Fan Fiction Archive
  Transcribed by Invisi
Transcribed by Invisi

(Opening scene�Night.  A little boy sits alone in the front seat of a police car.  He imitates the sound of a gun as he plays)

DARIEN: (VO) The Scottish philosopher Belfer said that destiny is the scapegoat we make responsible for our crimes.

(Close up of boy�s hands.  He holds an action figure in each and makes them attack one another�all the while imitating the sound of guns *FLASH*  Suddenly the boy�s hands are empty, but both are in the shape of finger-guns aimed at the two action figures now on the dashboard.)

DARIEN: (VO continued)  He is probably right too.  This philosophy, known as determinism, was best summed up by Doris Day with the words:  �Qu� ser� ser�.�  Now, I�m not saying she was right, but if it was between Dorris and the Scottish dude, I�d party with her any day.

(Camera pans from right to left�from the police car to a house.  Zooms in on sign in front of house.  �Benjamin Scarborough� is written in large letters across the top.  �Spiritual Consultant� can be found just below)

(Scene change.  Inside of house.  Many candles are lit on top of a wooden desk.  Camera circles in a semi-clockwise arc and focuses in on a woman wearing a police officer�s uniform and jacket.  Her blond hair is braided in a single plait down the back of her head.  She sits at a wooden table with several candles between her and an older man)

FEMALE:  Just tell me if Tyler�s ever going to get out of the sixth grade.

(Man chuckles)

FEMALE:  Now they are saying he�s got that ADD and (she sighs).

SCARBOROUGH:  Oh you�re a good woman Rebecca.  Always have been and I know you�re a good mother.

(Rebecca reaches for a pair of scissors on the table.  The camera zooms in on the back of her head.  She cuts a small piece of her hair off the end of her braid and hands it to the man at the other end of the table). 

SCARBOROUGH:  So I�m sure everything is going to be just fine with little Tyler.

(Camera remains focused on the man�s hands as he fingers the woman�s hair  He makes a sound in a low concerned voice).

REBECCA:  What is it?

SCARBOROUGH:   You keep a gun in the house, Rebecca?

REBECCA:  Yes.  (She smiles lightly)  Why?  (Her face grows concerned)

SCARBOROUGH:  You love your family very much, don�t you?

REBECCA:  (smiling) Yes.  (Concerned expression).  But what about the gun?

SCARBOROUGH:  What I am about to tell you might be pretty difficult to hear.

REBECCA:  What is it?  (getting worried)

SCARBOROUGH:  You sure you want me to go on?  It will change everything

REBECCA:  Tell me.

(Front of house.  Rebecca walks toward her police car.  Her son holds a plastic gun in his hand and is still playing at shooting the little action figures as Rebecca approaches.  She climbs into the vehicle.  He stops playing and looks as his mother.  Her face shows that she is upset and has been crying)

TYLER:  That took forever.  What were you guys doing in there?

REBECCA:  (Swallowing back tears)  Just talking. 

(She turns to Tyler and tries to smile.  She leans forward to hug him and in the process gently removes the plastic gun from his hand).

REBECCA:  I love you baby. 

(They embrace�then Rebecca looks at her son.  She opens the door to the vehicle just long enough to drop the plastic gun outside and then closes the door).

(Scene:  Still night.  A two story house with one window lit.  Rebecca and her husband lie under white sheets.  Rebecca leans over and kisses her sleeping husband.  She climbs out of bed and walks to Tyler�s room.  He is sleeping.  She gently strokes his hair and then leans down to kiss his forehead.  In her pajamas, she walks down a hallway and into a bathroom.  Her reflection can be seen in the mirror.  She closes the door.  Outside the house, the one room that was lit becomes dark.  A brief flash can be seen followed by the sound of a gunshot).

DARIEN:  (VO)  There once was a story about a man who could turn invisible.  I thought it was only a story�until it happened to me.  Okay so here�s how it works.  There�s this stuff called Quicksilver that can bend light.  Some scientists made it into a synthetic gland and that�s where I came in.  See, I was facing life in prison and they were looking for a human experiment, so we made a deal.  They put the gland in my brain, I walk free.  The operation was a success, but that�s where everything started to go wrong. 

*Flash*  Close up on a face.  Black sunglasses are lifted upwards. Darien�s bloodshot eyes can be seen in the indoor mirror of a vehicle.

*Flash*  A farmhouse ripples slowly into view.  It is sunny, but everything in view appears washed out.  Suddenly Darien is sitting in some vehicle outside of the house.  (As seen from the side, he is wearing a leather jacket and black sunglasses).  His head jerks quickly to the right (the direction of the house) and he stares. 

*Flash*  Darien�s face can be seen out of focus against a white backdrop.  He is still seen from the side and is wearing the sunglasses.

*Flash*  Darien is in bed and tossing and turning.  He is wearing a white sleeveless shirt.

*Flash*  The white backdrop is back.  Darien is seen from the side again, in the vehicle wearing the letter jacket and sun glasses.  He is looking away from the camera toward Bobby who is carrying a pink box and walking toward him.

BOBBY:  Hey, Fawkes.  I�ve got just the thing to calm you down.  (He reaches in to the box and pulls out a glazed donut).  Hot donuts.

*Flash*  Everything is in black and white.  Bobby can be seen up close.  He is holding an open box of donuts in his left hand and a single glazed donut in his right with a grin on his face.

BOBBY:  Hot donuts, huh?

*Flash*  The scene moves back to the washed out farmhouse with Darien wearing his sunglasses and leather jacket seated in front of it inside a vehicle.  He is looking toward Bobby, who is standing holding an open pink donut box with a smile.

BOBBY:  (said in almost hypnotic manner) Hot donuts.

*Flash*  The camera is pointed upwards against a white backdrop.  A car window, at the bottom of the screen, is suddenly shattered as Darien leaps through it and attacks Bobby. 

*Flash*  The camera is pointed downwards and the color changes to black and white.  Darien leaps through the car window, shattering glass and knocks Bobby to the ground.  The Van can be seen in the background as Darien grabs Bobby by the collar of his jacket and pushes him all the way to the ground.  Everything is converted to color.

*Flash*  Darien, at home in his bed, wakes from his nightmare with a jerk.  He slowly glances around his room.  He jumps from his bed and hurriedly makes his way to a mirror hanging over a wooden dresser.  He leans forward, closely examining his face.  He reaches up with his right hand and pulls down his right lower eyelid down to examine the state of his eyes.

(The Official�s office.  The Official is seated behind his desk with Eberts standing to his right.  Both face the camera.  A third man, sitting before the Official, can be seen as well).

OFFICIAL:  No one has more respect for a clean balance sheet than me.

(Camera focuses on the third man.  He is wearing glasses and writing).

OFFICIAL:  Our work may be underground, but our accounting is strictly topside.

MAN:  I just have a few questions.  General accounting office likes to know how the taxpayer�s money is being spent.

OFFICIAL:  Of course.

MAN:  You invested heavily in something called the QS2300 project.  What was that exactly? 

OFFICIAL:  Uh�that�s classified.

MAN:  (Looking annoyed he says stiffly)  I see.  What about office supplies?  Can we talk about that?

OFFICIAL:  Ask away.

MAN:  According to this (he looks at the paper he�s been writing on) you spent over 9 million dollars last year on�paper.  (He looks up)  How do you account for that?

OFFICIAL:  We use a lot of post-it notes.

MAN:  Post-it notes?

OFFICIAL:  Sticky stuff.

(Man is not buying it.  Clearing his throat, he takes off his glasses in quiet frustration and rubs his eyes).

MAN:  This might sound like an odd question�what exactly does your agency do?

(As man is speaking.  The Official quickly hands Eberts a piece of paper from his desk, trying not to draw the attention of the man as he is doing it.  Eberts takes it and swings it behind his back.  Using both hands he positions it in front of the paper shredder behind him without turning around).

OFFICIAL:  We protect the liberty and welfare of the American people.

(As the paper goes through the shredder, the man notices what is happening).

MAN:  I need those! 

(Eberts slowly turns around to look at the shredder as if taking note of the action for the first time).

OFFICIAL:  (feigning a reproach)  Agh�Eberts!

EBERTS:  (playing along)  Sorry sir, uh�(turning to man) force of habit.

OFFICIAL:  Not to worry we�ll get them to you.  In the mean time�is there anything we can help you with?

(Obviously frustrated and annoyed, the man closes a brief case that was on his lap and rises to leave).

MAN:  I don�t think so.

(The Official stands as the man turns away).

OFFICIAL:  Oh there must be something.

(Man turns back to face him)

MAN:  No  (Starts to leave again)

OFFICIAL:  If there is anything you need�anything at all�we can help.

(Man hesitates, looks down, then back at the Official)

MAN:  You do investigative work?  You know, like PI stuff?

OFFICIAL:  What is it?  Video tape?  Photographs?

MAN:  (coming forward)  No. It�s nothing like that.   

OFFICIAL:  Sit down.  We need to talk.  (Man sits)

(Scene quicksilvers.  The Keeper is sitting behind a cage watching a white rat inside the Keep.  Her door slides open and Darien appears looking worried.  He is wearing a black shirt covered with a brown leather jacket).

KEEPER:  (without turning around)  What brings you here?

DARIEN:  What else?  I need a shot.

KEEPER:  You had one 3 days ago.

DARIEN:  Yeah, well, I need another one.  I�m�having dreams about killing people.

KEEPER:  Just dreams.

DARIEN:  Look I�m telling you this�this thing that they put inside my head�I�I think it�s evil and�I think it is trying to take over.

CLAIRE:  It is a bio-synthetic gland.  It�s not evil. 

DARIEN:  Would it be possible for you to look at me while we�re talking?  Keep?

(She slowly turns her swivel chair around.  She�s wearing a gray turtle neck sweater with a blue lab coat over the top.  She places her hands in front of her and looks at Darien as if to say �Happy now?�)

DARIEN:  (softly) yeah

KEEPER:  (said slowly as if giving a well-known lecture to a kid)  The gland secretes the quicksilver that makes you invisible, but it also spikes your epinephrine�

KEEPER AND DARIEN:  �norepinephrine levels which causes the violent behavior.

KEEPER:  Yeah.  That.

DARIEN:  (quietly)  Yeah.  Well, it will also turn me into a walking time bomb.

KEEPER:  (trying to sound reassuring)  Well, if you get your shots of counteragent you won�t go off. 

DARIEN:  (looking pleased)  Yeah.  Which brings us back to square one.  I need a shot.

KEEPER:  Not yet.  Your neuro-transmitter level isn�t even high enough to require it.

DARIEN:  (smiling in disbelief)  You can�t tell that by looking at me.  There�s no way.

KEEPER:  It is my job to keep you safe.
DARIEN:  That�s a bunch of crap.  You care about me like you care about that rat.

KEEPER:  And what makes you think I don�t care about the rat?  (Darien tilts his head to the side)  Darien.  You get too much counteragent you will build up an immunity.  It will be less likely to prevent quicksilver madness.  Now trust me on this one.  Come here.

(The Keeper swivels her chair back around so that she is facing the white rat in the cage.  Darien approaches from behind as she lowers her head close to eye level with the rat)

KEEPER:  Look, I�ve been working on a monitoring device�that will more precisely indicate when the counteragent is needed, so it can be administered at the moment of optimum need.  (she holds up a pipette filled with some liquid).   Not too soon, not too late.  Watch.  (the camera angle moves, showing Darien and the Keeper from the side.  The Keeper holds the end of the pipette close to the holes in the cage, so that the rat can lick the substance inside.  Darien watches from just over her shoulder).  When the neuro-transmitter that causes the violence is introduced into the rat�s system, the diode turns red.  (zoom in on rat licking the end of the pipette.  The rat�s side lights up with a red glow.  The Keeper jerks suddenly jerks backward in pain).  Damn it!  (She sucks on her plastic-glo+ved finger where the bite apparently took place).

DARIEN:  (smiling)  Ah.  He likes you about as much as I do.  What�s his name?


DARIEN:  You can�t do better than that?

(She holds the pipette toward the rat again)

KEEPER:  It�s a lab rat.

DARIEN:  Hmm�just like me.

KEEPER:  (she gives a slight laugh)  You�re right there is a resemblance.  I�ll call him Darien.

DARIEN:  It�s cute.  (Looking at the rat)  Hey.  Next time�go for the eyes, huh?  (He gestures using his pointer and middle finger to show the rat how to poke her eyes out.  Then smiles and turns to leave.  The Keeper turns from the cage and watches as he exits the keep).

(Bobby is found standing outside the Official�s office.  His body is bent over so that he can listen better at the door.  Muffled words can be heard.  Darien walks around the corner and spots Bobby.  He comes up close to the door on the opposite side and looks at him).

BOBBY:  Shh�
DARIEN:  What are you doing?

BOBBY:  Shh�fat man is in there tap dancing with some GAO mook.

(Bobby is still bent over in listening position when the door opens, revealing the Official.  Darien is leaning against the wall.  Bobby straightens up.  The Official looks from one to the other than walks out into the hallway, closing the door behind him.  In his hand he holds a blue book of some sort).

OFFICIAL:  I�ve got a job for you two.  I need a favor for a friend from the general accounting office.

DARIEN:  Hey you need accounts call H and R Block.

OFFICIAL:  Can the attitude, Fawkes.  I need to get this monkey off my back.

DARIEN:  This is delicious.  He cooks the books and we got to eat it. 

OFFICIAL:  Bio-tech glands are exactly cheap, you know?  Your skull got us into this and you�re going to get us out.  Now shut up.  Come in here and help me out.

DARIEN:  (turning to Hobbes as the Official opens the door and reenters his office)  Did he just tell me to shut up?

BOBBY:  Mmm hmm.

(Bobby enters first with Darien closely behind.  The door closes.  The man from the opening scene with Official and Eberts is seated in the office)

MAN:  A niece of mine died recently.  Her death was ruled a suicide, but I don�t believe it.

BOBBY:  Did you talk to the police?

MAN:  My niece was the police.

BOBBY:  Who should we talk to?

MAN:  Her husband.

(Scene quicksilvers revealing an outside view of the house of the woman who died.  Inside, Darien and Bobby are seated on a couch across from the deceased�s husband.  He is sitting in a dark pink easy chair and resting his hands on top of a red throw pillow).

DARIEN:  So�um�there was no indication that anything was wrong?

HUSBAND:  (looking sad)  She wasn�t herself that day...but she wouldn�t tell me about it.  It was like she was�uh�afraid of something.

(Tyler comes onto the scene and walks over to his dad).

TYLER:  It was the old man.  (He looks from his dad to Darien and Bobby, then back to his dad).  He said something to her.  (His father reaches out and gently holds onto his arm).

HUSBAND:  What old man?

TYLER:  The man with the beard.  The one who told her things.

DARIEN:  What kinds of things did he tell her?

TYLER:  Things you�re not supposed to know.  She went there all the time.

HUSBAND:  I think he�s talking about Scarborough.  He�s this�uh�crazy old guy who thinks he�s psychic. 

(Darien looks at Bobby)

(New scene.  The yellow van pulls up in front of Scarborough�s house.  Darien and Bobby exit the vehicle and head toward the house.  A woman with shortly cut brown hair and wearing a very prim and proper outfit sits stitching on the porch in a wicker chair.  Next to her is a table with a book upon it.  Darien and Bobby climb the stairs).

BOBBY:  (softly)  Hello.

WOMAN:  (Looks up from her stitching)  Hi.

(She stares at them and they at her for a moment)

DARIEN:  So, can we see him?

WOMAN:  Oh yes.  (She turns to the table on her right).  Just sign the guest book and there is a 25 dollar donation. 

BOBBY:  Ah.  A donation?  (He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wad of bills and begins leafing through them.  Darien also reaches into his pocket and starts digging around for money.  Meanwhile, the woman finishes pulling the needle through the stitch she had been working on last and then slides the needle through the end of the shirt sleeve). 

BOBBY:  (murmuring)  25 dollars.  What do you have?  It�s a donation of 25 dollars.  Ok?  It doesn�t cost 25 dollars. 
(The woman smiles while she waits.  Darien and Bobby are both holding wads of money in their hands now and counting).

BOBBY:  I�ve got 17.  What do you got?

DARIEN:  I�ve got 9.  You go.  (He hands Bobby his money).  You go.  Ok�I�ll go.  I�ll go.

BOBBY:  (Turning to the woman)  Here�s the donation.  That�s for you (he hands her the crumpled up dollar bills).  I�ll sign right here.  (He picks up a pen and signs the book sitting on the table next to the woman).

(After Bobby signs and backs up, the woman leans over to put the money inside of a drawer in the table.  While she is looking away Darien looks at Bobby and then quicksilvers.  Bobby watches him cautiously out of the corner of his eye in an effort not to draw the woman�s attention to Darien�s disappearing act.  The sound of a screen door closing can be heard very slightly in the background.  She closes the drawer and looks up to see only Bobby.  They smile at one another).

BOBBY:  I�ll just go inside.  Right inside.

(Bobby parts some red drapes covering the door and enters a dark room.  A stained-glass window can  seen to his right.  It emits the only light in the room.  He looks around casually, and then heads toward an open chair across from a man with a white beard seated at a round table in the shadows.  He sits down and then moves his hand in a circle about his end of the table pursing his lips casually).

BOBBY:  So, how does work?

(Scarborough leans forward into the light pushing forward a pair scissors.  In the process, he reveals his face.  His grayish white beard hangs about an inch and a half below his lips and his hair appears to be tied back behind head).

SCARBOROUGH:  I�ll need a lock of your hair. 

(Bobby reaches out and grudgingly takes the scissors with his right hand.  His left strays upward to his head.  He grips onto a chunk)

BOBBY:  (murmuring)  Ain�t got that much of this left here old man.  (He snips off a bit and hands it to Scarborough).  Knock yourself out.  (Scarborough takes it and begins to finger it).

SCARBOROUGH:  Mmm�you�ve got a lot of secrets.

BOBBY:  I�ve got my share.  (Bobby looks away)

SCARBOROUGH:  And anger.  Deep anger.  Oh, I see a sickly child unpopular with the others.  (Bobby looks at Scarborough who is looking off to the side).  Oh they beat you, didn�t they?  I see tears.  (Scarborough turns to Bobby with his eyes closed).

BOBBY:  (getting defensive)  I been in a few scraps, sure, but that was them crying, not me.

SCARBOROUGH:   There was one in particular�younger than you�a sister, I think.  (Bobby looks down as if trying to avoid hearing what was being said.  His face gradually creases into a frown).  Oh, she beat you �til you sobbed and then forced you to wear your mother�s�

BOBBY:  Gimme that!  (He snatches the lock of hair from Scarborough�s hands).  No girl ever beat up Bobby Hobbes.

SCARBOROUGH:  (He smiles slightly)  Of course.  (The smile fades slowly)  and I�m getting something else.  (Bobby looks down, then back at Scarborough).  I see another child�quite a different child.  (Bobby�Yeah?)  This one intelligent (Bobby nods in agreement), strong (Bobby�That�s it), brave (Bobby�That�s me right there), boy of great potential (Bobby�Thank you), but potential unfulfilled because he always took the easy path (Bobby looks around the room).  A good soul lost to bad paths.  (Bobby�That�s a judgment call.  Stick to the facts old man, alright?).  This boy is now a man.  He�s been possessed by an evil.  He�s tormented by nightmares of killing and death.  He lives in terror of that evil.

BOBBY:  Let me ask you something off the record, okay?  Me and you, people actually fall for this line of crap?

SCARBOROUGH:  I wasn�t talking about you.  I was talking about your friend.  (His eyes open for the first time during the entire conversation and stare blindly in the direction where Darien is standing invisibly.  His eyes are completely white.  Darien sheds the quicksilver he has had coated over his body throughout the course of the meeting and stares in fear at Scarborough).  You have an evil inside you.  It�s trying to destroy you.  Don�t let it win. 

(Darien keeps staring at Scarborough.  Suddenly, part of his dream comes back to him.  He sees Scarborough�s eyes reflecting from the inner mirror of the vehicle.  Now they are Darien�s eyes in the mirror.  They are bloodshot and his sunglasses are pushed up against his forehead.  The camera returns to Scarborough�s house.  Darien is backing away from Scarborough in fear.  He makes it into the next room.  Bobby catches up to him.  Darien finally finds the strength to take his eyes away from the door to the room where Scarborough has remained seated and fixes them on Bobby.  He leans down so that they are eye level).

DARIEN:  (freaked out)  Guy�s blind and he can see me! 

BOBBY:  (unruffled by the events within)  He couldn�t see you.  Blind people got real good ears let me tell you.  Okay.  He could have heard us walk in before, right?

DARIEN:  (still freaked out)  Okay, but what about what he was saying?  I mean, it was like he knew about the quicksilver madness.

BOBBY:  Did you hear him say something about a bio-synthetic invisibility gland?  No.  He said you got a little bit of evil in you.  That�s all�and we�ve all got a little bit of that.

DARIEN:  Yeah.  You�re right.

BOBBY:  These people are all professional conmen.  They�re never specific.  It�s always general and everybody has nightmares.

DARIEN:  You�re right.

BOBBY:  Right?  And what kid wasn�t forced to wear a dress now and then?

DARIEN:  Yeah.  Something is up with this guy.  (Darien leans over and looks back into the room he just escaped from).

BOBBY:  Hey.  I think�I think the kid was right. 

DARIEN:  Yeah?

BOBBY:  He could have said something that spooked Rebecca Anwick into killing herself.

DARIEN:  Yeah, but why?  And even if he did, how are we going to prove that?

BOBBY:  We gotta go talk to some of his other clients.  See if he tried to get any of them to off themselves. 

DARIEN:  There you go.

BOBBY:  Hey?

(They leave the room and head back to the front porch.  The porch door opens.  Darien leads the way out followed closely by Bobby.  The woman is still sewing in her wicker chair).

DARIEN:  (talking quietly to Bobby as they step outside)  Hey.  Why don�t we see if she knows anything? 

BOBBY:  (to the woman)  Hey!  That�s your dad, huh?

WOMAN:  Yes (she laughs).

BOBBY:  Well, he�s quite a guy.  A real character, you know?  Must be tough telling him a joke, though.  (She waits with a patient smile on her face).  Because, you know�he�d always know�the punch line, right?  (He smiles and she forces a little laugh). 

DARIEN:  Excuse me.  How long has your dad been doing this?

WOMAN:  Must be 12 years now.  He got the gift when he lost his sight.

DARIEN:  Uh�thank you�very much�(he reaches out with his right hand to shake hers while putting his left hand on top of the book of Scarborough�s clients) for your time.  (He quicksilvers the book and slides it off the table.  He backs away down the steps).

WOMAN:  Oh you�re welcome.

BOBBY:  (Smiling, he reaches down and shakes her hand)  It�s been a pleasure.

WOMAN:  Yes it has.

BOBBY:  Have a nice day.  (gesturing to her sewing)  It�s very nice�uh�(he lifts his hand up and down in the act of pretend sewing)�with the sewing�(Her gaze follows him as he moves down the steps)�uh�yeah�the sewing.

(Bobby joins Darien some 10 feet away from the woman at the foot of the steps.  The woman goes back to her sewing and takes little notice of the two.  Darien has his left arm hidden inside his leather jacket).

DARIEN:  She�s a true believer, huh?  What�you think he�s conning his own daughter?

BOBBY:  Please she�s conning us.  They�re in it together.  It�s a family operation.  These people rely on repeat business.  There is definitely something up with this guy.

DARIEN:  You know what?  I think it�s time we found out what it is.  (He opens his jacket, pulling his hand out.  It is clutching an invisible object.  Suddenly the book loses it�s invisibility and takes form).  Come on.  We got some phone calls to make.  (He pats Bobby on his shoulder and they start walking away from the house).

BOBBY:  (regarding the book)  Very nice.

DARIEN:  Yeah, you didn�t see that did you?


DARIEN:  Two seconds ago.
(New scene.  Bobby is leaving a store that sells bagels and donuts.  He follows the sidewalk from the door to Darien, who is wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses, and talking to someone on a pay phone.  Bobby is carrying an open pink donut box and munching on a donut as he approaches).

BOBBY:  (taking a bite out of a donut)  Mm.

DARIEN:  (on phone)  Hey�yeah�would it be okay if we came over to talk to you?  Oh�yeah�no perfect!  We�ll�we�ll be right there.  (He hangs up the phone and lifts up and lifts a book up.  He jots something down.  Meanwhile, Bobby has made it all the way to Darien and is standing behind him).  (Without turning around he addresses Bobby)  Hey!  Found a guy that said Scarborough is a crackpot.

BOBBY:  Didn�t I say?  (wipes his mouth and lifts up a donut)  You wanna donut?  (He offers it to Darien, still chewing).  Has nuts.

(Darien has a flashback to his dream.  Bobby is standing against the white background offering him a donut, while Darien is sitting in a vehicle)

BOBBY:  (To Darien in dream):  Hot donuts

(Still in the flashback�the scene changes and suddenly Darien is attacking Bobby through the van window.  Broken glass flies everywhere).

(Back in real time�Darien flips around in a sudden panic and smacks the donut from Bobby�s hand.  Bobby steps back surprised)

BOBBY:  (in exasperation)  What�s the matter with you!  It�s a donut!

DARIEN:  (his panicked expression slowly retreats and he answers apologetically.  He removes his sunglasses and looks Bobby in the eye)  Look, I�m sorry�I just�uh�I didn�t get much sleep last night.  I�m a little tense, okay? 

BOBBY:  What?  Those nightmares again?

DARIEN:  (his eyes shift downward and he nods)  Yeah.  (He puts the sunglasses back on).

BOBBY:  What was this one about?

DARIEN:  I don�t remember.  (He quickly changes the subject)  Come on.  Let�s go talk to that guy.  (He moves off the screen, Bobby following).

(Scene quicksilvers.  Shot of a one story house with the van parked outside).

MAN:  (VO)  Yeah.  I saw him.

(Scene transfers to the inside of the house.  A man is seated on a swivel chair, facing the camera in between Bobby (on his right) and Darien (on his left).  Bobby is standing, while Darien sits.  The man wears a headset on his head).

MAN:  I wanted to ask him if I should go long on Murk.  Wouldn�t even talk about it.  (To the headset)  No!  Don�t go long on Murk!  I�m just talking here.  (Bobby and Darien exchange a glance).  Anyway, he said he never uses his �gift� for financial gain.  That should have been my first clue he was a nut bar, right?.

DARIEN:  Did he tell you anything else?

MAN:  Yeah.  So he�s, uh, twisting my hair, right?  And suddenly he starts getting all dramatic on me and he tells me (To the headset)  Launch Tech is up two, dump it buy Norcom.

BOBBY:  You said that he didn�t use his gift for financial gain.

MAN:  What are you talking about?

DARIEN:  Uh�he told you something.  What else did he tell you?

MAN:  He told me I was going to kill myself and my whole family.  (Darien and Bobby exchange another look).  (Man scoffs)  I mean, one day trader crack shoots up the whole office and suddenly we�re all a bunch of psychopaths, right?

DARIEN:  When did you see him?

MAN:  Uh�when did Merk split?  Uh�must have been September.  (To the headset)  What does Tokyo look like?

BOBBY:  I don�t know.  I�ve never been there.  (Bobby looks at Darien then back to man)  Did he say something about Tokyo?

MAN:  (looking confused)  Tokyo?

BOBBY:  You been to Tokyo?

MAN:  Yeah.  I�ve been to Tokyo.  It�s very nice.  So then he tells me that�uh�the only way to save my family is to kill myself.

DARIEN:  He told you�to commit suicide?

MAN:  (nodding his head)  Yeah.

(Darien and Bobby look at one another)
(Scene changes to the Official�s office.  A round table is in the center of the room and papers and booklets are opened up.  The Official and Eberts sitting working.  Suddenly the office door opens and they leap up in an attempt to cover the office papers.  Seeing that it�s only Darien and Bobby, they sink back down into their chairs and continue their calculations).

OFFICIAL:  (upon noticing it�s only them)  Ah  (he sinks back down into his chair)

DARIEN:  Hey.  We�ve got something and it�s good.

BOBBY:  We think that Rebecca Anwick committed suicide.

OFFICIAL:  We already know that she committed suicide.  You were supposed to find out if she was murdered.

BOBBY:  We think she was murdered.

OFFICIAL:  (getting confused)  You said you thought she killed herself.

DARIEN:  Yeah�we do.

OFFICIAL:  And you guys expect overtime?

DARIEN:  No.  We think she killed herself, because someone told her she had to.  That�s murder.

BOBBY:  She saw a psychic the day she died, right?  So we dig around and we find out about this other guy that saw the same psychic.  Turns out the psychic told him to kill himself too.

OFFICIAL:  Did he do it?

DARIEN:  No.  We just talked to the guy.

EBERTS:  (without looking up from his paperwork)  Too bad.  (Everybody turns to look at him, surprised.  He looks up and feels the need to explain himself).  I thought we had a serial killer.  (Turning to the Official)  You always said that a serial killer case was very sexy for the agents.  (He turns back to his paperwork).

DARIEN:  Hey!  Wait wait wait a minute.  You know, we may have a serial killer.  Eberts (he looks up)�could you�uh�check the records for a town called Martin�s Grove?  Find how many suicides they�ve had in the last 12 years.  (Eberts gets up to perform Darien�s request)

OFFICAL:  Why 12 years?

DARIEN:  Since he�s had the gift

BOBBY:  Yeah you know�psychic (he twirls his index finger in the air to the side of his head indicating �psychotic�)

(Internet sounds can be heard in the background)

OFFICIAL:  Well, let�s say this guy can talk people into killing themselves.  Does that constitute murder?

BOBBY:  Can a voice be a murder weapon?  (He ponders the idea)

DARIEN:  Maybe not murder in the first degree.  Yeah, but say a doctor lies.  Tells a patient they have some kind of terminal illness.  (Eberts returns carrying papers and takes a seat)  Cancer.  And then that patient offs themselves.  That�s at least man two right there. 

BOBBY:  Suddenly you�re Perry Mason? 

DARIEN:  Hey.  In the joint it�s either Penthouse or Black�s Law Dictionary.  Know what I�m saying?

OFFICIAL:  (To Eberts)  Go ahead.

EBERTS:  Matin�s Grove has had 21 suicides in the past 12 years.  Average for a town that size in that time span�is 5.  I have a list of names if you want.

OFFICIAL:  Give it to him.  (He points to Bobby).

(Eberts hands Bobby the papers.  The Official and Eberts go back to writing.  Bobby stands up and Darien passes him the book he stole from Scarborough�s house).

BOBBY:  Alright.  Let�s see if we can match these up with Scarborough�s clients.  (He places both pieces of information beside one another and puts a hand on each paper checking for matches).  Here�s one!  I got one right here.  (He searches again)  Here�s another one right here!  Two matches!

DARIEN:  (leaning back in his chair)  Looks like something�s rotten in Martin�s Grove.

BOBBY:  And his name is Benjamin Scarborough.

(Darien points to Bobby in agreement.  The Official and Eberts look up from what they�re doing).

(Scene changes to the Keep.  The Keeper sitting at her desk working by the light of a single lamp.  She examines something too far away to be identified right away.  Darien walks in and sits on the end of her desk.  She doesn�t look up).

DARIEN:  (he sighs at he sits)  Yeah.  I just caught a serial killer today�what have you done?

KEEPER:  Sequenced the DNA-RNA structure of the ratrojectus mactuns, written a paper on the paralyzing effects of the dermis poison in the Australian dart frog (camera zooms in on what she is looking at.  She holds some sort of microchip with a pair of tweezers under an object magnifying it) , and finished my Christmas shopping�4 months early.  (She looks up at him)

DARIEN:  Sorry I asked.  Can we talk about me getting a fix?

KEEPER:  Sure.  (pause)  No  (she looks back down at the chip).

DARIEN:  (trying to sound reasonable)  Come on.  You don�t want me going postal, now do you?

KEEPER:  No.  That is why I want to put this monitor in you.  (Darien leans forward a bit).  Look.  (He looks down at it).  Look�it�s nothing to be afraid of.  (Darien straightens up as she lifts it from below the magnification glass and holds if up, still by the tweezers, toward Darien).

DARIEN:  You want to stick that somewhere I�ll give you some ideas, but it ain�t going to be in me.

(The Keeper puts the microchip down and slides her chair away from the table and off the screen).

KEEPER:  Look at the rat.  He�s fine.

DARIEN:  (getting up to follow her)  What do you mean he�s fine?  He�s a walking radio shack.  (Both stand on either side of the rat cage now)  Will you just�give me a shot?

KEEPER:  Nope.  Your resistance will build too fast.

DARIEN:  (doubtful)  How do you know that?

KEEPER:  I finished my experiments.

DARIEN:  (he glances at the cage and then back at the Keeper)  But please tell me you used a different rat for that. 

KEEPER:  (defending herself)  I�m on a tight budget.

(Close up on rat walking around it�s cage)

DARIEN:  (To rat)  Boy!  She is really putting you through hell, isn�t she buddy?  (Gesturing behind the Keeper) Oh hey!  What about that one?  (with sarcasm)  What�s his name?  EZ-286?  (Keeper rolls her eyes)

(Darien moves off the screen to the other rat cage in the room.  The Keeper turns around as well.  Both sink down to a crouch so that they are eye-level with the other rat). 

KEEPER:  Hobbes, actually.

DARIEN:  It�s cute.  But why not torture Hobbes for a while?  I think Darien has had enough.

KEEPER:  (turns to Darien)  I�m trying to help you Darien. 

DARIEN:  You wanna help me?  Give me a shot.

KEEPER:  Out of the question.

DARIEN:  (to Darien the rat)  Hey.  Don�t worry about it buddy.  I�m busting you outta here.  (He stands up and leaves).

(Scene changes to Darien tossing and turning in his bed while he has another nightmare).

(*Flash*  Scarborough�s eyes in an indoor car mirror.  *Flash*  Darien�s sunglasses replace Scarborough�s eyes in the mirror.  The glasses are lifted and bloodshot eyes are revealed.  *Flash*  Darien is looking out of the passenger side window of a vehicle from the driver�s seat and staring at the washed out image of a red house.  *Flash*  Scarborough�s white eyes in the mirror again.  *Flash*  Darien�s silhouette holds a gun before him.  He aims at the camera.  *Flash*  Darien the rat jumping up in his cage in black and white.  *Flash*  Darien tossing and turning in his bedroom.  *Flash*  Darien is back in the vehicle looking out the window at the washed out image of a house.  Bobby steps into view holding a pink donut box and looking at Darien.  (Bobby�Hey Fawkes!)  *Flash*  Hobbes very close to the car window in black and white holding a donut up (Bobby�I�ve got just the thing to calm you down)  *Flash*  Bobby still stands before Darien with the box of donuts, but the background is completely white and everything goes back to color.  (Bobby�Hot donuts, huh?  (echoing)  Hot donuts, huh?)  *Flash*  Darien leaps out of the window at Bobby, shattering the glass.  Everything is in black and white again.  He knocks him to the ground and pins him down choking him).

(Darien wakes up from his dream with a start and quickly sits up.  Between both hands he clenches a feather pillow so tightly that the feathers are popping out all over his bed.  He realizes what he is doing and looks scared.  He loosens his grips on the pillow and looks at his hands.  Darien reaches out to hit a speed dial button on a cordless phone sitting on a bedside table.

RECORDING:  This is the Keeper.  I�m away from my desk right now, but you can leave a message here or press 0 and ask the operator to�(Darien, in frustration, reaches out and smacks the phone off.  He throws the ripped pillow aside and climbs out of bed).

(Scene change.  Darien�s car pulls up in front of Scarborough�s house.  His daughter sits on the porch sewing in the wicker chair as before.  He climbs out and makes his way up the stairs).

DAUGHTER:  He is not working right now.

DARIEN:  (reaching behind him he pulls out his wallet)  Yeah�well�I didn�t come to talk to him.  I�m taking him in for questioning.  (He opens his wallet and flashes his badge).

DAUGHTER:  (frowning)  About�what? 

DARIEN:  About the death of Rebecca Anwick and the attempted murder of Frank DuPree and�I got a pretty good idea there will be others.  (The daughter looks upset.  He looks her over real quick and then heads inside.  He parts the red curtains of the room that him and Bobby had been in last time and steps in.  He moves to stand in front of the seated figure of Scarborough, then stops and waits silently).

SCARBOROUGH:  I�ve been waiting for you.

DARIEN:  (sitting down)  Oh yeah?  (pause)  So what�d you tell Rebecca Anwick?

SCARBOROUGH:  I told her what she came to hear�her future.

DARIEN:  Yeah?  Did you tell her she was going to blow her brains out in the bathroom?  Because that�s what happened. 

SCARBOROUGH:  (looks downward and then back toward Darien)  Rebecca only did what she had to do to protect her family.

DARIEN:  And what could hurt them more than what she did?

SCARBOROUGH:  A child�shooting�killing�his own mother, even by accident, might be considered a greater tragedy.

DARIEN:  See, you can�t be sure that was going to happen.

SCARBOROUGH:  You can�t be sure it wasn�t.

DARIEN:  Ok�ok say it�s the truth, ok?  That cannot be the only way to stop it.

SCARBOROUGH:  Fate�is a stubborn thing.  (Darien stares at him)  She asked me how to avoid the prophecy and I told her.

DARIEN:  (getting perturbed)  Your prophecies are crap.

SCARBOROUGH:  (shaking his head no)  I think my clients would disagree.

DARIEN:  Oh really?  Mm�not Frank DuPree.  (Scarborough becomes more alert)  Yeah�you remember Frank?  You told him he was going to kill family and the only way he could avoid it was by killing himself?

SCARBOROUGH:  Yes.  I did.

DARIEN:  See the snag is�uh�he�s still alive�and he hasn�t killed anyone, so your prophecy was bogus.  (Scarborough sits quietly, while Darien leans forward).  Hey�you are insane.

SCARBOROUGH:  (chuckling lightly)  No�it is you who has the madness.  You sweat it from every pore.

DARIEN:  (getting upset)  Okay we�re done here Scarborough.  (He rises from his seat and moves toward Scarborough).

SCARBOROUGH:  The nightmare is real.  I can tell you how it ends.  (Darien stands behind him and is trying to pull him to his feet).  I�ve got just thing to calm you down, hot donuts.  (Darien�s dream comes back to him�He leaps through the window and attacks Bobby.  Before Darien comes back to reality, he sees himself choking Bobby on the ground.  Scarborough is now on his feet). 

DARIEN:  (grabbing Scarborough�s arm, he starts pulling him toward the door)  Come on.  You�re coming with me Scarborough.  Start walking.  Let�s go.

(Outside, the daughter stands behind the wicker chair watching the screen door and the two approaching figures.  Scarborough has a cane used by blind people thrust before him and he is hanging onto Darien�s arm.  Bobby appears at the foot of the steps and continues toward them.  A police siren can be heard faintly in the background)

DARIEN:  (To Bobby)  No no no look�no look�will you just stay away from me? 

BOBBY:  You�re not going to take all the credit for this

DARIEN:  Ok fine. Fine.  FINE!  (Darien leaves Scarborough on the steps and walks past Bobby keeping as far away from him as he can mange).

BOBBY:  This is just as much my case as it is�(exasperated)  What�s wrong with you?!

(On the steps, Scarborough and his daughter huddle together.  Darien has passed Bobby by now and is turning to leave when he stops.  He looks at the sky.  Dark smoke rises from behind a house)

SCARBOROUGH:  (VO)  All I�ve done is tried to save lives.

DARIEN:  (paused in front of his car and still looking at the sky)  Frank DuPree�s house is over there.  (Bobby turns around to look)

SCARBOROUGH:  I tried to warn him.  (Both Darien and Bobby turn to Scarborough questioningly).

(Sirens can be heard more loudly now.  Darien hurriedly climbs into the driver seat of his car, while Bobby runs around the front of the car and hops in the passenger side.  They drive in the direction of the sirens, leaving Scarborough and his daughter on the steps of there house).

(New scene.  Frank DuPree�s house is completed covered in flames and smoke is rising from it in a heavy cloud.  A police radio can be heard in the background, but what is said is uninterruptible.  Darien and Bobby pull up behind a large crowd on onlookers and climb out.  A group of firefighters work together to hold a fire hose steady to put out the flames).

BOBBY:  (to crowd)  Step back folks.

WOMAN IN THE CROWD:  I must have told him a million times not to smoke in bed.

BOBBY:  (to the woman)  What happened?

WOMAN:  (upset)  They�re all dead.  The fool burned up his whole family.

DARIEN:  (freaked out)  Oh�he knows�he knows what�s going to happen.

BOBBY:  Fawkes!

DARIEN:  (edging his way quickly out of the crowd)  I can�t be around you anymore!

BOBBY:  Fawkes!  Calm down!  (Him and the rest of the crowd turn as he escapes from the crowd)

(New Scene:  Darien rushes into the keep.  He runs to fridge and opens a round canister.  It�s empty.  He searches all over the fridge frantically, but doesn�t find what he�s looking for.  Holding an empty plastic container, he looks away from the fridge toward the rats.  The cage that held Darien the rat has a hold chewed through it and is empty.  The camera pans to Hobbes the rat�s cage only to show that that cage has a hole identical in size, but the bars are chewed inward.  Inside, Darien the rat has killed Hobbes the rat and appears to be eating him.  Darien the human stands over the cage with a horrified expression on his face).

SCARBOROUGH:  (VO)  You will kill him, Darien!

(Darien rushes from the room)

(The Official�s Office.  Eberts and the Official are still sitting at the round table working on stacks of paper before them.  The door opens hastily and both lunge from their seats to cover the paperwork on the table.  Seeing it�s only Darien, they resettle into their original positions).

EBERTS:  We wish you�d learn how to knock.

(Darien walks in and begins to pace the table in a quick and frantic manner.

OFFICIAL:  So�uh�where�s our serial killer?  I thought�uh�you guys were�picking him up.

DARIEN:  I�m going to kill Hobbes.

EBERTS:  Oh no�what�d he do this time?

DARIEN:  (talking fast)  No you�you�you don�t understand.  I mean I�m�I�m really going to kill him�I just�(freaking out more)You know what, I�I�I need a new partner�No!  I need a new job!  I can�t be here anymore, not if he�s going to be here!.  I can�t be here!  You see what I�m saying?!

OFFICIAL:  Man�I thought you two were finally starting to get along.  Look, look, partnership�it�s like a marriage it�s not always going to be easy.  You need to learn how to�


OFFICIAL:  (said in a dangerous voice)  Excuse me?

(Darien stops pacing finally.  He looks at the Official briefly.  Then starts to move around again).

DARIEN:  Oh�oh�oh�oh�you�you know what?  I�I�I need the counteragent.  (In a desperate tone)  Is the keeper here?  (he heads toward the door)

OFFICIAL:  She�s not here and you don�t need any.  (Darien stops walking toward the door and turns around to face the Official).

DARIEN:  (He returns to the table and bends over so that he is closer in eye level to the Official than if he continued to stand).  You remember the deal?  The deal was that you were going to keep me sane.  Do you remember that?

OFFICIAL:  Yeah.  Doing your job.  That�s the deal. 

DARIEN:  Yeah and it�s a raw one.  You destroyed my life.

OFFICIAL:  No�No�No�No�No!  You destroyed your life.  (He stands up and walks around the table to face Darien standing).  I tried to save it.

DARIEN:  (angry, but restraining himself)  Let me tell you something�I did not ask to be saved.

OFFICIAL:  I put everything I had into you.  Every penny I could borrow, pilfer, or appropriate went into that skull of yours.  There�s 17 million dollars crammed in that brain of yours and you�re still a two-bit thief�that couldn�t pull off a simple smash and grab without getting yourself popped.  You didn�t deserve to be saved.  I should have let you stay in prison where you belonged.

(Eberts, uncomfortable with the turn that the conversation is taking, stands up.  Darien has calmed down from his former frenzy of fear and now stands in quiet anger.)

EBERTS:  Sir, I�ll be taking my lunch now.

OFFICIAL:  (to Eberts)  Stay right there.  (to Darien)  So�quit whining.  Finish the job.  Prove to me you�re not a punk.  Then, we�ll talk counteragent.

(Darien walks up real close to the Official)

DARIEN:  (restrained anger)  Ok�but after this I am gone.  You hear me?  I don�t work here any more.  (He starts to turn away)

OFFICIAL:  You have no choice.

(Darien contemplates what has been said and realizes it is the truth.  He looks at the Official for a little while, then, turns and leaves the room, slamming the door behind him).

(Scene quicksilvers.  Back at Frank DuPree�s house.  The fire is gone and all that remains are parts of walls, ashes, and a large brick chimney.  Bobby is on the scene along with three fire fighters.  He is following one man around in particular).

MAN:  Sir�we�re very busy.  I�ve got a job to do and...

BOBBY:  I understand.  I�m not saying you�re wrong.  I�m just saying if the fire started in the bed on this side of the house (he gestures in the air indicating one area), why would a witness say that the flames spread from this side of the house? (he gestures in the air indicating an area further away).

MAN:  There will be a full investigation.  It�s too early to tell what happened for sure.

BOBBY:  I�m just asking.  Alright.  Any information you have will be appreciated.  Here�s my card (He hands him a card, but since the man is wearing thick looking gloves, he drops it as Bobby hands it to him and it lands on the burnt ground.  Bobby reaches down to retrieve it.  While crouched so low to the ground, he notices a sewing needle and picks it up to examine it more closely.  He turns to leave with a look of suspicion in his eyes).

(Scene:  Darien is in Scarborough�s house again.  He parts the red curtains covering the door to the room where Scarborough is always found, walks in, and sits down).

DARIEN:  (whispering)  Who are you?

SCARBOROUGH:  (chuckling)  Who do you think I am?

DARIEN:  Hmm�I think you�re a crazy old man who believes he�s doing good.  (pause)  But you�re killing people.

SCARBOROUGH:  There was another crazy old man thought he was doing good.  His name was Noah.  He watched all of humanity perish in a flood.  How guilty was he?

DARIEN:  Even if you can see the future you�re still killing people.  I hate to break it to you Scarborough, but you�re a sick man.

SCARBOROUGH:  Do you really believe that?  Or do you just want to?

DARIEN:  I know it.

SCARBOROUGH:  Then why are you even talking to me, hmm?  You�ve got a question you want to ask.  Go ahead.  Ask me.

DARIEN:  (looking down)  How did you know about my dream?

SCARBOROUGH:  Ours is not to question�(holding scissors toward Darien) but to serve.

(Darien looks at the scissors and slowly reaches forward to take them.  He takes them, thinks for a minute, and then cuts off a lock of his hair and hands it to Scarborough).

DARIEN:  Hey�you gotta tell me how it ends.  (Scarborough holds onto the lock of hair as if thinking).

(New scene.  A white truck drives up.  An older man drives and Bobby is a passenger inside.  It stops.  Bobby climbs out and walks around the front of the vehicle and past Darien�s car (off to the right sits Bobby�s van as well)�revealing that Bobby is back at Scarborough�s).

BOBBY:  (to man in truck)  Thanks a lot buddy.   I owe you one.

(Bobby, while walking toward the house, turns and looks at Darien�s car.  It is parked at an acute angle to the street�as if Darien had been in such a hurry to get there that he didn�t bother to park normally).

BOBBY:  (regarding Darien�s car)  He can�t get enough of this guy.

(He continues on toward the house)

(Inside.  Scarborough�s daughter is sewing.  She hears Bobby enter and looks up.  Bobby closes the door and walks toward her, always keeping his eye on her)

BOBBY:  You�re a regular Martha Stewart, aren�t ya?  (The daughter continues to stare at Bobby distrustfully).  Don�t be shy.  What do you got there?  What do you got?  What does it say?  Abe Lincoln�?  What�what is that?

DAUGHTER:  (Without taking her eyes off Bobby)  Let us have faith that right makes right and in that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as we understand it.  (They look at each other.  The daughter continues to look at him distrustfully).

(Scene change.  Back with Darien and Scarborough in other room).

SCARBOROUGH:  The evil in you grows.  (pause)  You fight it�but it�s strength increases with every beat of your heart.

(Darien reaches out and touches Scarborough�s arm) 

DARIEN:  (with desperation in his voice and fear in his face)  Look, could you just�will you tell me�if I kill him?

SCARBOROUGH:  Yes.  With your bare hands.

(Darien is terrified).

(Scene change.  Back in front room with Bobby and the daughter).

BOBBY:  Oh that�s beautiful.  May I see it?  (He gently takes her sewing work from her hands.  She continues to stare at him distrustfully).  Beautiful.  (He turns it over and then back upright.  Realizing that something was wrong with the backside, he turns it over again.  The daughter reaches out to take it back, but Bobby grips her hand and smells it).  (Sounding angry)  You know after you torch a place it�s a good idea to wash your hands.  The gasoline smell kind of gives it away, doesn�t it?

DAUGHTER:  (looking terrified.  She looks toward the other room and back to Bobby and speaks pleadingly)  He doesn�t know what I did.  I thought if the prophecy came true you�d let him go on.  He has important work to do.

BOBBY:  How many others have you killed?!

DAUGHTER:  (looking upset and desperate)  No one!  I swear!  They took their own lives to save the others.

(Scene change.  Darien and Scarborough together in other room).

DARIEN:  You�re just screwing with my head.  You�you can�t know that�You cannot know that!

SCARBOROUGH:  No.  I�m trying to help you avoid your fate.

(Scene change.  Daughter and Bobby in other room)

BOBBY:  Come on you.  Let�s go.

(Daughter attacks him with an object that looks like a screwdriver, stabbing it into his hand.  He shouts in pain.  Daughter takes off through the front door)

(Back in the other room Darien hears Bobby yell)

BOBBY:  (from other room)  Fawkes!!

(Darien turns toward the noise in his chair.  Then rises to go into the other room.  Meanwhile, Bobby has pulled the screwdriver out of his hand and the woman has climbed into a white car just outside).

(Darien enters the other room to find Bobby bent over in pain clutching his hand.  He walks up to his partner).

DARIEN:  What happened?

BOBBY:  The daughter stuck me!

(Outside.  The daughter is inside the car and preparing to start it)

(Inside again)

DARIEN:  Hobbes�he just told me I was going to go quicksilver mad and kill you.

BOBBY:  (still clutching his hand)  Agh.  He�s just trying to gaslight you.  He can�t see the future. 

DARIEN:  How did he know about the fire?

BOBBY:  He didn�t.  The only reason the prophecy came true was because his daughter torched the place.  Now grab him!

(Outside.  Darien leads Scarborough by the arm onto the front porch.  The daughter takes off in a white car.  Close up on Scarborough and Darien�s faces)

SCARBOROUGH:  Unless you listen to me you will kill him, Darien!  (Darien looks unsure of what he should do)

(Scene change.  The yellow van is on the road tailing the white car.  Close up on Darien driving.  He closes his eyes in pain and then forces himself to look at the road.  He glances at himself in mirror, while he�s driving.  *Flash*  He sees the image of his bloodshot eyes from his dream.  Back in reality, his eyes appear normal, but apparently he doesn�t want anyone to be able to see them change, so he pulls down a pair of sunglasses from above and puts them on).

DARIEN:  (gesturing to the car ahead and trying to keep his mind off what he�s going through mentally)  It�s unbelievable�you know�I mean�she�s driving a �73 Toyota and I can�t catch her.

BOBBY:  (from the passenger seat)  Yeah�at the Bureau we had 400 horses.  Now we�re working with�uh�(he glances at the speedometer, which is at only 35mph)�15 gerbils here.

SCARBOROUGH:  (from the back area of the van)  It won�t be long now, Darien.

DARIEN:  I am not listening to you.

SCARBOROUGH:  You can feel the madness building, can�t you?

BOBBY:  (to Scarborough)  Hey, I got a prophecy for you!  You want a prophecy?  If you don�t shut up you�re going to find my fist in your mouth.  (to Darien) You alright?

DARIEN:  (trying to sound nonchalant, he turns to him)  Yeah, I�m fine. (turns back to the road)

BOBBY:  You�re not going wonky on me, are ya?

DARIEN:  No�just had a shot.

BOBBY:  Good.

(Outside shots of the van gaining on the white car on the road�times passes)

SCARBOROUGH:  Who made the right choice, Darien?  Rebecca?  Or DuPree?  What will you do?

(A shot of Darien wearing his sunglasses can be seen in the mirror.  *Flash*  Suddenly the image of Scarborough�s eyes from Darien�s dream can be seen in the mirror.  Back in reality, there�s a close up on Darien�s sunglasses covered eyes.  Sweat is on his brow from his internal struggle with the situation).

SCARBOROUGH:  You�ll have to make up your mind pretty soon.

(Shot of Darien�s upper torso driving the car comes back into view)

DARIEN:  (sounding freaked out, but trying to keep his voice steady)  I swear to God�if you don�t shut up�I will kill you.

BOBBY:  (nodding in approval)  You tell �im.

SCARBOROUGH:  It�s not me you�re going to kill, Darien.

(Darien breathes a little harder.  Looks out the window briefly.  Then pushes the gas pedal down as far as he can.  The two cars can be seen on the road.  The van swerves back and forth trying to overtake the white car.  The van is right at the white car�s bumper.  As the van tries to pass. The white car swerves out in front of it, forcing the van back into it�s own lane.  This happens several times)

BOBBY:  Let�s speed things up a little bit.  (He pulls out a gun and aims it out the window at the white car�s tires.  He shoots one of them and the white car is forced off the road onto a gravel covered parking area.  The van follows it.  The daughter climbs out of the white car and runs)

(Inside the van)

BOBBY:  (To Darien)  Alright.  Wait here.  Try to calm down.  Relax.  I�ll be right back.  (To Scarborough)  You keep your mouth shut!  (To Darien)  Hold this, will you?.  Hold this.  (He opens the door and leaves.  Darien hold up the item Bobby wanted him to hold�a gun).

*Flash*  Darien sees the image in his dream where he is holding a gun inside of a vehicle.

(Back in reality.  Darien, frustrated that that image is just what is happening now, smacks the steering wheel of the vehicle.  Outside, Bobby runs after the daughter.  Inside again.  Darien is making with circles with his neck).

SCARBOROUGH:  You�ve gotta listen to me, Darien, before it�s too late.

DARIEN:  My God!�Will you please�just�shut�.up?!

SCARBOROUGH:  You�ve got to stop yourself before you kill anyone else.

DARIEN:  (exasperated)  What are you talking about �anyone else�?  I�ve never killed anyone.

SCARBOROUGH:  As a boy�you broke into a neighbor�s house.  (Darien listens)

DARIEN:  Yeah.  The Mitchell�s, so what?

SCARBOROUGH:  What happened to Mrs. Mitchell?

DARIEN:  Five years later Mr. Mitchell shot her for screwing the gardener.  That had nothing to do with me.

SCARBOROUGH:  It did.  He bought the gun, because you broke into his house!  (Darien turns around to face him in amazement)

*Flash*  An image of Darien holding the gun to his head.  In the van again, Darien smacks the steering wheel again.  Darien starts to breathe harder.  A close up of Scarborough shows that he is upset by what is happening.  Darien feels for the door and opens it.  He climbs outside and slams it.  He turns around and starts toward the direction Bobby went.  Suddenly, he stops.  He looks around and realizes for the first time that he is parked in front of the house from his dream.  *Flash*  The house from his dream appears.  Back in reality again.  Darien mouths the words �oh my God� and gapes at what he sees in terror.  *Flash*  An image of Scarborough�s eyes in the mirror.  *Flash*  Now they�re Darien�s bloodshot eyes with a pair of sunglasses held up by his forehead.  *Flash*  Darien tossing and turning in bed at home.  Back in reality again.  Darien mouths the words �oh my God� again, still looking at the house.  *Flash*  An image of Darien�s eyes opening revealing that they are bloodshot.  Reality.  Darien frantically backs up to van.  He opens the door and climbs in hurriedly.  *Flash*  Darien looking at himself in the vehicle mirror wearing his sunglasses.  Reality.  Darien leans forward to look at himself in the van mirror.  He puts a hand to the corner of his sunglasses and slowly lowers them to look at his eyes.  They look normal for the moment.

SCARBOROUGH:  Don�t let the evil win.

*Flash*  Darien tossing and turning in bed

SCARBOROUGH: (VO)  Be strong!

*Flash*  Image of Scarborough�s eyes in the mirror.  Reality.  Darien is still looking at his eyes.  He pushes the sunglasses back up.

SCARBOROUGH:  You can still beat it, but there�s not much time!  Pick up the gun!  You know what you have to do.

(Darien looks at the gun lying on the passenger seat near him)

SCARBOROUGH;  Save Hobbes!  Free yourself!  (Darien leans over and takes hold of the gun)

*Flash*  A blurred image of Darien holding the gun to his head.  *Flash*  Darien the rat jumping onto his two back feet in his cage.  Reality again.  Darien takes a hold of the gun and holds it up.  He is examining it and thinking.

(Scene change.  Bobby has finally caught up with the daughter.  A man is coming out of the house carrying a pink box.  Bobby grabs a hold of her by the back of her shirt and forces her up against a white, wooden railing leading from the house down to a path.  The man, seeing the woman struggling against Bobby, puts down the pink box and approaches him).

MAN:  Hey!  Get your hands off her or I�ll call a cop!

BOBBY:  Yeah?  (He pulls out his badge and flashes it at the man)  I am a cop!  This woman is wanted for multiple homicides.  Now get out here!  Come on!

MAN:  Sorry.  (he takes off)

(Bobby puts his badge away.  He puts his left hand on the daughter�s shoulder and uses his right arm to hold hers up against her back.  They start to leave.  Bobby spots the pink box.  He stops.  Looks at her, the box, and then her again.  He pushes her right up to the pink box)

BOBBY:  Come here.  Grab the box.

(Scene change.  Darien is still leaning across the passenger seat, holding the gun, and quietly thinking.  He sits up and looks at the gun.  Outside the passenger window, Bobby leads the daughter to the side of the van).

BOBBY:  Here ya go.  Inside.  (He opens the side of the van)  I�ll take those.  Thank you. (He takes the pink box away from her)

(Scarborough turns toward the sound of the van opening.  His daughter climbs inside and joins her father�s side.  She clutches his arm and looks at Bobby).

BOBBY:  Stay put!  (He closes the door, holding the pink box in his right hand.  He opens the box and heads toward the front of the van).


SCARBOROUGH:  (turning back to Darien)  Do it!

(Darien eyes the gun.  Seat is all over his face and he appears to be out of it�thinking).

BOBBY:  (VO)  Hey Fawkes!  (Bobby appears outside the passenger window)  I got just the thing to calm you down.  (He has the box open and is holding up a donut)  Hot donuts, huh?

(Darien looks up from the gun at Bobby.  Bobby puts the donut back down into the donut smiling to himself.  He looks back in the window and the smile quickly fades.  Suddenly, the passenger side window is gone as Darien shatters it, lunging through it and knocking Bobby onto the ground.  Darien�s hands go right for his neck as Bobby lies pinned against the ground.  Darien begins to choke him.  Bobby pushes against him with all his strength, but his arm length is not as long as Darien�s and it seems futile).

BOBBY:  (grunting)  Fawkes!  Fawkes!  Get off!

(Darien forces himself off of Bobby, pulling back so suddenly that he hits the side of the van.  He looks scared�realizing what he has just done.  He is breathing heavily.  He looks from Bobby to the gun lying on the ground as he leans against the side of the van.  Meanwhile, Bobby has backed up away from the van and now stands about 15 feet in front of it.  An overfilled plastic garbage can stands behind him.  The lid is lying on top of it at a strange angle.  Darien comes from behind the side of the van, moving to the front.  He holds the gun in front of him, aiming at Bobby.  He walks as if in a daze.  Bobby puts his hands in the air attempting to calm him down)

BOBBY:  Fawkes!  Fawkes!  Put the gun down!  Put it down!  Put it down!  You do not want to be handling a firearm at this particular point in time!  (Darien is still walking toward Bobby holding the gun out.  He cocks the gun, still aiming at Bobby, and then quicksilvers that arm)  You wanna put it down, please?

(Darien unquicksilvers his arm.  The gun is now pointed at his own head.  He inhales deeply and starts to pull the trigger.  Bobby grabs the plastic trashcan lid from behind him and tosses it like a Frisbee at Darien.  It hits Darien�s arm.  He drops the gun and falls to the ground.  Bobby runs forward and grabs the gun before Darien can grab it again.  Darien, on the ground, grunts with pain and clutches the back of this head.  Bobby aims the gun at him and backs away.  He runs to a phone booth and quickly closes the door behind him.  Meanwhile, Darien looks up from his position on the ground at the phone booth.  Inside the phone booth, Bobby fumbles in his pocket for money)

BOBBY:  (muttering under his breath)  That fat bastard better give me a calling card after this.

(Outside on the ground, Darien quicksilvers.  Bobby makes the phone call and is answered by an operator).

OPERATOR:  Operator.

BOBBY:  Yeah.  Collect from Bobby Hobbes please.

(While Bobby is waiting for the call to connect, he looks through the glass of the phone outside.  He doesn�t see anything.  Suddenly, the glass of the booth begins to crack.  An invisible Darien is attacking the phone booth.  Bobby flinches, but hangs onto the phone.

WOMAN:  (on phone) Department of Fish and Game.

BOBBY:  (ducking to avoid breaking glass)  Yeah.  Get me the Keeper, Operator.

WOMAN:  What�s the extension?

BOBBY:  (yelling and desperately moving about his tiny space)  I don�t know the extension!  Just look up the Keeper! 

(Bobby can be seen huddled inside the phone booth in quicksilver vision.  He is hunched over away from the walls and talking on the phone)

WOMAN:  Is that a name or a title?  I need a name, sir.

BOBBY:  You listen to me!  I�m a special agent in a life or death situation.  Get me the keeper or I will find you�and I swear I will kill you!  (All of this is seen in quicksilver vision again.  Bobby, inside, is waving his gun about to stress each word that he says.  By now, most of the glass from the phone booth is gone).

RECORDING:  This is the Keeper.

BOBBY:  (not realizing that it is a recording)  Keeper!  Yes!  Listen!

RECORDING:  (continuing, Bobby suddenly realizes it is a recording and looks worried)  I�m away from my desk right now, but you can leave a message here or press zero and ask the operator to page me.

(An invisible Darien knocks the phone booth over.  Bobby is still on the phone, although lying on his back now.  Shattered glass is all around)

BOBBY:  Yeah, Operator!  Page the Keeper!  Tell her to bring the counteragent to 8032 Oakien Drive in Martin�s Grove.  Hurry!  (He takes the phone away from his face and looks around.  He doesn�t see anything)  Fawkes?  Where are ya?  Fawkes!  Don�t let it control you Fawkes!  You can beat it.

(Bobby is still lying inside the phone booth.  Above him, where the doors would be (if they weren�t broken), Darien appears above him.  One foot is on other end of the booth and he is crouched down with his hands resting on his knees.  His sunglasses are still on).

BOBBY:  Hey!  You see?!  I told you you could be it and you beat it!  You didn�t need no counteragent!

DARIEN:  Oh, I didn�t beat it.  (Bobby looks confused.  Darien reaches up and pulls his sunglasses off.  His eyes are completely red)

BOBBY:  What�re you talking about?

DARIEN:  Well, somebody has to die.  Guess it�s gonna have to be you.

BOBBY:  ( not believing him)  Fawkes�come on.

(Darien leaps inside of the phone booth and straddles Bobby.  He reaches out and begins to choke him right away)

BOBBY:  (choking)  Fawkes!�(grunting)  Fawkes!  (Darien�s veins appear on the sides of his head as he uses all of his strength to strangle Bobby.  Bobby puts up a weak fight)

KEEPER:  (VO)  Darien!  Stop!

(The Keeper rushes in with a syringe.  She plunges it into the back of his neck, injecting him with the counteragent.  Darien�s face contorts with pain and he stops strangling Bobby and falls sideways.  He passes out)

BOBBY:  (watching Darien falling over and loosening his grip)  Oh God!

KEEPER:  One of my rats went mad.(She holds Darien against the side of the booth so that Bobby can get up)  I was worried about Darien, so�I drove out here.

BOBBY:  Yeah�well�I appreciate the gesture, but I didn�t really need your help.  I was doing�(he pushes Darien against the side of the phone booth hard�out of slight frustration)�just fine!

(The Keeper smiles slightly at his unwillingness to admit he did need help.  He sits up and looks at the unconscious Darien)

BOBBY:  (to Darien)  Last time I offer you a donut!  (to the Keeper)  You know�there�s Desert Storm.  (He finishes climbing to his feet)

(The scene quicksilvers and Darien is back in the Keep lying on the lab chair looking away from the Keeper toward the camera.  The Keeper is doing something to Darien just out of view.  He flinches and exhales loudly a couple times).

KEEPER:  There!  (She looks up at him)  That so bad?

(Darien turns to look at what she was doing to him.  He looks more closely and the camera zooms in on his arm, revealing a green snake biting it�s own tail.  It is tattooed to his arm.  There are several individual segments marked on the snake�s body).

DARIEN:  Why a snake?

KEEPER:  (looking at him)  Just seemed to fit somehow.  Looks like an ordinary tattoo, but when you reach quicksilver madness the sections of the snake turn from green to red.  (Darien looks at her for a moment then turns away and looks toward the camera again)

DARIEN:  What happened to the rat?

KEEPER:  (Looking in the same direction as Darien and then back to what she�s doing)  Built up a resistance to the counteragent.  As I knew it would.

DARIEN:  How long �til that happens to me?

KEEPER:  (shaking her head and speaking softly)  No.  You got a monitor now.  (She looks at him and inhales)  You�re gonna be fine.

DARIEN:  That wasn�t me out there.  (pause)  Trying to kill Hobbes.  (pause)  It took over.  (pause)  That happens again, I don�t want the counteragent�I want a bullet.  (Darien looks at his bandaged arm as he gets up, leaving the chair.  He walks over to a rat cage with another rat in it.  He looks at the rat inside then picks up the entire cage)

KEEPER:  Hey�what are you doing with that? 

DARIEN:  (continuing to stare at the rat inside and without turning around)  You already got one lab rat.  I don�t think you need another.  (he walks out of the room carrying the cage)

(Scene change.  The Official�s Office.  Eberts, the Official, Darien, and Bobby are standing at the Official�s desk facing the accountant from the beginning who had them investigate the whole matter to begin with).

DARIEN:  I know�it may be hard to understand, but�what Rebecca did�she did out of love�(the accountant is looking down)�I mean�she didn�t think she had any other choice.  (the man looks up at Darien)

MAN:  Well�at least now I know the truth.

OFFICIAL:  And a dangerous man and woman�are where they belong.  Eberts?

EBERTS:  (holding out a pile of paper toward the man)  Here are those numbers you requested. 

MAN:  (smiling and waving the papers away)  That�s fine.  Whatever you�re spending�the taxpayers are getting more than their money�s worth.  (He leaves.  Eberts steps back with the piles of papers).

OFFICIAL:  You know�I�m beginning to think he may be right.

BOBBY:  Which�uh�(clearing throat)�reminds me of a small issue of a calling card I want to discuss with you sir.

EBERTS:  I�m�sorry sir.  Don�t you have a meeting you need to attend?

OFFICIAL:  Oh�right�the senator�right.  Thank you Eberts.  (to Bobby)  I�m sorry what was that?  (Official starts to leave)

BOBBY:  I just wanted to ask about the calling card.  You just got a minute?  One matter of a calling card�I just wanted to talk about with you.  (The Official and Eberts file out of the room leaving Darien and Bobby alone).

(Darien looks down, while Bobby�s eyes follow the path of departure of the Official and Eberts).

BOBBY:  Can you believe that?  You catch a deranged serial killer and what do we get?  Buckiss.

DARIEN:  Oh, you really think he was a deranged serial killer?

BOBBY:  Of course he was.

DARIEN:  (looking straight ahead)  Lucky you.  (turning to Bobby)  Hey.  Sorry about trying to kill you, huh? 

BOBBY:  (scoffing)  Come on.  You didn�t even come close.  It takes a lot more than that to take down Bobby Hobbes, my friend.

DARIEN:  Lucky me, right?  (they both exit the room)

(Final scene.  Darien enters a room full of individual jail cells).

GUARD:  (as he leaves the room)  You�ve got five minutes.

(Close up on Scarborough.  He is lying down on a bed.  He cups his hand to his ear.  A smile comes to his face)

SCARBOROUGH:  Ah�I was hoping you�d come visit me.

DARIEN:  (leaning against the jail cell just over Scarborough)  Yeah�sure you were (he sniffs).

SCARBOROUGH:  I felt badly having to tell you about what happened to your neighbor, but I had to make you see the truth.

DARIEN:  Naw�no you were just screwing with my head.  (pause)  I got other people doing that.  Believe me�you don�t even play in their league.

SCARBOROUGH:  So, you deny the connection?  (Darien thinks about what Scarborough�s said)

DARIEN:  Somebody once told me that�uh�the stoplight turns red before you can cross�your life�changes forever.  I�ll buy that it changes�but�just �til the next morning.  (pause)  Then it�s a whole new deal.

SCARBOROUGH:  So you don�t believe in my gifts anymore? 

DARIEN:  Hell no.  (pause)  You were wrong, old man.  I didn�t kill Hobbes.

SCARBOROUGH:  (smiling faintly)  Not yet you haven�t.  Not yet.

(Darien stands there looking at Scarborough and thinking).


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