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4/3 Memoirs!
MEMBERS OF CLASS 3/3 (1999) AND 4/3 (2000)
ChairLady: Atittaya Sae-Yap
Vice-chairLady: Siow Ming
Secretary: Priya
Treasurer: Kang Ying Qi
Sportscaptain: Shaikal Fatin
Assistant sportscaptain: Celina
1. Ang Shi Ting
2. Chan Pei Xin
3. Angeline Chan
4. Wan Ling
5. Chua Ping Ling
6. Adalina Coelho
7. Fardyana (Prefect)
8. Firza Hanim
9. Goh Xiu Juan
10. Jamilah
11. Jass-Un-Janir
12. Juriah (ME!)
13. Khairunnisa
14. Kai Ling
15. Ku Ji Hye
16. Kuah Chin Ping
17. Lam Hui Ying
18. Rebecca Lim
19. Marguerite Carla Phipps
20. Victoria
21. Grace
22. Munirah Abd Manan
23. Mavis
24. Audrey Ngerng (Prefect)
25. Noraidah Bt Omar
26. NurElfiani
27. NurFaezah
28. NurhidayuBt Mustaffa (Prefect)
29. Nurasyikin
30. Nurzahiah Jumat (Prefect)
31. Wei Ling
32. Sweta Doshi
33. Theeruniselvi
34. Zhang Sushan
Kampung Tiga-Tiga: We Dare 2 Aim, We Dare 2 Achieve: 3/3 (1999)
Class of 3/3 was the most united class I ever known. Due to this we won alot of competitions and became the class champion. Everyone contributed, each and everyone in the class matters, everyone's sweats and energy was put into the tasks. We had a dedicated leader Atittaya, she's a Mother Hen to all of us and we're her little chicks. At first, I thought I would not fit in this class because everyone in the class were new to me except for Zahiah and Hui Ying from my previous class. It's a double science class which was a better stream than sub-science but triple science classes were the best. When I heard that I get into this class I was totally surprised because I thought I would go to sub-science class instead because I've been playing netball all the time felt so lethargic to study. Nevertheless my grades could get me there but to me everyone in the class were smarter than me. Really, i felt so inferior at times, especially when my partner, Sweta told me that she could go to triple science class. Sweta is a funny person, the way she laughed similar to a person out of breath. OOps! sorry, but after getting to know her, she's a fine person full of ambitions. We shared a common interest that was crazy over Hindustan Movies and their actors and actresses in Bollywood. We would exchange Hindi Vcds & talked about the shows in class. 3/3 consists alot of sportsman for eg: Fatin, Fardyana, Celina, Ying Qi, Margie, Ping Ling, Xiu Juan.......They were the ones sweeping most of the trophies and medals during Sport's Day. Our class cheer leading team which include everyone of us also won 1st prize and overall we won the best and champion class on Sport's day. Cross country, our class had the best runners, took 1st position and we won the Zaniest class title. We also went for a 3 days camp for OBS (Outward Bound School). That's the time, I got to know my classmates much better, we're became so close after that. Especially those in my Group: Lincoln, we shared secrets about our crushes and all kinds of stuffs together. I love our bunks so comfortable. Teamwork was what we'd achieved in the end, and we're no longer shy to one another. Class spirits were even enhanced, among all of us sprout some leaders that led us in the games and events. The other half of our class was in the group: Raffles. i heard someone fell from the top bunk while sleeping. hehehe!!! Must be a terrible dream! Sorry! We learnt and tried canoeing, rock climbing, intensive workouts in early morning. The food there were tasty and delicious at least better tham home-cooked food by my mum. In all i really enjoyed the camp. It's so fun and exciting nevertheless tiring. From 3/3 we all promoted to 4/3, now we're more than friends.  
4/3 (2000): We Don't Do Different Things, We Do Things Differently!
Year 2000 had arrived, even though there's alot of rumours saying that Doom's Day is coming and the Y2K bug virus will attack every single computer worldwide on 1st January 2000. Hei, so far nothing happens yet. For us in 4/3, we were not at all worried, we're moving on as usual. Only that we had to be extra serious because it was the year of our O'level examinations. I had a new partner: Hidayu. I guessed for the first few months almost everyone was a slacker, from what I heard alot scored 20 points and above for Mid-Year. I was one of them. 4/3 still the best class in year 2000 because we won the class Champion for Sport's Day, maybe class cleanliness too. We're still united and we'd stick to that until the year ended. I realised everyone meant so much to each other. At least I have known who was my best friend. My partner, Hidayu and I shared alot of secrets together, hehe, and we're slept during classes too. I think everyone slept during classes too (Don't Deny!) especially Literature class, right! Can't help it because the lessons were boring.... but I still thinks it's a very interesting subjects. As for me and Hidayu we'll took turn when to pay attention and when not to. I would sleep during Physic lessons while Hidayu will doze off during Chemistry lessons. Lucky we're sitting at the corner end in the first row because the teachers seldom looked at our direction, mainly they focused at the back and middle areas. It's obvious enough that both of us scored quite badly for that subjects. I actually failed my Prelim Physic and same goes to Hidayu for her Chem. But in the end we passed them for O'level. During June Holidays, some of us came back to school to study in the Library. Pei Xin, Angie and me practiced our A-maths, we spent so much time on other schools' test papers, at least 2 times late than it supposed to be. Later we'd clarified with Ms. Lee. It really helped me alot because i did score at least an A for A-Maths. Then after every practices, we would treat ourselves at Bedok MacDonalds'. Cool! Right! Time passed so fast that o'levels were coming soon. It's time to buck up!  
Just before O'level, we had a farewell session with our Form teacher: Ms. Tan Lee and Maths teacher: Mr. Yeo. It was the most touching moment in my life and for sure same goes to everyone in the class who was present at that session. Mr. Yeo said his farewell speech and also Ms. Tan Lee. Both of them were our Favourite teachers. Everyone cried except for a number of us including me, we were holding back our tears. Nevertheless we 're sad and felt so touched with everyone's comments on each of us, when we read what's they're written about us in a small booklet each of us was given by Mr. Yeo and verbally too. Everyone stood up and said a speech to everyone present in the computer room, some cried while they're saying, some even went speechless. Our main concerns were to do well for O'level to pay back our Teachers who had taught us, their sincere efforts in teaching us with useful lessons for the future and even for life. Especially those meaningful quotes and proverbs shared by Mr. Yeo for all these times. At least we're more human now. OOPs! sorry, guys! And we commented that how each and everyone of us in the class had played such different roles that made us hate, dislike, love, like, smile, cry, laugh and so on  about them but at that time, all goodness pour all over us, we began to appreciate every single friends in the class. Life had never be the same without them playing their roles. Each and everyone of us is a unique creature! Thanks for making 2000 a year for me to remember till forever.O'level went by so fast, and we heaved a sigh of relief. It's Over!!! Time to enjoy our lives with our good companions.We had our "Prom Night" for girls' and teachers only. Woah! Everyone was a beauty that night. Sophisticatedly and fashionably dressed.Some really sweat too,(what are some of you thinking of? eeee.....yellow brains), dancing to the techno and slow songs. As for me, asked Firza, she knew, because i was trying to fill up my famished stomach with the delicacies such as the cakes. Yummy! i guess i'm too full to dance so me and Firza sat outside the dance floor with some other students too, taking photos and talked about our future! May We all Fulfil our Future with Our Best!
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