Fan Fiction Archive
The Camp
  Transcribed by StarvedChoccobo
Upbeat intro, scenes of a woman giving birth in a hospital.
DARIEN:  (VO) A babe named Princess Diana once said that if men had to have babies, they'd have only one.  Well, truer words were never spoken.
Scene shift to hospital room, woman and husband are asleep in room with baby.  A woman comes in and steals the child, they drive off in an ambulance.  The woman wakes up and looks for her child.
WOMAN: Where's my baby?!
Fades to static, intro.
DARIEN:  (VO) There once was a story about a man who could turn invisible.  I thought it was only a story, until it happened to me.  Okay, here's how it works.  There's this stuff called quicksilver that bends light.  Now, my brother and some scientists made it into a synthetic gland, and that's where I came in.  See, I was facing life in prison, and they were looking for a human experiment.  So, we made a deal.  They put the gland in my brain, and I walk free.  The operation was a success, but that's where everything started to go wrong.
Scene opens in the Official's office.  Eberts is adjusting a Health and Human Services sign
OFFICIAL:  Bring the U to the right some, the U straight up and down.
Darien and Hobbes walk in, talking.
HOBBES:  The opposite of that'd be Mary Ann.
DARIEN:  No, no, you know what?  Put me down for Mrs. Howell.  You gotta open up your. . .
Darien and Hobbes stop and look at the sign.
DARIEN:  Again?
HOBBES:  You moved us again, chief?
The Official turns to face Darien and Hobbes.
OFFICIAL:  Not me.
DARIEN:  Then who?
OFFICIAL:  I don't know, but I'm sure as hell gonna find out.  Somebody had to make some heavy phone calls to make this happen.
Alex walks into the room.
ALEX:  That would be me.
HOBBES:  Wow.  And you would be?
ALEX:  Name's Alexandra Monroe.
OFFICIAL:  Doesn't answer the question, who are you?
ALEX:  Your new agent.
OFFICIAL:  I didn't hire a new agent.
Alex walks up to the Official's desk, and tosses him a folder.
ALEX:  Afraid you did.  Read the paperwork.  You might want to pay particular attention to who signed the documents.
Darien, Hobbes, and Eberts gather around the Official as he looks through the paperwork.  The Official looks impressed.
OFFICIAL:  Oh . . .hey.   Well, I don't care if God signed this document.  Fact is, I don't have the budget to pay for a new agent.
HOBBES:  I mean, not that we wouldn't love to have you, breath of fresh air and everything, but I don't think he's about to fire one to make room for you.   Are you?
ALEX:  If you'll check your books, you'll note that an amount slightly greater than my weekly has been deposited into the account.
EBERTS:  She's right, sir.
Alex walks over to Eberts, and looks at him over his shoulder.
ALEX:  That amount should cover my pay, all fringes, and taxes.  That work for you, Mr. Eberts?
EBERTS:  Y, Yes ma'am.
ALEX:  Good boy.
HOBBES:  Well, what can I say?  Ms. Monroe, welcome aboard.  My name is Bobby...
Alex walks over to Hobbes.
ALEX:  Robert A. Hobbes.
DARIEN:  "A"?  Hey, what's the A stand for?
ALEX:  Double A, plus clearance level 4, former CIA, former NSA, and the list goes on.  I'm also familiar with your psych work up from Drs. Josafak, Hallyen, and Shelby. 
HOBBES:  Yeah.  Well, that's really (Clears throat)
ALEX:  Shelby's is particularly interesting since she gets into that whole psychosexual thing.
HOBBES:  That's really highly classified information, you know, kinda personal if you don't mind.
ALEX:  You're right. 
Alex turns to Darien. 
ALEX:  Even more classified is the Invisible Man.  Darien Fawkes, did time at San Quentin for B&E, at Folsom for AR, and at Dinsom for molesting an old man.  (To Official) You hire real crackerjack agents, don't you?
Alex starts walking towards the door.
DARIEN:  Who are you?
ALEX:  I told you, Alex Monroe.
DARIEN:  Yeah, yeah, I think we got that here, Alex.  I think what we wanna know, is, why are you here?
HOBBES:  Yeah, that's right, who sent you?
OFFICIAL:  Yeah, what's your background?
EBERTS:  Why do you get paid so much?
ALEX:  All in good time, gentlemen, all in good time.  For now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get settled into my new office.
Alex opens the door.
HOBBES:  I don't mean to burst your bubble there, Monroe, but you know, agents here, we get a desk, not really an office.
ALEX:  I hate to burst yours, but this agent does.  It's one floor up, on the side of the building, with a view. Drop in anytime.  Nice meeting you all.
Alex walks out and closes the door.
Scene shifts to an outside shot of the building, then to Alex's office. 
A juicer in Alex's office is running, as Darien opens the door and leans in.
DARIEN:  Yeah, I just wanted to stop. . .
D stops for a moment, stunned by the surroundings.  Movers are rearranging furniture.
DARIEN:  This is phenomenal.
Darien walks over to Alex.
DARIEN:   Anyway, I um, you said come by, and I just wanted say that, you know, anybody that can shake up the Official that badly, they deserve my respect right off the bat.  You're my hero.
ALEX:  Does that mean I didn't shake you up?
DARIEN:  Oh, no.  No, no, I don't shake so easily there.
ALEX:  I must be slipping.  Juice?
DARIEN:  Yeah, what kind is that, actually?
ALEX:  Broccoli and grass.
DARIEN:  I'm gonna pass, I, uh, just had my brussel sprout and topsoil cocktail this morning.  But thank you.  Looks yummy. 
Darien walks over to a chair and sits down, as Alex sits down at the far end of a nearby couch. 
DARIEN:  Look, anyway, the real reason I actually came by to see you today, was that, um, from what I can tell, you have basically just used whatever connections you have to force your way into what I've come to know as about the crappiest agency in the intelligence world.
ALEX:  Well, way to root for the home team, Fawkes.
DARIEN:  No, no no, it's not like that, I'm just telling you like it is.
ALEX:  I know all about your agency.
DARIEN:  Really.  You do?  Ok, then, then I gotta ask, why this agency?
ALEX:  Because its the only transient intelligence agency that I could find.  I needed an agency that could be reapportioned under Health and Human Services.
ALEX:  Because they have the jurisdiction and the resources I need for my investigation.
DARIEN:  Oh, your investigation?  Oh. What investigation is that?
ALEX:  Your boss should be getting the assignment right about now.
Darien gets out of the chair and sits next to Alex on the sofa.
DARIEN:  Anyway, uh, you know, I was just thinking. . .
Alex sighs.
DARIEN:  It's not really fair. . .
ALEX:  What's not?
DARIEN:  Well, you seem to know a lot about me. . .
ALEX:  Here we go.
DARIEN:  And I don't seem to really know much about you.
ALEX:  Yeah, isn't it great how that worked out?
Darien chuckles.
DARIEN:  Okay.  Just thought you'd like a friend inside the Agency.
ALEX:  Look, I'm sure a lot of chicks find you irresistible. . .
DARIEN:  Well, come on, I mean, I wouldn't say a lot. . .
ALEX:  But guess what? 
DARIEN:  Yeah?
ALEX:  I find you totally resistable.
DARIEN:  Well, guess what? I wasn't hitting on you, okay?
ALEX:  What was that, then?
Alex indicates Darien's movement.
DARIEN:  You thought I was, (laughs) you're killing me, man! 
Darien gets up and heads towards the door.
DARIEN:  I just thought you like a friend in the Agency, alright?
HOBBES:  Hey, Fawkes, the chief wants to. . . whoa! (whistles) Nice digs!  Hey, listen, I just want to know one thing, who do you have pictures of and what are they doing in said pictures?  That's what I want to know.
Darien grabs Hobbes as he leaves the room.
DARIEN:  Careful, Hobbes, she bites.
HOBBES:  I wanna know!
Scene shifts back to the Official's office. The Official tosses down a blue folder.
OFFICIAL:  Ms. Monroe's dossier.
DARIEN:  So, what's the verdict?
EBERTS:  She's rated five star A.
HOBBES:  She's a five star A?
Darien raises his hand.
DARIEN:  Guys, somebody's gonna have to translate, I don't speak spyese.  What does that mean?
EBERTS:  A five-star A rating means she is proficient in all skills.
OFFICIAL:  That is correct � very rare.  In my entire career, my entire career, I've only seen two agents who were classified in that category.
EBERTS:  Currently, Ms. Monroe's five star A rating includes surveillance, sabotage, sniper work, hand to hand combat, weapons combat, acting. . .
DARIEN:  Acting?
EBERTS:  She has successfully portrayed French royalty, an Israeli air force colonel, a socialite in the United Kingdom.
Hobbes leans over to Darien.
HOBBES:  Hmm.  You know, I once portrayed this homeless guy in East Germany.
DARIEN:  Wow, what a stretch.
Darien turns back to Eberts and the Official.
EBERTS:  Ms. Monroe also retains a five star A rating in CTS.
DARIEN:  CTS, what?
OFFICIAL:  CTS. . .corruption. . .
HOBBES:  Temptation. . .
EBERTS:  and seduction operations.
DARIEN:  They have a name for that?
Hobbes leans over to Darien again.
HOBBES:  You know, I once seduced this amazing-looking redhead.  She was in charge of, uh, arms procurement for the Soviet army. 
DARIEN:  Oh, to get the weapons info?
HOBBES:  No, it was to get in, you know. . .
Hobbes clicks his tongue, then laughs.
OFFICIAL:  In the meantime, this agent could be a real asset to this agency.  And on top of that, she's a freebie.
DARIEN:  Hey, have you ever heard that if it looks too good to be true, it probably is?
OFFICIAL:  (whispering)  A. . . freebie.
EBERTS:  (whispering) Freebie.
OFFICIAL:  No money.
Scene shifts to Alex's computer.  Darien, Hobbes, and Claire are gathered in Alex's office.
ALEX:  All right, so over the last eleven years, several thousand babies have been stolen from hospitals around the world.  No one believes the cases were related, I think they were.
Claire is pacing, then interrupts.
CLAIRE:   Yes, I'm sorry, but is that a K-21 station?
ALEX:  Yes.
CLAIRE:   This has a clock speed of ten gigahertz.
ALEX:  Actually, closer to twelve and a half.
CLAIRE:   W,w, what do you need this sort of power for?
DARIEN:  Is something bugging you, Claire?
CLAIRE:   Well, I, you know, I've put in about two hundred requisitions.  I've threatened people, I've actually applied for outside grants, anything to get a computer with half of this, this power, and I don't understand how you can just come in here and. . .
HOBBES:  I think she's got pictures of somebody.
ALEX:  What?  Do you really need one of these that badly?
CLAIRE:   Yes.
ALEX:  You'll have one by the end of the week.
CLAIRE:   Are you serious?
ALEX:  Yes.  Until then, feel free to borrow mine.
HOBBES:  Uh, excuse me, (clears throat) Ms. Monroe, I've been requisitioning for a new vehicle. . .
ALEX:  Forget about it.
HOBBES:  . . . for the past two years now. . .
ALEX:  No.
HOBBES:  I was just wondering if. . .
ALEX:  Can we get back to the case?
ALEX:  So, I've been using the power of this station to analyze and compare 1,357 cases for commonality, and it comes up blank each time. 
HOBBES:  Well, because your machines aren't asking the right questions, questions no one else would think to ask.
ALEX:  Like what?
HOBBES:  Like who the fathers are.
DARIEN:  What, you think they all had the same dad?
HOBBES:  No, genius, but maybe all the daddies have a commonality, like maybe they're all communists, or white supremacists, or Shriners.
CLAIRE:   Hold on, hold on, t, that's not such a, a bad idea, Darien.  I once read in a medical journal about a California fertility doctor who actually used his own sperm to impregnate about 250 of his patients.  Do you mind?
Claire types on Alex's computer.
DARIEN:  That's a little farfetched, isn't it?  I mean, that's some serious frequent flier miles.  I mean, you said the thefts were from all over the world.
The computer beeps.
ALEX:  It's actually not so farfetched.
CLAIRE:   Wow, look at that!
Screen shows " 1,239 / 1,357 Cases match."
ALEX:  Now, why didn't I think of that?
DARIEN:  Excuse me, girls, could you clue in the boys?
CLAIRE:   Yeah, well, um, um, almost all of the women who had their babies stolen were artificially impregnated. 
ALEX:  Okay, it gets better.  Look at this.
DARIEN:  Hey, Batman.  Check this out. 
HOBBES:  Yeah, Robin?
Hobbes looks at the computer screen.
DARIEN:  All the fertility clinics they went to were run by the same corporation. 
ALEX:  The Stork Corporation.
The computer screen is shown as it cuts to commercial.
Returns to the van driving down a street.  Darien, Alex, and Hobbes are inside.  Alex and Hobbes are debating.
HOBBES:  I'm just saying, the van's seen better days, that's all.
ALEX:  And I'm saying the van is perfect. 
HOBBES:  It could use. . .
ALEX:  It's inconspicuous, as it should be for undercover work.
HOBBES:  Well, it's a little uncomfortable, is all.
Darien gets irritated and speaks up.
DARIEN:  Hey, guys, what's the plan here?  You'll note how the question itself implies that, that someone has a plan.
ALEX:  Simple.  Bobby and I are going in posing as an infertile couple.
HOBBES:  Wait, wait a minute, wait a minute.  The couple part I like, but nobody's gonna buy the infertile part, okay?
DARIEN:  Why not?
HOBBES:  Fawkes, come on, look at me.
Darien looks at Hobbes skeptically.
HOBBES:  Now look at her.  Okay?  Now, who's gonna buy, you know, that you put me and her in a room together, and I can't take her to that, that place?
DARIEN:  Uh, infertility is not a lack of sexual ability, Hobbes.
HOBBES:  I know. I'm just, I'm just saying that it's all the same down there, it's closely, you know, related, whatever.
Quicksilver fade to the Stork fertility clinic.  The door slams, and Alex, Darien, and Hobbes start walking.
ALEX:  Okay, big guy, do that voodoo that you do.
HOBBES:  Okay, now you might want to brace yourself, because it's pretty mind-blowing when you see it for the first time.
DARIEN:  That's right.
The three stop.
ALEX:  I can handle it.
HOBBES:  Suit yourself. (chuckles)
DARIEN:  Here we go.
Darien jumps, twirls, and quicksilvers.
HOBBES:  So what do you think?
ALEX:  It's nice.
HOBBES:  Excuse me?
ALEX:  Neat.  Let's go.
HOBBES:  Neat.
Hobbes walks off muttering, as Alex turns back to where Darien was with a look of amazement.  Fades to a room inside the clinic.  Hobbes and Alex are holding hands between chairs.
WOMAN: Well, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, how long have you been married?
Alex and Hobbes chuckle.
HOBBES:  It's been a, oh, gee, gosh. Uh, what was it, 91?
ALEX:  Our ten year anniversary will be in September..
WOMAN: You must have been married very young.
ALEX:  I was married very young, yes.
HOBBES:  I was, we were, we were very young. I was, you know, I mean, the hair gives me a few years.
Quicksilver vision of Darien opening a door.  A doctor is standing behind a man and woman.  The man is holding a pen, and kneeling behind a woman.
MAN: I can't do this.
DOCTOR: Remember how you did it on the orange.
Man moves his hand towards the woman's rear, then stops.
MAN: I can't do this.
DOCTOR: Just see the orange, visualize the orange.
Darien backs out of the room, and closes the door.
DARIEN:  Not a lot of incriminating stuff here.
Quick shift to Alex and Hobbes.
WOMAN: How long have you been having unprotected sex?
Alex and Hobbes respond simultaneously.
HOBBES:  Ten years.
ALEX:  Nine months.
Scene returns to Quicksilver vision as Darien walks down the hall.  Scene jumps back to Alex and Hobbes.
WOMAN: Do you have any idea what may be causing your fertility problem?
Alex and Hobbes respond simultaneously again, but Alex cuts Hobbes off.
HOBBES:  She has�
ALEX:  Bobby's urologist says he has a low sperm count.
HOBBES:  That's not really right.  I got some serious sperm, sweetheart.  Tell the lady, come on.  Bobby's got some fish that can swim upstream! (laughs)
Scene returns to Quicksilver vision.  Darien enters a room with a man inside.
DARIEN:  (VO) Woody Allen said it best when he said, "Don't knock it.  It's sex with someone you love." 
The man dips his hand into a jar of ointment, then notices the open door.  Darien backs out quickly as the man runs to shut it.  Scene returns to Hobbes and Alex. 
WOMAN: Okay, um, do you have any questions?
ALEX:  Yes. actually, I, I, I do.  One of my biggest concerns is, how can we be sure that our sperm and egg get implanted?
WOMAN: We're very careful about that here at Stork.  Mr. Smith's. . .um, contributions will be labeled three different ways.  Your ovum will be harvested and also labeled.
HOBBES:  That's good, cause that's important.  Assuming that you know, we, you know, you know, score, oh ho, field goal!
Hobbes raises his hands in a field goal signal.
HOBBES:   Uh, does your clinic here follow the pregnancy from the incubation to the old, to the big day?
WOMAN: Of course.  At birth, 99% are perfectly healthy.
ALEX:  So, how do you follow what happens to them later?
WOMAN: Later?
ALEX:  Like a few days later. . . or even years later.
WOMAN: (chuckles) Why do you ask that?
ALEX:  (chuckles) Well, I don't know, it's just that if we're kinda, you know, playing God here. . .
HOBBES:  We're just wondering if, three years down the road, these test-tube babies could get all, you know,  messed up, and have one leg shorter than. . .
WOMAN: (interrupting) No, that doesn't happen.
ALEX:  So, you do track them.
Scene jumps to Quicksilver vision, as Darien follows a man into a room.  Inside is a man at a set of computer terminals, typing.  The monitors show the status and location of babies.  One name starts flashing, indicating delivery in progress.
MAN: Delivery.  1-2-8 Charlie, Hirch Memorial, room 12 alpha.
The man leaves the room, and the door catches slightly as Darien leaves.  Scene flashes back to Hobbes and Alex.
HOBBES:  Could we, um, possibly, speak to, uh, some of the parents, maybe get some references?
WOMAN: I'm sorry, I'm afraid that's against policy.
Darien opens the door and sticks his head in.
DARIEN:  Uh, hi, uh, is my wife in here?
The woman turns towards Darien.
Woman: I'm sorry, you have the wrong room.
DARIEN:  Oh, uh, okay.  Uh, well, if, uh, you see her, could you tell her to meet me outside right away, please?
Darien leaves.
Scene shifts to the van pulling up to Hirch Memorial Hospital.  Bobby, Darien and Alex jump out, and run inside.  The scene Quicksilver fades to a shot of a delivery room.  The three are waiting outside, in the hall.  Darien and Hobbes are talking quietly.
HOBBES:  Well, what about Bert and Ernie, huh?
DARIEN:  Bert and Ernie?
HOBBES:  Anybody deny they're gay lovers?
DARIEN:  What are you talking about?
HOBBES:  This morning, I'm getting dressed, I'm watching TV, right?
DARIEN:  Yeah.
HOBBES:  Big Bird and Elmo come by. . .
DARIEN:  Wait, hold on.  You watch Sesame Street?
HOBBES:  Yeah, it's the only decent thing on at six AM, Fawkes.
DARIEN:  That explains a lot.
HOBBES:  Anyways, Bert and Ernie come riding in on a bicycle built for two.
DARIEN:  A tandem.
HOBBES:  Yeah.  I mean, these guys have been living together for what, the past 30 years now?
DARIEN:  Something like that.
HOBBES:  Yeah, so I'm thinking that, hey, it's time to come out, fellas.
DARIEN:  Hobbes, they're puppets.
HOBBES:  That's what they said about Reagan.  Mm-hmm.
Hobbes takes out some pills as a baby is carried out of the delivery room.
DARIEN:  You ought to take two of those.
Alex starts after the baby, and the scene fades to a nursery, where the child is being placed in a crib.  Alex is watching at the window, a sad expression on her face.
DARIEN:  You okay?
Alex swallows, and coughs lightly.
ALEX:  Yeah, I'm fine.
Alex walks away.  Scene shifts to the hallway, where time progresses as the three kill time.  The scene changes to Darien looking around, then turning towards the camera and quicksilvering.  The scene changes to Quicksilver view of the room of the baby's parents, both asleep, with the baby in a crib.  The door opens as a woman dressed as a nurse walks in.  She checks the parents to see that they're asleep, then takes the child.  Darien follows her out into the hall, as two men escort the woman through an exit to a waiting ambulance.  Darien sheds quicksilver as he falls behind the men.
DARIEN:  Excuse me, ma'am.  Is that your baby?
One of the men punches Darien in the face.
DARIEN:  Oh, boy, that's not nice.
Darien pulls a kung-fu stance, and is kicked in the head by the other man.  Alex shows up, clubs the second man in the back of the head with a gun, and points it at the first man, who raises his hands.  The woman shrinks back against the ambulance.  The man does a roundhouse kick to knock the gun out of Alex's hands.  Alex kicks him back, and the two fight, with Alex quickly beating the man unconscious.  Alex then walks up to the woman.
ALEX:  I'll take that baby.  Give him to me.
The woman hands Alex the baby, who hands it off to a nurse.  The woman climbs into the ambulance as Darien gets up.
DARIEN:  You're good.
The woman drives off.
ALEX:  Don't act so surprised.
Alex pulls out a walkie-talkie.
ALEX:  She's on the way.
Hobbes pulls up in the van.  Alex and Darien get in as the scene Quicksilver fades to the open road, with the van chasing the ambulance.
HOBBES:  You alright?
DARIEN:  Yeah, I'm fine.  Listen, I got a question.  How, how do we know that they won't send someone else in there to take that kid?
ALEX:  Cause the nurse I gave the baby to is FBI, and three more agents are within eyesight of the baby at all times.
The ambulance pulls onto a dirt road, with the van following.  They stop under a sign.
DARIEN:  Looks like a kids' summer camp.
HOBBES:  But it's not summer.
Darien and Hobbes attempt to pronounce the name of the camp.
DARIEN:  It's Teah. . . Teanausi. . .
HOBBES:  Teen-Teenasto,  Teenastis. . .
DARIEN:  Te. . . Teanousus
HOBBES:  Teanstus . . . It's Teanstis.
DARIEN:  I can't pronoun . . .
ALEX:  Camp Teanaustaye.
Alex gives Darien a ski cap with a turtle on the front.
ALEX:  Put this on.  It has a camera and a transmitter right here in the turtle, see it?  Do your thing and get out of here.
DARIEN:  There's a camera in there?
ALEX:  Yeah.
DARIEN:  Is there another option, cause this isn't very cool.
ALEX:  No, no.
HOBBES:  Come on, put it on.  Put it on.
Alex clears her throat, and looks straight ahead.
DARIEN:  Okay. 
Darien puts on the ski cap and pulls another karate stance as he quicksilvers. Alex looks at where Darien was with amazement.
HOBBES:  Such a child.
Scene shifts to the back of the van, where Alex unpacks a  portable computer.
HOBBES:  Okay.
Hobbes reaches for the keyboard.
ALEX:  Don't . . . you . . .it's okay.  I can do it.
Alex begins typing on the keyboard, as the scene shifts to Quicksilver vision.  Darien wanders through the camp, as instructors work with the kids like at a boot camp.  Scene shrinks as it appears on Alex's computer.
HOBBES:  So, uh, Alex, I'm guessing you're single, am I right?
ALEX:  Oh, don't go there.
HOBBES:  Oh, hey, not for me.  I don't fish off the company pier, trust me.
ALEX:  Good, neither do I.
HOBBES:  Good.
Alex looks at Hobbes, and grins.
ALEX:  It's a pity, though.
Hobbes looks up from the monitor.
HOBBES:  What?  What?  Sorry?
Alex starts stroking Hobbes's head.  The music shifts to a more romantic tone.
ALEX:  Well, generally, bald guys. . . turn. . .me. . .(moans softly) on.
HOBBES:  (laughs)  Are you playing me?
ALEX:  Oh, yeah.
Alex resumes typing.  The music returns to normal.
HOBBES:  That's not very nice.
Scene shifts back to the camp, where kids are shooting arrows at targets.  The arrows are all hitting in the area of the heart.  Scene continues to track the kids going through rigorous training. 
DARIEN:  (VO)  Hey, when I was a kid, my grandmother sent me to summer camp, Camp Nimrod, or something like that.  Their motto was, "There's nothing we can't do."  Yeah, well, this place's motto looks more like, "Be all that you can be." 
Scene tracks a man with an automatic weapon walking towards a large building.  Scene returns to the van, where Hobbes tries to play with the keyboard.  Alex smacks Hobbes's hand.  The man enters the building, with Darien following.  Scene shifts to Quicksilver vision inside the building as Darien moves down the hall.  A classroom is shown, with Mason giving a speech.
MASON:  So, you are the future of tomorrow.  You are the leaders.  You are the ones who will make this country what it is, and what it can be.  When all else has fallen away, when the government is gone.  You will be there.  See, we are changing, evolving.  Like an insect changing from larvae to adult.  Which is called what?
Kids (in unison): Chrysalis!
MASON: Thus the name.
Scene shifts to the van.
HOBBES:  Chrysalis.
ALEX:  Who's Chrysalis?
HOBBES:  You don't know?
ALEX:  No.
HOBBES:  You don't want to.
Fade to commercial.
Scene returns with Darien listening at the door, visible again.  He leaves as the man continues talking.  As Darien is leaving, a door opens behind him.  A boy walks by, followed by a man.
COUNSELOR:  We're very impressed with your marks on the shooting range.  I think it's time we moved you up to a higher caliber gun.
Darien quickly moves through a door, and closes it behind him softly.  He turns to see a gymnasium full of cribs containing babies.  Alex sees this on her computer screen and starts to leave the van.
HOBBES:  What are you doing?  What are you doing?
ALEX:  What?!
Bobby keeps her from leaving.
HOBBES:  What are you doing?
ALEX:  I want to get those kids!
HOBBES:  Just hold on a second there, Wonder Woman.
ALEX:  (yelling) What?!?!
HOBBES:  You go busting in there weapon drawn, and you will be lucky to even get into that room.
ALEX:  Oh, I will get close to that room.
Alex attempts to leave, but is stopped by Hobbes again.
HOBBES:  No, you're not getting in anywhere!
HOBBES:  What is the matter with you?
ALEX:  What?  What are you talking about?
HOBBES:  I've read your file, you're better than this.  You don't go in there half cocked.   What's going on?
Alex looks at the floor, and says nothing.
HOBBES:  Talk to me.
ALEX:  My son's in that room.
HOBBES:  Oh, man.  Sorry to hear that.
ALEX:  Don't. . .pity me.  Okay?
HOBBES:  Alright.  Then just hear this.  You go barging in there half cocked, and you're gonna do more damage than good.  Okay?  And you know it.
Scene shifts to Darien, wandering through the rows of cribs.  Scene then moves to the Official's office, where Darien, Alex, and Hobbes are talking to the Official.
OFFICIAL:  On what grounds?
DARIEN:  What do you mean?
OFFICIAL:  I mean, you have to have grounds for a warrant, or we don't go in.
ALEX:  These are not stolen drugs or weapons, these are children!
OFFICIAL:  I understand.  You bring me proof that these children were kidnapped, and I'll have you a warrant in five minutes.
ALEX:  To hell with a warrant.
Alex stalks out of the office.  Darien follows her.
DARIEN:  Hey, hey, whoa, Alex, look.  There's no way I can understand what you're feeling, okay?  But If I was in your shoes, I'd probably go and do something crazy too.
ALEX:  Good, you can relate.  Bye.
Darien grabs Alex as she walks off.  She shrugs him off and looks at him.
DARIEN:  Hey, hey, look, look.  The difference is, I can turn invisible.
ALEX:  Then help me.
Scene moves to the Keep, where Claire is changing a light bulb in her refrigerator, with little success.
CLAIRE:   Ow! Ah! Ooh, OOH!
Darien walks up behind Claire and startles her.
DARIEN:  I need a booster and some info.
CLAIRE:   A booster?  I actually anticipated.  What info?
Darien walks over to the chair and hops in.  Alex stands nearby.
DARIEN:  Uh, genetic kind of stuff.  What kind could you get on the missing babies?
CLAIRE:   Uh, well, they were all IVF babies, so they probably all had amniocentesis, so I could access those records. 
DARIEN:  Good. Do it.
CLAIRE:   Okay. Why?
Claire gives Darien a shot of counteragent.
DARIEN:  Uh, tell you later.
Alex and Darien leave.  The scene Quicksilver shifts to Camp Teanaustaye's entrance as Darien walks in and quicksilvers.  Alex and Hobbes watch as he leaves.  Darien walks through the campgrounds, which are empty of kids.  He walks into a dormitory, and searches through the trash cans.
DARIEN:  (VO) Last time I got put away, they used DNA evidence against me.  I cursed the day it was ever invented.  Never thought I'd change my mind on that one.
Darien collects a napkin and a Q-tip.
DARIEN:  (VO) I just wish it were a little less disgusting to collect.
Darien pulls hair off of a hairbrush., then wipes a bathroom sink with a paper towel. Darien returns to the gymnasium, where he stops to soothe some of the babies, while collecting saliva samples.
DARIEN:  It's okay.  It's okay.  Hey, it's okay.  Oh, thank you.  See you, guy.
Darien returns to the van with the various samples.
DARIEN:  See this?  Pretty nice!
ALEX:  Good work, Fawkes.
Darien opens the door of the van, and hands the samples to Hobbes.
DARIEN:  There you go.  Little present for you.
HOBBES:  Thank you.
Quicksilver fade to Alex's office.  Claire is working with Alex's computer, while Darien, Alex, and the Official watch.
CLAIRE:   This was a brilliant idea, Darien.
DARIEN:  (as Elvis) Well, thank you very much.
Shot of the Official, looking at the grass used for Alex's juice, visibly disgusted.
CLAIRE:   I didn't know you knew anything about DNA.
DARIEN:  Yeah, well, let's just say I've got a little personal experience with it.
ALEX:  So, how long are these results going to take?
CLAIRE:   Uh, with this computer, a few minutes.  Now, if we were using my computer. . .
DARIEN:  Whoa, whoa, whoa.  Wait.  Here it comes.
The computer screen shows the DNA samples matching up with the records.
CLAIRE:   Alright.  Yup.  These are the stolen babies.
Alex immediately heads out.
OFFICIAL:  I'll have a warrant for you by the time you get to the camp.
Darien walks out as Claire looks at the screen closely.
CLAIRE:   (calling out) Oh, hold on, hold on, hold on.  There's more.
Alex and Darien come back to look at the screen.
DARIEN:  What, what?
CLAIRE:   What?  (looks at the screen) There are no introns.
DARIEN:  Introns, English, please?
CLAIRE:   Well, introns are one of the few parts of DNA that aren't thought to code for anything.  There are theories that they somehow control how and why we age, but, I mean, those are just theories.
Shot of the Official nibbling on a blade of grass absent-mindedly.
DARIEN:  Are you saying that if they could figure out somehow to remove those introns dealies, they could actually stop the aging process?
CLAIRE:   Yeah, maybe.  There'd be a lot of technical problems to overcome.
ALEX:  This is fascinating, really, but can we talk about it after we get those kids out?
Darien and Alex leave.  The scene moves to the entrance  to Camp Teanaustaye, where agents and SWAT teams are gathered.  Scene pans to Alex, the Official, and Darien.
ALEX:  Why don't you go scout ahead?
Darien starts to head off.
OFFICIAL:  Who gives the orders here?
Darien stops.
DARIEN:  So. . . you, uh, you want me to go scout ahead?
Darien moves off.
In Quicksilver vision, Darien watches as a man reports to Mason.
SCOUT: Sir, west scout reporting. A large contingent of government forces are assembling on the road.
Mason pulls out a walkie-talkie patched into a PA system.
MASON: All campers, Code Red.  All campers, Code Red.
The camp suddenly springs into action, with the counselors handing out assault rifles from a weapons locker to the kids, who line up single file.  Darien runs back to the road, where agents are preparing to move in.
DARIEN:  You guys, we gotta cancel the operation.
DARIEN:  Because they saw us coming, man.  They're packing the kids in there with some pretty serious heat.
Darien, Hobbes, the Official, and Alex move into a circle.
HOBBES:  Fawkes, we can take �em.
DARIEN:  We can take �em.  They're kids, Hobbes.  We go in there shooting, and somebody's gonna get hurt.
OFFICIAL:  Okay, the raid is off.
ALEX:  But sir. . .
OFFICIAL:  The raid is off. Surround the camp, make sure they don't try to move those kids out.  You got it?
HOBBES:  Okay.
Darien, Hobbes, and the Official move off, leaving Alex alone.
Break to commercial
Scene returns to the road where Alex, Darien, Hobbes, and the Official are gathered.  Alex is pacing.
ALEX:  You know, every minute we spend out here talking, they're in there, getting more organized.
OFFICIAL:  I haven't heard any valid suggestions, Ms. Monroe.
ALEX:  Okay, here's one: I go in alone, under the radar and. . .
Darien cuts in.
DARIEN:  Whoa, whoa, whoa, time out, there.  I believe I'm the only one here who can go in under the radar here.  Hmm?
ALEX:   That's right.
Alex pulls out her gun, and tucks it into Darien's pants.
ALEX:  So do something.
Bobby whistles as Darien gets up.
DARIEN:  Fine.
OFFICIAL:  Fawkes, what are you going to do?
DARIEN:  I, have, uh, absolutely no idea, but it will definitely, uh, be something (cocks gun) under the radar.
Darien walks off, and the scene Quicksilver fades to Darien walking through the camp, which now has kids with guns in strategic locations.  Darien heads towards a large building, where he spots Mason walking inside.  Darien follows him in, where Mason talks to some counselors.
MASON: Okay, everybody's in position, locked up.
COUNESLOR #1: Mr. Mason, do you think they'll attack us?
MASON: Relax.  They're not going to shoot at a bunch of kids.
Darien de-quicksilvers and points a gun at Mason.
DARIEN:  Now you see, that's where you're wrong. 
Mason turns towards Darien, then keeps his weapon pointed towards the ceiling.
DARIEN:  See, I personally got no problem taking out a scumbag like you who uses kids to do his dirty work.
MASON: What do you want?
DARIEN:  It's pretty simple.
Darien steps up and grabs Mason's rifle.
DARIEN:  I want to talk to Stark.
MASON: I don't know any Stark.
DARIEN:  You don't know him, huh?  Your glorious leader?  Clean-cut guy?  No? Listen, tell Stark he's got an hour to get here or Darien Fawkes is gonna kill his buddy Mr. Mason here.  ( nods to the other counselors) Call him.
MASON: You're bluffing.
DARIEN: Try me.
Scene cuts to the road, where a black limo pulls up.  The window rolls down as Hobbes walks over.
STARK: Where's Fawkes?
HOBBES:  He's inside.
The window rolls up as Stark's limo drives off.
HOBBES:  Sometime, rarely, but on occasion, my partner is a genius.
ALEX:  Who was that?
OFFICIAL:  He's one of the top guys at Chrysalis.
ALEX:  And how was Fawkes able to get him here so fast?
HOBBES:  Let's just say they have history.
Scene jumps to the building where Darien is located.  The doors open up to reveal Stark flanked by two bodyguards.  Darien is relaxed in a chair, gun still covering Mason.
DARIEN:  Hey, looky here.
Stark walks over.
STARK: You're really becoming a festering wound, Fawkes.
DARIEN:  Well, that's about  the. . .sweetest thing a grown man's ever said to me.  Speaking of sweet, uh, who are your boyfriends there? (motions to Stark's bodyguards)
STARK: One can't be too careful these days.
DARIEN:  Well, okay, why don't you send them on their merry way, please?
Stark motions to the bodyguards, who leave.
DARIEN:  You two can go, too.
The two counselors leave, followed by Mason.
DARIEN:  Whoa, hey.  Back there, Chester.
STARK: Why don't you let Mr. Mason go?
DARIEN:  Oh, a little insurance policy.  Could you lose the coat, please?
Stark begins taking off his coat.
DARIEN:  Could you throw in the shirt and pants while you're at it.
DARIEN:  Because I wanna see your hot, naked body. . .please, I wanna make sure you're not armed, and, uh, (waves gun) I got the gun.
Stark starts taking off his pants and shirt.
DARIEN:  Thank you, Mr. Mason, you've been very cooperative, you can go now.
Mason walks off.
STARK: What do you want, Darien?
DARIEN:  It's pretty simple, I want you to tell the kids out there to put down their weapons and surrender before somebody gets hurt.
STARK: Nobody's broken any laws, here. Except you, for trespassing. 
DARIEN:  Kidnapping, now that's, uh, that's a pretty major crime last time I checked, right?
STARK: Who's been kidnapped?
DARIEN:  Will you give me some credit, creepo?  We know about the kids being taken from the hospitals.
STARK: What makes you so sure those are the kids you think they are?
DARIEN:  Oh, yeah, that was kinda cool, actually.  We matched some DNA samples up with some amniocentesis and. . . voila.
STARK: We were only retrieving what is ours.  Those children are ours.
DARIEN:  Well, I think they might actually be the children of the mothers who gave birth to them. 
The scene shifts to Darien's ski cap, and then to the computer in the van, where Alex and Hobbes are watching.
STARK: That's what the mothers think.  We were only using them as incubators for our children.  Go ahead, call your Keeper and have her check the DNA against their so-called mothers.  Know what they'll tell you?  That these kids are the products of our zygotes implanted with surrogates.  They're our children, Darien.
Alex listens to this, then storms out of the van.
ALEX:  That's it.
The Official sees her leaving.
OFFICIAL:  Stop.  Hold it!
Alex responds without stopping.
ALEX:  No, your man isn't getting anywhere.
OFFICIAL:  You're gonna blow the whole thing, lady!
Alex heads towards the camp.  Scene shifts back to Darien and Stark.
DARIEN:  Look, whatever, okay.  All I know is that they shouldn't be raised in a boot camp.  They should be raised in homes, with real, bickering, stressed out parents like normal kids.
STARK: These aren't normal kids.
DARIEN:  Yeah, so I heard.  They, uh, they don't have the old senior citizen discount to look forward to.  Is that right.
STARK: You've been doing your homework, I see.  Good for you.
DARIEN:  Thank you.
STARK: Five gold stars for the Agency. 
DARIEN:  Look, why don't you let the kids go, Stark.
STARK: That's not going to happen.  One of them is my son.
DARIEN:  Oh? What makes him your son, you got a claim ticket for him?  Is that it?
STARK: He is the product of my sperm with my wife's ovum, just like any other child.
DARIEN:  Okay, then why isn't he living with you?
STARK: Because I think he's better off here.
DARIEN:  Really?  You think your kid's better off out there, packing an Uzi, ready to kill or be killed?  That's right?
Scene snaps to Alex, making her way through the woods, then retuns to Darien and Stark.
STARK: Who's going to protect them, Darien?  Not your government, obviously.
DARIEN:  Yeah, yeah, you know what, Stark?  You're right, we're the bad guys here.  You know those agents, they were out there, chomping at the bit to come in here, loaded for bear.  One hour, that's all I could convince the Official to hold them back.  After that, they're coming in with their guns ready.
STARK: You're bluffing.
Scene shifts back to Alex, who spots a trip wire for an alarm on the ground and steps over it and into a laser beam next to it.  An alarm sounds.  Alex gasps and looks around, then sighs and keeps moving.  Scene returns to Darien and Stark, who looks up as the alarm sounds.
DARIEN:   Why do people always thinking that I'm bluffing?  Why is that?  Is it my face or something?
STARK: You're gonna have a lot of blood on your hands, Fawkes.
DARIEN:  Uh, no, Stark, you are.  Unless you stop this.
Stark glares at Darien.
DARIEN:  I got a question for you.  Uh, how do you decide which kids get to die?  Is that, is that, like a lottery system, a claim ticket thing?
STARK: This is wrong, Fawkes.
DARIEN:  Yeah, well, it doesn't mean a whole lot to me coming from a guy like you.  Whatever.  You know, we could probably debate this for the rest of the semester.  The fact is, we're down to a few seconds here. 
Stark licks his lips.
STARK: I assume you have. . .an offer in mind. 
DARIEN:  Maybe.
Scene shifts to Alex, still moving through the woods.
STARK: (over PA) This is Mr. Stark.  Disarm, and go single file down the driveway to surrender. 
Alex stops, and leans against a tree.
STARK: (over PA) But remember, our time will still come.
Scene shifts to the entrance, as Hobbes looks at the road ahead.
HOBBES:  He did it.  Chief!
The Official comes up behind Hobbes as the children come down.
OFFICIAL:  He did, huh?
Hobbes whistles.
HOBBES:  Let's go.  Move out.
The agents move to the children.  Scene shifts to Stark in his limo.
DARIEN:  Hey, you know I'm gonna catch hell for letting you go, right?
STARK: Oh, likewise.
DARIEN:  You break our deal, I'll personally take you out.
STARK: (scoffs) Listen, A: I keep my word.  And B: you couldn't touch me if I didn't.
Stark's window rolls up as his limo drives off.  Alex comes up as Stark leaves.
ALEX:  You let him go?!
DARIEN:  Yeah, yeah, I figured it was better than, you know, one of these kids getting shot, so. . .
Alex nods, then looks away.
ALEX:  Thanks for, for this.
Darien and Alex look at each other.
DARIEN:  Hey, forget it. Go get your son in there. 
Alex runs into the building, as Darien walks off towards the last of the children.
Fade to commercial.
Scene returns in the briefing room.  Darien, Hobbes, Alex, the Official, and Eberts are gathered inside.
HOBBES:  So, Chief, what's gonna happen to the rest of these kids?
OFFICIAL:  We plan to take the older kids to a secret place in Virginia and have them de-programmed.  As to the babies, they'll be returned to their birth parents. 
DARIEN:  Yeah, Stark agreed that Chrysalis would leave them alone until they became adults. 
Claire walks in.
CLAIRE:   Hey.  Alex, uh, listen, we cross-referenced all the DNA.
ALEX:  And?
CLAIRE:   And, we matched up all the children with their parents, but your son wasn't one of those, Alex.  I'm, I'm so sorry.
Alex swallows, but keeps a straight face.
HOBBES:  Guess Chrysalis must have more camps like this Teanaustaye.
CLAIRE:   Yeah.
ALEX:  You guys intend to keep working the Chrysalis angle?
OFFICIAL:  Of course.
DARIEN:  Sure.
ALEX:  Well, then I guess I'll stick around.
OFFICIAL:  I guess I don't have much choice in that.
ALEX:  Afraid not.  Excuse me.
Alex gets up and walks out into the hallway, where she stops and sinks into a wall.
DARIEN:  (voice-over) The poet Kahlil Gibran once wrote, "Your children are not your children.  They come through you, but not from you.  And thought they are with you, they do not belong to you.
Alex recovers, and walks down the hall and leaves.
Fade to credits.

Wyatt Smith
The Camp
I just wanted to get this up before I loose internet service for a couple of days so when I get back I'll format this better but at least its here =0) So give me a couple of days
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