash co., NC Mary, b. 1847 Stoney Creek, Nash co., NC

Jones, William Hyman Raised by Stepfather Washinton Tunnell. Negro. 1969 Nash co., NC Mary, b. 1847 Stoney Creek, Nash co., NC

Jones, Elizabeth Raised by Stepfather Washinton Tunnell. Negro. 1868 Nash co., NC Mary, b. 1847 Stoney Creek, Nash co., NC

Jones, Sarah D. Raised by Stepfather Washinton Tunnell. Negro. 1863 Nash co., NC Mary, b. 1847 Stoney Creek, Nash co., NC

Jones, William Hyman Raised by Stepfather Washinton Tunnell. Negro. 1969 Nash co., NC Mary, b. 1847 Stoney Creek, Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Byrd B. 1804 Nash co., NC Louisa Daniels Sep 14, 1829 Nash co., NC Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Byrd, B. Nash co., NC Druscilla Nash co., NC Massilon, Mary, Virginia Spring 1864 Nash co., NC Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Charlotte 1824 North Carolina Lewis Tunnell Gray Whitley Nash co., NC Matilda, Anthony, Rufus, James, Cora, Isaac, George, Elias, Camillius, Emerson, Jane, others Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Lewis Negro. 1800 North Carolina Nash co., NC Charlotte, others Farm Hand Stoney Creek, Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Marcellus L. Before 1775 Edgecombe co., NC Martha Dean Apr 17, 1867 Nash co., NC Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Mary A.E. Nash co., NC Byrd B. Tunnell Druscilla Jacob G. Fort Nash co., NC Children Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Massillon L. Minor at time of fathers death. Became ward of John E. Thorn Nash co., NC Byrd B. Tunnell Druscilla Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Virginia Nash co., NC Byrd B. Tunnell Druscilla Mr. Bradley Nash co., NC Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Virginia 1834 Nash co., NC A.T. Bradley Jun 7, 1857 Nash co., NC Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Washington Negro. 1844 Nash co., NC Sophia, b. 1823 Mary, (widow Jones) b. 1847 Nash co., NC Farm Hand Stoney Creek, Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Henry W. 12 Mar 1870 . Nash co., NC Aft 1920 Peachtree Baptist Church, Nash co., NC Nash co.,NC

Tunnell, Ida C. 16 Jun 1874 . Nash co., NC Aft 1920 Peachtree Baptist Church, Nash co., NC Nash co.,NC

Tunnell, J.N. Co. K, 12th Inf. Reg., NC 1827 Nash co., NC Dec 5, 1862 Nash co., NC Nash co.,NC

Tunnell, John A. 1882 Nash co., NC Aft 1920 Peachtree Baptist Church, Nash co., NC Nash co.,NC

Tunnell, Mary Nickname: Pollie Feb 22, 1850 Nash co., NC Melvin Lee Vivarett Nash co., NC Aft 1920 Lee Chapel Baptist Church Nash co.,NC

Tunnell, Mary 1756 Nash co., NC Teacher Tunnell Blount Roundtree 1853 Nash co., NC Children Nash co., NC

Tunnell, William R. Co. H, 12th Inf. Reg., NC 17 Jan 1838 Nash co., NC Aft 1920 Peachtree Baptist Church, Nash co., NC Nash co.,N

Whitley, Gray Negro. 1822 North Carolina Charlotte Tunnell Nash co., NC Matilda, Anthony, Rufus, James, Cora, Isaac, George, Elias, Camillius, Emerson, Jane, others Farmer Stoney Creek, Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Alexander C. Co A., 47th Inf Reg., NC Wilson Tunnell Nancy Nancy Aug 2, 1865 Nash co., NC None Suvived to adulthood Aft 1880 Nash co., NC Sullivants, Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Amanda 1881 Nash co., NC James T. Tunnell Mary Westray Edwin Bunn Nash co., NC Children Aft 1866 Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Artolia 3 Nov 1849 Nash co., NC Aft 1920 Peachtree Baptist Church, Nash co., NC Nash co.,NC

Tunnell, Augustus Co. D, 47th Inf. Reg., NC 1837 Nash co., NC Aft 1865 Nash co., NC Nash co.,NC

Tunnell, Calvin D. Co. C, 1rst Inf. Reg., NC 1837 Wake co., NC Isaac Tunnell Martha Indiana Jane Fredericks 1860 Nash co., NC Children Aft 1865 Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Cornelia Apr 8, 1848 Nash co., NC Hardy White Wilder Nash co., NC Aft 1920 Lee Chapel Baptist Church Nash co.,NC

Tunnell, Goodman Co. C, 1rst Inf. Reg., NC 1836 Wake co., NC William T. Tunnell, Sr. Minerva Mary, b. 1837 1859 Nash co., NC William, Embro Turpentine worker/ Farmer Aft 1865 Union, Nash co., NC Union Twp., Nash co., NC

Tunnell, Grace M. 27 Jun 1906 Nash co., NC Aft 1920 Peachtree Baptist Church, Nash co., NC Nash co.,NC

Tunnell, Hattie T. 1909 Nash co., NC Aft 1920 Peachtree Baptist Church, Nash co., NC Nash co.,NC

LOOK HERE Accomack County, Virginia Births, 1882-92

Surname Given Name Date Race Sex Father Mother Notes Page







North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868

Bride: Drucilla Baker Groom: Bird B Tunnell Bond Date: 19 Jun 1854 County: Edgecombe Record #: 02 195 Bondsman: William Rose Witness: W A Jones Bond #: 000045427 Marriage Date: 22 Jun 1854 Performed By: C C Bonner

Bride: Louisa Daniel Groom: Byrd B Tunnell Bond Date: 14 Sep 1829 County: Nash Record #: 01 124 Bondsman: Redmun Bunn Witness: Benja H Blount Bond #: 000086936

Bride: Martha Deans Groom: Marcellus L Tunnell Bond Date: 17 Apr 1867 County: Nash Record #: 02 001 Witness: B. H. Sorsby (C Bond #: 000087335 Marriage Date: 17 Apr 1867 Performed By: Moses J. Hunt Comment: No Bondsman

Bride: Charlotte Tunnell Groom: Joseph Wells Spicer Bond Date: 11 Oct 1831 County: Edgecombe Record #: 03 031 Bondsman: Garry Daughtrey Witness: Ml Hearn Bond #: 000046270

Bride: Elizabeth Tunnell Groom: Jacob G Fort Bond Date: 13 Jun 1854 County: Nash Record #: 01 053 Bondsman: Lewis Stern Witness: G W Ward Bond #: 000085918

Bride: Virginia Tunnell Groom: A T Bradley Bond Date: 03 Jun 1857 County: Nash Record #: 01 021 Witness: Wm T Arrington Bond #: 000085472 Marriage Date: 07 Jun 1857 Performed By: John E Lindsey, Justice of the Peace

1790 U.S. Census Search Results

James Tunnell View State: MD Year: 1790 County: Worcester Image: 0454 Township: Unknown Township Roll: M637_3

William Tunnell State: NC Year: 1790 County: Beaufort Image: 0579 Township: Unknown Township Roll: M637_7

Warrington Tunnell State: NC Year: 1790 County: Hyde Image: 0575

Georgia Census, 1790-1890

Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other Info Record Type Database ID#

1830 TUNNELL WILLIAM Greene County GA 287 No Township Listed Federal Population Schedule GA 1830 Federal Census Index GAS3a1880174

1820 TUNNELL JOHN Madison County GA 053 No Township Listed Federal Population Schedule GA 1820 Federal Census Index GAS2a1276171

Ancestors and Descendants of Franklin D. Lickliter Click here to go to his webpage

Ancestors and Descendants of Franklin D. Lickliter

This one page says and I email him and it came back. Now I would like to know more.

GEORGE11 BALL (MOSES BALL10 (SR.), JOHN9 BALL, RICHARD8, WILLIAM7, CAPTAIN WILLIAM6, JOHN5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, ROBERT2, WILLIAM1) was born 1752 in Fairfax Co., Va., and died December 24, 1825 in Lee County, Va.. He married ELIZABETH TUNNELL Abt. 1771 in Fairfax Co., Va., daughter of WILLIAN TUNNELL and LADY HOWARD.

There is a lot more there

Sketches Of Tennessee's Pioneer Baptist Preachers


(pages 523 - 525)

James Tunnell was born near Fredericksburg, Virginia, hi the year 1777. He was a son of "Rev. Stephen Tunnell, a Methodist minister, who reared a large family, nine sons and one daughter." His grandfather, William Tunnell, was born in France, about the year 1703, being the oldest child of his parents, who were "godly people," the religious faith of the family, it is said, being "pronouncedly, pugnaciously Calvanistic." With William as a "babe in arms," his parents, fleeing from religious persecution, like many another Huguenot family, came to Yorkshire, England, where the infant son grew to manhood, and married Anne Howard - "Lady Anne," she was called, because the daughter of a "gentleman," the title clinging to her as long as she lived. This couple, about the year 1736, emigrated from Yorkshire, England, to Virginia, settling in Spotsylvania County, near Fredericksburg. Stephen Tunnell, father of James, was a soldier in the war of the Revoluton. In 1789 he left his native State of Virginia, and came to Washington County, Tennessee, when James was a lad of twelve years of age, and settled near Jonesboro. At the age of twenty-one James Tunnell married a Miss Jane Ball, and settled on Beech Creek, in Hawkins County, where he lived the greater part of his life. In his old age he was married a second time, becoming stepfather to a second family of children. He owned a farm and considerable property, but "lost most of his estate," it is said, by the Civil War. He was a member of Double Springs Church for half a century, perhaps. I have no account of his ordination, and there is little record or written history of his ministry. As to physique and temperamental make-up he is described as being "above six feet high, slim, active, pugnacious, fearless; before his conversion he would walk six miles., before breakfast, any morning," it is said, "to lick a man who had insulted him." He retained his fiery, vehement disposition to the end of life, but controlled himself better after he became a preacher. I doubt if he was pastor of many churches, but he is said to have been "zealous and earnest and powerful in a revival." He was not a "Primitive" or Old-School" Baptist, but, like some of them, would "sing out" his sermons, I have been told, after the approved fashion and popular and effective style of preaching, in many parts of the country, at that day. Dr. Broadus used to say that the "sing-song" habit of some of the dear old men was a by-product of out-of-door speaking, and being restful to the "overstrained vocal chords," was natural.

The Tunnell family is notably a family of preachers. Stephen Tunnell, father of James, was a Methodist minister, as we have already noted. William Tunnell, an uncle of James, was a Baptist preacher, of Anderson County, Tennessee. John Tunnell another uncle, was a Methodist Elder of the Holston Circuit, and "one of the celebrities of the first Conference west of the Alleghanies," held May 13-15, 1788, in Washington County; Virginia, fifteen miles east of Abingdon. "On Sunday, the 11th,. Mr. Tunnell preached an excellent sermon with great effect. Powerful exhortations followed. Under this sermon and these exhortations Mrs. Elizabeth Russell known in history as Madam Russell, a sister of the illustrious Patrick Henry - was convicted, and her conviction led in a few hours to her conversion" (Dr. Price, Holston Methodism). Robert M. Tunnel, a great nephew of James Tunnell, is a Congregationalist minister in Kansas. Dr. Spencer Tunnell, of Morristown. one of our best preachers and pastors, is a grandson; be has signalized his present pastorate by building and paying for a magnificent house of worship and baptizing in Holston River (May, 1913) 96 newly made converts in fifty-eight minutes in the presence of 5,000 witnesses gathered on the banks of the river. Another grandson, W.M.T., and older brother of Dr. Tunnell, dying at the age of thirty-seven, was a "brilliant and gifted, but timid preacher, pastor of his grandfather's old church - Double Springs.

Elder James Tunnell died near Robertsville, Anderson County, Tennessee, about the year 1865.

The DAC for the Tunnell family

Click here for DAC

Here is my worldconnect site

Janet Green Ariciu family

* They are my lineage

Email me

Janet at [email protected]

Please email Wilma Brown with your William and "Lady" Ann Howard Tunnell lineage. She compiling Our Linage Lines for book. She is trying to link Elizabeth Tunnell Ball to us also. If anyone can help her find this information. Please email her or me with facts or we can find the information.

Note: From Wilma Brown.

Hi, I my name is Wilma Brown and I am compiling data for a TUNNELL book and I hope to publish it by late 2003.

Wilma M.COWSAR)Brown- E-mail is [email protected]

She would like for you to visit her Tonnelier/Tunnel/Tunnell/Tunnelle at Tonnelier/Tunnel/Tunnell Lineage ************************************************* Wilma's Lineage on Page ? in Noteable Southern Families by Zella Armstrong Thomas/Guillaume/Wm./Wm./Calvin/Daniel L./Wm.C./Henry J./ Clara E.Tunnell-Cowsar/Wilma M.Cowsar-Brown *************************************************************************


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