Nerd gets Girl
Joe: I'm going to be late!! I'm never late!! *runs down the street*


Matt: OW!!
Joe: Sorry Matt!!
Matt: That's ok. Where are you going in such a rush?
Joe: I-
Mimi: Hey Matt!! Wait up!! I knew I could catch you on your way to your band practice.
Matt: What for???
Mimi: Well, I have to go back to America next week and as soon as
I get there, I have to go to a concert. I haven't practiced my
singing in a long time and I was wondering if I could practice with you and your band.
Joe: Oh, hi Mimi.
Matt: I guess you could, but you've gotta ask the rest of the guys if it's alright.
Joe: Hey Mimi.
Mimi: Alright, I don't think that'll be a problem.
Joe: HI MIMI!!!
Mimi: *Turns head* Huh? Oh hi J- .......
Matt: Joe.
Mimi: *blush* Oh right. Whoops, I guess being in America really does kill brain cells.
Matt: *laugh* We better get going then.
Mimi: *Links Matt's arm with hers* Ya, let's go.
Matt: Oh wait. Hey Joe, you didn't answer me. Where are you going?
Joe: Huh? Oh, I'm going to school. It's already 9:00.
Mimi: *giggles*
Joe: What?
Matt: *Chuckles and begins walking away with Mimi*
Mimi: Have fun at your Saturday classes Joe!
Joe: WHAT?!?! *Looks down at watch* 9:00am SATURDAY!?!?... I feel dizzy.

(In the shack behind Matt's house)
Mimi: I'm gonna sing a song. A song that'll wake you up.
When you hear my voice, you'll call me your sweet buttercup.
You've gotta listen. Listen to my sincere heart.
I'll keep my friendships in the bottom of my heart.
Matt and Band: YEAH!
Mimi: Oooh. If this is my choice, your heart will open wide.
And all my friends will be cheering, cheering with pride.
(Music blend)
Matt: It may not always be that way.
I won't take you for advantage.
I'm in love with you today!
I turn around so I can see you behind me,
and I turn back around so I can see you in front...(fade)

(After the practice)
Mimi: Phew! That was great.
Mike: (Beep: One of the guys in Matt's Band) Actually, YOU were the one who was great, Mimi.
Mimi: *smiles* Thanks.
Leo: (Beep: Another guy in Matt's Band) Hey stop trying to butter her up for a
date. Hey Mimi, you wanna go out with me tonight?
Mimi: *blush* Wel-
Mike: Hey back off!!
Leo: Get a grip!
Matt: Get a life both of you!! Geez.
Mike and Leo: Fine.
Matt: Mimi, would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight?
Mimi: *smiles* I'd love that. I've got to go now. Pick me up at
7pm. You know where I'm staying.
Matt: Ya, cya!
(After Mimi leaves)
Mike: You cheater!!!
Leo: You double cheater!!!
Mike: You triple cheater!!
Matt: How am I a cheater?
Leo: First you steal the main girl lead from Mike.
Mike: Then you steal it from Leo.
Mike and Leo: And now you're going out with Mimi behind Sora's back!
Matt: *Laugh* One date won't hurt. It's just to say thanks.

(At the Japan Tachikawa residence)
Matt: *rings doorbell* I hope I look ok.
Joe: *runs up* AHHHHH!! Matt!! You're here. Um, I better leave. *Starts to run*
Matt: *Grabs the back of his shirt collar* What are you doing here?
Joe: Uh, n-nothing.
Matt: *Chuckles* Looks more than nothing to me. You're all dressed up, you've got flowers
in your hand and your red as a tomato.
Joe: F-fine.. I just wanted to ask Mimi out.
Matt: What a coincidence!! Mimi and I are going out right now.
Mimi: *opens the door* Sorry if it took me a while to open the door.
Matt: *Stares at her*
(Mimi was wearing a short and tight, sparkly pink dress that outlined her perfect curves and matched her hair)
Joe: *blush* I better- uh......
Matt: *sweating* Uh, *nervous* why don't you come with us Joe?
Mimi: *hearts drop a little and thinks* I sorta wanted to be alone with Matt....
Joe: Um, well, uh....
Mimi: *smiles* Ya Joe, come along!
Joe: *blushes* 'kay

(At the restaurant)
Matt: *To the waiter* I'll have number 26 please.
Mimi: And I'll take a number 15. Thank you.
Waiter: And what about this gentleman?
Joe: *Stammering* I-i- I'll have number- number..... just a glass of water.
Waiter: *Eyes Joe* Very well sir. *walks away*
Mimi: I heard this place was very expensive.
Matt: *smiles* I got a raise in allowance. I'll gladly pay for you, Mimi.
Mimi: Thanks, your such a sweetheart.
Joe: *turns slightly pink with a grin pasted on his face*
Waiter: *To Matt* Monsieur, here is your number 26. *To Mimi* And
for the jollie miss. Your number 15.
Joe: *Turns pinker*
Waiter: And for you, your glass of water.
Mimi: Aren't you going to have anything, Joe?
Joe: No, I mean yes, I mean, maybe.
Mimi: *Smiles* Alright.
(After the main course)
Matt: I'll be right back, I need to use the men's room.
Mimi: *giggles* Don't be gone too long.
Joe: *Takes a sip of his water*
Mimi: This is a beautiful place. Matt is so sweet. There's dinner,
singing and dancing. How refined!
Joe: *nods*
Mimi: If you want, I can order something for you.
Joe: N-no that's alright.
Mimi: I know you're hungry. Waiter!!
Joe: I-it's ok Mimi.
Waiter: Can I help you miss?
Mimi: Ya, can I have a number 5 please?
Waiter: Certainly.
Joe: How did you know I like that stuff!?!?!
Mimi: *Laugh* It was the only thing you'd eat in the digiworld.
Joe: *blush* Oh.
Waiter: Here you go, freshly steamed too.
Mimi: Thank you very much. *passes Joe the plate*
Joe: *Reaches for it but knocks over the empty glass of water, scaring
Mimi, who jumps up hiting a waiter with a tray of soup, pouring all
over a rich lady with a cat that screeches and jumps onto an old man
with a cane. The cane flies over to another table knocking it over
which throws a bowl of noodles into the air and lands on the chef as
he comes out of the kitchen*
Joe: Oh boy.......
Mimi: Uh oh......
Joe: *Turns red in embarassment*
Matt: *Walks up to them* Uh, what happened?
Angry Chef: Vat have you done to my beeeutiful rrrestauranteh!?! You've frrrightened
zee customers and zis place iss a complete mess! Out!! OUT!!
Matt: Relax man. I'll pay for everything.
Mimi: But Matt.
Joe: Matt you don't-
Matt: Shush. Don't worry about it.
Chef: Zee total comes to $1000. Can you pay zat much money to moi?
Matt: Here. *Hands him the money* Don't spend it all in one place junior. *To Mimi and Joe*
Let's go guys.

(Outside the restaurant)
Joe: Matt you didn't-
Matt: It's alright.
Mimi: Oh Matt. *Holds his hand*
Matt: *Smiles* It was worth it to come out here to see the stars with you.
Joe: ..... *looks away and thinks* I'm just getting in Mimi's way..... *walks away*
Matt: Hey Joe, where are you going?
Joe: I'm just getting in the way. I'll repay you Matt, somehow. Bye. *Walks away*
Mimi: Joe wait!!
Joe: What?
Mimi: *Runs up to Joe* Don't worry about embarassing yourself.
Actually, that was really funny.
It put some humour into such a dull refined place.
Joe: Really?
Mimi: *Smiles* Would I lie? *kisses his cheek and goes back to Matt*
Joe: *Watching Mimi run back to Matt and touches his cheek* She
kissed me..... *Turns around and walks futher
so they can't see him* ..... *Looks up and screams* SHE KISSED ME!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!

(Next day)
Sora: *Sigh and thinks* This date is so dumb.
Matt: Are you ok Sora?
Sora: Just fine. *sarcastic* Sitting in an ice cream store for a date is my
idea of fun! Whee.
Matt: Is something wrong?
Sora: No, nothing's wrong. Just two days ago your dad won the lottery and now
we're still sitting in an ice cream shop for a date. I'm not trying to be pushy
or rude but where's all the money? You said you got a raise in allowance yesterday.
Matt: *Thinks back to the restaurant* Well, uh, my dad took it back
because, uh, he wanted to buy something.
Sora: You're lying.
Matt: Huh? *Mumbling incoherently*
Sora: I can tell when you're lying, cuz you blink a lot.
Matt: ........
Sora: What happened.
Matt: Nothing. Look, I gotta go.
Matt: *Gets up an leaves* *Closing his eyes, he thinks* I'm pushing everyone away....
Sora: *Watching him leave* Oh Matt, what happened to you?
Tai: *Walks over to Sora* Hey Sora, what are you doing here all by yourself?
Tai: *Rolls eyes* Nothing cupcake. I'll be right there.
Sora: *Smiles weakly* Well, Matt just left.
Tai: Is something wrong?
Sora: I don't know. He's hiding something.
Tai: Hey, I'll find out for you!! Just leave it to me.
Sora: *smiles* Thanks Tai.
Jun: *Hops over* *Whines* Taiiiiiiiiiiiiiii........... *Clings to his arm*
Tai: *Sweatdrop*
Jun: Hi there Sor!
Sora: It's SorA.
Jun: Whatever. *Tugs on Tai's arm* Come on, I wanna go to the theater now.
Tai: *Sweatdrop* Okay. Cya Sora.
Sora: Bye. *Watches as they walk away* I miss you, Tai.

(Heading towards the Ishida residence)
Matt: *Sigh* Who the hell do I like? Sora or Mimi? *Sigh* Sora
is nice, resposible and I never have to take care of her. We have so
much in common. But Mimi is beauiful, fun to be with and she's
always very open. She needs someone to take care of her. She's
very fragile and delicate like a flower.
(All of a sudden, Matt finds himself looking at his reflection in a pond. He spots a lily.)
Matt: *Picks up the Lily* It's beautiful, delicate and... it's just like Mimi...
(The wind blows)
Matt: *A bird chrips and lands beside him* That bird... it flies
free in the sky. It can find food and defend itself. It's cute. Just like Sora.
(Matt puts the lily down, the bird hops over to the Lily and pecks
at it. The bird eventually kills the Lily)
Matt: NO! *Swats the bird away and picks up the lily* No... ......
I know the answer now..... I love Mimi after all......

(At the Tachikawa residence)
Mimi: I'm going out mom!!!
Mrs. Tachikawa: Be back soon, I'm ordering Chinese today!
Mimi: Yum!! I'll be home for that!

(Walking down the street)
Joe: *About Mimi* I love you, I love you not, I love you, I love you not...

(Running down the street listening to her walkman)
Mimi: *Singing along* I wanna tell you want I'm feeling and to say that....

Joe: I love you....


Both: *Sprawled on the sidewalk*
Mimi: Owie...
Joe: *Rubs head and then notices Mimi* Oh!! Mimi!! Are you ok?
Mimi: Just fine.
Joe: *Stands up, brushes himself off and offers Mimi his hand*
Mimi: *Takes his hand*
Joe: *Pulls but pulls too hard and a second later, they find themselves locked in a kiss*
Mimi: *Thinking* What just happened?
Joe: *Thinking* YAAAAAA!!!!! MY FIRST KISS!!
Matt: *On the way home, sees Joe and Mimi kissing* *Shocked*
Joe and Mimi: *Part*
Joe: *Finally gets the courage* I love you Mimi.
Mimi: *Rest's her head on his shoulder and thinks* I never knew Joe felt so manly. *Smiles*
I love you too, Joe.
Matt: *Watching them wide eyed* Mimi....... and Joe........ *Turns
around and runs off with a single tear runing down his cheek*

Mimi: *Looks up at Joe and smiles*
Joe: *Kisses her forehead* Finally, the nerd gets the girl.

(At the cinema)
Jun: AHH!! That monster!! *Buries her head in Tai's shoulder*
Tai: ........
Jun: Tai?
Tai: Zzzzzzzzzzz....
Jun: TAI!!!!!!!!
Tai: *Wakes up suddenly and shouts* The answer is 235!!
People: SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Tai: Wha- huh?
Jun: *Angry* ......
Tai: Oh, sorry.
Jun: *Stands up* Hmph! That's it Taichi Kamiya. You never pay attention
to me!! You're always off in your own stupid world!
People: Shut up!
Jun: Mind your own &*$&^% business! *Dumps the popcorn on Tai's head and stomps off
Tai: *Gets up* Jun wait!! *Brushes popcorn off and then runs after Jun*

(Outside the theater)
Sora: Maybe a movie will make me feel better. Hmmm... which one should I watch.
Movie List:
- Break Up
- Love Stinks
- Love Hurts
- Not Right Together
- Third Party
Sora: Rrrrrr... even the stupid movies are trying to rub it in! *Tears come to her eyes*
Jun: *Runs out of the cinema*
Sora: Huh? *Jun pushes past her*
Tai: *Running after* Jun! Jun! Wait! *Stops, trying to catch a breath* Oh forget it.
Sora: What happened? *Her eyes still red and watery*
Tai: Sora, what's wrong?
Sora: I should be asking you that question. Quick, go after Jun!! You'll lose her!
Tai: .... *Shakes head* .... *Hugs Sora* I'd rather be with you......
Sora: *Surprised* ...... *Cries into Tai's shoulder pouring her heart and soul out*

(Still running and trying to push the thought of Joe and Mimi together away)
Matt: I can't believe this....... *Turns the corner and stops, seeing
Sora in Tai's arms* .... I can't believe THIS!!!
Sora: Oh Tai, I missed you so much.
Tai: Me too...
Matt: *In shock* .... I've lost both of them...... My delicate flower and my little bird.....

(That night)
TK: I'm home!! Matt?
Kari: I thought you lived with your mom.
TK: I do, I'm just sleeping over with Matt today.
Kari: Oh.
Matt: *Comes out of the room* Hey TK.
TK: Hey, I'm going to my room with Kari, okay? If you need anything just come on in.
Matt: *Watching his brother with his arm around Kari go into his
room* Even my brother has someone. I hate being alone.

(INTERMISSION: This is where all you Matt fangirls out there go "Awwwwwwwwww.......")

Tai: As you can see, I've got Sora and Joe's got Mimi. Everything
is working out just fine. Except for Matt.
Hahaha, he's all alone!! ^_^
Chibi_Girl: *Bashes Tai's head in* Shut up! *Opens door to 2D world*
Matt's still got his fangirls. HAHAHA!! Matt's gonna
have a zillion girlfriends, so take that Taiora, Jyuomi, Taiun and Junato
supporters!! :PPPPPPPPPPPP Tune in next time for Digimon,
Digital Monsters!
Tai: That's my line!
Chibi_Girl: *Whacks Tai* Shut up, it's mine now!

How shall I put this.  I realize that there are some Jyoumi supporters that visit M2M.  So here's my fanfic to them!! It hints Mimato (because I love it) but in the end, Joe gets the girl.  But *snif* poor Yama-kun!  Have a heart and read this for Yama's sake!
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