What Cause Tsunami in Aceh ?
Jan 2005

A Muslim Saudi professor says the earthquake and tsunami in south Asia were punishment from Allah for homosexuality and fornication committed by residents and visitors of affected countries.
A television interview of Sheik Fawzan Al-Fawzan, a professor at the Al-Imam University, was translated and posted on the Internet by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Around 20,000 Swedes were on holiday when the Indian Ocean tsunami struck. Sweden may be the European country worst hit by the disaster with over 1,000 feared casualties.
Interestingly Sweden, has laws prohibiting incitement of hatred of and violence against people on the grounds of sexual preference. For the first time, it's "hate speech" laws were  modified in 2002 to include criminal sanctions against anyone who denounces gays and lesbians.

Last year a pastor by the name of Ake Green said, "I was watching television, reading the newspaper, listening to high profile people - actors, singers - glorifying the homosexual lifestyle. And I was worried, and was concerned, and I felt a deep burden in my heart to speak on that topic."
Since the attendance was disappointing he had his sermon published in the local newspaper. In it, he compared the sin of Sweden to the sin of Sodom.
He warned, "Our country is facing a disaster of great proportions! Of that we can be sure. God said the land would vomit out its inhabitants" , "sexual abnormality was like a cancerous tumor of the society."
He has been prosecuted and jailed.

Other nations are moving in the same direction or already have similar laws, including Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. Is New Zealand heading towards the same direction?

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21:28