Disclaimer: Voltron and all related characters (Allura, Lotor, etc.) are property of World Events Productions, not me. No profit was made from their use.

Note: Here is a quick little dabble that wrote, sorry it is so short. Hopefully it does not seem too sappy or OOC.


Planet Doom had not changed a day since Allura last set foot on the planet's surface three years ago. The planet was dead all the way from the infertile ground, to the oceans of acid, to the black star less sky. Allura quickly gazed over the horizon to where the bombed out remains of Castle Doom could be seen. Even the twisted monster that was the Doom Empire, the only thing that was able to flourish on this world, had been slain.

After a few more moments of staring, she tore her gaze away from the ruins. Her thoughts were morbid enough as they were, and did not need the sad state of planet Doom to add to them. Focusing once again on the road ahead, Allura walked away from where she had landed the Blue Lion and made her away across the wasteland.

The spot that she had been looking for had not been hard to find. Rows of crudely made crosses , which were hastily made to bury the dead after the final attack on Doom, marked the spot she was looking for. And though none of them bore a name, a story, or a history, she knew which cross belonged to him.

The cross Allura now stood before was crudely made of twisted, sharp metal and leaning to the side. Allura felt it suited him, he being as cold, twisted, and cruel as he was. Even the way the cross was slanted seemed cocky, making her feel as if he was right before her, smiling smugly because she had finally come to him willingly like he always said she would.

If her friends knew she was here, they would certainly think her insane. All he ever caused for her was grief. He attacked her planet, hurt her friends, and killed millions. However, thinking back on the past, the way that he had hurt her the most was the reason why she was willing to forgive him, and why for so long, she could not.

That man was always strange, and even to this day, Allura did not fully understand him. As much as he hurt her, he claimed to love her. Though that love was twisted, and though it often frightened her, Allura did believe it existed, and it gave her hope for him. There were times when her hope that he would change for the better were almost realized with some small kind act on her behalf. However, whatever he felt for did not seem strong enough to save him from his own darkness. Once she thought it did, when he came to them claiming to have changed and promising to help them defeat his father. Being the naive, hopeless romantic she was, Allura believed it, only to them be led to a fake planet Doom and betrayed.

One could go on and on about the feelings she felt when Allura learned it was all a lie, but in the end, all those feelings of grief and rage were caused by the fact he had broken her heart. Shortly after that incident, all hope died along with him when Doom was defeated once and for all.

Long, slender fingers tightly clutched a small piece of paper that the Princess held in her hand. It had taken three years, but she had finally forgiven him for what he had done. Fearing that the feeling would pass, she wrote down all of her thoughts and emotions towards him at that moment. Essentially, it was her confession that she was finally able to let him go.

Fighting back tears, she slowly placed the note at the foot of the mangled cross, hoping that for once he would listen to her. Despite what Allura had said or thought about him in the past, she did not want him thinking that he died with her hating him. The thought of that crushed her, and she knew it would have crushed him.

"Good-bye, Lotor." said Allura, wiping away the few tears that had managed to fall from her eyes. "I hope this finally brings you peace, where ever you are."

The Princess of Arus then headed back for her Blue Lion and did not look back.


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