Resume for Justin Alperto

Resume for Justin Alperto

Justin Alperto Resume

Email Me

Basic Information

Name: Justin Alperto

Address: 5500 St Louis Ave, Chicago, IL 60625

Phone: 773-837-9230

Educational Background

Bachelor of Science - Accounting (Expected graduation in May 2018)

Northeastern Illinois University

Chicago, Illinois

Job Experience

Marianos (Produce Clerk 2015-Present)


<Northeastern Homepage

<Northeastern College of Business

Technology Proficiency

Microsoft Word:Intermediate

Excel:Novice (limited experience)

Access:Novice (limited experience)

HTML:Fundamental Awareness (basic knowledge)

Background Information (languages, job types)

I am an Asian American (Filipino) born in Chicago, 23 years old. I have always loved working with numbers which is why I majored in Accounting. The only language that I understand and I am fully proficient in is English. However I can understand Tagalog and some Spanish. After graduation, the type of job that I would like to work in is in a accounting firm. The reason is because an accounting firm is a good place for newly college graduates to start off and gain experience. With the gained experience in the accounting field, I would then be able for more opportunities.

Personal Interests/Hobbies

Interests Hobbies
Accounting Spending time with family and friends
Operations management Playing and watching sports

Goals List

Short term

    1. Graduate in May of 2018

    2. Graduate with a 3.5+ GPA

    3. Find a job before graduation

      Long term

        1. Work in a accounting firm for two years

        2. Gain enough experience for another position

        3. CPA?