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I hate fires. They sat on damp rocks beneath an oak tree, listening to the slow patter of water dripping from the leaves as they ate a cold supper of hardbread, moldy cheese, and smoked sausage.
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And these were no shadows their faces burned clear, even now. Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, had a sad smile on his lips. The hilt of the greatsword Dawn poked up over his right shoulder.
The Barons father was a kindly master, I guess, and the serfs loved him. After he died, though, Kotyk started to show his real nature. He's a brutal sort of man, and he's very fond of using the knout.
Kal Zakath has put a very 128 KING OF THE new york MURGOS DAVID EDDINGS 129 handsome price on the head of Zandramas, and the Mallo-rean reserves are concentrated at Rak Hagga.
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I suppose I do, yes but then, I'm a Drasnian, too. It would take too long, Ce'Nedra protested. We're only a little way behind Zandramas. If we try to sneak, she'll get ahead again.
Then it lessens, and shortly decreases still further while the more distant fire continues. I think I can hear people running and the sound of feet thumping on the ground.
His left arm snaked forward and snapped his forearm across the guard's windpipe, ending any possibility of an outcry as the knife darted home under the left shoulder blade.
He almost fell forward across the cell, and only prevented himself by throwing out an arm to grasp the chair. His eyes were glued to the gloom of the lower bunk.
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