My Adopted

Isn't she cute???
Isn't Asuka (NGE) prettiful?? ^_^
Ahhhhhh!! I'm the first to catch Yamato's voice actor!! Kwaaaaa!!!
My baby!! I love Yamato.  My favourite all time character!!!
Oh. My. God.  I love this kid.  This Li kid! ^^;
Why are guys with swords sooooo hot? And Van's got wings!!!!!
*screams* Eric!! Eric!! Eric!!  Not only is Trunks hot, so is his VA!!!!
Gourry is sooo stupid.  But when he's serious like this, he's sooooo sexy... *drewls*
He's just a cutie!! No seriously. :D
GOHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *glomps*
He's my fave male character in NGE.  He's not a frickin' wimp!!!!