Season One

Full Name: Matt (Yamato) Ishida
Sex: Male
Age: 11
Grade: 5
Birthdate: June 7(theoretical)
Star Sign: B-day above would make him a Gemini
Bloodtype: I think it's AB
Height'n weight: Unknown
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Crest: Friendship
Digimon: Punimon,Tsunomon, Gabumon, Garurumon, Weregarurumon, Metalgarurumon
One word I would use to describe him: Sensitive
Fave food: Steak, ice cream and prolly pizza.
Fave colour: Green or blue of course
Family: Father (?), Mother (Nancy), little brother (T.K.)
Lives: In Odiba with his Father
Hobbies: Playing his harmonica, watching over T.K., fighting with Tai, his hair ^_-;
English voice actor: Michael Reiz
Japanese voice actor: Kazama Yuuto
My REALLY brief opinion: He's not the "self-proclaimed" cool one. Is is cool and everyone knows it and thinks so! :P

Matt's Crime

He stole our hearts! That thief!! Oh, how I love him for doing that!
Sentence: Full pardon