Panzer General I

This is also a nice strategic turn-based game running under DOS. You can even download it for free, it's only about 7 MB.

I tried to find out the longest path of the '39 campaign.

This is the .gif -file version of the longest path.

This is the MS Project version of the path.

This is also a description of the campaign flow.

This is a very nice guide for the game I found on the net.


JP's Panzer General Forum

Panzer General @


Download PG I

The 5 Star General

Panzer General & Allied General Page

Panzerfather`s Panzer General Homepage

Die Panzerliga

PG Fanatics

Zerstorer's Panzer General

Tortoise Page

Panzer General II

This is also a great game. The same game mechanism like PG, but with nice images, landscapes. There are plenty of custom campaigns, scenarios, e-files, etc on the internet. The forum and link below are the best starting points, if you want to find more resources.

Links & Forums

The Praetorians Oasis - Main PGII Talk

Builders Paradise

Pacific General and PG II Armory

Peoples General

Again, the same type of game, but not about WWII, but WWIII ! Tanks with 3 range, artillery with 10 range, etc.


General Hints and Strategies

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