Levering Family

The Levering family is probably descended from an ancient Teutonic family, which entered England with William the Conqueror. The family settled in Leverington, a large village, divided into the townships of Leverington St. Leonards and Leverington Parson Drove, located in the north end of Cambridgeshire, deep in the fens. Leverington is ninety-nine miles north of London. The patriarch of the English family was John De Levering, born about 1250 in Leverington; John's son was Robert, born about 1280 in Leverington. In 1316 the Levering family is probably descended from an ancient Teutonic family which entered England with William the Conqueror. The family settled in Leverington, a large village, divided into the townships of Leverington St. Leonards and , Robert De Leveryng became a lessee of the Wisbech Barton Manor. This is what some the some Genealogist think, that this family is English.

Example of this book �LEVERING FAMILY History and Genealogy� by Col. John Levering of LaFayette, Indiana. States and I quote� Rosier Levering is BELIEVED that he was born in Holland, of ancient English or Anglo-Saxon parentage; exiled, because of persecution for their religious principles.� The family listed above is without documents so for now it is a belief only.

I have been sent two books on the Levering family. They are # 1 �THE LEVERING FAMILY; or A GENEALOGICAL ACCOUNT OF WIGARD LEVERING AND GERHARD LEVERING.Two of the pioneer settlers of ROXBOROUGH TOWNSHIP, Philadelphia County, (Pennsylvania) AND THEIR DESCENDANTS: AND AN APPENDIX, containing Brief Sketches of Roxborough and Manayunk� by Horatio Gates Jones dated 1858 and #2 the other is �LEVERING FAMILY History and Genealogy� by Col. John Levering of LaFayette, Indiana. "HIGGINSON BOOK CO" has this book in reprint.

I now own THE LEVERING FAMILY; or A GENEALOGICAL ACCOUNT OF WIGARD LEVERING AND GERHARD LEVERING.Two of the pioneer settlers of ROXBOROUGH TOWNSHIP, Philadelphia County, (Pennsylvania) AND THEIR DESCENDANTS: AND AN APPENDIX, containing Brief Sketches of Roxborough and Manayunk� by Horatio Gates Jones dated 1858. It was reprinted by "HIGGINSON BOOK CO"

The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans: Volume VI

"JONES, Horatio Gates, educator, was born in Chester county, Pa., Feb. 11, 1777; son of the Rev. David and Anne (Stilwell) Jones. He was educated under the care of the Rev. Burgess Allison, principal of an academy at Bordentown, N.J. He was licensed to preach, Sept. 26, 1801; ordained to the Baptist ministry, Feb. 13, 1802, and was pastor at Salem, N.J., 1802-05. He removed to Roxborough, Pa., in 1805, and was one of the founders and first pastor of the Lower Merion Baptist church, 1808-53. He was a director of the bank of Germantown; director and controller of the public schools; was a member of the board of managers of the Baptist board of foreign missions, and secretary of the board for a number of years; was influential in the organization of the manual labor school at Haddington, which in 1836 became Haddington college; was president of the board of trustees of the college, 1836-40; president of the board of trustees of the Philadelphia Baptist association, 1829-53; moderator of the association, 1816 and 1822, and was clerk in 1808-10, 1813, 1815 and 1835. He was married to Deborah Levering, a descendant of Wigard Levering, who settled in Germantown, Pa., in 1685. Brown university conferred on him the honorary degree of M.A. in 1812 and the University at Lewisburg, Pa., their first degree of D.D. in 1852. He is the author of: History of the Philadelphia Baptist Association (1823), and was co-editor of the Latter Day Luminary. He died in Roxborough, Pa., Dec. 12, 1853"

As I quote from each book I will use # 1 or # 2 for which book I am quoting from.

The above two books have the family as being French, living in Germany and Holland. I will put as much of what I found in these books on my web page. Sign Janet

Rosier LEVERING B abt 1615, Leydon Holland Death: Gamen Germany; Reli: Mennonite; Married abt 1647,wesel Westfalia Germany to Elizabeth VAN DE WALLE b 21 May 1626, Wesel, Westphalia,in Germany; d Gamen Germany. Her father was Jacobus VAN DE WALLE.

I found this on a Jacobus Van De Walle. Is this Elizabeth Van De Walle father.

Hanau 1661-1806 � 1661-1679 operated by Daniel Behaghel and Jacobus van der Walle. 1679-1688 Behaghel, Walle and Johann Bally. 1688-1693 the foregoing and Anna Bally. 1694-1726 the heirs of Walle and Behaghel. 1727-1740 Heinrich Simons von Alphen. 1740-1775 Hieronymus von Alphen. Some marks: �JS� Jacob Schilles or Jacob Schuetz, �M�, �9�, �4�, �HANAU� in gray, �HV�, �HA�, �HB�, �HANNAU/VA�.

A Very Concise History of Faience and a Listing of German Faience Factories

Found this on Jacobus Van Der Walle

05.03.1661 vor 340 Jahren Graf Friedrich Kasimir von Hanau erteilt dem Wallonen Daniel Behaghel aus der calvinistisch reformierten fr�heren Fl�chtlingsgemeinde und seinem fl�mischen Schwager Jacobus van der Walle ein Privileg zur Errichtung der ersten deutschen Fayence-Manufaktur ("Porcellain-Backerei") in Neu-Hanau (Hanauer Fayencen).

GERMAN TOWNSHIP Afterward called Germantown township, was laid out by virtue of three warrants: October 12, 1683, for 6,000 acres, to Francis Daniel Pastorius, for the German and Dutch purchasers; February 13, 1683, to Francis Daniel Pastorius for 200 acres; April 25, 1684, to Jurian Hartsfelder, for 150 acres. The first purchasers of Frankfurt in Germany were Jacobus van der Walle, Johann Jacob Schutz, Johann Wilhelm Ueberfeld, Daniel Behagel, George Strauss, Jan Leureiss, Abram Hasevoet. Among them were divided 2,675 acres. The same quality was divided among the first purchasers of Crevelt in Germany, namely, Jacob Felner, Jan Strepers, Dirk Sipman, Ganert Reniks, Lenard Artes, Jacob Isaacs. The township was divided into settlements, called Germantown, Cresheim, Sommerhausen and Crevelt. These Germans were from the palatinates of Cresheim and Crevelt, many of them having become Friends through the preaching of William Penn in Germany. The greatest length of the German township was 5 1/2 miles; the greatest breadth, 2 miles; area, 7,040 acres. The township was bounded on the northwest and northeast by Springfield township, Montgomery county; on the northeast partly by Bristol township; on the southeast by Penn township and Roxborough. Within the German township were the settlements known as Germantown, Cresheim (afterward Mount Airy), Sommerhausen (later called Chestnut Hill) and Crevelt, a rural section north of Chestnut Hill.

The Jacobus Van Der Walle could this be Elizabeth Van Der Walle Levering's brother?

�ROSIER LEVERING; was born in the early years of the seventeenth century. He is the known progenitor of the Levering family in America, hence I designate him as the zero, or benchmark, from which to grade succeeding generations descending from him. It is believed that he was born in Holland, of ancient English or Anglo-Saxon parentage; exiled, because of persecution for their religious principles. He married Elizabeth Van de Walle, of Wesel, in Westphalia, in Germany, near to the frontier of Holland. They settled in the same district, at Gemen, where several children were born to them, between the years 1648 and 1662. Tradition, preserved by the remnant of the family at Gemen, says they occupied the old Levering homestead in that town, and that they died there.� As found in the book # 2

The following is from book # 1. �Various traditions have prevailed among the different branches of the family one of which. States that Rosier Levering was a physician, and a very pious man; that he belonged to the Reformed Church in France, of which country he was a native, and that upon the Revocation of the Edict Nantz, he fled with his family to Germany, where he afterwards lived and died. That Rosier Levering was a native of France is not at all improbable, as that name has a French sound, but more than this cannot be asserted, as there is no documentary evidence on the point. That he fled from Franc to avoid persecution; can also be readily believed, but his settlement is Germany most have been long anterior to the Revocation of the Edict of Nantz. The Edict was nor revoked untion Octer, 1685, and Wigard himself says He WAS BORN IN Gemen, Germany, and that as I shall hereafter show, about the year 1648. The probability therefore is that Rosier Levering left France during some of the earlier religious wars and persecutions, which visited the Waldenes and Huguenots.

Elizabeth VAN DE WALLE b 21 May 1626 in the city of Wesel. The amount of children they had, what was his occupation, and when he died, are questions about which I have no answers. per: Horatio Gates Jones, dated 1858. As you see this family has been reseached by others we do know the children and Rosier occupation. At least on research has found this out for us. Thank you Col. John Levering.

Rosier Levering b abt 1600 Leiden, S, Netherlands m Gemen, Westphalia, Prussia d Germen Illiterate, probably a craftsman. The Leverings were originally English. Town named Levering in Suffolk near major port of Protestant migration to Holland. One of them were among the tens of thousands of Protestants who fled Charles I by going to Holland; probably Rosier Levering's father. For several centuries Protestants were fleeing all over Europe by the tens of thousands in every which direction, leading to the "my ancestors ran from one country to another like the tax collector was after them" syndrome. Most in Holland eventually spread out and assimilated. After atleast twice marrying Dutch women, the Leverings moved not far across the German border, and then to Germantown, Pa.

Elizabeth Van De Walle b 1626. Her brother, Jacob Van der Walle, was a wealthy Dutch Pietist, and a prominent shareholder in Frankfort Company which owned and organized Germantown. His wealth was the foundation of the Levering wealth; some of them are still wealthy industrialists.

Rosier and Elizabeth VAN DE WALL w Levering children were:

(1) John Wigard b 1648/49 Gemen, Germany

(2) Eberhard (Enert) b 1652 at Gemen, Germany, where married in 1677 Mecntold, daughter of Gerhard Schmullling, and died there Sept 5,1711

(3) Elizabeth b abt 1654 in Gemen, Germany. Her presence at the christening of her brother�s children is testified in items Nos. 6 and 10 of the Gemen Church records, which see. We have no further knowledge of her

(4) Alche abt 1656 in Gemen, Germany. She appeared as a witness at the christening ceremony of her brother�s twin daughters, at item # 7 of church records, as certified by the Churchmester. That she and her sister Elizabeth appeared in these vicarious relations attests the fact of their having attained the acceptable age for recognition by the church.

(5) William b aby 1658 in Gemen, Germany. Where he married about 1678 Grete Nilant, who died. He married 2nd abt 1691 Maria Veits of Gemen. He died there January 3,1700.

(6) Gerhard (Garret) b abt 1660 in Gemen, Germany. He emigrated to America with his brother Wigard in 1685. He married Mary (maiden name unknown), after his arrival Philadelphia. He died in Whitpain Township, Philadelphia County, PA.,after the year 1731.

(7) a daughter b September, 1662 in Gemen. The evidence of this is found at item #17, copied from church reords, which see. That godmothers only appeared determines the �child� to have been a daughter.

The above facts on the children came book # 2. The facts on John Wigard Levering comes both books.

(I) JOHN WIGARD: born in 1648 or '49, in the town of Gemen, in Germany. In April, 1674, he married "the chaste virgin," Magdalena Bokers, of Essen. She was a native of Leyden, in Holland. They lived in Gemen until some time after the birth and decease of their first child, and then removed to Mulheim, where they remained until they emigrated to America, after the 20th of March, 1685, bringing their surviving four children. He settled first in Germantown, Philadelphia, and removed from there a short distance west, into Roxborough Township, in 1691, where he bought a tract of five hundred acres of land, lying between and bordering upon both the River Schuylkill and Wissahickon Creek. Upon this estate he lived his remaining years with his family, and died there.

His wife Magdalena died in the summer of 1717 at the age of about 67 years. He died February 2, 1745, at the probable age of 97 years, and was buried upon his farm in a spot overlooking the romantic Wissahickon, which has become a part of the famous Fairmount Park of Philadelphia. This spot subsequently became the churchyard and burial ground of the Baptist Church, organized in 1789, which was greatly enlarged, and is now known as Leverington Cemetery, under a special charter from the State of Pennsylvania. This ground doubtless contains the remains of Magdalena. A gravestone marking the interment, in June, 1744, of their grandchild, Clement Levering, still stands, and points the place where repose the old pioneers, though no sculptured tablet was ever erected there to their memory.

The earliest record of John Wigard Levering and his wife, Magdalena Boeckers, appears in the records of the Presbytery of the Evangelical Parish of Gemen, Munster Stadt, Westphalia, Germany. On March 22, 1674, the first wedding banns for "John Wigard Levering, Rosier's son, with the chaste virgin Magdalena Bokers, of Essen," were proclaimed.

William Penn acquired his estates in what eventually became Pennsylvania by patent in 1681. He began travelling throughout Holland and Germany, recruiting settlers. At the same time, he took partners, thereby acquiring the services of agents to bring in even more settlers. One of the earliest partnerships, organized about 1683, was the Frankfort Company; a partner in the Frankfort company was Jacob Van De Walle, the uncle of Wigard and Gerhard Levering.

The most active partner in the Frankfort Company was Francis Daniel Pastorius, a learned man who came from a family of some wealth and position in Germany. In August 1683, he arrived in Philadelphia aboard the America with thirteen families; thirty-three people in all, and founded Germantown.

Wigard and Gerhard Levering emigrated in 1685. Their agreement with the Frankfort Company is at the Pennsylvania Historical Society:

Wigard came to Philadelphia on the ship Penn's Woodland from Holland in 1685 having arrived before the month of August, 1685. The Frankfort Company was engaged in the transportation of persons desiring to remove to their colony. The written contract entered into by Wigard Levering with the local agents at Wesel, Dr. Thomas Van Wylick and Johannes Le Brun, for transportation of himself and family to Philadelphia, dated 20th of March, 1685

We, the subscribers, do acknowledge and confess by these Presents, that we have contracted and agreed together, that Doctor Thomas Van Wylick and Johannes Le Brun, in behalf of the Pennsylvania Company, in which they, and other friends of Frankfort and other parts, are engaged, to accept or receive me, Wigard Levering, old 36 or 37 years, and Magdalena Boeckers, old 36 years, and four children, Anna Catherine, William, Amelia, and Sibella, respectively 1/2, 2 1/2, 5 and 9 years, to and for the service of the aforementioned Company, to transport by shipping out of Holland or Ingland, to Pennsylvania, upon their cost. On Their arrival in Pennsylvania, they were to report themselves to Francis Daniel Pastorius, who was general agent for the company. Written upon the margin of the instrument an agreement to include "the Contractor's brother, Gerhard Levering."

Documentary evidence of the brothers is contained in a recorded deed, executed in August, 1685. "On the tenth of that month and year, Francis Daniel Pastorius, as the attorney of Jacob Van de Walle and others, forming the Frankford Company, conveyed to Wigard Levering a lot in Germantown containing fifty acres of land. The deed is in the German language, and closes as follows: `So done in Germantown, on the 10th day of the 6th month (August), in the year of Christ 1685, in the sixteenth year of the reign of King James the Second of England, and in the fifth year of the reign of William Penn.'"(*) Wigard and Gerhard Levering -they, with several others, had been naturalized "on the 7th of the 3d month, [May] 1691, by Thomas Lloyd, being Deputy Governor." The record shows: "They having solemnly promised faith and allegiance to William and Mary, and fidelity and lawful obedience to William Penn, as Proprietary, it is declared and granted to them to be henceforth, Freemen in Law," etc. Both Wigard Levering and Gerhard, were now entitled to be freeholders, as well as free men, and in this they exercised their rights, as Wigard acquired five hundred acres of land by purchase, and Gerhard bought one hundred acres, adjoining. These tracts reached from the Wissahickon Creek to the Schuylkill River, and embraced a considerable portion of Roxborough. The inventory of Wigard's estate, as made by Matthew Houlgate and Isaac Cook, on the 9th day of February, 1744-45, lists household effects sufficient for one room only--except "one bible valued o1.10 and one singing book--shows that he had retired from active life and was "only waiting till the shadows a little longer grew"; the while, clinging to His Word as the beacon which would guide him safely "over the river."

In August, 1685, the Frankfort Company conveyed 50 acres of land in Germantown to Wigard Levering. Levering removed to Roxborough in 1691 or 1692. Wigard Levering's Roxborough residence was on the southwestern side of Ridge Road, nearly opposite the Leverington Hotel.

At the time of his immigration, both Wigard and Gerhard Levering indentured themselves to the Frankfort Company. Apparently, Wigard tired of the debt early in his residence in the United States, and having gained an appreciation of the benefits of a large legal staff, Levering managed to outwit Herr Pastorius. The following document appears in the Pennsylvania records (the spelling is from the original):

To the Proprietary & Gov'r of Pensilvania & Territories thereof in Councell mett.

An humble Petition of Francis Daniel Pastorius in the behalf of the German Company, Sheweth,

That whereas the said Company above 14 years ago did transport Wigard Levering his wife, four children & brother into this Province & lent unto him at West 16L 4s to pay his debts there, & further disbursed on the Transportation of him and his family 57L 18s 11d expecting that all this sum should by little & little be deducted here, of the said Wigard & his brother's wages: He instead of deducting, sued the said Comp; as debtors to him & to deprive me, the now Agent of the said Company of all advice & assistance in Law, employed all the Attorneys in the Country, who pleading that he the said Wigard, his wife & 4 children are not to discount anything for their Transportation, obtained Judgment in the last County Court against the said Company, for 32L 16s 10d. Now supposing the said German Company had Intended to transport the said Wigard his wife & children gratis or free, as I have proofs to the contrary, Yet seeing his Brother's part of the 57L 18s 11d (which he besides the aforementioned 16L 4s lent unto him in Germany allows to be defalkable) comes to 12L 17s 6d, the said Comp; cannot owe him but 29L 16s 10d. For which the said Wigard's brother having worked 163 days less than he should have done & Wigard himself 500 days less, both together do greatly outbalance his, his wife's & children pretended free transportation.

Therefore your Petitioner in the behalf of the said German Comp. humbly entreats you to grant to have the cause tried again (a thing he thinks not so unheard of as that a Plaintiff should employ all the Lawyers to impede & hinder the Defendants to get any) And to the end that a Just Cause may not suffer by my unskillfullness in pleading & notorious want or defect to express myself sufficiently in the English tongue to the full understanding of a Jury; May it please the Govr & his Council to appoint a Person learned in the Law to patronize or manage the same. And as your Petitioner requests these things only for Justice & Truths sake, so (he hopes) it will tend to the preventing both of others, who being transported by the said Company's disbursement may probably follow the steps of Wigard; as also to the allaying of dissatisfaction of several honest hearted people in Germany and especially oblidge your Petitioner.

F.D. Pastorious

On the back of the petition is the following endorsement:

At a council held at Philadelphia, die Lunae 15th April, 1700. Present, William Penn, Pro'r & Gov'r.

Edward Shippen Thomas Bedwell

Griffith Owen John Hill

David Lloyd Saml. Preston

John Donaldson John ffenwick

Upon reading of the within Petition in respect the Petitioner was but Agent for the German Company, who are Strangers & absentees, It was the Opinion and Resolve of the Gov'r & Council that the Petitioner & the within Wigard Levering appear before the Gov'r & Council the 24th inst., with a friend with each of them, that understands the German & Dutch Languages & to bring with them all papers & accts relating to the said difference, when the cause shall be heard extrajudicially and if the Gov'r & Council shall see cause thereafter to hear & decide it Judicially they will do so. And that the Secretary acquaint the said Daniel Pastorius and he the said Wigard Levering herewith.

Signed by order

Pat. Robinson, Secr'y

The book �SHIP PASSENGER LISTS Pennsylvania and Delaware (1641-18250" edited and indexed by Carl Boyer, 3rd published by Carol Boyer, 3rd Newhall California, 1980

Page 7

�Einwanderer in Pennsylvania vor 1700,� Jahrbuch Fur Auslanddeutsche Sippenkunde, 4 (1936), 53-54[Lancour No. 116]

Bleickers, Johannes, von Krefeld,1683

Frey, Heinrich, aus Althenim in Elsass, 1685

Levering, Gerhart und Wigart, von Muhlheim 1685

Page 14

�Naturalizations, Germantown, PA., 3/7/1691/92; Copia Naturalizations of Frances Daniel Pastorius and of 61 persons. More of German Town from William Penn, Esq., � National Genealogical Society Quarterly, 28(1940), 7-8[Lancour no 129]

�William Penn, Propretary of the Province of Pennsilvania etc. By the King and Queen�s authority, to all to whom these Presents shall come. Sends Greetings, etc. Whereas : Wiggert Levering; Heinrich Frey and Gerhard Levering.

��..land-owners, Citizens�.1683, 1692 1698�. And Owners of land in German-town and in the County of Philadelphia, being foreigners, and so not freemen, according to the acception of the Law of England. Have requested to be made freeman of the said Province, pursuant to the Powers granted by King�s Letters patent, and Act of Union and Naturlization, etc. made in this Government. Now Know ye, that for the further incouragement of the Industry and Sobriety of the said Inhabitants, And for the better and further Security of their Estates reall and personal, top them and their heirs, They the said Inhabitants having Solemnly promised (upon record in the County Court of Philadelphia aforesaid) faith and Allegiance to William and Mary, King and Queen England, etc . and fidelity and lawful Obedience to me, according to the King�s letters, patents aforesaid, I doe declare and by this Presents Confirm them the said Inhabitants before named to be Freeman of this Government, And that they shall be accordingly held and reputed in as full and ample manner as any person or persons residing therein, And that they the said Freemen have liberty and freedom hereby to trade and traffick in this Colony or in any of the King�s Dominions and Plantations, as other good Subjects do without any manner of Lett, Henderance or Molestation whatsoever.

Witness Thomas Lloyd, Deputy Govenr of Province of Pennsilvania, etc, Given at Philadelphia aforesaid, with the assent of the Provinvial Council, the Seventh day of the Third month Anno Domi 1691, and in the third year of the reign of King William and Queen Mary over England, etc�.

I found this on Ancestry.com

The Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s

Name: Wigard Levering Year: 1658-1685 Place: Germantown, Pennsylvania

Family Members: With 3 children; Brother Levering, Gerhard; Son William 8; Wife Levering, Magdaline Boker

Source Publication Code: 7204.40

Primary Immigrant: Levering, Wigard

Annotation: Date and port of arrival, or date and place of settlement or mention in the New World. Occupation, place of residence and information on at least one generation in America may also be provided.

Source Bibliography: REAMY, MARTHA, AND BILL REAMY Immigrant Ancestors of Marylanders, As Found in Local Histories. Westminister, MD: Willow Bend Books, 2000. 358p. Page: 141

Name: Wigard Levering Year: 1683-1710 Place: Germantown, Pennsylvania

Source Publication Code: 7820

Primary Immigrant: Levering, Wigard

Annotation: An index by Marvin V. Koger, Index to the Names of 30,000 Immigrants...Supplementing the Rupp, Ship Load Volume, 1935, 232p. is inferior to Wecken's index in the third edition (above). Page 449 contains "Names of the First Palatines in North Carolina, as Early as 1709 and 1710"; and pages 449-451 contain "Names of Males, Salzburgers, Settled in Georgia, 1734-1741." Contrary to some opinions, this work by Rupp does not duplicate nos. 9041-9042 by Strassburger, although there are thousands of names which are duplicates. Strassburger's work, however, is more accurate and more reliable than Rupp's. See also no. 9330, Urlsperger. The Salzburgers mentioned above were immigrants from Salzburg, Austria.

Source Bibliography: RUPP, ISRAEL DANIEL. A Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 to 1776, with a Statement of the Names of Ships, Whence They Sailed, and the Date of Their Arrival at Philadelphia, Chronologically Arranged, Together with the Necessary Historical and Other Notes, also, an Appendix Containing Lists of More Than One Thousand German and French Names in New York prior to 1712. Leipzig [Germany]: Degener & Co., 1931. 478, 89p. Reprint of the 2nd revised and enlarged ed., 1876, with index from 3rd ed. by Ernst Wecken, 1931, and added index of ships. Reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1985. 583p. Page: 430

Name: Wigard Levering Year: 1684 Place: Germantown, Pennsylvania

Source Publication Code: 2467.7

Primary Immigrant: Levering, Wigard

Annotation: Date and place of settlement. Extracted from 250th Anniversary of the Settlement of Germantown (Germantown [PA] Historical Society, 1933) and The River's Source was a Small Stream Named Germantown (David J. Smucker and Robert F. Ulle).

Source Bibliography: "THE GERMAN SETTLERS WHO ARRIVED IN 1684." In Krefeld Immigrants and Their Descendants (Links Genealogy Publications, Sacramento, CA), vol. 1:1 (1984), p. 5. Page: 5

During the last twenty-eight years of his life, Wigard Levering lived with his son, William, in Germantown. For eleven years, things apparently went well, but by 1728, conflict had arisen between the father and son. In response to William's complaints, Jacob Cadwalader wrote the following letter:

Philada,, the 3d of 6m, 1728.

Frd. William Levering:

Thy father who is very old & cannot live long according to the Course of nature, seems to Complain very much of thy hard dealing, & would not be satisfied without carrying it further, but I thought it the best way to prevent it if possible, for any difference between father & son cannot be of much credit to Either, and when a father hath been kind to a Son and given him all or most of what he had, there is a dutiful gratitude owing to a parent from a Child, and he ought if possible to make his parents life Easie and Comfortable without oppression or giving any Just occasion of uneasiness and Complaint. And as our parents have dealt very tenderly with us in our Infancy & youth & born with all our infirmities with abundance of patience, it is our duty to Cherish them in their old age, and as far as in us Lies to give them no Just occasion of grief or uneasiness. And our duty to our parents will undoubtedly Entail a blessing on us & our posterity and we ought to bear with the peevishness of age, without taking any notice of it. Therefore pray let me Entreat & prevail with thee for the Credit and reputation of the family, to prevent all grounds & occasions of offence and let what is past be buried in oblivion & forgott & as the Laws of God & men direct & oblige as Let us pay all dutiful regards to parents and study peace with all mankind, which is the Cordial Advice of

thy sincere Frd.

Jno Cadwalader Pray make all things Easy to thy father & do not keep anything from him that can be thought reasonable.

He reckons part of the produce of the whole plantation (Except the 100 acres he gave thee) is his due & ought not to be detained from him, neither fruit, winter or summer grain.


Levering, Wichart-died last week not far from Phila., aged 109 (12 Feb)Year 1745

Most of what is known about Wigard's life in Germany comes from his family Bible, which is still in the possession of his descendants. In the Bible in written the following, in German The family Bible was in the possession of Mrs. Sarah Kirk, of Germantown, a great-great-great-grand daughter of the old pioneer, until her death in 1863, when it passed to her granddaughter, Mrs. Linton, who also died. Her husband probably has the relic. So said my Col. John Levering.


I, Wigard Levering, was born in Germany, in the Principality of Westphalia, in the District of Munster, and town of Gemen. My father's name was Rosier Levering, and my mother's maiden name was Elizabeth Van de Walle, who was born in Wesel. In the twenty-third year of my age, I, Wigard Levering, was married to my beloved wife, Magdalena Boker. Her father's name was William Boker, and her mother's name was Sidonia Williams Braviers, of the city of Leyden, in Holland. The above said Magdalena, my wife, was also born in Leyden, and God hath blessed us with the following children, to wit:

The first born, Joanna Sophia, born in Gemen, in the year of our Lord 1672, in March, and died in the third week.

The second, Anna Catherine, born in Mulheim on the Rhur, in March, 1673.

The third, Maria Elizabeth, born in July, 1676, and died in the eighteenth week of her age.

The fourth, William Levering, was born the 4th day of May, 1677.

The fifth, Amelia Anna Sophia, was born in the middle of July, 1682.

The sixth, Anna Sibella, was born in the middle of September, 1684.

The above named children were all born in Mulheim on the Rhur, in Germany, and the following six children were born in North America, in the province of Pennsylvania:

The seventh, Herman, was born the 18th of November,1686 and died in the fourth year of his age, in May.

The eighth, Elizabeth, born the 7th day of January,1689 and died in the fourteenth year of her age, in September.

The ninth, Sidonia, born the 23d of April 1691.

The tenth, Jacob Levering, born the 21st of January,1693.

The eleventh, Magdalena, born the 13th of January,1695 and died in the third week of her age.

The twelfth, Magdalena, born the 4th of June, 1696.

The last, after the perfect number of twelve, was an untimely birth.

God, who is the father of all that are called children, in heaven and on earth, have mercy on my children who are still in the land of the living, that they, through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, may be born again, and registered with their children in heaven; that they, after they are taken from this vain world, the parents with the children, and the children with the parents, may rejoice before God in a happy and blessed eternity. Amen.

The will of Wigard Levering:

I Wichert Levering of the Township of Roxborrow in the County of Philada in the Province of Pennsylvania, Joyner, being in good health of Body and of a sound and perfect mind and Memory and calling to mind the frailty of this transitory Life and that its appointed for all flesh once to dye, Do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following, revoking, Disannulling and making utterly void and of none effect all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made.

Imps. I will that all my Just Debts and funeral expenses be paid and Discharged by my Executor hereinafter named with all convenient speed after my Decease.

Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Katherine ye sum of ten pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to be paid her by my Executor hereafter named within twelve months after my Decease.

Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Amelia the sum of ten pounds lawful money afd to be paid her by my said Executor hereafter mentioned, within two years after my Decease.

Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Sebilla the sum of tenn pounds lawful money afd to be paid her by my sd Executor within three years after my Decease.

Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Son in law Peter Indehaven ye sum of tenn pounds lawful money afd to be paid him by my sd Executor within four years after my Decease.

Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Son in law William Tunes ye sum of tenn pounds lawful money afd to be paid him by sd Executor within five years after my Decease.

Lastly. I give and Bequeath unto my Son William Levering whom I hereby constitute ordain and appoint sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament all other my Estate and Effects of what kind soever. In Witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and Seal this twenty third Day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Seaven hundred and forty two.

Wichert Levering (his mark) in handwritten�WL� Signed, Sealed, published pronounced and declared by the said Wichert Levering as his last Will & Testament in ye presence of us.


William Levering Smith,

Hannah Levering

Thos. Yorke

Handwritten notation in the book: No 134, 1744/5, G 162

The inventory of the estate: To one bead and Beading. . . . . . . . . . . . .L 3.00.0

To 2 bed steds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.10.0

To one Cobert and one Chest. . . . . . . . . . . 1.10.0

To waring apparrel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.15.0

To Sate of Curtings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00.0

To one bible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10.0

To one song book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01.6

To 2 Spice Boxes and a bible frame. . . . . . . . 0.04.0

To one Table and 5 Chears. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.03.6

To 2 benshes and one Tobaco Knife. . . . . . . . 0.02.0

To 3 Iron Potts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.16.0

To pare Tongs and Shifell and pare hand Irons. . 0.14.0

To 2 puter Dishes and 4 plats. . . . . . . . . . 0.14.0

To one Stone Gudg and puter mog. . . . . . . . . 0.03.6

To one morter and Iron box and a Gudg. . . . . . 0.03.0

To one Chamber Pott and Porenger. . . . . . . . . 0.01.0

������������������L 13.7.6


The children of John and Magdalena BOKERS Levering:

Anna Sophia (Johanna Sophia) (Died as Infant) in the year of our Lord 1672, in March, and died in the third week.

Anna Catharine (March, 1673-1754)

Maria Elizabeth (Died as Infant) (1677-1670s)(1695?)

William (1679-)

Amelia Anna Sophia (middle of July, 1682-1771)

Anna Sibella (1684-1764)

Herman (1686-1691)

Elizabeth (1689-1703)

Sidonia (1691-)

Jacob (1693-1753)

Magdalena (1695-1695)

Magdalena (1696-<1736)

For more detailed information on the children look below.

1.Anna Sophia ( Johanna Sophia) LEVERING Birth: 16 Jan 1675, Gemen, Wetphalia Germany Death: Feb 1675

Anno, 1675, on the 16th of January, the parents Wigman-Rosier (John Wigard), and Magdalena Bokers, have caused their young female child to be brought to holy baptism. Witnesses, godfathers and godmothers were Anne de Walle, daughter of the Bramfrow, (*) Anne Sophia Bokers and Erndt-Rosier. The child was given the name ANNA SOPHIA.**The first born, JOANNA SOPHIA, born in Gemen, in the year of our Lord 1672, in March, and died in the third week. (*) A dealer in merchandise, or wares. ( I was this information from a cousin not sure where they got this information)

2 Anna Catharine LEVERING b 15 Mar 1676, Mulheim on the Rhur Westphalia, Germany d 1754, Zeiglerville Pa,

ANNA CATHARINE3: b. March,1676, in Mulheim, on the Rhur. Her parents brought her to America in 1685 when aged "9 years," as stated in the contract of transportation. She married Henry Frey at Germantown, Philadelphia Co., PA. April 26, 1692(O.S.), of whom Cassel states: �Heinrich Frey and Joseph Blatenbach were the first German emigrants who came to Pennsylvania. They emigrated in 1680 and settled in Philadelphia� Their marriage was among the first weddings, which were contracted and solemnized in the province. The evidence of it still exist in the certificate and previous notice which was posted on the door of meeting-house, as follows:

Whereas, Henry Fry, of Altheim, in the province of Alsace, in High German, now inhabitant of Germantown, in the county of Philadelphia, bachelor, and Annie Catharine Levering, of the county of Bruick, likewise in High Germany, a young woman, after due consultation with their respective parents, have produced a sufficient certification of their clearness of all other enganements, under the hand of several credible personsm unto one of the Justices of the Peace, in the bailwick of Germantown, and have published abd affixed their intention of marriage in the meeting-house of the said town on the 24th of the first month past.

As no objections were filed the ceremony was performed, and THIS CERTIFICATE witnesseth that the said Henry Fry and Anna Catharine Levering have this day solemnized such their marriage by taking one another as husband and wife, according to the law of this country, and before and in the presence of us, whose names are hereunder written at Germantown, the 26th day of the second month, 1692�

Francis Daniel Pastorus; Justice of Peace.

Witnesses: Wigard Levering, Gerhard Levering, Magdalena Levering, Hans Peter Umstat, Arnold Cassel, Henrich Shellenberg, Jon Ponder, Andrew Supplee, Manigha May, Catein Tompkins, William Rittinghuysen, Henrich Zollern, Jacob Pfoutz, Henrich Bucholtz, Elias Tossen, Honnas Miller, Elizabeth Cassel, Herman Trapman, Sara Hendricks, Anecki Supplee, Maria Bonus and others.

Henry Fry was the owner for many years of one hundred acres of land in Roxborough, adjoining the tract of like area then owned by Gerhard Levering.

Henry and Ann Levering children were: Jacob (1694-),Henry, John, George, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Amelia

For more on these children and the Frey family history go Frey page by click below. By the way, did you know there's a Heinrich Frey Family Association? Go to my Frey page and learn more about the Association.

Click here for Frey

3 Maria Elizabeth LEVERING b Jul 1677, Mulheim on the Rhur d 1695, Mulheim on the Rhur Westphalia, Germany. MARIA ELIZABETH3: b. July, 1677 at Mulheim, and "died in the eighteenth week of her age."

4 William LEVERING b 4 May 1679, Mulheim on the Rhur. m'd Catharine. William was brought to America by his parents in the year 1685, and shared the family experiences until of age.

William and Catharine children were: William (1705-1774), Amelia (1708-1762), Elizabeth (~1712-), Magdelena (~1715-), Benjamin (~1723-1763)

On November 1, 1717, Wigard conveyed all the residue of his five hundred acres to his older son William, estimating the area at 155 acres. In this deed no wife joins, which suggests the death of Magdalena prior to the date noted, husband and wife, according to the law of this country, and before and in the presence of us, whose names are hereunder written at Germantown, the 26th day of the second month (April), 1692. Wigard lived with his son William until Wigard death about the age of 97.

5 Amelia Anna Sophia LEVERING b Jul 1682 at Mulheim; ; d 5 Feb 1771. She was brought to America by her parents in 1685, as shown in the contract of transportation cited .She married at Roxborough to Benjamin Morgan, a blacksmith, who died in August, 1706. Letters of administration on his estate were granted to the widow on August 19, 1706.

6 Anna Sibella LEVERING b Sep 1684 at Mulheim; d 17 Aug 1764. Her parents brought her to America in the summer of 1685. She m. George Miller, who resided at Chestnut Hill, above Germantown. Mr. Miller died in Nov., 1719. He left a will dated �Summerhausen, 21st of September, 1719� George Miller�s will was written in Dutch. Mrs, Miller was buried at the Concord Burial Ground, near to Chew�s House, Germantown, where on small headstone is the following inscription �In Memory of Sibella Miller, who died August 17th 1764 aged 80 years. They had one child: Wigard MILLER

7 Herman LEVERING b. at Germantown, Pa., Nov. 18, 1686, and d. May, 1691.

8 Elizabeth LEVERING b. at Germantown Jan. 7, 1689; d. Sept., 1703, at 14 years. It is probable that she was the first Levering buried at Roxborough, in what is now the "Leverington Cemetery.

9 Sidonia LEVERING b. April 23, 1691; bore the euphonious name of her grandam. She m. Peter Indehaven, or De Haven, as subsequently called--originally Inden Hoff. Peter was born 1686, Mulheim on the Rhur Westphalia, Germany d 23 May 1768, Whitpain Twp. Montgomery co. Pa. His Father was Everts INDEHAVEN (INDERHOFF) (Note by Janet. The name �grandam� does this not mean Wigard grandmother�s name was Sidonia. I wonder which one)

Their children were: Edward, William, MODLIN, JOHN, Peter, ELIZABETH, Samuel (1725-1815), GERHARD, MARY, John, Jacob and ABRAHAM

10 Jacob LEVERING b 21 Jan 1693, Roxborough Pa; d Oct 1753, Whitpaine Pa Occ: Joyner Reli:Mennonite m'd 2 Feb 1717 to Alice (Aeltie) TUNES b 1-1691/2 d between Jan. 15,1779 and March 24,1753 and he followed in October, 1753. Her Father was Abraham TUNES (~1660-~1710) Her Mother was Beatrix (Boetzen) LUKEN Jacob was probably the first of the family born in the place. Wigard conveyed to Jacob 85 acres of land on February 20,1717. Jacob owned, also, a considerable estate on the opposite side of the Schuylkill, now Lower Merion Township, in Montg.Co. This remained in family succession to and including his great-grandson John Levering, who died in 1878.

Their children were: Magdalena (~1716-), Abraham (1717-1804), Wigard (Wechard) (1719-1782), William (1721-1785), Jacob (~1723-1807), Anthony (~1725-1788), Benjamin (1728-1804), Septimus (~1731-)

11 Magdalena LEVERING b. Jan. 13, 1695, at Roxborough, and d. when three weeks old

12 Magdalena LEVERING b. June 4, 1696, at Roxborough. She married William Tunes, alias Tennis. She died prior to May 10, 1736, as she is mentioned in the first will of her father, Wigard, as deceased. William TUNES b 2 Nov 1688 d 1748 His Father were Abraham TUNES (~1660-~1710) His Mother were Bathsheba Children of Magdelena and William were Samuel Tennis and John Tennis.

(II) Eberhard (Enert) LEVERING born about 1652, in Gemen, Germany, where he married in 1677, Mechtold, daughter of Gerhard Schmulling, and died there Sept. 5, 1711.

Eberhard Rosier Levering (Gerhard) b Abt 1652 d 5 Sep 1711 Gemen, Munster, Westphalia, Germany M�d 1677 Gemen, Munster, Westphalia, Germany to Mechtold Schmulling


1 Hermann Otto Levering b 1678 Gemen, Munster, Westphalia, Germany

2 Anna Magaretta Gerdrut Levering b 14 Apr 1680 Gemen, Munster, Westphalia, Germany

3 Rosier Wensall Levering b 19 Oct 1681 Gemen, Munster, Westphalia, Germany

4 William John Deitrich Levering b 12 Nov 1683 Gemen, Munster, Westphalia, Germany

5 Anna Elshen Levering b 12 Nov 1683 Gemen, Munster, Westphalia, Germany

6 Anna Sophia Levering b 24 Feb 1685/1686 Gemen, Munster, Westphalia, Germany

7 Gertrut Sibella Levering b 24 Feb 1685/1686 Gemen, Munster, Westphalia, Germany

8 Dietrich Arnholdt Levering b 26 Apr 1687 Gemen, Munster, Westphalia, Germany

9 Catarina Elizabeth Levering b 6 Feb 1688/1689 Gemen, Munster, Westphalia, Germany

William (ROSIER) b abt 1658 in Gemen, Germany. Where he married about 1678 Grete Nilant, who died. He married 2nd abt 1691 Maria Veits of Gemen. He died there January 3,1700.

William and Grete child:

1 Rosier Gerhard b 17 May 1688 in Gemen, Munster, Westphalia in Germany

William and Maria Children:

1 Elshen Christiana b 20 Jun 1692 in Gemen, Munster, Westphalia in Germany

2 William Dirich b 23 Jun 1693 in Gemen, Munster, Westphalia in Germany

3 Florentina Lizabeth 17 Mar 1694/5 in Gemen, Munster, Westphalia in Germany

4 Ian Daniel b 28 Oct 1696 in Gemen, Munster, Westphalia in Germany

5 Charlotte Weida b 21 Sep 1698 in Gemen, Munster, Westphalia in Germany


(VI)Gerhard (Garret) LEVERING born about 1660 in Gemen. He immigrated to America with his brother Wigard in 1685. He married Mary (???), after his arrival at Philadelphia. He died in Whitpain Township, Philad. County, Pa., after the year 1731. He married a Mary

Their children were: 1 Abraham Levering b Abt 1695 Roxborough, Philadelphia Co., PA; d 29 Jul 1730, Philadelphia Co., PA / Christ's Church Cemetery m�d Ann Randall His wife was Ann.

2 Henry Levering b Abt 1699 Roxborough, Philadelphia Co., PA; d Jan 1778 Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA Buried in Boehm's Church Cemetery

3 Jacob Levering b Abt 1701 Roxborough, Philadelphia Co., PA; d Aft 1793 ("Jacob Levering, farmer; no children; 100 acres; 50 cleared; 6 acres sowed to grain; 3 horses; 60 sheep; 3 cattle. His will, dated the 28th of January of that year, asserts that he was then "far advanced in age." It was proved August 1, 1793, in court at Norristown, -Montgomery County, having been organized nine years before. No transcript of deeds, wills, etc., were ever taken from Philadelphia to Norristown for recording there)

2. Daniel Levering b 2 Dec 1704 Roxborough, Philadelphia Co; d 12 Jun 1776, Whitpain Twp. Montgomery co. Pa. Occ: Smith, Farmer. 12 May 1735, Christ Church Philadelphia Pa. m'd Margaret BEAN b 23 May 1713 d 9 Jan 1778, Whitpain Twp. Montgomery co. Pa.

5 Magdalena (1708-) m Abraham b ? d Jul 1730 Burial: 29 Jul 1730, Christ Church Philadelphia Pa.

Next Gen:

Abraham Levering (Gerhard) b Abt 1695 Roxborough, Philadelphia Co., PA; d 29 Jul 1730, Philadelphia Co., PA / Christ's Church Cemetery; m�d Ann Randall


1 John Levering b 29 Sep 1720, Roxborough, Philadelphia Co., PA d 20 Jul 1721, Roxborough, Philadelphia Co., PA / Christ's Church Cemetery

2 Randle John Levering b 19 Oct 1722 Roxborough, Philadelphia Co., PA d 26 Nov 1723 Roxborough, Philadelphia Co., PA / Christ's Church Cemetery

3 Rev. John Levering b 11 Dec 1723 in Philadelphia Co., PA d 19 Aug 1764 in Mesopotamia, Jamaica; M�d Maria Susanna Bechtel on 19 May 1748 in Bethlehem, Northhampton Co., PA

2 Henry Levering (Gerhard) b Abt 1699 Roxborough, Philadelphia Co., PA; d Jan 1778 Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA Buried in Boehm's Church Cemetery. M�d Catharine

Children 1 Garrett Levering b in Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA

2 Mary Levering b in Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA

3 Barbara Levering b in Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA

4 Catharine Levering b in Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA m�d Mr Bower

Jacob Levering (Gerhard) b Abt 1701 Roxborough, Philadelphia Co., PA; d Aft 1793 m�d 28 Jan 1731/1732 Philadelphia Co., PA m�d Sinah Davis


Israel Levering b Abt 1733 in Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA d Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA

Daniel Levering (Gerhard) b 2 Dec 1704 Roxborough, Philadelphia Co., PA; d 12 Jun 1776 Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA Buried in Boehm's Church Cemetery m�d 12 May 1735 Philadelphia Co., PA Margaret Beane b 11 Mar 1713/1714 d 9 Jan 1778 Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA buried in Boehm's Church Cemetery


1 James Levering b 7 Apr 1737 in Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA d 26 Aug 1745 Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA

2 Henry Levering b 10 Jun 1738 in Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA d 26 Aug 1810 inBelfast Twp., Bedford Co., PA

3 Mary Levering b 2 Oct 1739 in Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA; M�d Stephen Bloom

4 Rebecca Levering b 20 Feb 1741/1742 in Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA M�d Andrew Morgan 6 Jerusha Levering b 21 Sep 1744 Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA d Nov 1745 Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA

7 Sebiah Levering b 8 Aug 1746 Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA d 1836 Whips Cove, Bedford Co., PA

8 Margaret Levering b Jan 1754 Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA M�d Alexander Hughes

9 Daniel Levering b 26 Dec 1755 Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA d 8 Nov 1760 Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA

Next Gen

John Levering (Abraham, Gerhard) 19 May 1748 Bethlehem, Northhampton Co., PA m�d Maria Susanna Bechtel b 22 Feb 1729/1730 Germantown, Philadelphia Co., PA d 10 Aug 1783 Island of St. John


1 John Levering b 16 Dec 1750 Bethlehem, Northhampton Co., PA d 20 Dec 1750 Bethlehem, Northhampton Co., PA

2 Anna Maria Levering b 7 Aug 1752 Nazareth, Northhampton Co., PA d 9 Jul 1797 Bethlehem, Northhampton Co., PA

3 Joseph Levering b 28 Mar 1755 Nazareth, Northhampton Co., PA d 6 Jun 1797 Nazareth, Northhampton Co., PA 4 Abraham Levering b 18 Sep 1757 Nazareth, Northhampton Co., PA d 17 Mar 1835 Bethlehem, Northhampton Co., PA

5 Anna Johanna Levering b 21 Dec 1759 Carmel, Island of Jamaica d 30 Aug 1822 Bethlehem, Northhampton Co., PA

6 Christian Levering b 23 May 1762 Bogue Estate, Jamaica d 2 Jul 1764 Mission Station, Mesopotamia, Jamaica

7 Elizabeth Levering b 19 May 1764 Mesopotamia, Jamaica d 1 Apr 1808 Bethlehem, Northhampton Co., PA

Garrett Levering (Henry, Gerhard) 23 Jan 1755 m�d Sibella Lentz


1 Daniel Levering b 1756 Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA d 5 Aug 1817 Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA Buried in Boehm's Church Cemetery

2 Mary Levering b 1758 Whitpain Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA M�d Mr Johnson

Henry Levering (Daniel, Gerhard) m�d Ann Wynn b 11 Mar 1743/1744; d 4 Jan 1822 Belfast Twp., Bedford Co., PA


1 Margaret Levering b 18 Sep 1762 d 1802 m�d Andrew Sams 5 Children

2 Daniel Levering b 3 Feb 1764 NJ d 31 Dec 1820 Owl Creek Valley, Knox Co., OH m�d Abt 1788 Bedford Co., PA to Mary Karney 8 Children

3 Elizabeth Levering b 3 Feb 1766 NJ d 15 Mar 1854 Morrow Co., OH M�d 15 Dec 1785 Francis Reynolds 12 Children

4John Levering b 1 Jan 1768 NJ d 17 Jan 1835 OH m�d Margaret Karney 8 Children

5 Mary Levering b 15 Jun 1771 NJ d 15 Oct 1831Morrow Co., OH m�d 29 Nov 1787 Bedford Co., PA to John Brewer

6 Sarah Levering b 3 Jul 1773 NJ d Bef 1785 NJ

7 Israel Levering b 5 Apr 1775 NJ d Bef 1785 NJ

8 Henry Levering b 3 Oct 1776 NJ d Bef 1785

9 Ann b 7 Jun 1778 NJ m.Christopher Brewer

10 William b. 19 May 1780 NJ d. 4 Sep 1864 m.Ruth Bryson b.11 Feb 1781 Valley Forge,PA d. Jul 1855 Owl Creek Valley, Knox Co.,OH

11 Ahholabameh b.7 Feb 1782 m. Peter Brewer

12 Susannah b. 14 May 1784 NJ d. 27 Nov 1858 Marion Co.,OH

13 Paul b.1786 Bedford Co.,PA d. 1786 Bedford Co.,PA

14 Rebecca b.16 Jan 1788 Bedford Co.,PA d. 10 Jun 1863 Fulton Co.,PA m. John Fisher Hill 10 May 1805 Bedford Co.,PA. Jojn Hill b.10 Jan 1787 Bethel Twp.,Fulton Co.,PA d. 10 Jun 1863.

Sebiah Levering (Daniel, Gerhard) m�d 6 Sep 1764 Philadelphia Co., PA Isaac Martin d Abt 1784 Whips Cove, Bedford Co., PA m�d 6 Sep 1764 Philadelphia Co., PA to Isaac Martin


1 Jacob Martin b Abt 1770 Whips Cove, Bedford Co., PA M�d Nancy Stolls 2 Children

2 Rachel Martin b Abt 1772 Whips Cove, Bedford Co., PA

3 Elizabeth Martin b 14 Dec 1774 Whips Cove, Bedford Co., PA d 30 Aug 1854 Belpre, Washington Co., OH M�d 9 Dec 1802 Whips Cove, Bedford Co., PA to Francis Wilkins 7 Children

4 Abner Martin b Abt 1777 Whips Cove, Bedford Co., PA m�d Nancy Morton 1 Children

5 Edith Martin b Abt 1779 Whips Cove, Bedford Co., PA m�d Elijah Morris 1 Children

I do have more on them email for PAF files.


Page 149

Mrs. Bessie a McCormick Snyder born in Gerradstown, W. VA. Wife of Daniel Webster Snyder Descendant of Wigard Levering. Wigard Levering, of Pennsylvania, a Huguenut refugree, took the Oath of Allegiance to William and Mary, 1691; landed proprietor, and founder of Roxborough, He died in Pennsylvania.


June 1836, By Rev. Wm. Chaffee, Richard METHEANY to Hester Ann LEVERING


April 1841, By Richard Metheany JP, Michael WAGNER to Hannah LEVERING

LAWRENCE COUNTY OHIO - Marriage Records 4/1817 - 7/1843 [Surname H-M]

Levering William to Margaret Hughes page 236

Excerpts pertaining to the ancestry of William Allen KIRK from the book: The LEVERING FAMILY; or, A GENEALOGICAL ACCOUNT ofWigard Levering and Gerhard Levering, Two of the Pioneer Settlers of ROXBOROUGH TOWNSHIP, Philadelphia County, (PENNSYLVANIA,)AND THEIR DESCENDANTS; AND AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING BRIEF SKETCHES OF ROXBOROUGH AND MANAYUNK.

KIRK Family of William Allen KIRK and Anna Rose VAN DYKE

Click here for LeveringII

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