Jacks and Jennys

blue bar


January 2006
Jacks and Jennys Square Dance Club

Website Editor: Cassie
For more information
E-mail: Jacks & Jennys

Notes From Our
Last Meeting

Our Board met on January 9, 2006 at the home of our gracious hosts; Karl and Kay Yates. Fifteen Board members were present and our caller/cuer Jack and Jeanette Blood. Delicious snacks were served including, dips, chips, salsa, a variety of fruits and fabulous individual cherry tarts.

Discussion highlights from the meeting:

New Secretary Welcomed

In the absence of our President the meeting was called to order by the Presidents wife, Doris Monson. The first order of business for the board was to express it's graditude in welcoming our new Secretary, Sandy Hart. Sandy graciously agreed to step in to the position in mid-year. A long time club memeber she brings with her the skills and experience to perform the duties of Secretary. Welcome Sandy!

Vote of Confidence

The board unanimously extended a Vote of Confidence to our President Chuck Monson for his patience, understanding and professional handling of a very difficult issue facing the club. We applaud his conduct.

Officers Reports

In the absence of minutes prepared by our previous Secretary Sandy read the minutes prepared by Doris Monson from memory. They were approved as corrected to the best of every ones memory. However, on continuing to consider the minutes it came to me that another correction is necessary in those minutes. There was no time frame (not necessary until February) established by the President at the January meeting for the Nominating Committee as reported in the minutes. This may have been mistakenly added following personal discussion with a committee member who prefers to meet in February.

The Treasure's report was read and approved. Our Treasurer, Patty Combs has asked that when you pay at the door for a dance or lessons please bring the correct dollar amount if possible or a bill no larger then the next increment of the cost of the dance. It seems some of us have arrived with $50 and $100 bills to the dances. It is impossible for the club to make change for these big bills when the cost of the dance for a couple is either $8 or $10. Please be considerate.

Committee reports were given.

1) Sunshine

Aurilla asked that if anyone hears of an ill or injured member to please contact her as soon as possible in order that cards of inspiration can arrive in a timely manner to provide good thoughts and a cheerie message for those on the "get well soon" list. It was reported that Don Genest was injured in bizarre car accident on New Years eve caused when a woman ran her car through a store front where Don was shopping, injuring his leg and shoulder. We all wish him a speedy recovery. A long discussion by some members ensued who reported on the health of several individuals in our membership.

2) Travel

Karl reported that our visitation have all been quite successful. There were 33 members at our last visitation on December 30. There are three members who have attended all the visitations:
John and Phyllis Minor
Irvin and Virla Steffen
Jeanette Blood

Visitations support our caller, Jack and Jeanette Blood, and are appreciated by the club we visit. Well done!

Karl also reminded us how important it is to wear our badges and club outfits when we travel to another club.

Karl reported on his research for the Mystery Bus trip in the spring. The dates available were May 6, and May 13. A motion was made, seconded and passed for Karl to continue work on the Mystery Bus trip and try to reserve May 6th as the date. The cost will be about $50.00 per couple for the bus ticket and the dance. Participants are to provide for their own meals.

Footnotes and Web-site
I reported that the article for next month was sent to Genie Parill and the web-site is up to date. The Christmas greeting has been removed.

Area Council News

The Spokane Area Councel will be hosting the Square and Folk Dance Federation of Washington state meeting on January 13 & 14. Dancers from across the state will be joining us for a fun filled week-end of great dancing.

Friday night dance at the Western dance Center - 8:00 - 11:00pm New dancer level with MC's Jack Blood and Don Cochran. Also hosted by; Spokane Calers & Curers Association and Wag arounds. Donation: $5.00

Saturday night dance, also at the Western dance Center, begins with Plus at 7:00PM and Mainstream 8:00PM - 10:30PM. Callers: Bob Amsbury & Vern Boggs. Cuers: Claudia Amsbury and Kathy Boggs. Hosted by Spokane Area Council, Diamond Squares and Model T Squares. Donation: $5.00

Spokane Area Council will be hosting a dance on April 29 at the Western Dance Center.

Mark your calendars for the July 7, 8, and 9 for the 38th Annual Square Dance Leadership Seminar. This years seminar will be held at the Chelan County Fairgrounds, Cashmere, Washington. The featuredCaller/Speaker is John Corrigan, Delta B.C. and the featured Cuer John Downing, Newport WA. The fee's are $12.50 per person or $25.00 per couple/family. For more information email: [email protected]

Federation dues is due no later then May 31.

The State Federation is also looking for a new editor for the Footnotes. Margaret has decided she would like to retire soon and the search is activly on for her replacement. Margaret Miller has been the editor for the past 4 years and has done a terrific job of coorordinating clubs news from across the state. If you are interested in applying for the position this is the week-end. Let your State represenative know or speak to one of the State officers this week-end at the meeting.

Puttin' On The Ritz
State Festival

There are presently 445 people registered for the State Festival. Of those 225 are from the Spokane area. If you have not registered please register as soon as possible. The estimated cost for this event is $15,500. Your support is needed and appreciated. See you there!

Speaking of the State Festival next week-end we are all asked to wear Black and White to the dance in support of the Festival. Jack Blood and Don Cochran will be calling. Bring extra finger food.

February 24th through the 25th.

Craig Abercrombie, from the Portland Oregon area will be calling at the NSDA hall. This will be a fun week-end!

And the dancing continues!

Don't fret if that friend of yours was unable to begin Square Dance lessons in September as new classes begin on January 19, 2006! Every Thursday night the Jacks & Jennys present Square and Round dance lessons. Square Dance lessons are scheduled from 7:00-8:30 and without a break we move right into round dance lessons from 8:30-10:00. Round dance lesson will continue with those who have been taking lessons since the fall. No new class is scheduled until next fall.


And the rain fell, and fell and fell, but not one dancer was detered nor built an ark.

A Gentle Reminder: Hall Clean-up

Our participation as members of the Club often includes the dirty work as well as the fun. It is appropriate that each member shares in the responsibility of both, fun and work. Some times it appears that the same people do the "dirty work" at every dance and do not have time to instruct or guide a willing volunteer. Don't be fooled, there is no boss and all hands are welcome and appreciated. We don't want anyone to feel put upon to always do the clean up as the rest of us wave good night. Make yourself available to help and everyone will get to go home sooner. If you don't know what to do ask Jeanette or Patty what they would like you to do, like it or not they seem to be the clean up guides. As a member of the club you have a responsibility to stay at the hall until it is ready and presentable for the next clubs lessons or dance. Please remember that as a club member you are a standing member on the clean up committee.

Please do your part. Thank you.

Our theme dances!

Find those poodle skirts and
Twist back into the 50's

Cupid special
the Valentines day dance.

'Tis shamrock time and a bit of the green
St. Patrick’s dance.

J & J's Anniversary, Golden Garter Dance

Hula on over to our Hawaiian Dance

June - July Dark


Now don't be shy, we know you are creative and we need you! Volunteers are welcome to sign up for our dance decorating committee. To lend your talent, call Chuck Monson.

Where is our Caller?

Jack and Jeannette will at the Western Dance Center, WDA, on January 14 and 28, 2006 at 7:30PM. On January 14, the Spokane Area Council has asked that everyone dress in black and white to promote this years state festival in Spokane. January 28, is a club visitatiion, please remember we wear our club outfits and our badges to all visitations. If you car pool, please remember to share in the cost of gas.

Visitation Calendar

Sat. Jan. 28, Star Shooters

Sat. Feb 4, Wild Rose Ramblers

Fri. Feb. 24, Hits N Misses

Fri. Mar. 17, Shirts & Skirts

Fri. Mar 24, River City Steppers

** Sat. Apr 1, Coeurly Q's

** Fri. Apr 21, Dancing Shadows

** Jack is calling these dances. He will also call the April 22 dance for The Frolickers.

*Board Meeting:

John and Phyllis Miner will host the next board meeting on February 13, 2006. John and Phyllis will be hosting for the second time this year and it was decided that board members would bring the snacks. Please bring your favorite snacks. Check your directory for the address.


An educational series will be presented over the next 12 months for the good of the order. The series will begin with the basics, the Constitution and By-Laws. We will look at the value of proper proceedure in relatonship to the legal status of non-profit organizations. The series will begin with basic fundamentals designed for the new-comer, and as review for the veteran club member to understand appropriate parlimentary proceedure that protects our club and affords a fair and precise platform for everyone to be heard, at the proper time in the proper context.


The Constitution of an organization contains the fundamental principles which govern its operation. The By-laws establish the specific rules of guidance by which the group is to function. All but the most informal groups should have their basic structure and methods of operation in writing.

Why have a Constitution?

By definition an organization is a “body of persons organized for some specific purpose, as a club, union, or society”. The process of writing a constitution will serve to clarify your purpose, delineate your basic structure and provide the cornerstone for building an effective group. It will also allow members and potential members to have a better understanding of what the organization is all about and how it functions.

What should be covered by a Constitution?

The following is an outline of the standard information to be included in a Constitution. The objective is to draft a document that covers these topics in a simple, clear and concise manner.

Article I The name of the organization

Article II Affiliation with other groups (local, state, national, etc.)

Article III Purpose, aims, functions of the organization

Article IV Membership requirements and limitations

Article V Officers (titles, term of office, how and when elected)

Article VI Advisor (term of service, how selected)

Article VII Meeting (frequency, special meetings and who calls them)

Article VIII Quorum (number of members required to transact business)

Article IX Referendum and Recall (procedures and handling)

Article X Amendments (means of adopting, notification and voting requirement)

Article XI Ratification (requirement for adopting this constitution)

Why Have By-Laws?

The Constitution covers the fundamental principle but does not prescribe specific procedures for operating your organization. By-Laws, set forth in details the procedures a group must follow to conduct business in an orderly manner. They provide further definition to the Article of the Constitution and can be changed more easily as the needs of the organization change. By-Laws should be clearly written and not open to individual interpretation. If By-Laws are ambiguous it leaves the business of the club in a tenious situation dependent on individual interpretation.

What should be included in the By-Laws?

By-laws must not contradict provision in the Constitution. They generally contain specific information on the following topics:

A. Membership (selection requirements, resignations, expulsion, right and duties)
B. Dues (amount and collection procedures, any special fees, when payable)
C. Duties of Officers (powers, responsibilities, specific job description, procedures for filling unexpired term of office, removal from office)
D. Executive Board (structure, composition, power)
E. Committees (standing agenda for conducting meeting)
G. Parliamentary Authority (provision for rules of order, generally Roberts Rules of Order -Newly Revised)
H. Amendment Procedures (means of proposals, notification and voting requirements)
I. Other specific policies and procedures unique to your organization and necessary for its operation.

Once we’ve got them — what do we do with them?

Remember the reason for having a Constitution and By-Laws. They articulate the purpose of your organization and spell out procedures to be followed for its orderly functioning.

Constitutions usually require a 2/3 vote of the membership for adoption. By-Laws only require a simple majority for passage. Once you have developed your Constitution and By-Laws, review them often. The needs of your group will change over time and it’s important that the Constitution and By-Laws are kept up to date to reflect the current state of affairs.

Make sure every new member of the organization has a copy of them. This will help unify your members by informing them about the opportunities that exist for participation and the procedures they should follow to be an active, contributing member. A thorough study of the Constitution and By-Laws should be a part of officer training and transition.

Next month I will continue this series in a discussion on the boards responsibility in guiding the membership into a functional healthy club.
Excerpted from the Organization Development Center, University of Michigan.

The Presidents Corner

In the beautiful Northwest

Our President, Chuck Monson will return from a business trip in the next few days. Watch for his coming article.


Chuck Monson

To contact our President email Chuck

Yummmmm ... Pie and Ice Cream Dance

Get out that Poodle skit! January 19, 2006 is the Jacks & Jennys retro dance! It's the 50's Ice Cream dance. We will be serving our members homemade pies ala mode. It is also our "Canned Food Drive." Guest are asked to bring canned food in place of finger food. Plus begins at 7:30PM and mainstream at 8:00PM.

Did You Miss It? This is what has already happened.

We had a great Christmas dinner/dance. Eileen Kirby needs to be commended for handling of the dinner. She did an outstanding job! Jack did a fantastic job with the White Elephant auction! He made it great fun and brought in nearly $300.00.

If you were not there this year, don't miss it next year. It is just simply too much fun to miss.

Help Promote Dance Lessons

Be an Angel every Thursday night!

Let the Classes begin!

New classes begin on Thursday January 19th, at 7:00PM !

Bring your friends, neighbors, relatives and your smiles and Angel for a while!

Our Volunteers

Greeters: Karl & Kay Yates

Kitchen:Aurilla Falmo, Mabel Horrocks and Joyce Price

Thank you:Jerry Hawkins

Decorations: Everyone

January Birthdays:

Sharon DeMills, January 19,

Breanna Dutcher, January 25,

Maggie Forwood, January 28

Christine Knapp, January 10,

Ken Sutton January 18,

January Anniversaries:

Rich & Freida Leondardt, January 16, 1984

Harold & Georgia Olsen, January 27, 1989

A gentle reminder

Our monthly reminder of expected behavior of club members at all dances and especially as Angels at our lessons.

Remember that as members of the club each of us represents the club as it's ambassador. As ambassadors we must remember to be gracious, kind, and appropriate in speech, dress and behavior.

Inappropriate behavior cannot and will not be tolerated.

Square Dance Ettiquite

Standing Rules for Square Dancing

Editor’s Note: The following rules were adopted by NSDA and pretain to members of the clubs that dance at the NSDA hall.

1. Dress Code:

In the tradition and courtesy of square, round and folk dancing, the folloing shall be observed for all dances, excluding lessons.

A: Ladies: Skirts and blouses, or dresses. Traditioal short or prairie skirts allowed.

B: Gentlemen: Long-sleeved shirts and trousers. NO HATS

C: SPECIAL theme dances are an exception, such as costume, summer with short-sleeved shirts for men, etc..

D: NO bare feet. No Footwear with cleats or taps.In keeping with the fact that clogging is a part of the Federation program, cloggers with taps should be allowed in the hall.

2. Licensing: It shall be the responsibility of each dance club, group or organization to ensure that their caller/cuer is BMI/ASCAP licensed.

3. Safety and Comfort of the Dancers: Any activity deemed harmful to the dance floor is unacceptable, i.e, food and/or drink, open flame, and cleats. Smoking shall NOT be allowed in the NSDA hall.

4. Special Activities: Any activity deemed by the Program Chairman to be harmful to the dance floor will not be allowed.

5. Occupancy Priority: It is understood that the Charter Member Clubs shall have first choice of occupancy of the NSDA hall.

More discussion on personal and club


Did You Know

On April 17, 1979, the square dance became the official Washington state dance.

A few notes regarding Club organization.

"Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty," said General Henry M. Robert, and his gift of order is as indispensable now as it was a century ago.

The National Association of Parliamentarians and the American Institute of Parliamentarians only recognize one book as the current official parliamentary authority: Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised.

Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR) is the only authorized parliamentary procedure guide.

Originally published as a slim document in 1876, General Henry M. Robert's classic guide to smooth, orderly, and fairly conducted meetings has sold close to five million copies in nine editions. The only book containing the completely developed Robert's Rules of Order subject matter. It is the gold standard of meeting procedure for parliamentarians and novice club presidents and members alike. The best book from which to learn all about running and taking an effective part in meetings.

Use of Semi-Formal Parliamentary Procedure to Conduct a Meeting

Order of Business

All meetings should maintain an "order of business." As you attend Jacks and Jennys meetings you will note that our President follows an "Order of Business" similar to the one listed below. If you are an officer or committee chair please come to the meeting prepared to present your report on your committees activities including any requests you may have to conduct the business of your committee or for any additional support if required by your committee.

Call To Order
Roll Call
Reading and approval of minutes
President's Report
1st Vice President's Report
Secretary's Report
Treasurer's Report
Other Officer Reports
Committee Reports
Old Business--vote on business discussed and/or motioned at previous meeting
New Business--new motions only!

Making Motions

Motions are made only during new business.
Motions are made in the form: "I move that..."
All motions must be seconded.
After a motion is made and seconded, the President will call for discussion on the motion.
Discussion may be limited by a motion.
Discussion may be ended by calling the question.

Parliamentary procedure is used to give order to a meeting and ensure continuity. A group may delete parts mentioned above or use a more formal process in conducting meetings.


By observing a few rules, club meetings will move like clock-work. Here are a few things that will help you with parliamentary procedure in your club.

To call the meeting to order the president stands, raps once on the table, and then says, “The meeting will please come to order.”

To call the roll

The president, still standing, says, “Will the secretary please call the roll.”

Then the president is seated. The secretary may or may not rise as the roll is called.

Reading and approving the minutes:

The president, standing, says, “Will the secretary please read the minutes of the preceding meeting.” The president is seated and the secretary stands while reading the minutes. After the minutes are read, the president will say, “Are there any corrections to the minutes?” After a pause, he/she then continues, “If not, the minutes stand approved as read.”

Any corrections,are made before the minutes are approved.

Reports of officers and committees:

It is not expected that every officer and committee will have a report, nor is it always necessary to call the names of all committees. To get these reports, the president should say, “We will now have the reports of officers (or committees).” Then the president calls the names of the officers first, followed by the committees.

The same proceedure is followed for committee reports.

Unfinished business

Unfinished business is any item not completed at the last meeting and pending in the secretary’s minutes. The president will call for these motions by saying, “Mr. (or Madam) Secretary, is there any unfinished business?

New business:

After all postponed business has been taken care of, the president calls for new business by saying, “Is there any new business?”

After New business is completed the president will ask for announcements. When announcements are completed the president then will entertain a motion to adjourn.


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Jacks and Jennys, Dance Club
All rights reserved. 2005


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