Bar talk is cheap, on any subject. In the realm of limelight, fame and popularity, those that know don't talk, and those that talk don't know.

It is true that some martial styles have a longer time period for practicality, with different developement cycles. For some it is better get a 6 month training programm in boxing , or a 1- 2 year program in karate, so they do not get their tail whipped while training to a higher level. On the other hand, if one only practices what they are familiar with, they will never make a qualitative leap, when their new methods AND THINKING, mature martially. The developement cycles are: 3 years or more for Hsing Yi, and 5-10 years for internal Kung Fu, and 10 or more years for classically taught Tai Chi.

Traditional Northern Chinese Internal Martial Arts, emphasize ways of moving and thinking, that are not based on reaction, tit for tat, immediate cause and effect. Concepts that tancend the specific, are emphasized, so one is there, before the opponent moves. General Principles, araher than specific. Make a choice, chess or checkers: arithmetic or calculus, step theory, or a curve. The linear, bone based concepts in the external styles iof breaking and grapling, are also a reflection of the rigid thinking method the style is based upon.

In the internal, not only the physical moves are made to flow like water, but one's thinking should be like water: dynamicaly adapting, non-restrictive, redirecting, well-rounded/grounded and flowing.

One might intially pose the question, why should I waste time on something that is not practical shortly? It is sad, that the same person will end up practicing the same energy with only different moves for a lifetime.

A teacher can make all the difference in the world, as can one's relationship with their sifu. Any move must be practiced CORRECTLY for a minimum of 1,000 to 10,000 times, practicing incorrectly does not count.

Internal styles, without the developement of internal energy, might as well as be ballet, or aorobics. A well balanced school, will incorporate physical conditioning, meditation, Chi Kung (Qi Gong) and/or Nei Dan (Nei Gong).

Traditonal Tai Chi, use to reguire that one hold the embrace the moon postition for 1-2 hours flawlessly, before being shown any moving forms. How many American Schools could survive, if this maritally effectivef training method was the norm?

You get what you pay for.

Jade Dragon Alaska
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