
Greysteel killer released under Agreement is sent back to jail

A convicted loyalist murderer, released early under the Good Friday Agreement, is to serve out eight life sentences after being convicted of taking part in a knife attack at a soccer match.Stephen Irwin (32), from Woodvale Road in north Belfast, was jailed last week for four years for slashing a soccer supporter with a knife during trouble at last year�s Irish Cup final.

The loyalist was convicted, along with three other Ulster Freedom Fighters members, of taking part in a Halloween gun attack on the Rising Sun bar in Greysteel, Co Derry, in 1993,It was confirmed last night that he had had his early release licence suspended following his latest conviction.It is understood that he could appeal.

Eight people were shot dead during the Rising Sun attack in 1993.One of the gunmen shouted �trick or treat� before opening fire on customers.Stephen Irwin and the other UFF men were convicted and given eight life sentences for the murders.

(Daily Ireland 3rd November 2005)

Previous reports;

  • Nazi Greysteel killer back behind bars
  • Loyalists and Fascists United
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