This logo designed and produced by Brett This Logo designed and produced by Brett This logo designed and produced by Brett
Thought for the day: Train Hard Fight Easy

Fighting Drills are driven using J.K.D. Concepts from:

Arnis, Kali, Silat, Ju-Jitsu, Thai Boxing, Wing Chun, Mano Mano, Wrestling & Tae Kwon Do


Basic & Advanced Punching & Kicking, Unarmed & Armed Offensive & Defensive Techniques, Trapping, Grappling & Take downs, Ground work

For more information please Email me

International Philippino Martial Arts

...............WORLD WIDE ASSOCIATION..............WORLD WIDE ASSOCIATION...............WORLD WIDE ASSOCIATION...............

Most people think that Modern Arnis is a stick fighting art . This is a common misconception because rattan sticks are one of the main tools used in training. But that is not all there is to the art. Modern Arnis is equally based on weapons and empty hand techniques (such as punching, kicking, trapping, and grappling). Modern Arnis teaches the interrelationship between Weapons and Empty Hand skills. Modern Arnis is considered a complete martial arts system that develops many different types of skills for combat, not just simply stick fighting.

Modern Arnis covers all the fighting ranges, defending against armed and unarmed attacks, using a simple but very effective system of angles. It had to be simple, as farmers had to be taught to defend their homelands; as you can imagine there would not have been a great deal of time to train an army if your country was invaded.

Modern Arnis is not complex. To the untrained eye the art looks very difficult to learn, but once training is undertaken, this misconception quickly changes and beginners have a full compliment of basic skills within a very short period of time.

The student can pick what works for him or her to create his/her unique method of combat, which flows naturally with his or her body. Basic combat drills and techniques provide a good foundation for self defence, and may be learnt with a few months of training; as stick or knife training can be easily translated into Empty Hand. The stick is mearley an extension of the arm.

The more advanced practitioner, will have a store of techniques that can be put to use in multiple situations, moving from one range to another without losing "flow". Flow is an important part of Modern Arnis. To flow from one technique to the other,seamlessly, efficiently and smoothly; using the necessary speed required without sacrificing energy to obtain the maximum striking potential, is the goal of every Modern Arnis practitioner. This leaves their opponent no opportunity to exploit an opening or launch a counterattack.

A proficient Martial Arts practitioner will weave a pattern of strikes, against his or her opponent, moving from long ranged attacks to medium to short range, with a deceptive ease. A proficient Martial Artist will move in and out of range at will, confusing the opponent, miss-leading them, and controlling the combat situation. They are trained in all aspects of martial arts using what ever works for them and discarding that which does not. They are always learning and refining new skills and techniques, never letting one go unexplored; as to do so may lose them a valuable tool. A proficient Martial Artist is not a thug, but a person who practices the arts because of the Art.

Brett Burgess 2000

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United Kingdom


International Headquarters

4th Floor Globe Building
Gil Puyat Street
Quiapo, Manila
Tel: 011-63-2-733-2897
Fax: 011-63-2-824-6126

This site designed by Brett Burgess, if you would like to know more please contact me by clicking this link
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