Britain: Terror plot racist sentenced
BBC News - 22 November 2002

A racist who police believe was planning to launch a terror campaign has been jailed for 11 years. Pipe bombs, a sub-machine gun, two shotguns, a pistol and bullets were discovered in the home of 37-year-old David Tovey. Police say the loner was planning a one-man race war after uncovering the arsenal at his home in Canterton, Oxfordshire.

Sentencing Tovey at Oxford Crown Court on Friday, Judge Mary Jane Mowat said: "The weapons, the body-building equipment, the military car, the military clothing all suggest the fantasy life of a lone commando." The body-building fanatic was only caught when police investigating a campaign of racist graffiti raided his house.
Neighbouring houses were evacuated and the bomb squad called in following the police raid in February 2002. Police also found high-performance plastic explosive of the type used by the British armed services.

During Tovey's trial , jurors heard how he had scrawled anti-white graffiti in public toilets in Witney, Oxfordshire, between August and November 2001 in an attempt to stir up hatred against ethnic minorities. In January 2002, he was caught on closed circuit television footage going into the toilet of a petrol station in Stratford-upon-Avon where more racist slogans were daubed.

Tovey admitted three explosives charges and six firearms charges and was found guilty at a trial in October of two charges of racially aggravated criminal damage.

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