*drool* OMG ..... Tai TK ... get out.. I'm gettin' in ...
Awwwwwwwwww...... . *blink* Awwwwww....
This is another time of which I want to huggles my Yama-kun .. erhem.. I mean, OUR Yama-kun...
Although I don't like/support Taito, the Lost Temple of Ishida has a funny caption for this pic...
Don't you feel like you want to just put your arms around him for a hug to warm him up?
Can you see the pain and wincing on Matt's face?
Digiport open! .... whoops.... wrong season ....
Look at those beeeyuuuutiful blue eyes .... *sighs*
AT LEAST MY CAT'S NOT STUCK IN A TREE! ..... a classic....
Does this not imply something?? *is happy*
Matt: *Singing* I've got the horn, Gabu's got the horn.       Chibi_Girl: And all his fangirls got the horn! :)
*scream* Whoosa cutie?? Huh?  Aww.. ... are jap babies born blonde?!?!
Matt's Paparazzi

Take whatever you want. :D It's a free table and up for grabs.