Panorama of the Bible

Ishak Natan
Sep 2022

The word bible comes from the Greek “ta biblia” (τὰ ) meaning “books”, but it was originally written in scrolls and is considered scripture. The Bible is a collection of 66 books divided into two main sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament,
The essence of the Old Testament is about the Messianic kingdom prophesied and promised to the Israelites. The kingdom of Israel ruled by king David was the prototype. The LORD God inspired different writers and prophets to write records in different ways and at different times. He reveals His nature, His wisdom, His supernatural powers, His justice and His plans for mankind.
The words of the Scripture are inherently dynamic – sharper than a double-edged sword. God's Word is also alive and active and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Heb4:12). The Bible is designed to sanctify believing sinners and help train them to be effective and productive servants in the kingdom of God.

Let's discuss sequentially referring to the chart above;
Era of Innocence
From the book of Genesis chapters 1 to 3.
This era begins with the creation of the heavens and the earth and ends with the expulsion of a human couple created by God as a copy of Him, named Adam and his wife Eve. Why is it called the sin-free era? Because in the beginning Adam and Eve were created in a state of innocence and were given the mandate to manage the garden of Eden with the message:
"You may eat freely of all the trees in this garden, but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat of its fruit, for in the day you eat of it you will surely die." (Gen 2:16-17)
  This couple fell into sin through deception by Satan in the form of a beautiful snake that can communicate with Eve,. (Gen.3:1-7)
  It was then that SIN entered the world through one man Adam. Hence one man's disobedience brought death. It spread to all mankind because all have sinned (Rom 5:12). There were three successive impact.
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Era of Conscience
Also known as the age of moral responsibility. The sin of man tend to rebel against God's word and commands.
Outside the garden of Eden, the shedding of animal blood was introduced as a way to approach the Creator by involving the death of another party. Abel, the youngest son of Adam and Eve, offered an animal sacrifice while Cain brought the fruit of the ground unto the LORD.
 His offerings were ignored by the LORD because there was no shedding of blood. Cain was irritated and jealous of Abel. He killed his brother in the field (Gen4:6-9). The first killing of human being occurred since SIN entered the world.
Furthemore the sons of God (the angels who left their habitation) saw the beauty of the children of human race and succeeded in taking them as wife. As a result, giant children were born, famous for their ferocity, so that the LORD destroyed them by a flood that covered the entire face of the earth (Gen6:4-8). Of all mankind, only Noah's family (8 people) survived. They were saved from the flood as Noah obeyed the specific instructions given by the LORD to build a big ark. Whosoever enters this ark survives the condemnation. Noah's Ark indicates an analogy of salvation "in Jesus" ark. Noah begot three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth (Ge 6:10).

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Era of Government
This era is the rule by humans (democracy) in contrast to the rule by God (theocracy). From the descendants of Ham came a mighty hunter before the LORD named Nimrod; His empire consisted of Babylon, Erekh, and Akad, all in the land of Shinar (Iraq). The center of idolatry began in Babylon where they wanted to build a tower that would reach to the heavens (Gen 11:4-7). Jewish tradition relates that Nimrod was put to death by Shem for his idolatry. Accorging to legend, Nimrod reappeared through Ishtar (Semiramis). She gave birth to a baby of her own son and proclaimed the worship of "mother and child". This model of worship continues to this day which could be found in modern-day religions.
In addition, the tower of Babel was built to unite all mankind and not to scatter filling the earth. This was against God's command and invites punishment by destroying their communication system.
This Era of Democracy begins with a covenant with Noah and his descendants and ends with language confusion. The genealogy of Shem to Terah, Abram's father, closes the book of Genesis chapter 11. It was time for the LORD to reveal Himself to Abram the Hebrew who later became Abraham, the ancestor of the Jews, the chosen nation of Israel.

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Dispensation of the Law
At Mount Sinai, the LORD gave 2 tablets of writing (Ten Commandments) to the 6th descendant of Abraham, Moses.
Faith and obedience as the 'common thread' and the foundation of moral life that characterizes this era.
The Mosaic Law contains 613 laws which can be categorized into three groups:
The cost of organizing and running the tabernacle service was supported by the tithe system of each Israelite family. The period of the Mosaic Law is the time when God chooses from all the nations, the Israelites as His "representative". The Jewsh people designated as the path of His revelation and knowledge. This particular nation was mandated to:
Jesus, was born as a Jew in this Age of Mosaic Law. He revealed himself first time as king by riding on a donkey in Jerusalem (Mt 21:9,15; Mr 11:9-10; John 12:13).

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Kingdom of God Proclaimed by Jesus Himself
The four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John reported His coming as the Son of God and that He was prophesied to come as their King Messiah. But his nation refused (John 1:10-13) and ended with His death on the cross (John 19:15) and His resurrection from the grave (Lu 24:6).

The Book of Acts Bridging the Age of Mosaic Law to the Age of Grace
After Cornelius and his entire family (Gentile = non Jew) believed through the preaching of Peter, then the ministry of Grace overflowed (Act10:44-48) to the pagan nations fulfilling the words of Jesus;
19 Therefore go, make disciples of all nations and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teach them to do all things that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Mt 28:19-20
In this transitional era, the kingdom of God was re-offered by the disciples of Jesus to the Jews first and again was rejected (Act13:45-48).

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Mystery Dispensation of Grace - Kingdom Postponed
Also known as church (ekklesia) age. Ekklesia is a Greek word defined as “a called-out assembly or congregation.” Ekklesia is commonly translated as “church” in the New Testament. The church is not an organizational system nor a building to hold worship, but a gathering of people who believed and have been redeemed by the blood of Christ and sealed by the holy Spirit of God (Eph 4:30).
The thirteen letters of the apostle Paul play a major role in explaining the nature of the body of Christ as the holy Catholic Church.
The church is not the kingdom of God on earth as Jesus' disciples expected when He was about to ascend to heaven.
6 When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, will you at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? 7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father has put in his own power. 8 But you shall receive power, after the Holy Spirit has come upon you: and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Ac 1:6-8
Reader needs to know that the Bible never foretold the church in Old Testament times. Even Jesus hinted before his death to the future (Mat16:18). Everything about the ekklesia is revealed in the New Testament by the writings of the apostle Paul. During the Age of Mosaic Law, Israel was the Lord's witness to the world and the name YHWH was the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. Heathen people who repent will merge with Jehovah's people, the Israelites, His chosen people.
The early church consisted of Jewish's disciples of Jesus who witnessed His ascension to heaven recorded in the book of Acts chapter 1.
It was on the day of Pentecost that the Holy Spirit descended in the form of tongues of fire on the heads of the disciples. They gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate  with the Jews from other countries. That particular day was the birthday of the 'New Human Race'  – a new creation in Christ (2Cor5:17, Gal6:15). At present the world consists of three group of human races namely ethnic Jews, the Gentiles and the Church of God (1Cor10:32). Further explanation click here. The existence of God's church on earth began on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem and ended at the time of the rapture.

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Kingdom Proclaimed Again
After the New Human Race is removed from the world, the moral and legal infrastructure that hold back the elements of evil disappeared. The whole world will face catastrophic climate change, scarcity of foods and chaos of global war (1The5:1-6). Sooner or later a charismatic leader emerges from obscurity. He is able to explain the disappearance of hundreds millions of people and elegantly resolve the chaos of the world. Many countries of the world will accept him as their savior, including the state of Israel as their Messiah. At last the peace in the Middle East that the Jews and the United Nations have longed for is accomplished by him. The Jewish Nation allowed to rebuild its Temple.
This coming prince will established a treaty with many parties for seven years. At that point in time begin the countdown of the last 70th weeks of the prophetic history for Israel (Dan 9:24-27), namely the time of Jacob's trouble (Jer 30:7), also known as the time of tribulation (Matt 24:21,29). Why? Because the Jews had rejected Jesus at his first Coming.
I am come in my Father's name, and you receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive. Joh 5:43
The  books of Hebrews to Revelation become the counseling hope for the Jews to survive during that horrific persecution (Hos5:15; Lu13:34-35).
Faith/belief plus deeds are re-enacted in this Law/Tribulation period, in contrast to the era of Grace; faith alone without works.
This Law/Tribulation time span ends with the second coming of Christ as king riding on a white horse to Jerusalem (Rev19:11-16). The Antichrist will be destroyed by the brightness of His coming (2The2:8).

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Kingdom Established
The Kingdom Age was prophesied in the Old Testament Bible. The pattern of life and the culture of its society is described in Isa 2:1-5; Isa 65:18-25; Zech 8:20-23; Zech 14:16-21. The remnant nations that survived will be gathered to be judged as a condition for entering the thousand year kingdom. The basis of the trial is how the nations treated the ethnic Jews when they are persecuted by all nations under the rule of the Antichrist Mat25:32-36;Mat25:37-44.
As a note, during the millennium kingdom there will be two classes of people living side by side,
That is why after the Devil/Satan chained in a bottomless pit for a thousand years and released, he is able to lead the flesh and blood humankind into rebellion against the King who ruled in Jerusalem. After being destroyed by fire that came down from heaven, Satan the deceiver of the nations is thrown into the lake of fire (Rev20:7-10). Subsequently, a great white throne court will be held to jugde the second group of unsaved humanity (Re20:11-15). Finally, eternity will be occupied with a new heaven and a new earth (Rev21:1-8).

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