Charles Atlas


What if you got your hands on ...
The Old-Time Book, In Two Volumes, That Helped Me Become a World Champion

In 1928 George F. Jowett, one of the strongest men who ever lived, wrote on the subject of Mind Power as it relates to fitness, health, wealth and strength. As you read his words for the first time, you will think to yourself, "He wrote this in 1928???"

Not only did he go from being a sick, weakly, near death child to a strongman - but it is said that he could grab a 165 pound anvil, by the horn, with one hand, and lift it off the ground and press it overhead.

Some of those I have talked to have said this is impossible. But in my talks with Vic Boff, who worked with Jowett for many years, and who personally knew all the old-time strongmen and fitness pioneers; including but not limited to The Mighty Atom (Boff traveled with Atom), Charles Atlas, Earle Liederman, Paul Bragg, Bernar MacFadden and Bob Hoffman - he said the following: "I remember going out to Jowett's home when he was an older man and far from being in shape compared to his younger years - and he lifted that anvil and pressed it overhead with ease."

Now think of this if you're still a skeptic: How is it that a little old lady, with no training, can command her muscles to lift a 6,000 pound car off someone who is pinned beneath it? How can she do that?

The Mighty Atom found the answer to this question - and he went on to do things that seem like a fairytale. Including pulling a row of cars down the street by his hair; pounding a nail into a piece of wood with a palm strike, then biting it out of the wood with his teeth, and ... biting harder still, snapping the nail in half (I actually have the video footage of him doing this).

I believe Jowett knew the answer as well. I believe he knew precisely how to channel his mind into his 520 "muscle slaves," and have them do what he desired. The key however, is not what The Mighty Atom could do, what Jowett could do, or what the little old lady could do. The key is "What Can You Do?" I found what I was capable of when reading

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