Memoirs of Polytechnic Days!!!
Year 1 2001 L11G
What can I say but I have enjoyed so much in my poly days. My closest friends were Siti, Khat, Ada & Hani and we were called the glam girls including Yani but she's not in the same school. My classmates mainly consists of different cliques. I always hanged out with Khat and Siti, and we basically did very crazy things in that year. Our timetable was not that packed whenever we had like 3 hours break, our favourite pastime was to visit each others houses and get free breakfast or lunch and at times we hanged out at Tampines Mall or Century Square to eat at the KFC our common eating place. Yea, that why I always like to eat at KFC I guess. In this time, we also developed serious crushes and we really did things that were out of our mind. To come to think of it, gosh I didn't know we all could be so brave to do all that. Hehe! Spying and smsing.Wahah! I remembred that 3 of us were caught talking during lecture and the lecturer had to announce it out loud at TCC. Gosh, that was embarrasing. My habit during lecture was not to pay attention but to sing to Khat. Haha. Both of us get crazy and started singing together. Poor Siti, she had to put up with our nuisance. During lectures, we always spied on the H2 gang. Wahah. They were the one who gave us the name Glam girls so we took it as an honour though I think it was meant to be a sarcastic and flattering remarks. We don't like their gang though but our dear friend fell for someone in that group. This led to escalating hills and troughs in our lives. We also when given 15 min break wud go to canteen jux to pay for a song in the jukebox because of our dear friend again. It's her favourite song called "Nothing at all". She would cry listening to it. Ya, it a sad song can't deny that. Then for Siti's Birthday present we bought her a "husband". We purposely make her embarrassed by asking her to walk around the school with the huge Slyvester Balloon. Siti was really embarrassed and we had so much fun. Mean right? Even during lecture we write notes to each other about unimportant things and jux crap with each other. Our favourite hang out was also the girls' toilet. We will spent so long in the toilet not to do biz but to sit and chat and play with our reflections in the mirrors. Girls!! What can I say? Haiz, but I jux couldn't end up like the other 2. Haha. Maybe I'm not easily influence I guess. Ya? My class, we had different cliques and we do mix around with each other. Of course there were some conflict but it was solvable and quite minor. No one is perfect right? We all are only human. By the way, I was also in another group for lab practicals, I was in the "Shit Family". I'm Faeces. Harlow! I never expected it to have so much activities in my life until I am in this class with this friends. Haha! Surprisingly, I did quite well for my exams. Maybe I found my strength in Chemistry that year. That's why I decided to choose Pharmaceutical. For Khat's Birthday, it was during our exams period and we stayed out so late to finished a jigsaw puzzle which was our group's photo printed on the puzzle. Cool, right? I would want that for myself but too bad. To my dear glam girls, I had learnt so much how to take jokes easily, and don't take it too hard, especially all the teasings with you know who. Haha! I've grown up in a way and managed to see the other side of life.
But sadly speaking we went to different ways later on. Those times are still fresh in my mind although we do have ups and downs we shared and pull through. We are still friends till now, only circumstances and time are not on our side. Hopefully we could meet up soon ya? Miss you guys lots!!!
Here's a Poem for me written by Khat aka Orang Gila (OG)
I hope I have been a good friend to you
As you hve been to me
If ever we are separated or far away from each other
In my heart is where you'll always be

I love the jokes and stories that we shared
And all the crazy things that we have done
With all the singing and all the talking
I'm sure we have had lots of fun

There were times when I kept teasing you
With a handsome guy by the name of ***liang
It drives you mad, wild even crazy too
But I like the sound of it, a 'parrot' perching on a 'tiang' (He!He!He!)

I hope the anger and embarrassment died down
And I don't want any grudges between each other
So I hope nothing terrible will ever happen
Coz I want us to forever stay together

I just want to thank you
For always been there for me
Forever till the end
My friend is who you'll always be
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