Jai Chavan's "Dance-Sport"

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Samba: Basic Step

Samba music has time signature of 2/4, which is exactly similar to 90%
of folk dance music through out the world. Also the pattern of "steps"
at its very basic is very similar to various folk dances the world over.

Here two counts are taken on each foot. On the first count step on to a foot and for the second count flex and straighten the knee of the same foot.

1. With both the feet together flex the knees for every count. Immediately straighten the knees after flexing using the natural reaction.

This reaction is similar as in a jump. After jumping when one is landing the knees bend to absorb the shock. And immediately the slight straightening of the knees occurs as a reaction. The count is when the knees are flexed.

2. Now transfer body weight from foot to foot after flexing the knee of a particular foot twice.

Thus if one is counting up to 4 only then: -
a) For 1 land on one foot, assuming it is the left foot for this exercise, and flexes the knee. Using the reaction start to straighten up.
b) For 2 flex the left knee and start to straighten up.
c) For 3 land on the right foot and flex the knee and start to straighten up.
d) For 4 flex the right knee and start to straighten up.

Always feel consciously the push against the floor acting from the ball of the foot, for every knee-straightening action.

3. Move about randomly while taking care to keep the both feet together as far as possible, although only one foot is on the floor. Keep the hips relaxed so they will swing naturally to the sides.

4. The better method of counting would be "1, &, 2, 3, &, 4" instead of "1, 2, 3, 4".

Thus the counts would sound as "1 and twoooo, 3 and fo ooor". The count of "and" is for the straightening. The extended sounds of the second digit compensates for the "and" which is for the straightening of the knee consecutively for the second time of the same foot.

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