Parish of the Holy Spirit

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Happy Birthday to Linda Toope Mrs. Bessie Smith Playing her Accordion Visiting the Golden Year's Manor
The "Fishers" Celebrating Linda Toope's Birthday
Bessie Smith Entertaining the "Fishers" on her Accordion
Visiting the Golden Year's Manor in Arnold's Cove

St. Andrew's Bible Study Group, Sunnyside, is happy to report that it continues to grow. They have met every Thursday throughout the winter months for a time of music, prayer,fun, fellowship and learning. They are blessed to have three musicians and look forward to each week with enthusiam. God has truly blessed them as they have gone out as "Fishers" into the community and the Senior's homes in Arnold's Cove and Clarenville. The Seniors always give them a real sense of peace and fulfillment in God's amazing goodness. They were entertained and blessed by a dear friend, Mrs. Bessie Smith, during a recent visit with her. Bessie is a faithful parishoner at St. Andrew's. She still enjoys playing her accordion and is loved by all who know her. The Group is filled with the Holy Spirit each time they visit those wonderful friends. May God bless them all!

Our Parish Five Year Goal:

  • 1. Provide variety within our worship with a focus on music, prayer and special services. Take leadership and don't leave it to the priest alone.
  • 2. Mission Services; Healing Services; Prayer & Praise Services; Unit Services with special guest, etc.
  • 3. Educational Programs: Become involved in visitation,healing ministries, Alpha programs, etc.
  • 4. Develop with the help of your priest, an organized visitation program for your community.
  • 5. Help and support ecumenical services in your community. We worship the same God.
  • 6. Community Outreach: We need to be involved in charitable causes, grief counselling, and food banks. People need to see that because you are a Christian, you are different, and you do care.
  • If you feel you have the ability/talent in any of these areas, we would love to hear from you. You don't have to be an expert! It's amazing what a few ordinary people can accomplish when they work together.

    Please give generously to your Food Bank through your congregational Church. List of food items for your convenience: 1. canned milk 2. juice 3. cereal 4. pastas with meat 5. canned stew 6. canned meat 7. granola bars - school snacks 8. flour 9. sugar 10. bread & roll flour 11. gravy & meat balls, plus many more items you can contribute. Thanks for your continued support.

    The Programme Committee of the Holy Spirit consists of the following members:

    Marjorie Thorne (592-2818); Vida Chatman (548-2429); Nellie Smith (546-2767); Delilah Snook (472-4320); and Phyllis Guy (463-2223). They have planned the following events for 2008:

  • On March 15th, a Quiet Day at the The Good Shepherd Hall in Norman's Cove from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The theme for the day, led by The Rev'd Iliffe Shepherd, was "Sitting at the Feet of Jesus". Entertainment was led by Mr. Freemen Gilbert of Little Harbour East and the Norman's Cove/Chapel Arm Band - Trinity 7. There was a time of quiet reflection, prayer, singing, entertainment, and refreshment. A freewill offering was collected during a celebration of the Hoy Eucharist. A great time was had by all who attended!
  • A Women's Gathering in North Harbour at the Lion's Centre from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. has been rescheduled for May 2, 2009. The theme for the day will be "Cup of Life". The sessions will be led by The Rev'd Sandra Tilley. The day will include worship, singing, lunch, etc. Registration forms are being distributed throughout the various churches in the Parish. The cost is $5.00 per person. Please bring a cup or mug! Enjoy a meal and fellowship together!
  • On October 26th, a Youth Service will be held in Arnold's Cove at 3 p.m. This service is being planned by the youth themselves with guidance from the clergy. Let's get behind our youth and show them our support!
  • On November 1st, a Service and Thanksgiving Dinner for our Parish will be held in Hodge's Cove. The event will open with a Church Service at 5 p.m. in St. Mary's Church with guest preacher Archdeacon Geoff Peddle. This will be followed by a Hot Turkey Dinner at the Lion's Club, starting at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are available, and the cost will be $10.00 per person. Glenn Tetford from Lewisporte, a motivational speaker, will be the guest speaker for the evening. All are invited for food and laughter! A bus will be running from Norman's Cove to Hodge's Cove for this great event.
  • Special Events

    2007 Confirmation at The Good Shepherd
    L to R: RobertHanlon, Irene Newhook (Bishop's Chaplain), Andrew Newhook, Roger Temple (Adult Candidate), Bishop Pitman, Jacqueline Bennett, Amber Brenton, Zachary Temple, Desiree Newhook, The Rev'd Sheila White, Jane Power, Austin Newhook, Brandon Reid

    Our Bishop, The Rt. Rev'd Cyrus Pitman, visited Unit One on May 20, 2007, to celebrate a Service of Confirmation & Holy Eucharist at The Good Shepherd Church, Norman's Cove. Bishop Pitman was assisted by our previous Rector, The Rev'd Sheila White. At the service, nine youth and one adult renewed their baptismal vows - Jacqueline Naomi Bennett, Amber Lynn Brenton, Robert Donald Patrick Hanlon, Andrew John Charles Newhook, Austin James Newhook, Desiree Gabrielle Newhook, Bobbie Jane Power, Brandon Wallace Reid, Zachary Melvin Temple and Roger Maurice Temple (adult). The candidates were supported by parents, family members and friends in confirming their faith and in the celebration of the Eucharist. Following the service, fellowship with the candidates and our Bishop continued in The Good Shepherd Hall with refreshments and a cake that were supplied by the ACW. Our congratulations and prayers go with the candidates as they continue on their life's journey.

    At the evening worship service on Sunday, November 11th, 2007, The Good Shepherd Church at Norman's Cove was filled with the chatter of children who were on a special mission. They were at church to especially deliver Shoe Boxes to the Altar for dedication before they started their journey to children of poorer countries who might not have received a gift for Christmas. The project, Operation Christmas Child, is organized each year by the Good Shepherd A. C. W. An air of excitement could be felt radiating from the children present, who in most cases helped family buy and package the shoe boxes.
    Included in the group were the candidates from 2007 Confirmation Class. They were given special encouragement to attend by the wife and mother of two members of the group. After the service, she also invited the Confirmation Class, their teacher, and the new Priest and his wife, for pizzas, milkshakes, cookies and a movie. From the class and others, we thank you, Penny, for your kindness and hospitality.

    On December 1st, St. John the Baptist ACW and the Sports & Recreation Committee combined to host a Senior's Party for all seniors in Chapel Arm. The evening began by singing "Happy Anniversary" to Mr. Nathaniel & Mrs. Alma Reid who were celebrating their 59th wedding anniversary. Following a delicious Hot Dinner, Mrs. Bonnie Newhook entertained the seniors with a skit "The Newfie Moose", which everyone enjoyed. They were entertained with other skits and the singing of Christmas Carols by the youth. With Mr. Bill Blundon & Mr. Max Reid on guitar, and Mr. Jerry Smith on accordion, the seniors listened or danced to some old fashioned music. There was hardly a dry eye in the building when Mrs.Lucy Griffin, who was confined to a wheelchair for the event, was assisted by her daughters so she could dance. Way to go, Lucy! You made the evening worthwhile! Thanks to the organizers for making this event one that the seniors enjoyed immensely.

    Presenting Gifts to Baby Jesus A Proud Leader Sunday School Children & Rev'd Moses Tucker
    Hannah Smith, Anthony Morgan, Ryan Smith, Mitchell Crann, Madison Morgan
    Mrs. Bonnie Brown, a Proud Leader, Beaming at the Children
    Ryan, Hannah, Anthony, Madison, Mitchell, & The Rev'd Moses Tucker

    In the gospels we read that Jesus said, "Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Then he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on each of them, and blessed them. Under the leadership of their teacher, Mrs. Bonnie Brown, the five children of The Ascension Sunday School, Chance Cove, presented a Christmas Program on December 23, 2007. Although few in number, these kids delighted the congregation and their deacon, The Rev'd Moses Tucker, as they greeted everyone, presented gifts for Baby Jesus, sang beautifully, and ended the program by wishing Baby Jesus a Happy Birthday. God bless you Sunday School! Thank you, Bonnie, for your encouragement and dedication to these children. We look forward to having the Sunday School participate in future services. Click underlined link for more photos.

    Gifts for Troops in Afghanistan Gifts for Troops in Afghanistan
    Some of the Gifts Donated for Troops in Afghanistan
    Some of the Gifts Donated for Troops in Afghanistan

    Once again you have shown us what caring is truly all about! A recent project, sponsored by the Programme Committee of The Parish of the Holy Spirit, for our troops in Afghanistan has been a huge success again this year. The Committee would like to thank the clergy and people for their support and co-operation in making this happen. All denominations were involved, and we gratefully acknowledge the generosity all have shown these men and women as they continue in their efforts to bring peace and democracy to the people of Afghanistan. Your gifts and words of encouragement will truly be appreciated by our troops during this Easter season. "The time is always right to do what is right". God bless you all!

    Jacob & Rev'd Lloyd Jacob with his parents and little brother, Devon Children listening to a children's story
    The Rev'd Lloyd Collett & Jacob David Slade
    Dwayne & Kate Slade, Brothers Jacob & Devon
    Mrs. Lori Ann Upshall Relating a Children's Story

    A large number of relatives and friends congregated at St. Matthew's Anglican Church, North Harbour, on Sunday, February 24, 2008, to witness the baptism of Jacob David Slade. The Service of Holy Baptism and Holy Eucharist was celebrated by The Rev'd Lloyd Collett. During the service, Mrs. Lori Ann Upshall told the children a story about how they are all God's adoptive children. The Baptismal Font at St. Matthew's originally came from the old Anglican Church in Kingwell. It was refurbished by Jacob's grandfather, Mr. David Slade, to fix a crack in its base and was placed on wheels. Jacob is the third known generation of his family to be baptised in it. He will be returning to Port Coquitlan, BC, where he resides with his parents, Dwayne & Kate, and his little brother Devon. May God bless their home and grant them wisdom and understanding!

    2008 Confirmation at St. Michael & All Angels, Arnold's Cove
    F Row(L-R): Taylor Hollett, Gregory Hollett, Nicholas Best, Cody Penny, Evan Gale, Kyle Baker, Alex Slade, Jaiden Wadman, Brady Green   Mid Row (L-R): Jessica Warren, Dakota Warren, Jordan Hollett, Bishop Pitman, Riley Wareham, Ryan Campbell, Kirk Spurrell, Nichole Seward   B Row (L-R): Rev'd Rowena Wareham, Rev'd Lloyd Collett, Rev'd Glenn Small

    There was standing room only at St. Michael's Church, Arnold's Cove, on April 27, 2008, as family, sponsors and friends came out to show their support for the Confirmation of the youth in The Parish of the Holy Spirit - Unit 2. They were very pleased to have our Bishop, The Rt. Rev'd Cyrus Pitman, preside over the Service of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. They also give thanks to The Rev'd Glenn Small, our Rector and Priest; The Rev'd Lloyd Collett, Honorary Assistant; and The Rev'd Rowena Wareham, Deacon, who took part in the service. Immediately following the service, everyone gathered at the Parish Hall for refreshments and the presentation of confirmation certificates & Bibles to the candidates. Congratulations and prayers are extended to Kyle Baker, Nicholas Best, Ryan Campbell, Evan Gale, Brady Green, Gregory Hollett, Jordan Hollett, Taylor Hollett, Cody Penny, Nichole Seward, Alex Slade, Kirk Spurrell, Jaiden Wadman, Riley Wareham, Dakota Warren and Jessica Warren as they accept their new role as adult members of the Church.

    St. Alban the Marthyr 80th Anniversary
    (Back)L-R: Rev'd Tucker, Rev'd Collett, Bishop Pitman, Andrew Peddle, Archdeacon Peddle, (Front)L-R: Rev'd Small, Rev'd Boutcher, Rev'd Ethridge, Rev'd Nelson

    St. Alban the Marthyr Church at Great Heart's Ease celebrated its 80th Anniversary in great style on Saturday, September 5, 2008, when The Right Reverend Cyrus Pitman, Bishop of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador, celebrated a solemn service of Thanksgiving. The guest preacher for the service was The Reverend Gordon Ethridge, who served the congregation as Parish Priest from 1958 to 1967. Reverend Ethridge, who is now 87 years old, delivered a moving sermon, which was enjoyed by all. The Reverend Morley Boutcher, who served as Parish Priest from 1967 to 1972, delivered the Prayers of the People. It was a joy to have them both return to St. Alban's Church. Assisting the Bishop were Archdeacon Geoff Peddle; our Rector, The Reverend Glenn Small, who also delivered the Grace at the dinner which followed; The Reverend Lloyd Collett, Honorary Assistant, Unit Two; The Reverend Moses Tucker, Associate Priest, Unit One; and Mr Andrew Peddle, who has been a Licensed Lay Minister at St. Alban's for over forty years. Choir director and organist, Mrs. Vida Chatman, led the Anglican Women's Choir of Southwest Arm, filling the air with the sweet sounds of glorious praise. Many thanks to Mrs. Sarah Sharpe and all those who helped in any way to make this such a wonderful celebration.

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