Parish of the Holy Spirit

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In the 1990's, the Isthmus of Avalon, now known as The Parish of the Holy Spirit, consisted of five separate parishes, including Norman's Cove, Chance Cove - Little Harbour, Arnold's Cove, Sunnyside and Random South. These parishes provided ministries to 16 congregations facing out migration, lower birthrates, an aging population and changing work patterns. With limited resources it became necessary to restructure.

To provide a more efficient and unified ministry to these congregations, the Isthmus Ministry Project began in 1997 with the formation of three Parishes: Arnold's Cove, Random South and Norman's Cove. The goal was to move toward a one-unit structure with ministry provided by a team of three full-time, one part-time Clergy working with a group of dedicated laity. If successful, this new structure would become a role model for other Parishes to follow.

A two-year pilot project began in 2002 with the Parishes of Arnold's Cove, Random South and Norman's Cove amalgamating into one and adopting the name, 'The Parish of the Holy Spirit'. Under this new model 16 congregations were divided into three pastoral units governed by one Parish Council.

Today, we are a three-unit structure as follows:

While we have seen many changes over the past 15 years, we recognize that further restructuring will be needed as we continue to move toward a vision of a vibrant community on the Isthmus.

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