Is there a way to authenticate the Bible?
One theory suggests that chiasm can be found in both historical and prophetic texts.
Additionally, some argue that the Ekklesia, or Church, is the pinnacle of the Bible's sixty-six books.

Ishak Natan
Nov 2019
, June 2023

9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done,
saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Isa 46:9-10

I. History -
God's doing in the past.

II. Prophecy -
God's Revelation of the future

12. Church called
Rom 8:28-30
Tit 3:4-7
2Thes 2:14
Rom 3:23-26

Ekklesia as the
Body of Christ
at Present

Titus 2:11-13; Col 1:25-29
1Cor2:7-9; 2Tim4:8
12. Church called
Joh 14:1-3
1 Thes 4:16-17
1 Co 15:51-54
11. The ministry of Christ his life and death to the Jews
1Tim 1:15
Mat 18:11
Joh  1:11-12
Joh 5:24

11. The ministry of AntiChrist prophesied by Jesus John 5:43
2The 2:3-8
Dan 9:24-27
Mat 24:15-22
10. The first advent of Christ as saviour
Gal 4:4-5
Joh 3:16-17
Mat 18:11

10. The Second Advent of Christ as King of kings
Zec 12:10
Zec 14:4
Re 1:7
9. Times of the Gentiles Lu 21:24
9. The times of the Gentiles- close of "Jacob's Tribulation" Matt 24:29-31
8. Israel called and blessed Gen 12:1-3
 8. Israel recalled and given blessing Isa 11:11-12
7. Construction of Babylon Gen 11:1-4
7. Destruction of Babylon Rev 18:2-5
6. Mankind dealt with as a whole   Gen 11:5-9
6. Mankind dealt with as a whole Matt 25:31-32
5. Man's subjection to Satan Gen 3:9-13
5. God's subjection of Satan Rev 20:1-5
4. The Headship of the first man - Adam Gen 1:27-28
4. The Headship of the Second Man (Christ) as the last Adam 1Cor15:45-47
Mic 4:1-3
3. Earth prepared for man Gen 1:26-30
3. Earth perfected for man (Millennium kingdom) Rev 20:1-4
2.Satan's first rebellion Gen 1:2
Jer 4:23-26
Isa 45:18

2. Satan's final rebellion Rev 20: 7-10
1. Heaven and earth were created Gen 1:1
1. The new heavens and new earth. Rev 21:1-5

Reference : 

J.Edwin Hartill. "Principles of Biblical Hermeneutics". Zondervan Publishing House, 1947. p9.


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