The Golden Age of Bodybuilding and Physical Culture


I was 22 years old and had made fairly impressive gains naturally, but I wanted to get freakishly huge (I still can't figure out why) and nothing else mattered.

I began my cycling with Anadrol 50. I started with the recommended dosage of 2 tabs a day. Well to cut a long story short, within 2 weeks 2 tabs a day turned into 12 tabs a day and by the end of week 6 I was up to 14 tabs. I was also passing blood through both my urine and my stool. I was exploding though and I didn't care! I gained 28lbs on my first 6 weeks and then switched to a D-bol deca stack.

To my surprise I grew even faster on that stack than I did on the Anadrol. I was up to 280lbs and looked pretty good as far as fat storage went. The internal bleeding stopped after I stopped the Anadrol blitz. I was at week 12 and I stopped seeing gains. I was on 24 tabs of Dbol a day 600mg deca and 1000mg test cyp. a week. I wasn't growing. That's an expensive cycle not to get fast results from. I was new to steroids and doing these "pro" cycles just to get the fastest gains possible.

I've done countless hours of research on the subject of steroids and athletic enhancement of all kinds in different sports. I knew I wasn't doing it right, but I was catering to my impulsive and obsessive personality. I mean where do you go from the point that I was at? You can't up the dosage any more so the only thing to do was come off. I stopped dead at the end of the 25 Dbol stack.

I as expecting to crash hard, I braced myself and waited for it to happen. Well after 4 days off, I talked myself into taking 1cc of Winstrol a day to buffer the crash. I hadn't lost any size yet but I knew the cheque was in the mail. After 10 days, my plan to stay off for 12 weeks went out the window and I started back on Anadrol 50. I repeated the cycle I had just done, expecting to get good results, this time with insulin, I used 25-30I.U. 3 times a day of Humalin R I gained 20lbs after 12 more weeks.

The cycle cost me over 1,200 dollars total and I looked like shit, reality hit me dead in the face. I was huge and bloated and fat. I decided I needed to apply some of the knowledge I had gained to my own scheduling. I stopped using androgens pretty much all together and started using more anabolic drugs. For example I used 1000mg-2000mg of Deca a week along with 400mg-1000mg of test Ethanate. It worked ok and I felt pretty good to, I wasn't making good gains any more but I was big and I was starting to look better as the fat came off.

I stayed on for 2.5 years, then realised one day that there is more to life than being big, Yea I couldn't believe it either! I was missing so much in life because of my obsession. Somehow it dawned on me that I was going nowhere fast and wasting a potential life long happiness to fulfil a self-indulgent and self-destructive impulse. I stepped back for a minute and began putting things into perspective. I took a look at all the guys I hung around with at the time. They were all bouncers at nightclubs or personal trainers and were living month to month just to get big, get chicks and get roids. They were a bunch of ageing bodybuilders who never stopped to smell the roses. It was as if they were all stuck in some sort of fantasy land where they were "better" than everyone else because they were bigger than everyone else.

The funny part is I was starting to feel the same way. We were kind of like a club, we hung out together we ate together and trained together. That's about it, our conversations were either about women, roids or working out, deep huh?
I came off altogether, I lost some size but not to bad. I didn't take any clomid or anything, I just stopped. My testicles are still not back to normal and I'm feeling pretty depressed. I understand that until my test levels get back to normal my brain chemistry will be impaired. I'm not saying I'll never use again, I'm just taking a break and working on a better approach.

Also I feel that I've got lazy nutritionally. Since bad nutrition isn't as evident when you're "on", Juicing forgives a lot of dieting sins. The truth is I feel that if one keeps a good diet, and trains hard he can become a great bodybuilder with out drugs. Whether or not to use drugs, well that's up to the individual. The only advice I can offer is, if you do use them do short cycles. Dealing with the imbalance that comes from long term suppression of your natural hormonal patterns is just not worth it.

Trust me!

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