Fatemon's Confession
A Mimato Fanfic
Mimi: *Yawn* This is so boring!  Hurry up guys! What do you want to do?
Tai: *Irritated* Quit whining Mimi, I'm thinking.
Mimi:*Snaps back* Well think faster!
Matt: Be patient Mimi, Tai can't think fast.
Tai: *Eyes Matt* Is that a challenge?
Matt: *Grin* No, it's an insult.
Tai: *Thinking of something to say back at Matt*
Sora: Stop it both of you, this is no time for a fight, look! *Points to the sky*
All: *Look up into the sky*
Kari: Hey! What's that? It looks like a peach with wings!
T.K.: *Looks at Kari and smiles* Maybe it's cupid!
(At the sound of the word cupid, Mimi looks at Matt*
Mimi: *Heart pounding*
What? What am I feeling?
Matt: *Looks around at all the digi-destined*
(Sora's looking at Tai, Joe and Izzy are starting straight at Mimi's back, Tai is clueless as usual and Mimi-)
Matt:*Catches Mimi's eye*
Mimi: *Turning pink and shifts uncomfortably and quickly turns around* Ahh!
*Joes face is an inch away from her own*
Joe: *Pushes up his glasses* Uh, sorry Mimi. *Blushes*
Mimi: *Turns an angry red and clenches her teeth together* That's ok. *Turns back around*
Phew! That was a close one!  If Matt saw- ..... *whispers* ...Matt...
Matt: *Looks at Mimi* What did you say?
Mimi:*Surprised* Huh? I-uh, Hey look! It's landing! *Points to the peach thing with wings*
(Thing lands in an opening and walks towards the digi-destined)
Thing: *Childs voice* Greetings! I Have been sent from the digiworld to retrieve the Digi-destined.  Are you children the ones?
Izzy:  Who wants to know?
Thing:  My apologies, I am not allowed to reveal my commander's identity until you arrive into the digital world.  However, my name is Fatemon.
Digi-dex thing: Fatemon, an angel-like digimon that can tell the future or one's fate.  With his Match-maker attack, he can either make you fall in love or set you on fire!
Izzy: Inconcievable! A digimon replica of Cupid!  This is absolutely fantastic!
Tai: And what, may I add, is so fantastic about it?
Izzy: Well, if you are interested in finding out your future or even who your lover will be in the future, Fatemon knows the answer!
Tai: Really? *Looks at Sora and catches her eye*
Mimi: LET'S GO THEN! I want to know!
Matt: Mimi, wait!
Mimi: *Looks at Matt* What? Do I have a wedgie or something?
Matt: *Turns slightly pink* Well no, but we have no idea if Fatemon is a good or a bad digimon.
Mimi: Wow!  That's so true!
Joe: *To Mimi* Don't worry, Mimi, I won't let you get hurt.
Mimi: *Winces and tried to hide her disgusted look*  Uh, thanks Joe.
Matt: *Chuckle*
Fatemon: Enough conversating, let's get on to the digital world!
Izzy: It's actually conversing not conversating.
Tai: Izzy, be quiet and lets go!
Matt: Tai!  Your just going to rush into this without considering the consequenses? You didn't even ask the rest of us if we want to go!
Tai: Matt, like all of you said, I'm in charge of this group and since what I say goes, we go!
Sora: I agree with Tai, we all trust in you Tai. Right guys?
Kari: If Tai's going, I am too.
T.K.: If Kari's going, I will!
Matt: *Looks at T.K. with a hurt expression* T.K...
Joe: Being the reliable one in the group, it just wouldn't be right if I didn't go.
Izzy: And you might require some technical assistance so I will go.
Tai: Well Matt, that's all of us.  So are you coming?
Matt: I-
Mimi:  If Matt's not going, I won't.  I completley agree with him.  Has anyone of you ever thought of the danger we could get in? I'm not trying to be a party pooper but what if Kari or T.K. was to get hurt? Well Tai? What if they were near death and it was all because we went to the digital world without thinking?
Tai: I-
Mimi: And Joe, sure you have the crest of reliability but what if we fail at our goal?  Then wouldn't you just feel dumb?  Rationally choosing to die is not a good idea!
(Everyone is quiet)
Fatemon: Interrupting as I may, but have we reached a decision or do I have to save the digital world by myself?
Tai: I'm still going!
Kari, TK, and Sora: Me too.
Joe: I'll stay if you don't want me to go, Mimi.
Izzy: If you do not wish for me to assist them in a new quest, I will not go either!
Mimi: Oh brother! 
Matt: *whispers to Mimi* Mimi, you don't have to-
Mimi: But I want to.  *To Tai*  Tai, you're going to put yourself in danger!
Tai: And why would you care?
Mimi: Because you're Matt's best friend and if something happened, Matt would be sad!  *Thought of what she just said*  Oh my god!  *Runs deep into the woods*
(Everyone is silent)
Matt: Uh...
Joe: *Glares at Matt*
Matt: *Turns and runs into the woods* Mimi!

(Switches the scene to Mimi)
Mimi: *Sits down behind a tree and starts crying* I'm so stupid! Why the heck did I say that? *Sob* It's so embarrassing!  Now everyone will think I'm dumb.  This is a nightmare! Matt will hate me forever! *Sob*
Matt: No he won't
Mimi: *Surprised and looks up* What the?
Matt: *Looks at her tear-stained face*
Did I just feel my heart skip a beat?
Mimi: Oh no! Not again! *Gets up and starts to run*
Matt: *Grabs Mimi's arm* Wait!
She's so cold!
Mimi: *Cries* Let go of me!
Matt: Listen to me!
Mimi: *Looks at Matt with tears in her eyes*
Matt: Look, lets just go back-
Mimi: I'm not going back there! I'm going to be humiliated an-
Matt: *Shuts her up with a kiss*
(When they finally part)
Mimi: I-
Matt: *Puts a finger to her lips and looks deep into her eyes* Lets go.
Mimi: *Though speechless, she nods in agreement*

(Back at the opening)
Tai: WarGreymon! Are you ok?
Kari: It's Angewomon's turn!
Angewomom: Celestial Arrow!
TK: Get him Angemon!
Angermon: Hand of Fate!
(Arrow pegs Fatemon on a tree and Angemon's attack weakens him)
Sora: Ya! We got him, Tai!
Fatemon: Alright, I give up! I surrender!
(Mimi and Matt come running back)
Mimi: What happened?
Joe: *Grumble*
Mimi: What?
Izzy: Fatemon was tired of trying to convince us to go to the digital world and tried to kidnap Kari.  Tai was mad and WarGreymon attacked him but Fatemon is such a powerful Mega digimon, WarGreymon fell in battle.  Only the angels could pin him to the tree!
Matt: Fatemon, we won't hurt you if you tell us why we have to go back to the digital world!
Fatemon: I am sick of doing this! That's it!!! *In an amazing burst of energy, he broke free of the arrow*
Tai: Oh no!
Fatemon: *Grabs Mimi*
Mimi: Ahh!!! Help me!
Matt: Mimi! Hang on!
(All the other digi-destined look at Matt)
Matt: Let's go Gabumon!
Gabumon: Right!  Gabumon, warp digivolve to...MetalGarurumon!

(Hey Digimon starts playing)
MetalGarurumon: Metal Wolf Claw!
Fatemon: *Injured* You won't get her back that easily!
Mimi: Ow! My hair! Watch it! It took a lot of blow-drying to get it that way.
Matt: *Smiles*
Even in a crisis, Mimi still worries about her hair!
Tai: WarGreymon attack!
Matt: No Tai! Don't! This is my job!
Tai: *Confused* Huh?
Matt: Come on MetalGarurumon!
(Before MetalGarurumon does an attack, Mimi quickly asks Fatemon a favour)
Mimi: I can stop him, tell me my future and I will try to stop him!
MetalGarurumon: Metal Wolf Claw!
Mimi: No!
Fatemon: *Disappearing* Mimi and Matt always........... *Fades*
Mimi:*Falling* Ahh! Help!
Matt: Mimi!
(MetalGarurumon: *runs and trips throwing Matt into the air)
Mimi: Matt!
Matt: *Catches Mimi and falls to the ground with Mimi on top of him*
Both: Oof!
Matt: That's going to leave a mark.
Mimi: Look at all these split ends!  *Looks into the sky*
I knew Matt and I were destined to be together, it's fate! *Looks back down at Matt*
Matt: *Pulls her closer and kisses her*
Rest of the digi-destined: Huh?
(Sora and Tai's eyes meet and both look away quickly.  Matt and Mimi notices this)
Mimi: Looks like we'll be helping them out.
Matt: Ya, and I guess we'll never know why Fatemon wanted us to go back to the digital worl.

Tai as a narrator: So all's well that end's well. Well kind of.  Matt and Mimi found each other, and I guess I'll have to wait for Sora. Tune in next time for Digimon, Digital Monsters!
Note: Digimon and their characters are not mine.  If you do not support Mimato, then I suggest you not read this fanfic unless you like haveing high blood pressure.  This story takes place 2 Years after they beat Apoclypmon.
Meaning 2 years after the end of Season 1 and 2 years before the beginnng of season two.
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