Curt asked his wife what she would like for her up-coming birthday. Mitzi sighed, "I'd really love to'll laugh--but I'd like to be like.... uh twelve, again!" And she wistfully sighed again.
          So on the morning of her birthday, he got up early, made her a nice big bowl of Frosted Flakes and bananas and then rushed Mitzi off to the local theme park. What a day! Curt put her on every ride in the park: The Death Slide, The Wall of Fear, The Screaming Monster Roller Coaster--just about everything there was. He wanted her to recapture her youth and enjoy all there was!

          About five hours later she staggered out of the theme park with her head reeling and her tummy upside down! Right away, they journeyed to a McDonald's where her loving husband ordered her a Happy Meal with extra fries and a large chocolate milkshake plus a cherry fried pie for dessert! Then, as another surprise, it was off to the movies to see the very latest blockbuster--complete with a foot-long hot dog, buttery popcorn, a giant fizzy! Root beer plus a huge bag of M&M's with peanuts! What a time she had!

          Finally she wobbled home and collapsed into bed, simply exhausted from all the excitement and activities on this, her special day! Curt came in and he leaned over his precious wife, with a big smile and asked Mitzi, "Well darling. What was it like to be 12 all over again?"    Her eyes slowly opened and he could see she suddenly understood the activities he had engaged her in for the entire day!! But, her expression suddenly changed--for the worst and she screamed at Curt, "You freaking idiot, Curt!!!  .... I meant my dress size!"


Even when a man is listening, he�s still going to get it wrong!
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