"The Jolson Story"
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Larry Parks
Al goes home to see childhood sweetheart Ann (Jo-Caroll Dennison)
First big break opening nite at Winter Garden they want to cut Al's song!(Arthur Loft and Edward Keane)
With Manager Steve Martin (Wm Demarest) discussing doing Sunday Shows for Showbiz Folk to be able to see him.
Al Opens back in NewYork to find his Sweetheart married someone else
At a Sunday Show he sees Julie Benson(Evelyn Keyes) Sings April Showers. Al calls Julie from Calif.when she's perfoming in N.Y.
Al &Julie Perform together,Al pushing Julie into one movie after another
Al finally agrees to get off the 'crazy merry go round' build a house & retire
One night at a NiteClub the crowd yells for Al to get up & sing and Julie sees that's what he needs, and walks out of his life.
Julie builds her DreamHouse, Larry retires and tries to convince himself he's content....but....
More.. 'Jolson Story'   Pix Pg 2..
To..'Jolson Sings Again' pix... 1 & 2
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