
Neo-Nazi march broken up in Germany
(Sept. 1st 2001)

LEIPZIG, Germany (September 1, 2001 5:20 p.m. EDT) - Police stopped a march by some 2,000 neo-Nazis in the eastern city of Leipzig on Saturday after participants shouted banned slogans and counter-demonstrators threw bottles and stones. Sixty-one people were arrested.

Counter-demonstrators set fire to makeshift barricades of garbage containers, and threw objects at both the neo-Nazis and police. Bank windows were smashed and a shop looted, police said. A court had given permission for the march to go ahead on the condition that certain far-right slogans were not used. There were 3,500 police officers to control the march.

Concern at a surge in neo-Nazi violence has spurred the German government to pledge a crackdown on the far right and to call for ordinary Germans to stand up for the victims. The government and parliament have applied for a ban on the far-right National Democratic Party, which they blame for fueling the rise in hate crimes. A member of that party organized Saturday's march in Leipzig on behalf of an organization calling itself the "citizens' initiative for German interests."

(Associated Press)

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