Fan Fiction Archive
  Transcribed by Nightshade and Nobodysgirl
[Exterior nightshot of Moon begins pan down to forest. Where three Native Americans
in period dress are sitting and laughing around a camp fire]

Darien Voice Over: A bad boy Salman Rushdie once wrote that sometimes legends make reality and become more useful then the facts. Well these are the facts of two legends meeting face to face....many moons ago.

[Suddenly a growling is heard in the woods. One warrior stands takes bow and heads into
the trees and disappears then from the darkness growling and screams are heard... second
Warrior moves towards the trees screams reach higher pitch and an arrow strikes the tree
next to him then there is only silence. The other two look scared the younger of the two turns
to the older Warrior]

Warrior 2: Stay here.

[Second warrior reaches into his bag and pulls out a gun and..... a flashlight? He follows the same
path as the first only this time we can see the movement of the flashlight. Old Warrior looks on
worried. We see his viewpoint of  flashlight movement then suddenly growls are heard and the
second warrior starts screaming. the old warrior looks on again the screams stop The old Warrior
stands alone in the darkness.... ]

Fade to intro
Darien Voice Over:  There once was a story about a guy who could turn invisible, I thought it was just a story, until it happened to me, Ok so here's how it works there's this stuff called Quicksilver that can bend light some scientists made it into a synthetic gland, and that's where I came in. See I was facing life in prison and they were looking for a human experiment. So we made a deal, they put the gland in my brain I walk free, the operation was a success......that's when everything started to go wrong.........

[interior of the Official Office Eberts is taking down the fish and game symbol]

Darien Voice Over: Hey you know how they say all good things come to an end? Yeah well the bad things tend to get worse.

[the Official is behind his desk (the Official View point of Darien and Hobbes entering office]

Darien: Yeah nice an crispy that's how they fry em up

The Official: Ah Gentleman have a seat

[Darien and Hobbes move and stand in front of the Official desk]

Darien: What's up what's going on?

The Official: I have some good news and some bad new. Which do you want to here first

[Hobbes and Darien look at each other and answer at the same time]

Hobbes: Good News
Darien: Bad News

[They turn to each other still speaking over each other]

Hobbes: the good news
Darien: You get the bad
Hobbes: No good news
Darien: Noo you get the bad
Hobbes: Good news

The Official: Eberts!

Ebert: This Agency is no longer under the authority of the Department of Fish and Game.

Darien: Is that the good news or the bad news?

The Official: We're finally free of those constraints... plus the embarrassment of having to work for such a minor league department.

Darien: (Smug tone) They kicked you out didn't they?

Eberts: They failed to renew contract for the next quarter yes.

The Official: Shut up Eberts

Hobbes: So with all due respect sir Well what am I suppose to do now I mean I do have a family to think of.

The Official: Family????

Hobbes: Well you know eventually.

The Official: Don't worry Bobby we have a new sponsor.

[Hobbes walks back towards Darien passing Eberts who is now pulling out the new Shield. He stops to and proudly shows them the new one It reads...]

Darien: The Bureau of Indian Affairs???

Eberts: We are the new Special Investigation Attache

[Darien walks over to the desk and leans down to the Official]

Darien: Ahhh Is this gonna change anything with me getting the counter agent?
he Official: Nooo this is still the Agency and I'm still in charge.

[Darien nods and moves back to stand next to Hobbes]

Eberts: Our charter remains the same [Picks up a War bonnet and moves it behind the Official desk] We simply have a new landlord to pay rent to.

The Official: yes and speaking of rent.. Today is rent day.  Sit down boys

[The Official motions them to sit. Darien and Hobbes take there usual seats in front of the desk]

The Bureau of Indian Affairs wants us to investigate a double murder that took place on the Santee Reservation.

Eberts: The brutality of the murders suggest to the tribal Council [While speaking he is fussing
with the war bonnet] that these murders are in fact a warning message.

Darien: A warning from who?

The Official: Las Vegas

Eberts: Ever since the tribes have sought the governments approval for slot machines in their
casinos they are in turn being targeted by the Las Vegas gaming Concerns.

Hobbes: Whoooo Hoooo!!!!  another casino job!! Papa needs a new pair of shoes [Leans towards
Darien and they slap hands grinning]

The Official: Papa had better be packing his camping boot cause papa and his buddy are going into
the Woods

[Quicksilver fade from Dariens face looking Apprehensive to....]

[The Van driving up a dirt road in the woods pulls to a stop and Darien , Hobbes and Clair get out]

Darien: WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

[Hobbes is mumbling the same line to himself over and over with diferent inflections]

Hobbes: Bobby Hobbes F-n-G

[All three move to stand in front of the Van facing away from it]

Darien: Alright what's up? Were suppose to meet someone here right

[Hobbes, in sunglasses, can be heard still practicing different ways of saying Bobby Hobbes F-n-G]

Clair: Yeah I think so

Hobbes: I think F-n-G sounds better. What do you think?? ......Am I right??

Darien: What?

Hobbes: Bobby Hobbes F-n-G

[Clair and Darien look at him like he's nuts]

Darien: Hey [looks at Hobbes over Clairs shoulder] Check it out. . .I think there's a chipmunk over there
who cares

Hobbes: Let me just tell you something; a transfer is one step away from decommission, my friend.

Darien: Oooohhhhhh

Hobbes: Tell that to your Fricking Chipmunks

Clair: Awwwwww

[voice from off screen]

John Grey: I take it you're the Agency

[All three turn to look at  the man coming towards them, he's a tall Native American with long
hair and a hat, he comes to a stop in front of them]

Hobbes:  Who wants to know?

John Grey: John Grey Tribal Council assigned me as your guide...Welcome to Grand Forrest Reservation.

Clair: Thank you ... It's very Beautiful.

John Grey: Lets get one thing straight, we don't want you here, I think the reservation police should
handle reservation problems.

Darien: Look the BIA ordered us down here.... They told you, Right?

John Grey: Yeah well the BIA is a Governments Agency I don't trust Governments Agencies

Darien: Can't argue there

Hobbes: Trust Me you can trust us

John Grey: Where have you heard that before?

Clair: Well ummm we should probably start by examining the bodies.

John Grey: You mean the remains.

Darien: Ouch.

[Fade to interior shot from above looking at a sheet covered body being pushed back int a morgue freezer Camera pulls back and you see Clair, Hobbes and Darien on left side of tray and John Grey on the other side]

Hobbes: I've seen worse.

[Darien leans against the freezer wall while Claire and Hobbes step closer to John Grey]

Clair: Do you have the Coroners report?

Hobbes:[from behind Clair] A lot Worse

[John walks to a desk and picks up a report and brings it to Clair]

John: He said the groin area of each man had been struck once before being dismembered.

[Clair takes the report from John, looks it over and grimaces]

Clair: Wha.... it doesn't say anything here about what weapon was used.

John: Uhh ... there was no weapon used.

[Darien looks up from where he is leaning on the wall]

Darien: Hey guys.... wait a minute here ... this doesn't feel like the kind of hit Vegas would commission.

John: I don't know what your suggesting that someone on the reservation did this.

Darien: What is this with you chief? Why are you making this personal?

[Darien and John both start to get angry]

John: Whoooaa hoooo....

Clair: Please all he is saying is it's difficult to believe any man could have done this.

Old Voice:[from off screen] It wasn't done by any man.

[The old Warrior from the campfire walks into the morgue. Everyone turns and looks at him]

John: Ahhh this is Joseph Leaningtree one of our tribal elders {John walks to Joseph] Joseph these people are from the government..... and we're kinda busy.

[Joseph looks at the three, as John walks back towards them]

Joseph: I saw them die.

[Darien takes a step towards Joseph]

Darien: So you saw who did this?

Joseph : It was Wendigo that took those boys.

[Hobbes takes a step towards Joseph and ends up standing next to John]

Hobbes: Wen.. Whe...Wendys???

John: [Turns to Hobbes] Wendigo it's an old Native Fairy Tale like ... Big Foot or the Boogie Man.

Joseph: Ain't no Boogie man... Wendigo is a shape shifter, evil spirt, devores men to get power never satisfied.... Eyes that glow like red hot coals.

Hobbes: So you say you saw this thing. You saw it kill these men.

John: He didn't see anything. I mean it was dark. He said he heard screeching noise that's it.

Clair: aaa Has anyone considered a wild animal . . . a bear maybe?

John: This attack was to precise to be a bear.

Hobbes: I say we check out the crime scene.

John: [nods] We'll take my truck... ten minutes?

Clair: [nods] Yep.

Darien: Hey... [Walks over to Joseph] We'll find who did this I promise ya.

Joseph: You watch out for Wendigo [Places his hand over Dariens heart. Darien looks down at his hand resting against his chest] In here.

[As Joseph walks away and Darien lifts his head fade to]

[Silver SUV drives into view into a small clearing woods on all sides pulls up to a stop back passenger door opens and you see someone stepping out of the SUV in a nice pair of shoes.
And steps right into a mud puddle. Pull back and see that the shoe is attached to Hobbes Who is now looking at his mud covered shoe. Darien looks over the door, having gotten out of the front seat, at Hobbes muddy shoes. Darien shrugs steps around the open door, reaches into his pocket and pulls out a Red and Black hunting hat with ear flaps. Darien plunks the hat on his head and walks up towards Clair and John who are heading to an extinguished campfire. Hobbes follows trying to clean off his shoe.]

John: I see your friends came dressed for the occasion.

Clair: Ahhh ... Their city slickers. Whatcha gonna do?

John: This way..... This is it.

Clair: ohhh

[They stop at the camp fire Hobbes walks by heading to a tree]

Hobbes: Cookout huh?

John: They were on a nostalgic outing, they went all the time. Tuts and his brothers were tradition junkies they organized Pow Wows that sort of thing.

Darien: Hey... know that guy back there... Joseph. He was their father right?

John: Nah... they just liked to listen to him talk... Joseph has no kids.

[John walks a little way into the woods, stops and then turns back to Claire. Darien and Hobbes separate and walk around the clearing looking into the woods]

John: This is where Joseph was standing the killings happened over here. [Walks to where the murders happened] Tuts saw the killers... Backed up.... and jumped to here.

Hobbes: [Hobbes walks up] No  no   no  no. he didn't jump .... he was clearly knocked back ok? Unless he jumped back with both feet [Darien walks up behind them] You don't jump with both feet.

[Darien looks up at some movement in the woods and sees a figure jump out of sight]

John: Killers flanked them [John demonstrates to Hobbes] then hears his brother cry out at the fire... does a 180 ... and shoots back.

Hobbes: [walks over to John] Uh huh Let me teach you a little something about triangulating trajectory.

John: That's right.

Darien: [Darien hesitantly raises his hand] Uhhh Excuse me... but I gotta go to the [points in the direction of where he saw the figure disappear] and use the little boys room.... so uh...

[Darien starts to walk past everyone but as he passes John who pulls a empty water bottle out of his bag taps him on the shoulder with it]

John: Use it we want to keep the ground water pure.

Darien: [looks at the water bottle then to John] I can work with that [Turns and starts to walk away]

Claire: Aim to kill

[Darien walks into the woods carrying the water bottle, tapping it against his other hand. He heads towards where the figure disappeared. When he gets out of sight of the others he Quicksilvers.[Quicksilver view of the woods as Darien looks around] cut back to Hobbes and John in each others faces arguing and Clair nearby looking at the ground]

John: Ah you think he jumped up there
Hobbes: I don't know
John: How?
Hobbes: I don't know.

[Claire finds something on the ground squats to see what it is]

John: How'd he get up there
Hobbes: Let me tell you something


Claire: Um... Kids ahh...  it looks like the ground over here has been covered over.

[Hobbes and John walk over to her and start to help her move the leaves away]

[Cut to Dariens Quicksilver view of the woods then switches back to normal] Darien walks back towards the group, still carrying the un used water bottle, they are now huddled around the area they have uncovered and have not heard Dariens approach. The silence is broken by Darien when he steps on a twig *snap* they all jump and Darien stops]

Claire: Ohhhh!!!

[Claire, Hobbes and John step away from the uncovered section of ground revealing a very very large foot print]

Darien: Why...God....Well that's one big foot footprint there right.... Right?

Hobbes: Looks like this is going to the X-Files...  I guess... Huh??


Keeper: (measures footprint) Ok, so it�s two and a half feet long and�about two and a half inches deep which means whatever made this print was prehensile, weighed about eight hundred pounds, and stood upright.

Fawkes: Well, they would need just some kind of power tool to make it, right?

Keeper: Yeah like a - well something portable that can deliver a thrust of eight hundred pound per square foot or so?

John: Yeah a pn-pn-pneumatic press maybe.

Fawkes: I mean I got a question, why do you go through the trouble of making the thing and then you cover it up with dirt?

Hobbes: (pulls on collar) Guys guys� I think there�s uh you know like an obvious uh alternative uh we�re not considering here?

Fawkes: What?

Hobbes: Do I got to spell it out for ya Keep? Bigfoot! That�s a big foot.

Fawkes: Sasquatch.

Hobbes: Yeti.

Fawkes: Wendigo-

Hobbes: Bingo!

Fawkes: You�re embarrassing.

Hobbes: You tell me there�s not a scientific possibility here?

Keeper: A possibility of what? A-a giant bipedal primate roaming around North America that�s been somehow able to elude scientific observation for hundreds and hundreds of years?

Hobbes: It hasn�t eluded anything my dear. There�s been millions of sightings, thousands of legends-

Keeper: Yes but only one reality. Nope I don�t buy that.

Hobbes: But you�d buy some sort of uh big sort of a metal press coming in here and stampin� it into the ground like that.

Keeper: All I am willing to buy is that we�re not going to go home just yet.

Fawkes: Hm!

Hobbes: Hm!

[Crossfade to view of the land. We see a blue sky, an open field of trees and grass. The day turns into night. We see a campfire and two tents. We hear crickets and an owl. A tent unzips. It�s Darien. He carries a plastic bottle and walks toward the forest. Darien wraps his jacket tightly around him. He stops and unzips to urinate. We see a branch overhead and in the darkness two red eyes glowing. He remembers what the old man told him.]

Joseph Voice Over: Eyes that glow like red hot coals�

Fawkes: (looks scared and starts to back up) Guys -

[Darien falls backward over a tree branch on the ground. The eyes disappear. Respectively, Claire and Bobby come running out of their tents. Hobbes pulls out his  gun aiming it into the darkness surrounding the camp.]

Hobbes: Fawkes!

Fawkes: (points) Right over there. That�s the eyes.

Hobbes: So what do you think there are any chipmunks?

Fawkes: They don�t squeak like that.

[Fade out. It is morning. Someone scratches the ground with a stick. Pan up to Hobbes.]

Hobbes: (scratching ground) Hey guys look at this here, huh? Huh? (laughs)

John: (calls) Got another one!

[Darien and Claire are walking past Bobby.]

Keeper: (pats Bobby on the head) That�s good Bobby.

Fawkes: (pats Bobby on the head) That�s good Bobby.

Hobbes: Guys?

John: Whoever covered these tracks didn�t do a very good job.

Hobbes: Did you ever consider the Sasquatch did it? Hm? It covered its own tracks much like a dog would it had a bone.

[Hobbes walks past them.]

Fawkes: (To John as they start to folloew Hobbes)) I mean Hobbes is a specialist in canine rituals.

John: Yeah uh -

Fawkes: Because it can? Did you ever hear that- ?

John: Well�

Fawkes: You never heard that joke? Ok yeah, well it�s a classic joke. Ok why does a dog lick his (phone
rings)�Why does a dog lick his(phone rings)?

John: Um�

Fawkes: Because it CAN! Get it?

Keeper: (Claire stops and pulls out e sat. phone) Oh Dear!(answers phone)

John: (laughs in the background)) Yeah.

Keeper: Yeah -

Official on phone: It�s Tuesday -

Official: What the hell is going on?

Keeper on phone: Uh well we�ve uncovered some leads -

Keeper: And-and we�re following them up.

Official on phone: Uh huh. What kind of leads?

Keeper: (grabs leaves and crunches them by the mouth piece) Uh sir? Sir I�m so sorry but I think that I the we�re actually b -king up.

Official on phone: What? Are you crumbling leaves? Are you crumbling leaves?

Official: We got a new satellite phone we paid nine hundred dollars for it.

Eberts: (at desk by now) Nine fifty?

Official: (peeved) Shut up Eberts.

Keeper: I�m n-g-you.

[Claire hangs up phone and sighs. We see Bobby, Darien, and John.]

Fawkes: Yeah. I can agree with you chief it seems like he was just wasting his time rubbin� that�

John: MmHmm -

Fawkes: I thought it was two sticks together. I mean he was doin� like -

John: Yeah.

Hobbes: Ah HA! Ah ha ha ha (Bobby points to ground) Ha! See? What we have over here is a big patch of covered earth. Yeah?

[John removes his hat and kneels on ground to investigate.]

Fawkes: (looks around) Ah! God! What is that smell?

Hobbes: Those are berries son. Berries - strewn about. An obvious marker.

John: (starts to dig with shovel) Weren�t no berry bushes though.

Hobbes: No bushes?

Fawkes: That�s a killer shovel.

Hobbes: Let�s see uh�excavation here. A little excavation?

Keeper: (takes notes) Excavate.

Hobbes: An archealogical expedition. That�s right.

[John holds up a bone.]

Hobbes: Ah! A bone! A bone! Haha?

Keeper: (stunned) Wow. That looks like a femur.

Fawkes: Yeah? Human?

Keeper: Hmmm. Can�t tell.

[John finds a skull and holds it up.]

Hobbes: Oh! Hellooo.

Keeper: (takes skull) Ok now - now this is not human - but this is an infant skull.

Fawkes: An infant what?

Hobbes: An infant baby Bigfoot that�s what that is. That is - baby - baby Bigfoot!

Fawkes: (shows bottle) Excuse me guys I got to -

(Darien turns and starts to  roam off looking for a private place to take care of business)

Hobbes: Are you having prostate problems there buddy? All right about that.

John: Any chance that skull�s a fake?

Keeper: No. It�s real.

Hobbes: Oh come on Keep! You know there�s got to be some kinda legit credo to Bigfoot (Claire groans) You got the degrees in this stuff!

Keeper: I�ve studied zoology not cryptozoology.

Hobbes: Well, you have had to have read somethin� about it, right?

Keeper: Yes yes! There are some anthropologists not very many that point to an extinct primate that lived in Asia about three hundred thousand years ago. Gigantapithicus Blackheave.

Hobbes: Gigantapithicus?

Keeper: Well they think it crossed a land bridge that connected Asia with North America but there�s-there�s absolutely no proof.

Hobbes: You want proof? (holds up skull in front of Claire) Poof! Proof!

[cut to Darien having found a place unzips and starts to relax. Out of nowhere a gun is pointed at his skull.]

Man: Don�t move.

Fawkes: (looks at the guy in exasperation)What�s a guy gotta do to take a -

Man: Don�t speak.

[Darien zips and they head back the way Darien came We see Claire, Bobby and John looking at something. Claire hears footprints and turns around.]

Fawkes: Hey guys.

[Darien stands behind them with his hands raised, the man standing next to him has a gun raised and pointed at Dariens head. Bobby and John turn and point their gun toward the man.]

Man: I want you to drop the guns drop the bones and move away now.

Hobbes: Who the hell is that guy?

John: You are trespassing on tribal lands. Throw your weapon down and put your hands in the air.

Fawkes: (Looks at the guy)I�m guessin� that ain�t gonna do it for you.

Man: I just want the Sasquatch bones. Nobody gets hurt.

Fawkes: (looks back at Hobbes)Hobbes will ya do something, please?

Hobbes: I need a clear shot Fawkes.

Fawkes: That is not a problem.

[Dairen shrugs and quicksilvers to invisible. Man stands there his hand still stretched out. Hobbes fires. TheMan runs and hides behind a tree. Man fires at the group. Bobby, Claire and John hide behind a tree.]

Hobbes: (whispers to Keeper) Keep - get back.

[Man pulls some thermal goggles out of his pack and puts them on . Cut to  footprints forming in the dirt from Invisible Darien walking. Man looks around around with googles on and spots  Invisible Darien . He aims at Invisible Darien and starts firing.]

Fawkes: (runs and unquicksilvers behind tree) We got thermal!

[Man fires a few more times  then stops. He removes his goggles and throws a grenade towords the group.]

Hobbes: Grenade! Keeper: Look out!

[Explosion. Darien walks up and finds Claire, Bobby and John as the smoke clears.]

Fawkes: (Looking at the group as the pull themselevs up and stand in a small group) Oh - ok, what the hell is goin� on here, huh?

Keeper: Well we found our Bigfoot. What leaves those red eyes you saw?

John: Yeah yeah who cares about that? (John turns to Darien) How the hell�d you disappear like that?

Keeper: What?

Hobbes: Disappear? Oh oh you talkin� about the mountain man?

Fawkes: Anyway - back to my original question. Will you focus here chief? What the hell is goin� on?

Hobbes: What�s goin� on Fawkes is we head back ok? We grab a couple of more crews maybe a chopper, sweep the forest -

Fawkes: (thinks) Nice -

Hobbes: Hunt this mountain man down.

Fawkes: Puhleeaase - he wants the bones, right? I say we lure him back to us.

Keeper: Either way - let�s get back to the truck, please?

Fawkes: To the truck!

Keeper: Did you just say chopper?

Hobbes: That�s riight�

[Claire and Bobby start walking back. John looks at Darien.]

Fawkes: What? Hey you been uh -
[To John Darien puts his thumb and index finger to his mouth and breathes in through his mouth and wiggles his eyebrows. Darien walks off. John exits.]

[It is nighttime. Darien sings as he sits by the campfire. He stops to sip his coffee. John enters the area.]

John: One o�clock. Your shift is up.

Fawkes: Goody. I get to sleep four hours until the next shift.

John: Oh yeah? Hobbes is snoring.

Fawkes: Ok make it two hours.

[John grabs rifle and looks around. Fawkes climbs into tent. Hobbes is snoring.]

Fawkes: (shakes head) Hobbes.

[We hear a snuffling noise and see something move against the tent from outside. Darien looks on getting scared and trys to shake Hobbes]
Fawkes: Hobbes�Hobbes�

Hobbes: What is it?

Fawkes: Hobbes�Hobbes�Hobbes�

Hobbes: What?

Fawkes: Hobbes wake up

[The entire tent is lifted off like a handkerchief. Hobbes stands gun ready. He pivots around and ends up with the cross hairs aimed at....]

Fawkes: (ducks) Hey would you stop pointing that thing at me?

Hobbes: Where�s John Grey?

Fawkes: I don�t know where John Grey is.

Hobbes: Where is he?

Fawkes: (turns to Hobbes and screams) He was out here!

Hobbes: Alright wait here.

Fawkes: What do you mean wait here?

Hobbes: Just� just -

Fawkes: Where are you going?

[Bobby walks off into the dark looking for John. Dariens left alone in the camp  We see Darien�s face turn around slowly. We see a footprint pressing into the ground. A clear substance is slimmed upwards on his face.]

Fawkes: (shocked) Aaah!

John: Attaaaack!

[Darien touches his face in shock. The stuff sticks to his fingers as he pulls his hand away forming a thread.
John runs up and pushes Darien out of the way. John screams as he is lifted up. We hear roaring then a crack. John is still and falls lifeless to the ground. Clair comes running out of here tent having been awokien by all the yelling]

Keeper: (runs up to Darien  grabs his arm and screams) Get into the truck!

[Darien and Bobby run to the truck. The three enter the truck with Darien in the driver�s seat, Bobby in the front passenger seat and Claire between the two they all start yelling to each other]

Fawkes: Give me the keys here.

Hobbes: I don�t have �em.

Fawkes: Give me the keys!

Keeper: What the hell is out there?

Fawkes: (stops yelling)I don�t know but it - it licked me. (Dariens mystified by this)

Hobbes: All right everybody just stop moving okay? If we don�t move it won�t see us alright?

[The three of them sit motionless for a while. Suddenly, the windshield is shattered and flies off the car. They all scream. Darien get s the keys and turns the ignition.]

Fawkes: Here we go�Here we go.

Hobbes: Oh my God!

[He drives forward and the wheel gets stuck in the mud. The car stops. Darien�s eyes dart around. The car lifts off the ground.]

Hobbes: Oh my God! It�s got us Fawkes it�s got us Fawkes turn on the lights.

[Fawkes turns on the headlights.]

Keeper: Please stop saying that!

Hobbes: Fawkes hit the gas. Hit the gas!

[The Man steps out in front of the truck aims a gun and fires .]

Man: Take that ya bastard! .

[We hear roaring. The Man runs off. They all scream as the car suddenly is  turned on its side. Darien, Claire and Bobby  slide to the bottom of the uprooted truck and are looking stunned speechless.

<commercial break>

It is day time. The campsite is a mess. Bobby, Claire, and Darien walk around.]
Hobbes: (groans) Ah -
[Darien runs ahead.]
Hobbes: Look at this - no satellite phone -
Fawkes: Ok that guy John�s body? It was right here. (points) I don�t even see any blood.
Hobbes: Don�t panic.
Fawkes: No no no I�m not panicking. I�m-
Hobbes: I heard a trace of panic in your voice.
Fawkes: No. I�m calm I really am I�m just - I�m just you know I�m curious about some of the things we saw last night.
Hobbes: Yeah.
Fawkes: Yeah.
Hobbes: Oh yeah me too.
[Claire is examining the truck.]
Hobbes: Like look who the hell is that guy with the shot gun. That�s what I want to know -
Fawkes: That guy with the shot gun? Yeah?
Hobbes: Yeah.
Fawkes: Yeah. How about that uh FREAKING INVISIBLE MONSTER!
Hobbes: What do you mean invisible for?
Fawkes: What do I usually mean when I say invisible? All right? INVISIBLE!
Keeper: Oh - guys guys. Over here!
[Claire pulls a microscope out of her bag. Bobby and Darien are walking over to meet her.]
Fawkes: I�m trying to understand the reasons Hobbes: I know what invisible - I know
we�ve been dealing with a lot you know? what invisible means!
Fawkes: (To Claire) What�s up?
Keeper: Look look look (she takes a sample onto a swab) What ever hit us last night? Its blood is on the grill.
[She prepares a slide with the sample. Bobby and Darien talk to each other.]
Hobbes: The reason I mentioned the guy with the hat is because I think he�s the one that�s behind this.
Fawkes: Ok what is it with the guy with the hat? Ok you�re like obsessed with this guy. Somethin� licked me last night pal.
Hobbes: This isn�t a contest -
Fawkes: Oh please -
Keeper: Bloody hell.
Fawkes: Oh it�s real alright?
Keeper: (shakes her head in amazement) Oh yeah it�s real all right. This blood�it�s saturated with quicksilver.
[Claire, Bobby, and Darien all look at each other.]
Fawkes: Oh man
Hobbes: Wait a minute - maybe it�s really Fawkes� blood. Are you wounded partner?
Fawkes: Oh man�oh
Hobbes: Wait so how would the quicksilver get inside the Bigfoot?
Keeper: Oh! Would you stop saying Bigfoot?!
Fawkes: No no Claire it�s real Bigfoot it�s Wendigo -
Hobbes: Sasquatch-
Fawkes: Yeah whatever you want to call it it�s real!! That�s where the quicksilver gland came from isn�t it?
Keeper: (smiles nervously) What?
Fawkes: Wait a minute. Am-am I seriously figuring this out before you?
Keeper: Wait�you are implying that-that-that the gland has its origin in nature and that origin is Bigfoot?
Fawkes: Ok�the gland�s biosynthetic alright? There must have been a bio part - bio part that it was modeled on, you know? I don�t care if it�s not honoring to my brother. You can�t just whip up a human gland can you?
Hobbes: Can ya? Can you?
Keeper: Well I don�t know how Kevin did it but he must�ve -
Fawkes: Copied it. From a real actual species of man well you know been roamin� around the earth for centuries. The reason no one has ever seen it� its got kind of a nifty natural defense. It can turn invisible.
Hobbes: Wow.
Fawkes: See what I�m sayin�?
Hobbes: I see what you are saying. So one day some forest rangers you know cruisin� around the forest steps on a dead one and then uh Boom! The squatch ends up on a top- secret government operating table.
Fawkes: (points repeatedly to Hobbes) That�s what I�m talkin� about. Get up. (He high fives Hobbes. To Claire) What is it?
Keeper: Er�well�I mean if this is true �if there�s an organic version of the gland that I could study�I mean it - I mean it could answer a hell of a lot of questions.
Fawkes: Like uh oh I don�t know. Possibly uh how to get this gland outta my head?
Keeper: Yeah. For starters.
Hobbes: I say right now we go out and bag us a Bigfoot.
[We see Claire sorting through supplies.]
Hobbes on walkie-talkie: Hey Hefty van Helsink What�s your signal ref?
Keeper: (rolls eyes) I�m almost done. Stop checking in.
[Fawkes arrives with tree branches.]
Hobbes on walkie-talkie: Hey Hefty Perseus. What�s your signal?
Fawkes: Yeah. Requesting radio silence for all eternity. Out.
[Darien puts communicator in jacket pocket. They are rigging the net. Darien is in a tree fastening ropes.]
Fawkes: So you figure out how we�re going to lure the Wendigo there team leader Hobbes?
Hobbes: How am I supposed to know? You�re the one that�s related to it. What you got some kind of mating call like a werewolf thing or something?
Fawkes: Actually come to think of it�my hair has grown a lot faster since they got the gland in my head.
Hobbes: (To Claire) Do you think the quicksilver could have anything to do with that?
Keeper: Huh? Oh. Yeah. Hm. Possibly.
Hobbes: Yeah? Maybe it would work as a topical�solution for hair loss.
Fawkes: Quicksilver -
Hobbes: Yeah!
Fawkes: For men.
Keeper: Use it - at the risk of your sanity.
Hobbes: No no we�ll just get some out of that invisible Sasquatch.
Fawkes: Whoa�slow down there tiger. That is my family you�re talkin� about there huh?
Hobbes: Well what is it er�Grampa Bigfoot?
Keeper: Oh oh guys- guys guys. He�s your gland - daddy.
[Hobbes laughs. Fawkes and Hobbes cringe at the bad joke and walk away. The tree limbs fall. Claire hides. Bobby gets his gun. Darien quicksilvers. We see through blue quicksilver vision Invisible Darien from a great height.]
Fawkes: Claire watch out!
[Darien runs toward Wendigo. Wendigo picks Darien up. He unquicksilvers and struggles to free himself. Claire cuts the rope and the net falls. Hobbes tries to get a clear shot. Darien is quicksilvering.]
Hobbes: Fawkes�Fawkes�just stay in sight.
Fawkes: I am not doing this!
Keeper: It�s quicksilvering him!
[Darien quicksilvers. Hobbes runs toward Wendigo and gets kicked. He flies back. Darien cries out. Wendigo pulls net off and leaves.]
Keeper: Bobby�gee are you all right?
Hobbes: Oh no�butt.
Keeper: Your coccyx?
Hobbes: That too.
Keeper: How did it get there? You alright?
Hobbes: Where is Fawkes?
[Pan up from office desk to Official.]
Official: No. I haven�t heard from them today�but I checked yesterday and they were following up on some leads. Oh trust me you�ll have your answer soon. I realize the tribes are getting restless. I sympathize. What leads? As in the exact leads they have?
[Eberts grabs a piece of paper and crumbles it near the receiver.]
Official: Uh�hello? Hello hello. We seem to be uh we seem to be having some interference on this line. Hello?
[We see the forest and hear birds chirping. Eerie music plays. We see Darien hanging upside down. He wakes up. Darien looks up at his feet.]
Fawkes: Ah ha crap.
[Darien looks around and sees the ground and a skeleton in a ditch. He tries twice to reach and loosen the vines holding him up. He fails. Darien pulls out his plastic bottle and drops it. He pulls out his communicator.]
Fawkes on walkie talkie: Mayday. Mayday. Kirk to Enterprise. You there? Hey!
Hobbes: Go ahead Fawkes. Where are ya? Are you alive?
Fawkes: I don�t know I -
Hobbes: What�s your twenty Fawkes?
Fawkes: I don�t know I�m actually hanging from a tree so everything pretty much looks the same. Uh-
Hobbes: Well uh (to Claire) It�s gotta be within a half a mile radius I mean the signal�s too strong. (To Darien) Fawkes you just hang in there�we will find you - ok partner?
Fawkes: Well um look if you don�t mind could you hurry it up please �cause uh I think it�s gettin� close to dinner time you know what I mean?
Keeper: Darien Darien�Darien, are you there? Listen. I want you to just - try and relax�because I don�t think that the Wendigo wants to kill you.
Fawkes: What do you mean? What?
Keeper: I think that it wants to m-�mate with you.
Fawkes: Pardon me?
Keeper: It all makes sense to me now. Remember when you were licked?
Fawkes: Yeah. Claire�wait a minute. You - you�re joking right �cause I don�t know if I mentioned this before but I�m hanging from a tree. I�m not in the mood to be joking right now ok Keep?
Keeper: No. I�m not joking I�m not joking. I think that your gland
Keeper on walkie-talkie: is giving off some kind of a pheremone that is causing the creature to think that you are one of its own.
[There is movement in the trees and low noises.]
Fawkes: Ah crap Claire. Here she comes. Claire, what am I supposed to do? Huh?
Keeper: Well - ok there�s one other thing that you need to know. I�ve known this for a long time. I just I have not told you because I�d never thought it would be relevant up until now.
Hobbes: Well spit it out!
Keeper: All right - Darien? Darien the chromosomal makeup of the gland is xx �which means that even though you are male - the gland is female.
[Darien drops the phone.]
Keeper on walkie-talkie: Darien? Darien!
Hobbes on walkie-talkie: Fawkes you there? Fawkes!
[We see the communicator. <commercial break> Claire and Bobby are running in search of Darien.]
Hobbes: Fawkes! Fawkes! Yell if you hear me� Fawkes!
Keeper: Darien, if you can hear me -
Keeper on walkie-talkie: -answer.
[The Man approaches. Darien is relieved.]
Fawkes: Oh ho hey hi there�(man picks up communicator) Boy am I glad to see you! Whoever you are Hey could - could you uh hand me that�wait wait no �(he throws it away) - Oh no wait I - I needed that man� I �could you�could you jus-
[Man takes knife and cuts vines. Darien falls to the ground.]
Fawkes: Ah! (He lands and coughs) I�m still glad to see ya.
Man: That�ll change.
[He pulls Darien up and ties Darien�s hands behind his back.]
Fawkes: Oh! Hey hey hey hey - easy� easy there ok? Huh? It�s nice to meet you too.
Man: Well, well isn�t that precious?
[Man moves to skull and examines it. Darien is kneeling on the ground.]
Fawkes: Hey uh look I know that I�m your- captive here or whatever you know but I just I got a whole bunch o questions about everything I don�t understand here which - is a lot so if you could just be patient with me I-
Man: My name is Odets. Lawrence Odets. I�m a cryptozoologist. Number two expert on Sasquatch. He can go invisible. So can you.
Fawkes: Gee Larry� you know a lot.
Odets: Don�t try any of your tricks with me (holds up the thermal goggles). I got these.
Fawkes: You studied Bigfoot? Is that right?
Odets: Yeah I did. Now I�m gonna kill him.
Fawkes: Ah it might be a little tougher there than you�d imagine there pal.
Odets: Oh ho. I got a much better piece a bait now. (laughs) He don�t come for these bones. He�s gonna come for you (pants like a dog) I�m gonna let that big bastard have his fun. And then I�m gonna blow it to hell.
Fawkes: (closes eyes from Odets� breath) You know what Larry I should never have corrected you. You�re right. I�m actually not so glad to see you.
[Hobbes and Claire are walking through the forest.]
Keeper: We lost.
Hobbes: No no we�re still within a half mile signal radius. Ok? We�re just goin� about this wrong.
Keeper: We?
[Pan up from ground to Darien. Odets is shaping something in the dirt.]
Fawkes: Odets. Why?
Odets: Why - Why what?
Fawkes: Why?
Odets: You really never heard of me huh?
Fawkes: You were the Number two expert on Sasquatch?
Odets: My wife was Number one. Sasquatch killed her. Right in front of me. We were up in the woods outside of Spokane, Washington. This was 1989. You know, there�s thousands of people that believe in Bigfoot�Sasquatch�Yeti�but I am the only one that claims it can go invisible. The invisible man. That�s what they call me. In a community of crackpots I am considered a crackpot. But we know better, don�t we?
Fawkes: Hey listen Larry�um� I know you probably heard this before but - you know killin� this thing - it ain�t gonna bring your wife back.
Odets: You ever lose a family member to violence?
Fawkes: Yes I have. (sniffs)
Odets: You want revenge?
[Darien sees the grave left by the Wendigo.]
Fawkes: It wants a new kid.
Odets: What?
Fawkes: The Sasquatch I- I�m thinkin� yeah�these bones are probably the bones of its kid and the hole is the grave.
Odets: Your point?
Fawkes: My point you know beside the fact that you�re you know potentially blowing away the missing link here it�s that you know whatever this creature is you know he thinks he feels he�he regrets. That�s why he wants to mate. He wants to replace his dead child.
Odets: Well he�s going to join his dead kid.
[We see forest through blue quicksilver vision and hear roars.]
Fawkes: Larry you know this is California, right? I mean you can�t possibly believe it�s the same one that killed your wife?
Odets: It�s close enough.
Fawkes: Close enough. (nods) Nice�very evolved of you - Larry. I mean that that�s like - some guy in a black coat running around so what y -you just vow revenge against all people with black coats is that it?
Odets: Yeah! I accept! The people in black coats exist and people believe they exist. They might give you some sympathy! They might not say that you�re mentally disturbed! They might not call you a liar!!
[Odets throws his hat to the ground and picks up a spray can. He sprays himself.]
Fawkes: What is that?
Odets: It�s scent neutralizer. Heh. I bet you wish you had some of this huh?
[Odets finishes spraying himself and moves behind tree. He loads his rifle. Pan around to Darien. He quicksilvers his wrists. We see Odets whistling as he puts his thermal goggles on. We hear roaring. Darien quicksilvers his eyes and looks up.]
Fawkes: Ah crap.
[We see black and white quicksilver vision of a very tall invisible blue figure. Odets readies his gun. Wendigo runs toward Darien. Darien breaks rope of wrists and stands. He picks up the infant skull. We see blue quicksilver vision of Darien from up high.]
Fawkes: Whoa whoa whoa wait just stop right there. Just turn around. Here ya go. (He tosses the skull) Alright there ya go. Alright?
Odets: I got you - you bastard!
Fawkes: No!
[Darien tackles Odets and punches him. Odets kicks him back . Odets pulls a hand gun and gets dragged by Wendigo. Odets screams. Wendigo places him in a tree.]
Fawkes: No no no no don�t do it!
Odets: You tell �em I was right!
[Odets pulls grenade. Darien runs for cover. We hear an explosion and Odets scream. We see Claire and Bobby run toward the sound. The smoke clears. Darien looks on. There is a small fire in the tree where Odets was.]
Hobbes: Fawkes. Fawkes what happened?
[We see Darien�s grief-stricken face <commercial break> Darien and Bobby are seated in front of the Official�s desk. Eberts stands right of the Official who is seated at his desk.]
Official: I don�t fault you the death of John Grey but I do fault you for not providing an acceptable suspect or motive.
Eberts: This includes the original murders.
Hobbes: But sir I-
Official: In addition you�ve destroyed over a thousand dollars worth of tribal equipment not to mention a little silver jeep! Plus, a uranium satellite telephone that cost nine hundred dollars shut up Eberts. The Bureau of Indian Affairs - is not pleased.
Fawkes: Did - did you even send them my report?
Eberts: The Official felt your report would cause a greater strain between the Agency and our already - very displeased sponsors. Ultimately we have nothing to show for this case.
Hobbes: But sir that�s the point I mean there was nothing to show that�s what I�m -
Fawkes: That�s exactly right. I mean this Odets guy was essentially vaporized.
Hobbes: Right. I mean you know there was no trace of Wendigo. We combed the joint.
Fawkes: That�s right.
Official: (fist hits table) What did I say?
Eberts: He wants no more tales about this invisible Bigfoot.
Hobbes: It�s not a story sir I mean you can ask the Keeper here. No trace I mean we can comb the whole joint I�m tellin� ya -
Fawkes: (To Hobbes) Ah you know he knows everything about it. He�s just pretending to be stupid. (To Official) It�s insulting.
Official: No Darien. You�re the one who�s insulting your brother�s memory.
Fawkes: What did you say?
Hobbes: Easy partner�
Official: Kevin Fawkes designed the quicksilver gland out of his own insight using his talent, his intuition. This ten foot tall creature who leaves no evidence save some questionable footprints. This - Wendigo is a myth.
Fawkes: (stands) Uh- We never said how tall it was. (exits)
Darien Voice Over: George Orwell said that myths which are believed in tend to become true. Well I�ve never been big on belief. But I believe in somethin� now.
[We see the phone lying on the ground.]
Darien Voice Over: That a big chunka myth is locked inside my head. �ell� either that makes me about two percent myth myself�two percent of everything of (what)people disregard, disbelieve,� and secretly hope is real.
[We hear two big stomps. On the third one a fur covered foot steps on the phone. Closing credits.]
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