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Few folks realize that along with SHAFT, SUPERFLY, COFFY, and CLEOPATRA JONES, one of the great pieces of BLAXPLOTATION entertainment was the 1977 Jack Chick tract SOUL STORY.� Yep, you heard me right! In this great comic, Chick gets in touch with his black roots and tells a story of being saved from an African American perspective in a BAAAADASSS fashion that hasn't been seen again since PENITENTIARY 2.� So without further delay, let's enjoy SOUL STORY...SUCKA!

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From the look of this warden's face CODE BLUE must mean he's extremely constipated.�� Something about that riot is phony, indeed.� If you look carefully, you'll see the inmates are stomping their foot before they punch each other for dramatic effect. Pretty good paramedic, too...just runs out with a stethoscope and bitches about them finding out Jackson was a "snitch."� Must be an HMO.

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So far the characters are named LEROY and JACKSON.� Looks like Chick boned up on his black culture by watching an all-night GOODTIMES marathon.� I love his grandma, "Got whey they call CANCER!".�� There's a missing panel when she asks for a Kleenex cause, "I got what they call A COLD!".� Boy, Leroy sure keeps those guards terrorized with comments like, "YOU WHITE @*!!!"� With a mouth like that you'd think he grew up with Q*Bert.� Actually that last panel looks a bit like a scene from THE GREEN MILE.�� Maybe Leroy's just concerned about the guard's bad prostate.

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Wow...he's not just Leroy, he's LEROY BROWN.� He's the baddest man in the whole damn town!�� Badder than old KING KONG and meaner than a JUNK YARD DOG! (Sorry, couldn't resist).� Anyway, it's nice to see The Supreme Court has added the case of Leroy Brown to their busy schedule.� If you look carefullly, you'll see Leroy's little brother is apparently a member of the deadly Fat Albert Gang.

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I've seen crazy pimp outfits before, but nothing like this get-up!� Looks like a transporter beam mishap with a Pirate, Superfly, a Pilgrim and a Leprechaun.� He's a fancy lad!� But if you can bust a door off its hinges with one hand, I suppose you're entitled to wear what you please.�� By the way, get a load of how long Leroy's left arm is.� Did he turn in to Plastic Man while he was in jail?� It's no wonder why people are willing to follow Leroy, with such intimidating insults as "YOU STUPID JIVE TURKEY!" He's certainly a ladies man, though.� Just seconds after beating up RD (nice touch of him spitting his teeth out), Gloria's practically mounting him where he stands.

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Hey look!� It's Jimmie Walker! DYN-O-MITE!� Leroy's ended up with with a pretty swank office.� With all those curtains and tassles, it makes you wonder if he set up shop at the Victoria's Secret at the mall.� And what's up with that last panel?� She calls him "son", but he's calling her "Grandma".� I didn't know this comic was set in Tennessee.

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I've not been to many funerals, but I've never known them to be held at nighttime in the middle of the rainstorm.� The only time you go to a graveyard in that kind of weather is if you need to put an iron stake in Jason's heart to kill him once and for all.� Pretty convenient to have the burial just 5 feet from a busy highway, though...makes those drive by shootings so much effective.

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"BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA?"�� Is this a Jack Chick comic or SGT. FURY AND HIS HOWLING COMMANDOS?�� Boy, that Leroy's a real piece of work, eh?� Just moments after his girlfriend is killed, he's havin a smoke in the morgue and picking up on her sister.� Dont' hate the playa, just hate the game.

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OK...the weird sexual overtones in this comic are just getting creepier.� Not only does his grandma call him "son", but when he meets a new hot chick, he can't help but think how much she reminds him of her!� When Leroy tells her, "Maybe I could cross over", I thought he was talking about recording a country music song.�

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By the way, looks like Samuel L. Jackson would be a dead ringer for ol' Leroy Brown in the film version of SOUL STORY.

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You have to admit this is a pretty action!� If you didn't know any better you'd think this was an old Luke Cage comic.�� SWEET CHRISTMAS!� I'm surprised Chick failed to mention that the "KAVOOM!" sound effect was from the Revelations 30:14.

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Jeez, you'd think she could have made a quick call to 911 before testifying to Leroy, just in case.� I mean, the man just survived getting shotup with a ton of bullets, and a huge-ass gernade blast, and then walked out and drove to her house.� I'd figure he would last another 30 minutes at least.� And who the heck talks like that anyway.� In her last words, she's speaking in parentheses and even tells him the passage of The Bible the quote is from, just in case he wants to look it up himself.� The original version of this comic had Leroy saying, "Listen bitch..enough of the god-talk, just give me a fucking band-aid!

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You know, with that 1st panel perspective hapenning outside of her apartment, and Leroy making that "UNGHHHH!" sound, you really wonder what's actually going on in there.� Well Leroy Brown made it just in time.� He may have thought he was the baddest man in town, but it just goes to show you that if you're a mnurderous pimp gangleader, you can put off salvation until 3 seconds before you die, and everything's going to be allright.

Man, that Jesus is one baaaaaaaad mutha-


Hey, I'm just talkin' bout Christ! �


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