Enablement 'Twas niggley, and the gliemy words Did wire and wamble in their rage. Polemic were the pens and swords And the sophomores' malaise. "Beware Enablement, young swag! Metaphores that ring, adverbs that flop! Avoid all puns, and do not brag Of obscure Aquinas' top!" He took his laptop in hand: Longtime elusive prose he sought-- So rested he in the BBC, And dozed awhile for nought. And, as in fitful dreams he slept, Enablement, of scope so vast Came flupping by the computers kept And murmured as it past. Verb noun! Verb noun! PgUp, PgDn! The keyboard went tapty-tup! He left it-unread, and to his bed He went staggering up. "And hast thou done Enablement? Come, to the bar! my sleepy dudes! Fetch him a beer, and whiskey too!" They globbered in their booze. 'Twas niggley, and the gliemy words Did wire and wamble in their rage. Polemic were the pens and swords And the sophomores' malaise. -Neil Swanson-Chrisman