Dearest Friends...
This is from your friend...Taya...
This letter is written from my heart and is how I really feel... so at least read till the end even if you don't have much time...

Everywhere I go, all the places that I've been... every smile is a new horaizon. There are many people around the world, different faces, races, religions and names... but there's one true emotion that reminds me we're the SAME! You know, we live under the same roof -the SKY- and we breath in the same air, but yet... we seem to regard others differently. Why??? Oh... you know... it's just that we're of different races, different skin colour!!!

Don't you ever wish that all human were born to be the same, same hair colour, same skin colour and the same race... If this was true, we wouldn't see bloodshed and killing and obviously no RACIAL DISCRIMINATION! Every religion has the same common goal... it's for every person to be upright. No religion ever teaches that one should regard another of other religion as being different.

Many wars were caused by racial discrimination, which is really a very upsetting thing. One day, I wish, We could change all these and make the World a much better place.

Please send this to your other friends, hopefully this would make them more aware of the cruel way people around us behave... If you really care, please send this to others...

With love to all Earthlings,
I once told a man a lie
He responded by telling me this
All the decisions that he made
Were based on the words that I spoke
I have long since told the truth

I once became upset over a gift I received
Because it was not what I wanted
The giver saw the disappointment in my eyes and told me this
He chose the most valuable gift he could find
Because he thought I should have it
I am since very joyful over each gift I receive

A man once told me a secret
Which I quietly whispered in my friend's ear
The man told me this, after telling me his own secret repeated
The reason he told me the secret was because he trusted me, not my friend
I no longer take trust so lightly.

I once gave a gift to a friend
I told her it was just a small gift I has found
Her response was that it was not the gift
It was that I had thought of her
I now give gifts often

The shiny coin was not to be mine
So I had been told
But on my way out the door
It found it's way to my hand
When it was discovered that I has stolen the coin
I was quietly taken aside
The owner of the coin told me this
Integrity is given with a choice
I have since chosen to stand with integrity

I am the center of my universe
But I do not live here alone
Each move I make
Creates a ripple in someone else's ocean
Each breath I take affects the air around me
Each word I utter falls on someone else's ear
Another feels that which I touch
And that which I do will also affect another.
By Audrey Ngerng
Precious Words from my Frenz to all Earthlings!!!
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