In year 2, I was in M2PB, Pharmaceutical Science & Technology course. I went with my interest at that time. There's only 4 of us from L11G who went to M2PB. The rest of the classmates were previously from L11C. We are Audrey, Dung, Siti & me. I'm not sure if the other 3 guys also followed their interests like me. But I think we are alike in some ways although I don't really know Dung & Drey initially. Siti & me have been together since the first day, seemed that we're unseparable in poly. Whenever people sees Siti, that's where I could be found too. Surprisingly we don't face any major misunderstandings throughout our friendships until now. Alhamdulillah. Hermm.. Getting to know Drey & Dung weren't that difficult, 4 of immediately cliqued to each other when we entered this new class. We depended on each other to get by each day while slowly we made friends and opened up our circle of new friends. We even had a strategy how to get into the new class. Haha!! That strategy worked so well. Even though we did a mean thing to make use of classmates so that we could blend into the class. Sorry for that. We changed everyone's name into new names so that when we're talking about them in front of them, they won't know. Haha!!! Mean people... Slowly we were up to same standard as everyone no longer the newbies. I think we charmed everyone with our unique personalities. Hehe!!! Drey, the joker of the class. Everyone enjoyed her presence, made the environment more lively & full of craps. Dung, the AP king. Full of attitude like ah beng kia. On the other hand such a nice person whom always there for his friends. Siti, the minah of my life actually (haha!) & also the class. Perpetually late since year 1, another attitude girl no wonder she's called minah. But she's a character whom would definately live a print in ur life. Actually, she's quite sugar & spice girl. Hehe!!! She likes PINK!!! So girly... To think of it, I'm the most unproblematic one among the rest. To me, anything goes. Jux put in any situation, I would put on my many skins like a chameleon. I'm a low profile person, not like the rest!!! They are so obvious!!! Wahah!!! We 4 have different characters that somehow could blend & sublimate. Cool huh!!! Surprise me too, when I looked back. Back to our strategy, we managed to gatecrashed into the girls' groups (F3) & gamers' group (T1). By the way, we are called F3T1. 3 flowers & 1 thorn, thanx to Drey caused at that time she was so mad about F4. Finally the class was unified.
This is going to be from my point of view of the class. Actually I was the slowest to get used to the class. For the first few weeks of the semester, felt queasy, uneasy & every single day I had butterflies in my stomach. I don't know why though. Maybe cos Khat whom I was really close was not together with me at that time. Felt lost somehow although I had Siti to get by. It's jux different, somemore in a new class, so daunting. What did the rest think of me? Maybe such a NERD!!! Haha!!! I am 1 what, kentaldehyde.
The interesting part was: Tadaa!!! Our dear friend fell crushed for 2 guys in the class. Gosh!!! Haha!!! We all involved in her crush life. We were there for her sorrow, happiness, confusion, anything & everything she felt, we felt for her too. Also at the same time, our another dear friend felt for someone too but none of us know until a few years later. That's even worst to hide it from us all along. My another dear friend had always fell for the boy in the canteen. I think it was that time, when birds & bees flying around. So it does not leave me with no crushes too. Hehe!!! I have 2. Wahah!!! But at least I don't go whining why he's not looking at me, or why he gave me signs but seemed nothing to him, or have heart attack when he was nearby... Wahah!!!I think the other 2 going to kill me for above. Mine wasn't so bad ah, lasted quite a short time as compared to the other 3. I don't know how long it last. Maybe after poly, my guess.
1 thing I think it's unfair for me. Whenever the class was given projects to do, I always ended up with YL. Practically every projects assigned by the lecturers, always put me together with him. Aargh... What to do, we were meant to be. Wahah!!! That means he did majority of the work. A blessing in disguise. Anyway shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. He's alright if you get to know him better.
That year, was our formal presentation too. I remembered how nervous I felt. Practically shaking when I delivered my speech. Terrible!!! Can't get over this overwhelming feelings until now. Darn. But the coolest thing was everyone looks great so professional. Hey guys, where's my photos? We went shopping for formal clothes until the shop was about to close. Drey & Siti lah took so long for a suit. Haha!!! On the same day, we're supposed to celebrate Siti's & Aidah's birthdays. Khat came all the way with the cake & presents but had to leave cos we took so long to shop. Poor Khat can't even eat the cake. Tired of waiting for us. Haiz...
I thing I missed... Aargh!!! The class chalet. I went for 2 days only & I missed the best part. Hermm... Shall I write since I wasn't there. I think I've to consult those whose there for the whole 4 days. Later my account of bopakai. It shall be written down once I get the nods from all the important characters. It shall be continued. I went back Malacca to chase away ghosts & evil beings. Wahah!!! Like real!!! I'm the ghost-buster mah. But in fact, I'm timid like a mouse. Actually I went back with mum for some mourning period for my late aunt who passed away the month before. F3T1, you're invited to my home. Wahah!!! I can foresee a "NAY!!!" from u guys.
Year 2 was the year, I matured & treasured friendships. I had wonderful time, finally I know whose my true friends. But I haven't trully find myself yet. I'm still a chameleon, always changing skin colours. Nevertheless, I was progressing to becoming someone better each day with my friends' helps. Thanx guys:) Cheerz to F3T1, may we be friends forever & ever.  
M2PB Memoirs 01/02
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