Far Far Away Journey
I finally made up my mind to go Mexico since I somehow agreed to go with Lia, and she was looking forward to it. To back out and let her go alone will be such a hypocrite. Anyway, I need to get far far away from Singapore, away from family and friends and out of my comfort zone. I don�t really like the life here either. I need to have my run somehow in no man�s land. It�s time to be an independent and a responsible person.

First thing, we did some research on the accommodation in Monterrey. We selected some apartments. Then the air tickets, it was very tedious because we had no idea where to start. All the flights that go to Monterrey, Mexico are very expensive. After a lot of research on the flight, we finally found the cheapest available flight routes, that is to go to Los Angeles and then from there down to Monterrey. It was the cheapest that we could find.  Then we have to wait for a good time to buy our air tickets, so we waited for the NATAS travel fair in late March, because that�s the only time we could bargain for a good price.  There were plenty of travel agents offering discounts and good prices, and we learnt some trick to get the best price. Hehe! We get a good price for our air tickets, below our expected budget. Cool! But our travel agent couldn�t find a connecting flight on the same day to Monterrey from LA. We had to stay in LA for 2 days before going to Monterrey. Sound pretty adventurous and interesting! After that we researched on the accommodation in LA and places of interest there. We decided to go to Disneyland and Hollywood. Everything seems planned and settled. Alhamdulillah. We just need pack our things and wait for the day to fly off.

Definitely we had to do some administrative work for our application in Tec. We took Spanish placement test online and chose our subjects. We didn�t choose the same subjects in the beginning. I got intermediate level for my test, surprising huh? It was just luck I guess. While Lia gets the beginner level. So the choices for the subjects to choose from were different for both of us. We won�t be in the same classes at all but I was really looking forward to our trip to the far far away land.

The day to fly off finally came; only dear mum and Khai came to see me off while Lia was surrounded by close relatives and family. Huda was a bit late because by the time she reached the airport Lia and I already went into the departure gate. I am touched by their kind gestures; it doesn�t matter if I couldn�t meet Huda, Fidah and F3T1. Their well wishes were good enough. It�s the thought that counts.

It was a sad parting because it was the first time I�m separated from my family.  I didn�t cry. O.k.! But to see Lia cry saddened me too, I need to hold back my tears, because it will only make mum cry even more. So I forced myself to smile, pretended to be happy, and consoled mum.

We finally boarded our plane and en route to Taiwan then to LA. We had to transit in Taiwan for 6 hours. We walked around the airport, it�s really huge but we couldn�t go out of the airport. So the remaining time, we used the internet, relax in the massage chair and take pictures at the Taiwan airport. Then we finally boarded the plane to LA. Lucky, I was trained to sit in a chair for long hours. I usually take bus to Malacca for 5 hours from young until now. It�s my childhood place and mum�s hometown. So seating for 13 hours on plane was bad but withstand able. Hehe!

Finally we reached LA, the popular LA that I always hear people taking about. It was damn cold! It was freezing even though it�s summer! I will complement the immigration officers that served us, they were so welcoming. Then we boarded shuttle bus to our hostel near Hollywood area. During the ride, the driver told us how�s the life in Hollywood is, fake, party, money and expensive place. We woke pretty early about 4+ a.m. to solat subuh. It�s way earlier than in S�pore, which is from 5+ to b4 7 a.m. Then we cooked some instant noodles for breakfast and headed for Disneyland. It was freezing cold; Lia had to put on 2 jackets. Actually we don�t really know how to get to Disneyland. But alhamdulillah we met this old man at the metro station. He directed us how to get there. Initially we thought he was trying to con us or sth, can we trust him in the 1st place? But nevertheless we followed his instruction and donated some money for helping us. What he said was actually true, even though we were lost at first to find the bus stand for the bus to Disneyland. We asked the concierge of a huge hotel for direction, and the bell boy instructed us where to walk to the bus stand. Finally, Disneyland, here we come! I always thought Disneyland is enchanting! I was so wrong, it would be if I was young but for 23 yrs old, it�s kinda kiddy. I can�t take all the rides, get nausea when rides go round and round. How come those kids can stand ah? The highlight for the day was the photograph sessions with some beautiful princesses.

The next day went around Beverly Hills where the huge homes of famous actor and actresses are and went all the way up to see the Hollywood sign. Then Lia shopped for souvenirs in Hollywood area. The stuffs are damn expensive, so I decided not to buy anything there except for some magnets.  Finally we went to airport to board flight to Monterrey. I can�t wait to leave LA, no liking for it. Somehow I roughly know how USA is like. A country with natural beauty and diversity of cultures and ethnics. 

When we reached Monterrey, felt more homely because it reminded me of Malaysia, Malacca, my village. I really like the mountains. I had written down my experience in Monterrey in my blog so I won�t repeat it. For the 1st week was challenging, in adapting to the new environment and my visa problem. I went to immigration office on the registration day, changed 1 of my subjects so that I could be in the same class as Lia, and then rushed to settle my visa. It my 1st solo escapade in Monterrey, haha, at least I didn�t lost my way and I managed to get away with no spoken Spanish. I didn�t know I was that brave.

I learnt a great deal of myself, still crazy Ju, haha! I�ve learnt the limits of my patience and pardon me if I kept swearing. Vulgarities have been part of my life and my family too. We can�t help it sometimes. Hah! I�m really glad that I met good people in Monterrey, defied all those stereotypes that I have b4. Many thanks to Lia for her companionship and friendship. It takes times to know someone better. I�m in no position to judge people. Thank you once again. For our Mexicans sisters, I hope they worked hard for their future endeavor. This trip somehow changed me a little; I became more vulgar, kidding! Now I know what I want in my life, I�ve planned what I want to do in future already. Not a psychologist, not a counselor, not a teacher, not a vet, not a zookeeper but sth else, the time will come.
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