NTU Memoirs: Yr 2 2006/07
Now I'm in year 2. From what I could remember on the 18th June 2006 my classmate in poly got married. She was the 1st in the class to be married. At that time, I was juggling with 2 jobs; 1 in the gynae clinic and another in the factory. I was pretty busy because at the same time I was taking Spanish Level 1 class in the morning. Practically I had no life during those 3 months. Fidah left for Law school in NUS and so left the 3 of us; Khai, Huda and me. We managed to get by w/o Fidah although our gang felt incomplete. But during our free time, 4 of us usually meet up. Looking back, I can't remember much during that semester but I know my grades were gg downhill because I couldn't study. I felt pretty tired when I go to school. Alhamdulillah I managed to pass all my subjects though. The event that I remembered vividly was our 1st trip to Cameron Highlands in Malaysia. Khai, Huda, Ramzi and me went for holiday after our exams. I had a really great time there. I still could remember during our exams period we imagined and planned what we're going to do there. I planned to pick wild strawberries, Khai planned to plucked tea leaves in the tea plantations and Huda; she wanted to have lots and lotsa warm bubble baths.The bus ride to Cameron Highlands fr Singapore was 8 hrs long. Lucky it was at night, so I practically slept throughout the journey except for the part when the bus need to climb up the highland, gg round and round the winding road up to the top of the higland where our hotel was located. Tt is the part I get so dizzy! When we got there we couldn't book-in the hotel because the booking in time was at 2, we reached abt 9 a.m. The weather there was pretty cold because of the high altitude. Then we straight went for the free tours organised by the tour agency w/o having to rest. We went to the Rose garden, they really have many different kinds roses. To name a few unique roses are the Bandung rose which really smell of the bandung drink, then the Butterfly rose; when 2 of these roses combine tgt it looks like a butterfly, of course there are red, yellow, white, black, blue, green, cream roses and all kinds of colours can be found in the rose garden. My favourite is the yellow rose because it looks golden under the sun! haha!!! What's up wif gold and me? I have no reason I will never wear sth gold except for real gold. hehe!! Kidding! I was forced by mum to wear, so I've no choice, man... Then we went to Strawberry centre, I didn't get to pluck wild strawberries because we didn't went for tt tour but in the centre they all kinds of strawberries foodstuffs, fr jam, biscuits, ice-cream, to tea bags. Some of us bought the strawberry tea bags, while Ramzi ate the ice-cream and I bought the shake. Then we went to the Bee centre, the whole area was filled up with Bees' houses, the bees seemed very well-behaved because they don't attack pple, we could walked through the garden and took pictures with the bee's house. It surprised me bcos I thought tt bees will always sting pple. We went to the tea plantations, the scenery was really beautiful and calm. The terraces of tea plants are neatly done and the whole plantations took my breath away. haha!!! I just like the peaceful and calm scenery. Khai did what she wanted to do, plucked those tea leaves but I think she plucked the wrong ones, supposed to be the greener ones right??? haha!!! Then finally we went to the mini market and we bought the fried mushrooms and some key chains and magnets as sourvenirs. It's the 1st time I ate fried mushroom and I like it. Then we went the central area for lunch. There's no shopping centre there only shops houses. It's really a lay back place. On the 2nd day, we went for a hike in the forest, some1 wore a dress for the hike, action jambu seh. haha!!! Because she wants to look glamour in pictures amidst the natural background. haha!!! But the forest ground was soggy, so our shoes were all covered in mud. Then we went to a small river where we cleaned our shoes in the cold refreshing river water. Then we went to the highest point of the Cameron Highlands, it was freezing cold. I was shivering even though I wore a thick jacket, Huda and me had to squat down to avoid the freezing cold air,can't breath properly up there. We went to the tea plantations again, this time we could walked through the terraces. It really steep and deep even though it looks shallow. Finally we went to the resettlement village of the indigeneous pple, orang asli. They supposed to look like red Indians but now they're modernised. They wore T-shirts and pants, they looked like any other Malay except tt their skin are more tanned, can't really differentiate them from Malay pple. We should have went for the tour where we could see them in their traditional villages, attires and customs. But we couldn't afford to pay for tt tour. The rest of the days we spent at the central area, eating and shopping. Of course my favourite pastime was to sleep, our room was cold even though there was no air-con, I can really sleep soundly in the cold air. Strange! We had a fun time there. End of 1st sem.

Khai went for exchange in NUS for whole 2nd sem, so only left Huda and me in NTU. Frankly I can't remember much during the sem. Ju always don't remember the period where she needs to study. haha!! Bcos she don't like to think of the crazy times where the school loads get too much. I always forget all those hardships and look forward to a brighter day! It's the 1st time I stayed in school late during the exams period to revise my work. Thanx Huda. As usual I worked while studying but this time I worked in bro-in-law company in import and export of cargos mainly ship parts and accessories until now in the admin side. It was the period where I was thinking of studying abroad maybe for the summer, to study for a semester will cause too much. I had a few classes with Lia, she too was interested to study abroad for summer program. She collected all the necessary info booklets and passed them to me. Somehow we discussed of where we think will be a good and cheaper place to study. To go Europe will definately cost alot because their currency is big, so we planned somewhere in America and Australia. But Australia only offer exchange program for the whole semester which we couldn't afford, so we're left with America. Actually I wanted to go somewhere in Asia like Japan, Korea, China or Taiwan. Lia are not interested in the Asian language she's more interested in Spanish. I'm interested in Chinese, really wanted to go China or Taiwan but Huda said Singapore and NTU have too many Chinese might as well go somewhere with a different culture. What she said is true, why travel so far when you can readily and easily find their culture here. So we left with uni in America, the only 2 uni tt offer Spanish courses were in Mexico, 1 in Monterrey and the other in Guadalajara. So we chose those 2 uni for exchange. To me if I didn't get it, it's o.k. at least I can save my money. Actually I wanted to back-out bcos sth happen bet 2 of us. But my application was approved and I've already paid $300 for deposit. Haiz!!!
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