SIN is Sins are
The Centre
The Circumference
The Root
The fruit
The producer
The product
The fountain
Its flow
What WE are
What WE do
 We are sinners by constitution rather than by action - Ro 5:19
 We are not sinners because we commit sins,
but we sin because we are sinners.

Mr 7:21-22  For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications,
murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:

Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know

There is a difference in the degree of sin manifested in the natural man, but not in the fact of inherent sin.

SIN is

Sins are
Inward being/ inner nature manifest itself in outward act and outward action.
Old nature itself shows up in old nature manifestations.
The old man's hidden desires come to the surface in deeds.
Covetousness grows into theft
Deceit becomes falsehood
Unforgiveness grows into revenge
Hatred crystallize into murder
Unbelief develops worry
Dislike degenerates into backbiting
Impatience becomes nagging
Dissatisfaction brings murmuring
Discontent cloths into complaining
Self righteousness slips into fault finding
Pride takes on boastfulness
Envy becomes slander
Ambition arms itself for war
Selfishness grows into oppression
Jealousy attempts to end its torment in suicide or homicide
Impurity of thought and desire manifest themselves in sins of the flesh

Compiled from: "Life on the Highest Plane", Ruth Paxson, Moody Press Chicago, 1928

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