I stumbled along the corridors of life when I realized, I didn't have an owner's manual to run my life.

I received a body, I had no choice but I was aware that it was the only thing I was sure to keep for the rest of my life.

My father told me "Son, don't compare yourself with others, for you can make a difference and be a special person." But he didn't stay with me, throughout my life.

You have a dream, keep hoping, and keep trying the sky is the limit, I was told, so did I try to change the world for others and me I got up every morning and rushed through life.

I talked about high tech though I had no time for my neighbour, or a prayer I was too busy all my life.

Problems tumbled on me, my self-image was dented in despair, I blurted "Oh God, why can't you help me?" And God answered:� But son, you didn't ask me." Now I keep my dreams and still pray for I want to lead my own life.

Don't be afraid to admit you are less than perfect to show your determination, desire and enthusiasm, try to be the BEST you can be for it is all about your life.

Don't shut out love saying it is impossible to find, the quickest way to lose it is to hold it tight; the surest way to receive it is to give love, the best way to keep it is to let it fly on wings for love makes up your life.

Look for the roses in your loved ones, very few see them only others do and you can as a friend, show them the roses not the thorns for friends make up your life.

Life provides the canvas, you do the painting take charge of your life or some one else will, don't run through that you forget where you have been or where you are going.

Life is not a race but a Rainbow. To be created and witnessed at every stage of life.
Hei Guys!! Thot this will be useful.. I dunno who wrote it but e author did touch me with the words.... Hope whatever dreams he/she had, it will be fulfilled ...
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