photo board (activity) on bedroom 2 south wall

getting dressed

sleeping in bed

getting undressed

watching television on bed

female masturbating

making the bed

zoom back to BEDROOM 2 SOUTH WALL

Practical, down to earth meanings

In our bedroom we might relax (e.g. listen to our music, watch our personal T.V, look at our family photos etc), do domestic chores, (such as make the bed), etc, rest, sleep, perhaps dream, masturbate, etc
These are appropriate activities for this place, and the child should be taught these things. So, for example, if the careworker finds Jimmy playing with himself in the lounge, a fairly public place, he will suggest he adjourn to his bedroom if he wants 'to do that!"
These activities, or the least offensive ones, will be pictured in the activity photo board for this person's bedroom
The more conscious and literal meaning of the room derives from the objects in the room and what may be and what are usually done with these things.
Obviously if the child points to a photo of some particular activity it means that he wishes to do that activity, on the simplest interpretation

More remote, 'abstract', 'psychoanalytic' meanings

Beyond this might be broader meanings e.g. the bed might be seen as a symbol of the mother, in whose arms we often slept as a baby, as detailed elsewhere, and this meaning generalises to the room in which the object is kept.

We shall assume that bedroom 2 is a girl's bedroom

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t.r.a. - p.c.s.

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