Drakar Darinn
Ood Bnar
Originated from Corellian. His father was being hunted by a Davorean freak and therefore, Ood Bnar immigrated to Naboo at the age of 16. He had to grow up with his uncle. His uncle had love for the nearly defeated empire and ordered Ood to join the underground Imperial Academy. While being recruited, he turned out to be one of the best starship pilots in the entire fleet. Ofcourse the Academy had learned it's lesson and had Ood kicked out of the course. His uncle didn't allow him to come home as he was dissapointed in him. Ood Bnar eventually ran of to Coruscant. At the age of 17 he discovered the Force, being unable to control it, he nearly killed someone. He had a taste of the dark side but seeked help immediatly.
He went to the Jedi council and asked to be trained. They disaggreed and Ood Bnar, still confused about his alignment went to Ogii and encountered a fully trained master Gruusk on a mission. The master felt that the boy would become a great Jedi and trained him. At the age of 34 Ood Bnar finally constructed his first lightsaber. It was an elegant weapon with the hilt designed by his master. His final test was given at the age of 35, Ood needed to mislead the pilot of a Republic cruiser. So said so done, and his mission succeeded, mind tricking the pilot to fly into a black hole and escaping narrowly, he is still being respected for his hero�c test. Ood Bnar a fierce Jedi now, joined the Jabba Jedi Mercenaries and is a worthy saberopponent. Using his basic forces very wisely he is not to be underestimated at all.
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