1. Thinking about what�s missing in your life.

No match: I don�t have enough money.
Match: I intend to attract unlimited abundance into my life.

No match: My partner is grouchy and boring.
Match: I intend to focus my thoughts on what I love about my partner.

No match: I�m not as attractive as I�d like to be.
Match: I�m perfect in the eyes of God, a divine manifestation of the process of creation.

No match: I don�t have enough vitality and energy.
Match: I�m part of the ebb and flow of the limitless Source of all life.

2. Thinking about the circumstances of your life.

No match: I hate this place we�re living in; it gives me the creeps.
Match: I can see our new home in my mind, and I intend to be living in it within six months.

No match: When I see myself in the mirror, I despise the fact that I�m nearsighted and out of shape.
Match: I�m placing this drawing of how I intend to look right here on the mirror.

No match: I dislike the work I�m doing and the fact that I�m not appreciated.
Match: I�ll act upon my inner intuitive impulses to create the work or job of my dreams.

No match: I hate the fact that I�m sick so often and always seem to be getting colds.
Match: I am divine health. I intend to act in healthy ways to attract the power to strengthen my immune system in every way I can.

3. Thinking of what has always been.

No match: I�ve always been poor; I was raised on shortages and scarcity.
Match: I intent to attract wealth and prosperity in unlimited abundance.

No match: We�ve always fought in this relationship.
Match: I�ll work at being peaceful and not allowing anyone to bring me down.

No match: My children have never shown me any respect.
Match: I intent to teach my children to respect all of life, and I�ll treat them in the same way.

No match: I can�t help feeling this way; it�s my nature I�ve always been this way.
Match: I�m a divine creation, capable of thinking like my Creator. I intend to substitute love and kindness for feelings of inadequacy. It�s my choice.

4. Thinking of what �they� want for you.

No match: I�m so annoyed with my family. They just don�t understand they and me never have.
Match: I love my family; they don�t see the things my way, but I don�t expect them to. I�m totally focused on my own intentions and I send them love.

No match: I make myself sick trying to please everyone else.
Match: I�m on purpose and doing what I signed up to do in this lifetime.

No match: I feel so unappreciated by those I serve that it sometimes makes me cry.
Match: I do what I do because it�s my purpose and my destiny to do so.

No match: No matter what I do or say, it seems as if I can�t win.
Match: I do what my heart tells me to do with love, kindness and beauty.
Good & Bad thinkings of LIFE!
Looks exactly like KAKA, gotta teach him the value of hard work! hehe!!!!
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