Matt's Quotes

Ok ok so they aren't ALL Matt quotes, but some are really funny and some are really sad. The quotes I picked or the ones I chose to be ont he front page will be posted here!! Date it was taken off:

Nov. 25, 2000 "Lets go get that evil cute guy!" --- Yolei

Nov. 26, 2000 "Why do evil geniuses have to be so evil?" --- Cody /Iori

Nov. 28, 2000 "This place looks like a land of fire! Like from that movie, Land of Fire!" --- T.K.

Dec. 1, 2000 "Digmon, the drill of knowledge! It was really power but I made me sound smart!" --- Digmon

Dec. 3, 2000 "I wanna see a little get up and Gomamon!" --- Gomamon to Joe

Dec. 6, 2000 "Tai was acting like a big brother a lot better than I was.." --- Matt

Dec. 8, 2000 "*Sympathetic* Oh Matt... *Sees black thing and gasps* Oh MATT!!!" --- Gabumon

Dec. 12, 2000 "They don't need me, and besides, 7 is a lot luckier number than 8..." --- Matt

Dec. 14, 2000 "I never let anyone get close to me before..." --- Matt

Dec. 17, 2000 "I'd never let anyone see me cry, but all I wanted to do was cry. (Gabumon) Then cry. I hate being alone!" --- Matt

Dec. 23, 2000 "A handshake makes it official! (Gabumon) Will a pawshake do?" --- Matt

Dec. 26, 2000 "(TK) Hey that sounds like Matt! (Matt) It sure does!" --- Matt

Dec. 28, 2000 "(TK) Gee Matt, you look different. Did you cut your hair or something? No, I just haven't been using as much gel." --- Matt

Dec. 31, 2000 "Are you alright Joe? Ya, fortunately I landed on the one part of my body that has a built in airbag.(Joe) Very funny." --- Matt

Jan. 6, 2001 "I blew it!" --- Matt

Jan. 16, 2001 "*Tired as hell* I got him right where I want him. He's exhausted! *Collapses from exhaustion*" --- Tai

Jan. 20, 2001 "You sure talk a lot for a clown" --- Matt

Jan. 25, 2001 "We're on the right track! (Tentomon) Apparently, we're on the only track." --- Matt

Jan. 28, 2001 "You know you're beaten! Face it like a mon! --- Matt

Feb. 4, 2001 "Tentomon, there's something I need to tell you. (Tentomon) What is it Izzy? I love youu. (Tentomon falls anime style)" --- Izzy

Feb. 9, 2001 "Oh you know me, open mouth, insert foot. *After some more babbling* Oh shit, there goes the other foot." --- Joe (He didn't really say "Oh shit" but I thought it made him sound manlier)

Feb. 16, 2001 "(Gabumon) Hmm...hmm...hmm...hmm.. Well, that says it all. Um hmm... I woudn't mind you playing your harmonica one last time. Sure pal. *Starts playing harmonica* (Tai) Stupid Matt and his harmonica." --- Matt (Me) Kicks Tai.

Feb. 23, 2001 "Matt's so cute and i'm so ugly with this second head on my face!" --- Jun (Me) You were ugly to begin with, you were ugly when you were born, you're still freakish ugly and you'll always be!! So take that Jun and eat the scum between my toes! Just don't touch me.

Mar. 3, 2001 "They could be really cool like T.K. or a big jerk like Davis!" --- Yolei

Mar. 9, 2001 "(Cody) The digiegg of sincerity must've responded when she talked so sincerily about her feelings. (Davis) I guess he sincerily thinks I'm a jerk)" --- About Yolei

Mar. 14, 2001 "(Izzy) Is that a map or a mess! (Matt) Man, you are the dude of doodles! (Sora) Ya, follow that map and it'll lead to a headache!" --- About Tai

Mar. 18, 2001 "Why would a kid want to take over the world when he could be playing polo or practicing the violin?" --- Micheal

Mar. 23, 2001 "We need you! Get Kari! Megakabuterimon GO!" --- Izzy

Mar. 31, 2001 "Why are all the tress running so fast?" --- Kari

Apr. 6, 2001 "Not everyone has ice running through their veins like you do!" --- Matt

Apr. 13, 2001 "Why doesn't anyone listen to me? (Veemon) What'd you say? --- Davis

Apr. 23, 2001 "You might not know this but I haven't wash this shirt in two years! --- Jun

May 3, 2001 "I just remembered that I forgot something I was supposed to remember" --- Joe

May 13, 2001 "They destroyed the control spire, now you can digivolve! (Ken) WHAT!?!? (Wormom) He said 'They destroyed the control spire, now you can digivolve!' (Ken) It's a figure of speech!!!" --- Joe

May 21, 2001 "That's not Plan B! (Wormmon) Don't blame me, I can't spell!" ---Ken

June 1, 2001 "Uh oh, he's in computer dork mode. This could take a while" --- Mimi

June 13, 2001 "Could it be that he doesn't want me around? (Her Grandpa) Eh, she's just as sharp as Davis." --- Jun

June. 21, 2001 "I thought cats always landed on their feet. (Gatomon) Oh shut up!" --- Patamon

July 6, 2001 "It's very hard to feel threatened by a bowling ball with feathers." --- Gatomon

August 10, 2001 "Watch the hair dude! (Tai) That's your hair?? I thought a bird made a nest on your head!" --- Matt

August 16, 2001 "*Trying to sound manly* I'm going to make darn sure the sun does come up tomorrow!" --- Joe

August 28, 2001 "Is that your face or the zit talking? (Jun) *slap*" --- Davis

October 14, 2001 "She's like a boomerang that keeps coming back!" --- Matt

November 25, 2001 "You know, it's funny that when you left with your tires screeching, you didn't realize I was still standing there!" --- Jun

December 24, 2001 "Tai? This is Sora! Mimi told me you're the on who threw up in my hat!" --- Sora

January 8, 2002 "He better have e-mailed me. (Computer) You have no messages. Ok? (Sora) No it's NOT ok!" --- Sora

January 19,2002 "Is that a ring on your nose or an allergic reaction?" --- Matt

January 26, 2002 "Let's get outta here before their eyelids freeze together!" --- Davis

February 8, 2002 "Sorry I keep talking about this Yuri guy. Should I be jealous?" --- Matt

March 25, 2002 "Doofus! You're back!" --- Jun

May 02, 2001 "Sometimes we wish you were on TV. Then we could press the mute button!" --- Tai 'bout Davis