an investigation into the meaning and functions of the goddess Menerva in the Etruscan and Italic world

by Thanchvil Cilnei


Before one can investigate the meaning and functions of the Etruscan-Italic goddess Menerva, next to the study of archaeological, epigraphical and literal data, a number of questions will have to be asked to form the starting point of our scientific investigation. Important questions are:

1. Is Menerva of Etruscan or Italic origin? This question will have to be answered from an investigation into the name Menerva: are there or are there not Indo-European stems in this name?

2. Where was Menerva worshipped and in which period? In which way was Menerva worshipped at the various cult places?

3. Is there a moment that can be pointed out as the first one for the goddess Menerva to appear chronologically in Etruria/Italy?

4. In which way and in which mythological/non-mythological way has Menerva been depicted? Is her function in mythological/non-mythological scenes the same as the function she had in her cult-places?

5. Can a meaning or function of the goddess be derived from (votive-)inscriptions and if so, which one?

6. What is the meaning of the goddess Menerva in ancient literature? In other words, are there any literal testimonia about the goddess and how is she described there (which function(s) of the goddess is/are depicted there)?

7. Can the Etruscan-Italic Menerva have been of influence to the Roman Minerva? In other words: is it possible to trace an influence of Etruscan culture with in the development of the depiction of the Roman Minerva?

In a first investigation into the meaning and function of the goddess Menerva, these aspects (meaning and function) mainly coincide with aspects of this kind concearning the goddess Minerva in Rome/Latium and the goddess Athena in Greece. Nevertheless, the goddess Menerva has her own aspects in her cult, as it has been performed in Etruria and its territory and in the way she has been depicted by the Etruscans. These aspects have been the subject in various books and articles dealing with Etruscan and Italic religion. A total view of the study of Menerva's meaning and function in the Etruscan and Italic world can give a better knowledge of the goddess.

The catalog will consist of:

1. The Cult Places of Menerva:

I. Testimonia of Menerva's cult in Etruria

II. Testimonia of Menerva's cult in Latium

III. Testimonia of Menerva's cult in Southern Italy

2. The epigraphical testimonia of Menerva

3. Iconographical depictions of Menerva with inscription(s):

I. Menerva on Etruscan mirrors

II. Menerva on Praenestine cists

III. Menerva on a terracotta antefix from Bolsena

4. Literal testimonia in relation to the meaning and function of Menerva

5. Opinions regarding the meaning and function of Menerva in the Etruscan-Italic world up to this day.

6. Evaluation

7. Conclusion

8. Notes and literature

The thesis consisted of 121 pages and a separate volume of pictures. It will take some time to render all the scientific material into articles. Nevertheless, I do hope that the work I have done will be published in an acceptable way through the medium of the Ancient Vine and the Caere Site on the Internet and that it will provide some more insight into Etrusco-Italic religion.



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