TP Memoirs: M3PB 03/04
         It was 3rd year our last and final year. No play, play already!!! I couldn't remember much, but it was the time when F1 finally got into a relationship. Although, it was really tough cos of all the stories behind it all. A triangle, a heartbreak & so on. But we managed to pull through especially for F2. We will always be by ur sides. By hook or crook our band going to stay strong, although time will change things but we will always have each other. Lucky our group number wasn't odd, u know when the no. is odd, most probably the odd will soon move toward a different path. To me it was a bit strenuous cos I kept thinking about the other 2 problems, & always pull T1 into it. Poor him!!! Maybe I care too much for them, didn't want anyone to be hurt. But in the end it had to 1 who had to face the truth and accept the truth. It was a hard period, but eventually with everyone strength and trust in each other, we managed to pull through. I think this was the biggest test of our friendship that ever occurred.
          Then came our SIP. I was initially chosen for interview with a pharmacy Company but somehow I was rejected. Maybe my interview skills were bad at that time. Hehe!!! In the end, I ended up in polyclinic which I made some good friends which until now I still keep in touch. Initially there were 2 of us, but over time left only me. I was really afraid of the bad impression left by my classmate on my colleagues. I worked so hard so that they won't judged me on par with him. People make mistake. But it affected our sch reputation somehow & definately affected me, cos I was supposed to be the closest person to work with him at that time. I really don't know what's on his mind. Work was work, it lasted for 4 to 5 months and then the huge big final project to submit. I get lotsa of help from my colleague cos she was doing almost the same project. Our band don't really met up often during the SIP, somehow our meeting seemed to deteriorate  over time.
          Oh ya, we had our class chalet for the last time. Most of us could turn up though & I stayed for for all 4 nights o.k.??? hehe!!! I don't really enjoyed the chalet cos I had diarrhoe. Not only me who was unwell, F2 fell ill, infected by fever, so they too they didn't enjoyed it much. It was kind of boring cos we had nothing to do but played mahjong (which I became quite good eh... hehe!!!), cards, watched TV, eat & sleep. Although they did went to watch movie which I gave it a go, so I could go home & rest... I didn't want to came back but cos F1 said she's the only girl left to sleep in the room & she's afraid (so kiddy right??). Therefore I had to come back again. I was really reluctant to go, it was so late at night that I reached the chalet, cos I missed the stop, so the bus had make a u-turn, this took some time. I was still recovering from diarrhoe. Then at night we went out to eat supper, that where the guys got to meet their transsexual counterpart....wahaha!!! It's fun to see them so pretty waiting for prey to catch for the night. I only see taxi drivers, who were flirting with them. The same night they wanted to go to the old Changi Hospital which coincidentally its mortuary was behind our chalet... In the end, they didn't go cos F2 not gg, they chickened out or wat??? The scary thing was that on the 1st day when our friend switched on the lights, the switches went off by themselves, then on the day when I came to the chalet alone at night, I saw a huge pure white dog walking in front of me. Of course I was scared stiff and  walked so slowly, I read wateva doa I noe. My imagination must have ran wild, bcos I was afraid the dog turn into sth scary in front of me. But I mustered my courage, walked slowly behind the dog, lucky halfway up the path, the dog went to trees foliage area, so I quickly walked up to the chalet. I was shivering with fright. Lucky the dog didn't chased after me!!!! phew!!! When I entered the chalet, my classmates were asking how come I didn't asked them to pick me up from the bus stop cos of the long distance. I jux kept quiet & quickly went up to the room to put my bag. Need to rest my soul. Soon F1 came up & said how worried she was about me cos she tried to call my hp but I left it at home. We had bbq, then e guys had drinking session, played some card games, while I was downstairs with YL to watch TV. I don't enjoy watching pple get drunk. I don't see any fun in playing drinking bcos I'm a Muslim. hehe! There's other bad effect of drinking too. I'm there so I'll take care of my "high" friends. On the last day everyone woke up quite late although we need to book out at 10. I was sleeping like a pig!!! It wasn't a good chalet, 1st was the bad location, then we got sick, then I had a hard time though..... haiz...........
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