Atari BASIC & OSS BASIC XL/XE Errors 1 OSS: BREAK key pressed 2 Memory full: Insufficient memory for a statement, variable, or DIM 3 A value is outside its expected range 4 Too many variables: more than 128 variables have been defined 5 A string exceeded its dimensioned length 6 Out of DATA: a READ occurred for which there was no DATA 7 A value is not a positive integer or exceeds 32767 8 INPUT or READ type mismatch 9 DIM error 10 Too many nested GOSUBS -- Argument stack overflow 10 OSS: Expression too complex 11 Floating point overflow/underflow error 12 Line not found: referenced line number does not exist 13 NEXT with no corresponding FOR 14 Statement is too long or to complex 15 NEXT or RETURN refers to deleted FOR or GOSUB 16 RETURN with no corresponding GOSUB 17 Bad line -- Invalid instruction or address encountered 18 String begins with an invalid value, or VAL string is not numeric 19 Insufficient memory to LOAD program 20 Invalid device number 21 Attempted to LOAD a non-LOAD file 22 OSS: USING string too big 23 OSS: USING value too big 24 OSS: USING type mismatch 25 OSS: RGET DIM mismatch 26 OSS: RGET type mismatch 28 OSS: Invalid structure 29 OSS: P/M # out of range 30 OSS: P/M Graphics not active 32 OSS: End of ENTER 34 OSS: Can't NUM/RENUM: parameter is 0 35 OSS: Can't NUM/RENUM: exceeded maximum line # (32767) 40 OSS: String type mismatch 65 BXE: EXTENDed memory not available 100 BXE: Command requires disk extensions Microsoft BASIC II Errors 1 NEXT without FOR 2 Syntax error 3 RETURN without GOSUB 4 Out of DATA 5 Function call error 6 Overflow 7 Out of memory 8 Undefined line 9 Subscript out of range 10 Redimension error 11 Division by zero 12 Illegal direct 13 Type mismatch 14 File I/O error 15 Quantity too big 16 Formula too complex 17 Can't continue 18 Undefined user function 19 No RESUME 20 RESUME without error 21 FOR without NEXT 22 LOCK error 23 Time error ACTION! Errors 0 Out of system memory 1 Missing double quote in string 2 Nested DEFINEs 3 Global variable symbol table full 4 Local variable symbol table full 5 SET directive syntax error 6 Declaration error 7 Invalid argument list 8 Variable not declared 9 Not a constant 10 Illegal assignment 11 Unknown error 12 Missing THEN 13 Missing FI 14 Out of code space 15 Missing DO 16 Missing TO 17 Bad expression format 18 Unmatched parentheses 19 Missing OD 20 Can't allocate memory 21 Illegal array reference 22 Input file too large 23 Illegal conditional expression 24 Illegal FOR syntax 25 Illegal EXIT: no DO - OD loop to EXIT out of 26 Nesting too deep (16 levels max) 27 Illegal TYPE syntax 28 Illegal RETURN 61 Out of symbol table space Atari Assembler Cartridge Errors 1 Insufficient memory for assembly 2 The number xx cannot be found for the "DEL xx,yy" command 3 Error in specifying an address in mini-assembler 4 File cannot be loaded 5 Undefined reference label 6 Syntax error in a statement 7 Label defined more than once 8 Buffer overflow 9 No label given before "=". 10 Byte expression is greater than 255 11 Null string used where invalid 12 Address or address type specified is incorrect 13 Phase error: inconsistent result found from pass 1 to pass 2 14 Undefined forward reference 15 Line too large 16 Source statement not recognized by assembler 17 Line number too large 18 LOMEM command attempted after other commands/instructions 19 No starting address given MAC/65 Errors 1 Memory Full 2 Invalid delete 3 Branch too far 4 Expression for immediate or indirect addressing is greater than 255 5 Undefined label encountered 6 Expression too complex for assembler 7 Duplicate label name 8 Editor syntax buffer overflow -- line too long 9 Extra .ELSE or .ENDIF 10 Byte expression exceeded 255 11 Conditionals nested too far (14 levels max) 12 Nested macro definition or missing .ENDM 13 Phase error: pass 2 and pass 1 addresses don't match 14 Program counter was forward referenced 15 Editor syntax overflow -- line too complex for editor 16 Duplicate macro name 17 Line number greater than 65535 18 Missing .ENDM -- EOF encountered before .ENDM 19 No origin address given 20 NUM/REN generated line number greater than 65535 21 Included file contained an .INCLUDE directive 22 List output buffer exceeded 255 characters 23 File was not created with SAVE command 24 Load file cannot fit in memory 25 File is not in a valid binary format 27 Invalid .SET 30 Undefined macro 31 Macros nested too far (14 levels max) 32 Macro referenced nonexistent parameter DOS or other Operating System Errors 3 MyDOS: Last byte of file read, next read will return EOF 128 BREAK occurred during I/O 129 IOCB already open 130 Specified device does not exist 131 Attempted to read a write-only device 132 Invalid I/O command 133 File or device is not open 134 Invalid IOCB number 135 Attempted to write to a read-only device 136 End of file 137 Truncated Record: tried to read a record longer than allowed 138 Device Timeout: Device did not respond to I/O commands 139 Device NAK: I/O error or faulty device 140 Serial bus input framing error 141 Cursor exceeded range of graphics mode 142 Serial bus data frame overrun 143 Serial bus data frame checksum error 144 Device done error, bad sector, or write-protected disk 145 Read after write compare error 146 Function not implemented in handler 147 Insufficient memory for selected graphics mode 148 Sparta: Unrecognized disk format 149 Sparta: Disk not SpartaDOS version 2.x 150 Sparta: Directory not found 151 Sparta: File exists, may not replace or delete 152 Sparta: Not a binary file 154 SDX: Loader symbol not defined/driver not loaded 156 SDX: Bad parameter 158 SDX: Out of memory 160 Invalid unit/drive number 161 Too many files are open 162 Disk full 163 Atari DOS: Unrecoverable system data I/O error 163 MyDOS: Write protected or system error, disk not readable 163 Sparta: Illegal wild card in filename 164 File number mismatch 164 Sparta: File is erase-protected 165 Invalid filename 166 Invalid POINT request 167 File locked/protected 167 Sparta: Cannot delete directory 168 Invalid or privileged device command 169 Directory full 169 Sparta: Disk is write-locked 170 File not found 171 POINT invalid or IOCB not open 172 SmartDOS: Illegal append 172 MyDOS: File/directory name exists in parent directory 173 Bad disk or drive, cannot format 174 MyDOS: Directory not in parent directory 175 MyDOS: Directory not empty, cannot delete 180 MyDOS: Not a binary file 181 MyDOS: Invalid Address range for loading binary file